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Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
Silver Age Superman only could turn coal into gem (as any other respectable chud). And Wonder Woman by then still couldn't fly like in DCAU, only soar through air like through water or go upstream of a waterfall.
>But you posted a thread about this two days ago! Cool. Shitposts get new threads every other hour. Time for a break.
In this thread, talk about the show, favorite moments, who you ship, who you crushed on, what you want to see in the franchise going forward. If you draw artwork for CL, cool, share it. If you wanna draw for the thread, draw here:
Post some obscure information related to CL that most people probably don't know about. use base64decode to decode: Seasons 1 to 4 + 3 minute song: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9aeE5SMVFaSSM3aEthNFNLOFVvc0lLVTZpV1RxWV9B
S1E00 XANA Awakens broadcast after season 2, but is a prequel/origin double-episode.
Batman mogs every superhero in every medium and it’s honestly sad at this point. He needs some competition. The greatest comic is a Batman comic (The Dark Knight Returns), the greatest movie of all time (superhero or otherwise) is a Batman movie (The Dark Knight), the greatest animated series is literally named Batman: The Animated Series. The only world in which Batman isn’t the best is video games, and even then his games are really good. What’s left? I guess anime, but it’s only a matter of time before some westaboo makes a Batman anime that is better than every other anime. But for now, we can be content in knowing that Batman right now only mogs American forms of entertainment. The only character who comes close to Batman is… Joker, Batman’s main villain. #3 is Spider-Man, but after number one and number two, huuuuuge fucking drop off. Look at the best comics of all time, The Dark Knight Returns is the best, but there’s another clear contender: Watchmen. Who’s the main character of Watchmen? Rorschach. Who is Rorschach? According to the author, he’s a Batman expy. This is the greatest non-Batman comic ever, and the main character is a Batman expy. It’s just sad. Every other character needs to step their game up. Batman comics suck right now, and you’d think “oh, this is other characters opportunity to shine” but no, they just sink lower until they suck worse than current Batman. What the fuck? It’s like Batman being the best is a law. If Batman comics get good again, will other comics also get good again? Batman has had shitty movies, shitty shows, shitty comics, whatever, he then bounced back to make great ones that become huge successes. Other characters have one bad movie or bad show or bad comic and they just die.