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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 159

TMS Cartoon Kino Thread

No.140941539 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post great TMS animation from western cartoons in this thread
11 posts and 4 images omitted

/co/ General Drawthread

No.140901004 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>/co/llection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:
rentry DOT co SLASH txf8t

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in:

Previous thread: >>140817562
595 posts and 294 images omitted

Official Win-O'-Thread

No.140853132 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>What is this thread?
Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books.
Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere.
Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't).
If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how.
Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.

>Where can I find old Win-O'-Threads?'-Thread/'-Thread/
(Note: This finds the OP for old threads. If you want to search for comics in the archive, clear the subject field!)

>Where can I find downloads for other comics?
Warez forums/blogs, DDL-indexing search engines (like FilesLoop), torrent trackers (like 1337x) and other P2P networks (like DC++).
If a link has been posted on 4chan, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links).
If all else fails, just >buy it.

>Where can I buy comics?
Amazon, various publishers' webstores and at your local comics shop.

>Where can I find an LCS?

>Where can I find out when new comics are released?

>How can I find this thread every week?
If you are using the inline extension go to >>>/co/official or use the option under "Filters & Post Hiding".
If you have 4chanX go to Settings > Filter > Subject and add the following line:
/Official Win-O'-Thread/;highlight

>And last but not least
Previous thread >>140716369
262 posts and 46 images omitted

No.140916941 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Lilo cute...
110 posts and 26 images omitted

No.140878453 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Threads kvetching about the declining cultural relevancy of cartoons eventually have an anon blaming anime for being much more attractive to viewers. Sometimes there's even the implication that western animation will be made almost obselete by anime altogether. But if there were ever a moment for that, shouldn't it have already happened by now?
None of them have been as culturally relevant and explosive as Pokemon, which debuted in the late 90s. Can't imagine how much cheaper it was to license and dub over an existing cartoon rather than create one from the ground up

While there were dedicated blocks to dubbed anime on CN, Fox, etc, what stopped it from taking over entirely?
34 posts and 2 images omitted

No.140911510 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Ever since Spider-man 2 came out, this board keeps pushing how Web of Shadows is better in every way and I decided to replay it since I remember enjoying it as a kid and Jesus christ this board will unironically recommend paint drying if it means getting a dunk on lefties. this game is janky shit. first, let's at least start with the positives.
>The Universe.
This is definitely a superhero universe where Pete has a history with a lot of the heroes already. It's cool to see Luke Cage, Moon Knight, and more appear to help stop the symbiote invasion. it's nice to see this when so much superhero game stuff perfers to do the whole "teehee Easter egg teasing" that the MCU popularized. It's awesome to even see Peter try to contact the Avengers and Fantastic Four to help and also explain why they aren't in town.
it's cool to see Symbiotes take over some of the cast and having to fight them. Would have loved to see this in Spider-man 2 but then again Kraven fucking killed everyone
now let's get to the rest
>Voice Acting
Jesus christ the voice acting is atrocious and Peter sounds like a fucking nerd
>Gameplay and Webslinging
this is the most dogshit webslinging. it feels slow and the transition from sling to wall crawling is clunky. it gets worse during the end of the game where the map is cluttered with symbiotes and sometimes your auto targeting will turn on and have you swing into a random enemy.
Combat isn't bad but it's so fucking barebones. and webs are fucking usless. you can only do the same anime thousand punches so many times
>muh wall combat
that shit sucks too and isn't a selling point
>Mission Structure
literal MMO tier "kill 50 of these guys and come back" for the entire game. I know Spider-mans missions aren't the best, but they at least tried to be varied and had actual meat to them. This wouldn't be so bad if the combat doesn't get stale too quickly.
59 posts and 5 images omitted

No.140751598 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
i wonder how many carrots a day she eats
568 posts and 220 images omitted

My Theme Song i guess

No.140506747 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There’s a girl with a point that he must prove
She triggers /co/ with his each and every move
Posting reposts on each page, making anons seethe with rage
Odds are her threads won’t be deleted by jannies
She’s a Rockofag
She's a Ren & Stimpyfag
She's a Cyberchasefag
She’s a Kaput & Zosky fag
Defending her shitty nicktoons, discussions down the drain
Ugly art and writing tropes of the past
Horrifying designs based on the voice cast
Despite all of the above, it’s this cartoon that she loves
Such shit taste can only be found on this board
She’s a Scratch & Grounderfag
She’s a Happy Tree Friendsfag
She's a Oggyfag
She's a Catdogfag
Defending her shitty nicktoons, discussions down the drain
Uses a nametag, repeats the same old phrases
Pretends that her nicktoons' are worthy of praises
Insults beloved gems, acts like her nicktoons' better than them
Her lack of self-awareness is astounding
She’s a Lazlofag
She’s a Homestarfag (or a 12 oz. Mouse fag?),
Defending her shitty nicktoons' discussions down the drain
5 posts and 1 image omitted

No.140877731 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
There's some stories going on in here. What do you think of them?
217 posts and 90 images omitted

Any cringe memories regarding cartoons?

No.137866968 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I used to be obsessed with this movie as a kid, and would unironically pray before bed every night for disney channel to air it.
72 posts and 14 images omitted