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>>147652989 Because all this thread is gonna be is you faggots arguing instead of discussing the show, I was gonna talk about it but now I'm annoyed just delete the fucking thing nobody else is gonna post
>>147652998 Fuck you too
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>>147652704 What did he ever do to you?
Birchyfunbags !hEpdoZ.tHU
>>147653082 I was gonna discuss it but this little Kuhschweizer over here wants to start shit.
I had a lot to say about the shorts and this revival. I'll probably come back if the thread cools off.
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Idk why these threads are even made if you can't even discuss without blinding rage, like would it kill you to actually discuss?
>it's been almost 18 years since we last had dedicated hulk cinema How did Norton fuck up so badly?
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>>147571977 2003 was better.
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>>147576701 I hate his Banner. I don't mind the character but it just doesn't feel like Banner besides the first Avengers to me.
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>>147576701 Get off /co/, Mark. You're just playing yourself in redditor Shrek cosplay.
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>>147576701 His only good moment was in Avengers 1 when Black Widow found him.
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>>147572923 Shut the fuck up, Ruffalo.
>>147573743 Immensely bad taste.
I'll get shit for it, but I'm going to say it anyways>Chloe is good character, with a middling implementation I got randomly recommended a Nu-FoP episode on youtube last night, and ended up watching some more today. Chloe seems like an actually interesting character, but has major issues.>should have just been Tootie, ofc., but I suppose that cripples potential interactions from being a developed character (with a near-impossible to fix personality for sign to main character transition), so I sorta get it, so lets move past that >doing all of this in the last season was a blunder. Should have been a thing for at least 2-3 seasons if you're gonna make such a major cast addition >apparently the dog and baby got shelved hard cuz I didn't see em' once, which is fine, as they were limited as fuck characters anyways >the fairy sharing thing was an ok enough theme/reason, and other than a lackluster inital explanation as to why she gets them, it was ultimately fine >has an interesting different angle as for why she gets fairies in truth; as to where Timmy has a normal life made bad because of exterior factors (vicky, shit parents, etc.), Chloe has a good life made 'bad' because she has mental illness in perfectionism, OCD, and crushing pressure to excel, and hides it behind a happy-go-lucky attitude, despite being apparently a social failure >in the show ^ is all correct, but its muddled by the fact that she actually is successful rather than just obsessing about being a success, and is seemingly instantly popular, changing her tone from 'troubled' to 'pompous' >of course, all the problems of Nu-cartoons (adhd energy levels, objectively worse computer animation, etc. ) add to this, and really make her look like shit just because of the time she was added in IDK. I could see a version where it worked. Thanks for reading my blog-post.
>>115414931 You're thinking of Trixie taking Tootie's place in Wishology. It makes sense if you plug her into that role, with the love interest hopping on Timmy's dick instantly, Vicky having motivation to help him it was her sister that had been kidnapped, a more tragic sacrifice scene, character growth for Timmy likening up to her, wishing for s unicorn, and so on.
LA Tootie was just Monet projecting her politics onto a Tootie framework, not exactly like her but still within believable parameters. She was absolutely nothing like Trixie however, I swear you guys romanticize that thot like crazy.
>>115419129 >LA Tootie was just Monet projecting her politics onto a Tootie framework, not exactly like her but still within believable parameters. That's also a possibility, but the point still stands on how odd it is that Tootie in the movie is changed so heavily from the show when basically everyone else has basically not changed at all
>>115409754 Nu-FOP wasnt that bad, just too much Crocker
I understand what they were going for, Chloe wasnt a Mary Sue like /co/ screeches she had a lot of flaws and played off Timmy Great, making Timmy into a straight up asshole was also hilarious
The only other thing i disliked besides the Crocker spam was Cosmos voice, he was still pretty funny but damn that voicw was annoying as heck
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>>115421946 I don't care how many times you jerk off to Chloe and try to justify the fact that she's a shitty character whilst also trying to deny that she's a mary sue,
Should Timmy have tapped it?
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>>147656700 Trvke
>>147656727 Maybe... I think that's what they were going for, but the internet backlash made them dial it back.
But there is also a rumor that Timmy was actually supposed to appear and be the head of that magic research place.
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>>147656596 >Should Timmy have tapped it? No. Timmy would have to be outta his mind to stick his dick in someone this crazy.
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No Tootie lose,because Timmy never truly loved her,he clearly dislike her,canonically we don't know who Timmy's really wife is.His wife unknown,but I guess that he finally can win Trixie Tang and we lived together happily ever after with two kids.
