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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 159

No.139771820 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How's Mighty Magiswords? Heard its creator committed a murder
60 posts and 15 images omitted

No.139757415 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This guy got someone killed over a drawing.
99 posts and 8 images omitted

/co/ tropes we hate

No.139756537 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Body swap episode
>Voices swap too.
67 posts and 13 images omitted

Comics/cartoons/games that were once a copy of something, but deviated into its own thing 2

No.139741312 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Previous thread >>139662467

Same thing as the last thread. Talk about obscure knockoff movies or characters that are similar to others. And no namefag shit this time please.
60 posts and 14 images omitted

No.139749192 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
8 posts and 2 images omitted

It's Maya's Birthday Today

No.139544393 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Wish her a Happy Birthday Anon
527 posts and 202 images omitted

No.139745260 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What’s a /co/ opinion that will have you like this?
30 posts and 3 images omitted

No.139722656 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do kids like romance and love triangles? I'm thinking ages 7 - 12 range. When you were that age, was there a cartoon romance that actually made you more interested in a show instead of less?
14 posts and 3 images omitted

Comics/cartoons/games that were once a copy of something, but deviated into its own thing

No.139662467 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Apologies for the /a/ drawing I made, it's the closest thing I got atm i.e. Maruko and Jadoo.
Does anyone else know of any other examples of this happening with "ripoffs" where they eventually become distinct or developed its own identity? I'm talking stuff like Block 13 initially being a South Park clone for sand kids before becoming a regular cartoon with the same characters (, or that one Lucky Pie cartoon that's ostensibly based off early Adventure Time, or how Antz is very different compared to A Bug's Life on the basis of being CG movies about bugs, or how some mockbusters are so different from adapting a source that something else popular already did, that the only thing in common that they have is the source they adapted from (i.e. Disney's Alice, compared to Funky Fables' Alice).

Basically I'm looking for "bootlegs" or mockbusters that might be good on its own or has something redeeming
575 posts and 143 images omitted

No.139733642 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm going where no man has gone before. I have been having thoughts and dreams every night where Chili licks my balls and I make sweet love to her. Wish me luck /co/
209 posts and 101 images omitted