>>96735505Now im not gonna 100% disagree with you on this, tumblr has a lot of users and blogs to discuss whatever on, from fans theory crafting about whatever, from science blogs discussing shit im not gonna pretend to understand, to cars n shit, and the shitton of artists that use it. But it also gets a bad rap because of this and things spiraling out of control, like fandoms going complete apeshit, or people using fake science for whatever reason, because there are skill a bunch of idiots using the internet and that site. Such as the vocal and annoying minority of Extreme/ Regressive leftists on there that use it to spread their ideology and chastise those who differ even remotely. So it kind of just boils down to what you're allowed to say/ what you can say when you have this public account, especially if you have fans. 4chan has a different setup with boards, that for the most part do thier job of containing things, even if /pol/ or /b/tards sneek into other boards its not as bad as it could be. I mean here, ive seen really great discussions happen on /co/ every now and again, every time i pop into /k/ i see a few good threads and discussions going on, /wg/ is just cozy, and /ic/ apart from memes and loomis can be pretty cool. All without having to worry about being pc to save your ass. But lets agree that these two sites have better discussions than reddit.