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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 44

/brap/ #132 - Gas General

No.5503134 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
A thread for posting farting and burping art of western origin.

Previous thread:>>5484761
Onara/Eproctophilia Resources: (Fart Image Aggregation) (vintage and rare onara art)
Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:

>No begging for kemonoparty updates or asking for unsolicited requests
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Keep up the variety
>No grotesque bodies (ie hyperslob, dorse, shadman)
>No furry/anthro (monster girls are allowed)
>No Yokai Watch/single series spamming
>Mixed with other kinks is okay, but keep it focused on gas
323 posts and 171 images omitted

/pmg/ - Projekt Melody & Friends, Lewdtuber General

No.5507551 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
934 posts and 223 images omitted

Big Edit Thread

No.5370468 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For any edits that are more complex (ie: removing / redrawing huge portions of a pic)

>Thread Rules
* No one is entitled to a request delivery.
* Provide names and image references in a single post.
* Do not make more than one request. When your request is delivered to your satisfaction, you can ask for something new. Do not second or bump other requests.
* Show appreciation, not "in advance".
* Ignore requests from obvious spammers.
* Don't fight spam with spam and/or trolling. It will only waste image limit and/or bump limit.
* Troll deliveries of any kind cannot be justified, no matter what.
* Screencap edits belong in a different thread.
* If your delivery exceeds 4chan's file size limitation (or cannot be delivered here for other reason), consider uploading it on or our booru first.
- imgur and Twitter are not recommended for quality reason.
* New thread can be created *only* after this one exceeds bump limit of 300 posts and then either
- reaches page 10, or
- reaches image limit of 300 as well.
* Editors are encouraged to occasionally help other edit and draw threads on this and other boards of 4chan (and beyond).
* Have fun!

>Do-Not-Deliver List
* 'Toplessbot'
- Always uploads image files with mobile-oriented file names that bear a mixture of random letters, numbers and dashes, and
- Hijacks someone's request by demanding an additional topless version (or other nude edits).

>Collection of Deliveries:
/aco/ Edit

Last thread:
Color and Tiny Edits Thread:
Screencap Edit Thread:
Draw Thread(s):
308 posts and 210 images omitted

Femboy General #34

No.5495561 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post femboys. No futa please
307 posts and 167 images omitted

Big Edit Thread

No.5464849 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For any edits that are more complex (ie: removing / redrawing huge portions of a pic)

>Thread Rules
* No one is entitled to a request delivery.
* Provide names and image references in a single post.
* Do not make more than one request. When your request is delivered to your satisfaction, you can ask for something new. Do not second or bump other requests.
* Show appreciation, not "in advance".
* Ignore requests from obvious spammers.
* Don't fight spam with spam and/or trolling. It will only waste image limit and/or bump limit.
* Troll deliveries of any kind cannot be justified, no matter what.
* Screencap edits belong in a different thread.
* If your delivery exceeds 4chan's file size limitation (or cannot be delivered here for other reason), consider uploading it on or our booru first.
- imgur and Twitter are not recommended for quality reason.
* New thread can be created *only* after this one exceeds bump limit of 300 posts and then either
- reaches page 10, or
- reaches image limit of 300 as well.
* Editors are encouraged to occasionally help other edit and draw threads on this and other boards of 4chan (and beyond).
* Have fun!

>Do-Not-Deliver List
* 'Toplessbot'
- Always uploads image files with mobile-oriented file names that bear a mixture of random letters, numbers and dashes, and
- Hijacks someone's request by demanding an additional topless version (or other nude edits).

>Collection of Deliveries:
/aco/ Edit

Last thread:
Color and Tiny Edits Thread:
Screencap Edit Thread:
Draw Thread(s):
309 posts and 226 images omitted

/aco/ Color / Edit thread

No.5510090 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Post the color guide with the work you want colored, this means in the same picture, or as a link. NOT as a separate post
>Do not make more than one request. When your request is delivered to your satisfaction, you can ask for something new. Do not second or bump other requests.
>Show appreciation, not "in advance"
>Don't fight spam with spam
>To make the new Color thread, wait for page 10 or Image limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>last thread
>Big Edit thread (thread for more complex edits):

>if anyone new to coloring wants to fulfill a request watch at least the first 3 min of this video: How to Color an Illustration in Photoshop. On youtube

>Download the latest version of Adobe Photoshop to do simple coloring/edits yourself, post the results in the thread or for assistance:
>Other products are available. And honestly, will do just fine for most edits, especially the simple ones.
>For cracks, look for "GenP" for Windows, and "Zii 4" for Mac.
320 posts and 214 images omitted

ENF Thread #9

No.3255332 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Embarassed Nude females
Old Thread: >>3215197
303 posts and 173 images omitted

/weg/ - Western Erotic Games

No.912267 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
S Edition

Western Games in Development / Demos / Betas:

Western RPG Maker Games / Betas / Demos

3DCG Games / Betas / Demos:

Full Games / Old Games:

Other Resources / Game Development Links:

Lewd Jam 2016
>The objective of this jam is for the participants to create any kind of game where sexually stimulating content is the primary focus of the game.

Previous thread: >>908373
754 posts and 77 images omitted

3D Animation General Reboot #16

No.5490621 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
373 posts and 53 images omitted

Fantasy Into Reality

No.3005861 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
You're given the power to turn one sexual fantasy of yours into reality - make a fictional character real, turn a celebrity into your own sexual pet, turn all women in the world into milky cowgirls, anything!

How do you abuse this power and how does your life (or maybe even the whole world) change?
306 posts and 159 images omitted