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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 284

Animation Domination #1: Thanksgiving edition

No.134168169 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sorry for being late.




Disney's Animation Domination™ continues to serve you a piping hot fresh batch of all new episodes of your favorite shark-jumped animated sitcoms that are definitely not far past their expiration date. Really FOX (a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Corporation™), come on, JUST DO IT ALREADY.


>Why does Marge sound like that now?
She has as much enthusiasm voicing for the show as you do watching it.

>Why does Dr. Hibbert sound like that now?
Black Actors Matter™, or something.
>proceeds to give all the black roles to the same high-profile famous and wealthy black voice actor who is already a part of the recurring cast

Co-creator of Rick and Morty Dan Harmon is making some shitty NFT show that takes place in ancient Greece called Krapopolis. Due for Animation Domination in 2023.

>Hasn't aired yet
>Already approved for a 2nd Season

The schedule is as follows:
>7:00/6:00c - The Marysuesons- My Octopus and a Teacher (RERUN): Bart can't control his feelings when he gets a new teacher. Meanwhile, Lisa befriends an octopus.

>7:30/6:30c - Ron's Reruns - Clear and Present Ginger (RERUN): Linda has a big day planned when her friend, Ginger comes to visit. Meanwhile, Bob and the kids help Nat with her Limo Competition.

>8:00/7:00c - The Stepsons But it's not Uncy Herb- Step Brother From the Same Planet (NEW): Homer is surprised by his anger towards Grampa after he dotes on his girlfriend's son.

>8:30/7:30c - The Garbage South-Southeast - Dick, Rick, Groom Adventure (NEW): Beef is hired as a super yacht pilot of billionaire Dick Chateau

>9:00/8:00c - Tom's Turkey: Putts-giving (NEW) The Belchers go to a mini golf course on Thanksgiving morning.

>9:30/8:30c - Social Media Guy - Get Stewie (NEW): Stewie receives the ire of the fan base of a popstar after his comment.
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No.134165485 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>give Transformers franchise to the west, what could go wrong
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No.134162085 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: which /co/ character do you feel would get a spinoff series

I will go first, (pic related) Hayley Smith's spinoff for me
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No.134155133 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.134155449 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This show was good, /co/ has shit taste
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Storytime: Greg's NNN

No.134159420 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Since it's November, I figured I'd share one of my favorite Diary of a Wimpy Kid fan stories with you. Enjoy. Shout out to Daniel Schep on github for making the imgur album downloader that made getting all these pages a hell of a lot easier.
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Hilda S3

No.134106072 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I hope there to be more David/Johanna episodes since it's confirmed Luke is going all original this season.
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No.134158168 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What does /co/ think about the new spongebob webseries?
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No.134159940 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the hell happened to GoComics? I need my Sunday funnies and am NOT going to buy a newspaper!
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Toonami General #3

!!4SoFa4BcOb3 No.134155508 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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