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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 291

No.133973989 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did Futurama fail while American Dad became a huge hit? This is the only time where Seth MacFarlane managed to beat Matt Groening.
2 posts and 1 image omitted

Official Win-O'-Thread

No.133882852 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>What is this thread?
Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books.
Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere.
Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't).
If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how.
Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.

>Where can I find old Win-O'-Threads?'-Thread/'-Thread/
(Note: This finds the OP for old threads. If you want to search for comics in the archive, clear the subject field!)

>Where can I find downloads for other comics?
Warez forums/blogs, DDL-indexing search engines (like FilesLoop), torrent trackers (like 1337x) and other P2P networks (like DC++).
If a link has been posted on 4chan, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links).
If all else fails, just >buy it.

>Where can I buy comics?
On the various publishers' webstores, and at your local comics shop.

>Where can I find an LCS?

>Where can I find out when new comics are released?

>How do I download from websites that only give me .exe files?
Untick the checkbox under the download button.

>How can I find this thread every week?
If you are using the inline extension go to or use the option under "Filters & Post Hiding".
If you have 4chanX go to Settings > Filter > Subject and add the following line:
/Official Win-O'-Thread/;highlight

>And last but not least
I almost made it before the previous thread died
514 posts and 105 images omitted

No.133973344 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
See what's on the rack today
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No.133970668 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>admit that they can't make Quagmire-style jokes any more
>character is far too established to replace
>has no other characteristics beyond being mean to Joe and Brian

What should they do with Quagmire?
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No.133835178 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>ITT: Worst cartoon youtubers
73 posts and 15 images omitted

No.67494282 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Are the dead?
If not please give some good cartoons to watch
124 posts and 17 images omitted

No.133943846 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This guy is probably getting payed by Viacom to shill nu-SpongeBob and is the only guy that shills nu-SpongeBob.
34 posts and 11 images omitted

No.133951669 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Episode titles for American Dad Season 18:
>18x1 - The Professor and the Coach
>18x2 - Fellow Traveler
>18x3 - Viced Principal
>18x4 - The Pleasanting at Smith House
>18x5 - A New Era for the Smith House (possible two-parter?)
>18x6 - Stretched Thin
>18x7 - Stan Fixes a Shingle
>18x8 - Z.O.I.N.C.S.
>18x9 - Cow I Met Your Moo-ther
>18x10 - Better on Paper
>18x11 - Saving Face
>18x12 - Fantastic Voyage
>18x13 - A Little Mystery
>18x14 - Don't You Be My Neighbor
>18x15 - Productive Panic
>18x16 - Between a Ring and a Hardass
>18x17 - Footprints
>18x18 - Steve, Snot and the Quest for the 0g Four Loko
>18x19 - The Pink Sphinx Holds Her Hearts on The Turn
>18x20 - A Little Extra Scratch
>18x21 - Into the Jingleverse
>18x22 - Multiverse of American Dadness
Pray for a better season than 17
5 posts and 1 image omitted

No.110712535 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why are the DCAU girls so god damned perfect?
468 posts and 179 images omitted

No.133948038 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's something you feel like you can't talk about on /co/?
29 posts and 7 images omitted