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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 228


No.111885265 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What was CN's worst decade
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Late 2000s Cartoons

No.125291495 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This era of cartoons gets a bad rap, but it isn't even bad. It wasn't the best era but it had a lot of good cartoons and was way better than the 60s, 70s and 80s.

Such good shows included;

Phineas and Ferb
El Tigre
Spectacular Spider-Man
Ben 10: Alien Force
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
The Secret Saturdays
The Mighty B
Penguins of Madagascar
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No.125603346 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I remember someone who pitched a series to Nick was told that her show basically needed to be Spongebob again. Or atleast Spongebob and Patrick.

Two characters, one happy go lucky and stupid, the other one even stupider.

Also if they were human they HAD to be kids. If they were animals they could be adults but they had to ACT like kids. Butch Hartman suffered from the former, as he was going to make the Crash Nebula spin-off with him as an adult, but Nick demanded him to be a kid, so he was aged down. Same thing happened with Red Acres, which became Planet Sheen.

> Mighty B
> Fanboy and Chum Chum
> Robot and Monster
> Sanjay and Craig
> Breadwinners
> Pig Goat Banana Cricket
> Bunsen is a Beast
> Middlemost Post

So many potential ideas rejected for greenlightining these shitty shows for years. Unsurpingsly, all were shit and didn’t last long.

Nick is such a clusterfuck. I have no idea why you would even go to them to pitch your cartoon.

No.121257851 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>outlived Megas XLR, Puffy AmiYumi, Camp Lazlo, Juniper Lee, Ben 10 Squirrel Boy, Class of 3000, Catscratch, Avatar, Danny Phantom, The X's, Dave the Barbarian, Brandy and Mr. Whiskers, American Dragon, Buzz on Maggie, SRMTHFG and Coconut Fred

Drake and Josh... I kneel...

Disney is putting big bets on Moon Girl

No.135086916 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Moon Girl is getting toys before it airs when almost not TVA shows get toys. Almost no Disney TVA shows get Pops either, and the only TVA shows to get Funko Pops while airing were Star Vs the very last season and one Scrooge Pop.
They are expecting this to be a Gravity Falls level hit given merch is being made before it airs
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No.136405425 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
It isn't fair, why did they kill it?
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MEGA NZ Thread

No.136037824 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to the Mega NZ Thread! This is where you can get cool stuff from other 4chans and share about these said stuff to watch stuff?

I apologize it's my first time doing this, but yeah this is basically where people said links to the mega nz places and get basically shows, shorts, movies, etc!

Good luck with this thread and god hope it survives.

New John K interview up

No.136422054 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In Japanese. It's kinda wholesome.
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No.136416771 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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Spider-Verse Trailer:

No.136416153 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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