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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 232

No.136273157 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did CatDog reruns last longer on the main Nick channel than other 90s Nicktoons like Rocko, Ren and Stimpy, and Angry Beavers? CatDog aired all the way until around 2005 or 2006 in reruns, while Ren and Stimpy, Rocko, and the Beavers got pulled regularly around the early 2000s
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No.136227126 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Unicorn Wars is out. Who watched it?
53 posts and 10 images omitted

No.136188256 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I've recently finished watching Watashi no Ashinaga Ojisan an anime adaptation of an American novel and I was thinking why aren't there more /co/ adaptation of this sort of stuff, especially series not movies. The beginning of the 20th century in America sounds like such a an interesting period that can benefit from the unique atmosphere that only cartoons can recreate. Yet I find that a fucking anime captures that period the best which is really sad since cartoons are actually made by americans.
292 posts and 47 images omitted

No.133631189 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
430 posts and 124 images omitted

No.126423190 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Adventure Time saved western animation

2008 to 2011ish was arguably the worst period in animation history since the mid 80s

>The Penguins of Madagascar
>Ben 10 UAF
>Fanboy and ChumChum
>The Twisted Whiskers Show
>Johnny Test
>Total Drama
>Planet Sheen
>Scaredy Squirrel
>Almost Naked Animals
>My Life Me
>Problem Solverz
>Making Fiends
>Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
14 posts and 5 images omitted

No.127731033 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did the Buzz on Maggie fail while other cartoons from the time became huge hits?
8 posts and 1 image omitted

ITT: Shows only /co/ watched

No.134109856 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cartoons that were popular here but not really anywhere else online
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No.128227188 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let me tell you something 'bout a friend of ours-a named Jimmy
A made-a wise guy and a capo with the Gambini
But when he found out that they’d be whackin’ uncle Cheech
He take-a the boss, he threw him from the nineteenth floor suite!
Wasn’t much-a long 'til the mob all wants him dead
So Jimmy had no choice-a but to talk-a to all the Feds
The feds-a say they had to take him, use him as a pawn
So he ratted out his friends and moved to Saskatchewan
Fugget About It
Fugget About It
Fugget About It
11 posts and 1 image omitted


No.127176422 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What was stopping post-2004 Nicktoons from becoming as successful as SpongeBob and Rugrats?
8 posts omitted

It's a tragedy what happened

No.125925570 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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