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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 69

/aco/ Commission Thread

No.3092082 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
304 posts and 97 images omitted

/wst/ - Warhammer Smut Thread

No.3096493 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread: >>3084487

Smut Pastebin:

Smut Writing Tips for Aspiring Writefags

Smut for the Smut Throne! Writefaggotry Welcome!

Writefags, consider linking to pastebin or 1d4chan rather than dumping for long stories, so they do not get lost in between threads. Drawfags, feel free to post original art. People especially appreciate it when you give them meaningful feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. It is simple, and both writefags and drawfags will love you for it. New pastebins are always included with each new thread that will include previously saved works and updated chapters.

>What happened to /tg/'s Weekend Smut Threads?
/tg/ used host their weekend smut threads years ago, but some anons threw a hissy fit, believing smut threads to be not "true" /tg/ or disliking erotic fanfiction in general. As a result, any smut thread was spammed with so many shitposts that the threads stopped all together. More specifically, threads were banned because the shitposters kept ban-evading and spammed false threads all day long. As a result, the mods eventually gave up and set the threads tagged with /wst/ on autosage. This is not exclusive to /tg/, however. Many other boards like /v/, /tv/, and /co/ had anons shitposting in order to purge writers.

>Can I post memes?
Yes but do not be autistic about it, such as spamming "Heresy!" every chance you get because that gets old really quickly. This is a porn/smut thread first and foremost.

In any case, enjoy! Remember to play nice.
305 posts and 160 images omitted

/aco/ 3D Animation General #81

No.3092328 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"Vernal vigor" Edition

Previous thread >>3084134

Compendium of Western 3dx (work-in-progress):

This is a series of interlinked threads intended to facilitate a discussion of published or upcoming works of Western 3dx animators. The primary criteria for deciding which animator you'd like to include in the thread is the length (and quality, to some degree) of the animation in question, not the nature of the content. However, this criteria isn't meant to dissuade you from starting a conversation about any animator/studio or animation you'd like to talk about. Likewise, you can freely talk about Eastern animators/studios or animations as long as you don't post any content mods would deem 'Eastern' in nature. The 3D Hentai General on >>>/h/ would be more to your liking if you're looking for such content, so feel free to check it out sometimes. However, don't forget the Global and board rules still apply, so you may certainly talk about 3dx artists that produce bestiality, gore etc, but not post images of it. Posting images or links to any underage content is strictly forbidden.

Keeping the discussion productive and civil is paramount. All fetishes are welcome, so avoid directly attacking other people that get off on things you personally dislike.

By the way, consider supporting those artists whose body of work you really like - after all, they need to pay the bills (and/or fund their drug addiction), too!
420 posts and 69 images omitted

Adventure Time Thread

No.3065587 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Wincest edition
Previous thread: >>3050030
349 posts and 251 images omitted

/aco/ 3D Animation General #79

No.3078949 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"StudioFOW can(not) into Steam" aka "Please stop sharing so many links" Edition

Previous thread >>3067252

Compendium of Western 3dx (work-in-progress):

This is a series of interlinked threads intended to facilitate a discussion of published or upcoming works of Western 3dx animators. The primary criteria for deciding which animator you'd like to include in the thread is the length (and quality, to some degree) of the animation in question, not the nature of the content. However, this criteria isn't meant to dissuade you from starting a conversation about any animator/studio or animation you'd like to talk about. Likewise, you can freely talk about Eastern animators/studios or animations as long as you don't post any content mods would deem 'Eastern' in nature. The 3D Hentai General on >>>/h/ would be more to your liking if you're looking for such content, so feel free to check it out sometimes. However, don't forget the Global and board rules still apply, so you may certainly talk about 3dx artists that produce bestiality, gore etc, but not post images of it. Posting images or links to any underage content is strictly forbidden.

Keeping the discussion productive and civil is paramount. All fetishes are welcome, so avoid directly attacking other people that get off on things you personally dislike.

