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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 11

No.146582758 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>this was approved in at least 5 different stages of development
What did they mean by this?
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Tuca and Bertie

No.124396407 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Saw the new Tuca & Bertie episode what did /co/ think?
>bighairystallion69 is back
>Speckle’s a bro while gaming and geeking out over planting
>finally touched on Bertie’s sexual hangups with Pete which is nice
>Tuna being a social media stalker and well known at the sex shop
>the sex nightmare dildo
>all the people throwing away their toys
>Speckle roping people into his farm
>i don’t get it but Pete being in her fantasies seems like something she should talk to her therapist or Speckle
>it’s honestly nice to see Tuca this happy over Nurse Kara
>psychology’s confusing and Bertie’s issues are a who knows type of deal
>I said I was sorry about that spring break and all my 20s
>dig the text talk and Tuca being stressed works in her usual wacky way
>without fanfare Tuca and Kara get together and hopefully it continues to go places
>Speckle and Bertie finally have some on-screen communication during a video game, which I think is good like they realized something fantastical was needed to not grind the show to a halt with pure drama
>”Like Pastry Pete?” Really always impressed how they handle Speckle’s attunement to Bertie
>Speckle crushing on his friend’s baker mom’s sweet and the deviant side fleshes out Speckle in a human way and his totally joking fantasy was out there
>really made Speckle and Bertie feel like a proper couple this episode

>Tuna almost telling Kara of Bertie’s problems especially after Bertie objected
>feels like the dildo and fish bits were time wasters
>I fucking hate misunderstandings by walking up at the wrong time
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Better than helluvaboss?

No.145810081 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is sirpaulus888 better than vivziepop? Is this a better /HMOFA/ than helluvaboss canonically and objectively? (I mean objectively by creators choices)
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No.146565141 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> Never the guy
> Never drew a dime
> Never had a good episode before 2002 (in fact rarely had an episode where he played a major role up until that point) and even then was overshadowed by vastly superior characters like Joe and Cleveland
> Never cut a memorable promo
> Never put anyone over
> Never had the popularity to get his own show despite FOX making millions a year
> Main evented perhaps the most despised episode of the entire series
> Only the 3rd best member of Peter's friend group
> Only the 17th best character on Family Guy
> Went from a likeable pervert to a hypocritical rapist chomo
> Voice sounds like he's barely hit puberty
> His characterization is cringeworthy
> Unironically thinks that he's a profound intellectual just because he works at a soup kitchen
> Shit health, has the most STDs out of anyone in the show
> Has the worst episode count of any Family Guy side character
> Failure of a father
> Failed at his debut so badly that Joe took his role as the breakout character
> Drew so poorly in his sexual abuse episode that it lost to The Simpsons in ratings
> Is the cartoon equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 23 years
>Spent the latter part of his existence buried by superior characters
>The biggest impact he had on the business was a clip from an episode that had a resurgence in popularity a decade and a half later where he went on a tirade about how much he loathes Brian's guts despite the fact that 95% of those criticisms could have easily been said about him as well
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Death Battle

No.146551818 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
next fight is among us vs fall guys probably on dec 8
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Mega Thread

No.145207126 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Don't remember when we last had one of these

Remember to encode your links.

>The Ghost and Molly McGee



(Sorry I don't have many links, most of the ones I could find were suddenly empty. That's actually why I'm making this thread.)
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No.146535403 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>draw a catgirl
>name her "sexy"
What did they mean by this
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Old Green Lantern comics suck shit

No.92791377 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This wasn't good. Like old GL comics really started to suck around the 70s and 80s.

Seriously why does Hal even have fans before John's? Have you guys read the older shit?

For every memorable story there was utter shit like the Zamarons and Oans leaving to bang in another dimension. Or some shitty story of Guy using Sinestro s ring.

Or like Hal fucking a 13 year old girl.

Kyle was honest to god a much needed presence by the time Hal became parallax. Seriously even then it had issues.

Based John's actually made GL tolerable and interesting again.
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No.140372925 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wally West and his effects on comics have been disastrous for generations.
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