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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 288

No.133386113 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Thoughts on this Mother & Daughter relationship?
18 posts and 1 image omitted

No.133391310 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Deel 6 releases tomorrow!
Are we ready, 'zelligsisters?

No.133396598 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How many have you watched?
You are the biggest pleb in the history of the human race. No one is this uneducated. Stop lying to me.
Uber-Pleb. You post awful threads in /co/ about Hazbin Hotel, Owl House, or Steven Universe. You think Bojack Horseman is a "deep" show. If you see anything besides a YA cartoon you automatically recoil because you're unable to comprehend it. You have no knowledge of animation outside of the US. You probably don't even like animation unless it has stuff you can coom to. Get some fucking taste or better yet, go eat a shotgun sandwich.
Average pleb. You probably have extremely narrow taste and are in high school. Grow the fuck up and educate yourself.
Entry-level faggot. You like to tell people that you are into underground or indie animation but if you talk to anyone about animation besides your parents or your dipshit normalfag friends you will realize you don't know shit besides the absolute bare basics
You are SO close to not being a pleb but just when you are about to win the respect of your peer you go and say something fucking idiotic like "The Moomin show is better than the comics". There is hope for you, keep working at it.
You are stepping your toes in the water of the vast ocean that is patriciandom. No one will be impressed with your knowledge but you will be ridiculed way way less than you used to be. Good for you.
You did it. You are a true patrician. You braved the most abrasive harsh visuals known to man, you have had religious experiences to pure animated kino, you realize how great Paper Rad and Problem Solverz are.
You are John K. How did you find 4chan John? We love your work.
7 posts omitted

Mr. /co/lympus 2022: Nominations Part 5

!!9A2duD1C25+ No.133399027 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Welcome to the 5th year anniversary of Mr. /co/lympus.


โ–บNomination Process
>Example: "Tom from the series Tom & Jerry"
With a picture of Tom from Tom and Jerry attached in the initial post
>9 replies to post MUST be in the same thread.

โ–บLIVE Nomination List: CHECK to see if your character was ADDED!

โ–บOne-Month Old Clause
Any character making their first debut in the entirety of the previous month is ineligible to compete.
-if the competition starts on Oct. 7th, no character debuting from Sept. 1st to Oct. 7th is eligible to compete.

โ–บRules for Entry and Grandfather list

โ–บCharacter Judges
Yotsuba & /co/nrad!
Johnney Bravo
Hope Corgi

โ–บJenny Rule and Elite Eight Rule
>Johnny Bravo
>General Grievous
>Hank Hill, Aku, Marvin the Martian, Skeletor, Samurai Jack, J. Jonah Jameson, Uncle Iroh

>NightShiftAnon !!9A2duD1C25+
>Ghost !!eh0Fgi0FQSV

Previous: >>133396162
Nominations: >>133388193
784 posts and 305 images omitted

No.116790841 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Post Deviantart Cringe
31 posts and 16 images omitted


No.133280461 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Consider Mymy
274 posts and 121 images omitted

No.133302339 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>see John K has an Instagram, apparently
>"cool, I'll see what the old motherfucker is up to"
>the comments are full of young female fans sending him fan art and trying to contact him
yall never learn huh
90 posts and 11 images omitted

No.125971197 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
which show is better?
14 posts and 5 images omitted


No.128253416 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1. 1970s
2. 1980s
3. 2005-2015 (there were just way too many shitty flash cartoons and horrid CN and Nick shows like Problem Solverz and Breadwinners and a lot of shows bring cut short)
4. 1960s
5. 1920s
7 posts omitted

No.133331396 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
41 posts and 14 images omitted