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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 253


Toonami General #1

!!4SoFa4BcOb3 No.135117723 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
839 posts and 282 images omitted

No.135043992 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman.
526 posts and 164 images omitted

The Penguins of Madagascar

No.50469681 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Nickelodeon will never air another episode of this show again, will they?
7 posts and 3 images omitted

No.119059129 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What are some examples of blatant plagiarism and lack of creativity in comics and cartoons?
286 posts and 69 images omitted

Toonami General #2

!!4SoFa4BcOb3 No.135121963 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Puss in Boots thread

No.135110537 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Because this anon (>>135110506) asked
510 posts and 166 images omitted

No.125994811 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Name a more fucked up cancellation than Uncle Grandpa
359 posts and 70 images omitted

No.135112382 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"consider the following" guy
>"She's up to no good" Nigger
>"Stop reading Capeshit" guy
>"Zoomers be like" poster.
>/v/ spammer
>Anon obssesed with birchyfunbags and kuckyweck
>Anti DC/Marvel/superman nigger
>Any "schizo or spammer" from the shera/amphibia/owl house threads
>Augie dogie
>Death battle fags
>Don Rosa spammer
>Ed Edd N' Eddy Nigger
>I hate smiling Friends
>Jubilee stepmom autist
>Kaput and zosky poster
>Kuvira/Azula losefag
>michael igafo-te'o
>Morning What’s For Breakfast spammer
>Murrlogic1/Wonder bread man
>Off-Topic anime nigger
>Official Win-O'-Thread Spammer
>Peridot spammer
>Quantityfag/Loco melones anon/ Why did x fail while y become a huge hit
>Redditbob poster
>Rippaverse spammer from a few months back
>Ruggarell/BBCspammer from /v/
>Sashanne schizo
>Schedule spammer
>Spranne schizo
>The cabal of /pol/fags
>The Fat philipine lolinigger who jack offs to underage european cartoon girls
>The MonaLisafag Who shits up in every Adventure time thread
>YinYangYoFag/Speedy/Robot Monkey Nigger
>Zonepool gwen-tan

Fuck these losers and their mothers. How badly do you need (You)s? Is your life THAT empty?
8 posts and 1 image omitted

No.135110245 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"consider the following" guy
>"She's up to no good" Nigger
>"Stop reading Capeshit" guy
>"Zoomers be like" poster.
>/v/ spammer
>Anon obssesed with birchyfunbags and kuckyweck
>Anti DC/Marvel/superman nigger
>Any "schizo or spammer" from the shera/amphibia/owl house threads
>Augie dogie
>Death battle fags
>Don Rosa spammer
>Ed Edd N' Eddy Nigger
>I hate smiling Friends
>Jubilee stepmom autist
>Kaput and zosky poster
>Kuvira/Azula losefag
>michael igafo-te'o
>Morning What’s For Breakfast spammer
>Murrlogic1/Wonder bread man
>Off-Topic anime nigger
>Official Win-O'-Thread Spammer
>Peridot spammer
>Quantityfag/Loco melones anon/ Why did x fail while y become a huge hit
>Redditbob poster
>Rippaverse spammer from a few months back
>Ruggarell/BBCspammer from /v/
>Sashanne schizo
>Schedule spammer
>Spranne schizo
>The cabal of /pol/fags
>The Fat philipine lolinigger who jack offs to underage european cartoon girls
>The MonaLisafag Who shits up in every Adventure time thread
>YinYangYoFag/Speedy/Robot Monkey Nigger
>Zonepool gwen-tan

Fuck these losers and their mothers. How badly do you need (You)s? Is your life THAT empty?
11 posts and 4 images omitted

No.124849275 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why has Nickelodeon rejected many cartoons that ended up becoming huge hits for other networks? They also said no to Proud Family
97 posts and 20 images omitted