Quoted By: >>148050654,2
I apologize to Augie, and Plutotes, and any other Anon I hurt. I'm sorry for being annoying and being a nuisance, I don't deserve anything but being alone, I can't talk correctly due to autism. I just want to be better, and I wish the mods would perma ban me.
Plutotes I'm sorry for spamming your art out of ausitic rage, in my head I thought I would get you to message me that way, but I'm retarded, I'm sorry for ever calling your country a shithole (it's actually kinda nice, no migrants for the most part).
Augie, I'm sorry for ever hurting your feelings, you may be different but we're brothers historically.
I promise to do better.
Ban me. Permanently. I WANT A BAN!! Forever. That's the only way I can repay society. I can't discuss my feelings properly because autism, I have to over explain shit because I'm retarded.
Plutotes I'm sorry for spamming your art out of ausitic rage, in my head I thought I would get you to message me that way, but I'm retarded, I'm sorry for ever calling your country a shithole (it's actually kinda nice, no migrants for the most part).
Augie, I'm sorry for ever hurting your feelings, you may be different but we're brothers historically.
I promise to do better.
Ban me. Permanently. I WANT A BAN!! Forever. That's the only way I can repay society. I can't discuss my feelings properly because autism, I have to over explain shit because I'm retarded.