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>>147656910 Or Timmy most likely married Vicky, since at the end of "Channel Chasers" he calmly and cordially welcomes Vickybot into his home and calmly leaves two small children alone with him. And this means that Timmy can still be married to Vicky. Most likely, he became a henpecked husband, he is under some influence and control of Vicky, but at the same time he is also able to stand up to his red-haired wife and protect the children if Vicky goes too far.
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>>147656910 No idiot, she can't be his wife, Timmy would never marry her, he never really loved Tootie, throughout the series he literally avoided and tried to get away from her, they had no relationship, to him she's just a crazy annoying little girl. He genuinely despises and dislike her.He's wife is different.I think is Trixie Tang or maybe Vicky herself.Honestly it could be anyone, even a completely new character, but not Tootie. Since Timmy canonically never liked this bespectacled little
fool.So shut your dirty mouth and just accept it, he's not meant to be with Tootie. Timmy deserves another girl, he deserves better, not this stupid stalker.
Rank these 1998-2006 movies from best to weakest
>>145927995 >Antz Shit
>Prince of Egypt Best Sunday School movie ever made
>El Dorado Classic vindicated by history
>Chicken Run Underrated gem that gets better when you're old enough to understand the references
>Shrek 1 Good movie that'd been overrated by memes
>Spirit Peak 'horse girl childhood' movie
>Sinbad Not as bad as people say it is, it's just okay
>Shrek 2 Massively overrated
>Shark Tale Sucks
>Madagascar Sucks
>Were Rabbit See Chicken Run (by the same studio, too)
>Over the Hedge Forgettable
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AntZ is absolute kino
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>>145927995 Only if you reveal which country you're selling this data to.
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>>145930382 It’s very nice to see that you’re basically incapable of thinking for yourself, you have to go along with what you believe is the general consensus for these movies in order to form your opinion, and of course you’re a fan of that god awful piece of shit known as Curse of the Wererabbit, kill yourself
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CN upfront when? Also what are your predictions? Who's getting dropped this year?
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>>82811850 screenshotted. don't think I won't forget anon
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>>82794776 >>82794776 If I recall both shows went fucked when they did the short lived Adventure Show block on Saturdays for new episodes, they quickly went back to thursdays and the ratings are going back up i believe
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>>82788179 based Madman has also been making Godzilla movies available down under for the last 10 years
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>>82811866 no one gives a shit about wabbit
hell, wabbit isnt even good, it's a total shitstain on looney tunes
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>>67409060 Drama. I just hope Mordecai doesn't end up like Finn.
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>>67409648 It's either going to be drama, or they're going to have Mordecai learn how to respond maturely to that kinda thing.
I'm hoping for the latter, because lately the show's romance has been pretty non-cringy.
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>>67395780 People hated Thomas?
I don't know, he didn't do much but I liked him. He was the ordinary guy in a group of weird characters.
though that's changed now I guess. Anonymous
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>>67395780 I didn't hate him, but I didn't particularly like him either. He felt unnecessary.
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>>67407262 Why are you posting in this thread then you bumbling retard
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"I can't believe this is official and made it on air" E*dition
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>>144071072 It kinda just sounds like a beaner Loud House though, especially when we already have that
>A plus Primos has over Cancer-grandes is that it isn't tied to The Malignant House got me there
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>>144067167 >The heckin' dumb ray said your book is LE DUMB Christfags how do we respond
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Since some people already posted comics
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>>144068466 >>144068618 >it had 3 seasons that means they liked it Dumb fuck, they had an entire toyline even before the first episode aired, they weren't going to give up after the negative reception the first episodes had they had to commit to the shit or else it would've been a bunch of money thrown straight to the trash
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>>144065865 You should kill yourself and honestly I'm started to see why some people want the male gender to be eradicated (not to say that I want it to happen cause I don't) because of insufferable subhumans like you
Does anybody else feel that the show became worse when it started introducing relationships?
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>>106466001 They cave in to shippers. Tumblr single-handedly killed AT because the writers were reading AT fanfics and art too much.
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>>106468721 >I paid this ugly girl to have sex with me >now Im a turbo chad and everyone loves me enjoy your DC collection loser
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>>106464378 I stopped watching when the introduced that brown goat guy.
Most episodes before that were enjoyable.
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>>106465724 Good that bitch deserved it.
She served virtually no purpose to the show other than to be Mordecai's love interest after Margaret left for college and she was the sole cause as to why many people felt the show dipped in quality in season 6
What do you think about Regular Show in retrospect? It feels a bit forgotten about nowadays
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>>140523553 In Punchies for sure. He can't get his lick back even if he tried.
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>>140505711 didn't really care for the writing
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>>140508343 >>140508854 Do you have a better idea
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>>140505711 One of my favorite cartoons
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>>140514810 Why did you post a picture of her then you bi-polar insecure retard kill yourself