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It said women with bigger breasts may suffer back problems, however, this means that trolls, with their more damage resistant bodies and higher physical strength, could have bigger breasts than humans can.
This implies that not only is Huge Boob Vriska possible, but more likely as she would have an obvious superiority over others, include this with the fact that her Classpect is "Thief of Light", and as Colossal Fucking Badoonka Milkers attract more attention than almost anything else. This would also explain why everyone in Homosuck is so patient with her as they only need to pay attention to her chest.
With all this evidence, I say it's an undeniable fact that Catholic Colossal Titty Vriska is Canon and that Mindwipe/ PlanetOfJunk's way of drawing Vriska is not only the closest to Canon, but also probably even closer to her realistic description than anything Hussie has been able to portray throughout the entire webcomic itself.