By the way, consider supporting those artists whose body of work you really like - after all, they need to pay the bills (and/or fund their drug addiction), too!
441 posts and 60 images omitted

Tower of Futaria Part 3

No.280090 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey guys! Hope you haven't forgotten about us.

>Previous Threads:

>What happened?
Finals hit hard. We couldn't group up and do the thread because we had academic obligations. We're back together now, though.

>What is this?
A /d/-tier CYOA thread. At the end of each passage, we'll usually pose a question. Follow your dick and suggest what happens.

>Quick Summary:
After encountering an Inn in the middle of the tower, the Party needs to get Gold in order to afford a Room, as well as an enchanted butt plug that turns your semen into fire. The Party has decided to take up some work in the Inn's Brothel. You (Lacorreo), Macha's Head, and Doc Choc all decided to service Yvet, the mistress of the brothel.
138 posts and 25 images omitted

DOOM General - Scraping the Barrel Edition

No.2980039 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Quakecon 2018 Gameplay and Presentation of Doom Eternal:
No release date has been specified as of yet.

List of writefag stuff:

Greentext archives:

Big R34 archive:!ul1yHSrb!rHSJCIkNYGjN_S3WSXZ6rg

Previous thread: >>2856370
300 posts and 118 images omitted

Diaper Thread No. 325

No.3032675 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous Thread:
Remember to read the rules before posting.
338 posts and 165 images omitted

/aco/ 3D Animation General #75

No.3032732 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"March Madness" Edition

Previous thread >>3026146

Compendium of Western 3dx (work-in-progress):

This is a series of interlinked threads intended to facilitate a discussion of published or upcoming works of Western 3dx animators. The primary criteria for deciding which animator you'd like to include in the thread is the length (and quality, to some degree) of the animation in question, not the nature of the content. However, this criteria isn't meant to dissuade you from starting a conversation about any animator/studio or animation you'd like to talk about. Likewise, you can freely talk about Eastern animators/studios or animations as long as you don't post any content mods would deem 'Eastern' in nature. The 3D Hentai General on >>>/h/ would be more to your liking if you're looking for such content, so feel free to check it out sometimes. However, don't forget the Global and board rules still apply, so you may certainly talk about 3dx artists that produce bestiality, gore etc, but not post images of it. Posting images or links to any underage content is strictly forbidden.

Keeping the discussion productive and civil is paramount. All fetishes are welcome, so avoid directly attacking other people that get off on things you personally dislike.

By the way, consider supporting those artists whose body of work you really like - after all, they need to pay the bills (and/or fund their drug addiction), too!
361 posts and 70 images omitted

/aco/ 3D Animation General #74

No.3026146 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
"Of Monsters, Machines and Men" Edition

Previous thread >>3013427

Compendium of Western 3dx (work-in-progress):

This is a series of interlinked threads intended to facilitate a discussion of published or upcoming works of Western 3dx animators. The primary criteria for deciding which animator you'd like to include in the thread is the length (and quality, to some degree) of the animation in question, not the nature of the content. However, this criteria isn't meant to dissuade you from starting a conversation about any animator/studio or animation you'd like to talk about. Likewise, you can freely talk about Eastern animators/studios or animations as long as you don't post any content mods would deem 'Eastern' in nature. The 3D Hentai General on >>>/h/ would be more to your liking if you're looking for such content, so feel free to check it out sometimes. However, don't forget the Global and board rules still apply, so you may certainly talk about 3dx artists that produce bestiality, gore etc, but not post images of it. Posting images or links to any underage content is strictly forbidden.

Keeping the discussion productive and civil is paramount. All fetishes are welcome, so avoid directly attacking other people that get off on things you personally dislike.

By the way, consider supporting those artists whose body of work you really like - after all, they need to pay the bills (and/or fund their drug addiction), too!
426 posts and 63 images omitted