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>"That was a little unnecessary. I didn't fucking appreciate that at all... Okay, I am just going to come right out and say this. There was just such... Between the movies and 'Peacemaker' a little bit, our show was kind of treated like shit. I get it, we're on The CW, I get it, it's TV. But I also get the fact that when people think about the most recent iteration of DC, they don't think about the Snyder Cut – they think about the Arrowverse. We got crapped on for years, and years, and years, and this just seemed excessive. I'm not actually mad, but I just remember hearing that and just being like, 'Fuck those guys,' like seriously. I'm up here. I'm working just as hard as anyone else. Do you know how hard it is to play a superhero with no superpowers for 23 episodes a year? It's really, really, really hard, and I'm not looking for a prize, but, like, maybe don't shit on our show. If I should be mad at anyone, it should be James Gunn for writing that in the first place. John Cena could not be a nicer guy. It’s not a personal vendetta against Cena. Gunn is the one to blame."
Yeah you read that right anons, Wow this is truly astounding anons. Maybe Gwen should have been brought back as a mutant after all. This makes me think more and more that the clone saga was a HUGE mistake fuck it.
Until then, I'll be story timing the latest graphic novel, because I just missed it, and you know, I've been rather losing track on it (on the subreddit, I haven't even made the discussion posts for the last few volumes).
New episode descriptions from the wiki: 'The Loud House' >"The Cling and I": Lana struggles to shake off Lily when she starts to follow Lana around like a shadow. >"Trouble Brewing": To help Lori out, Luan gets her a job at the Burnt Bean, where Luan is the boss. 'The Really Loud House' >"A Tale of Three Parties": On the same night: Lincoln and Clyde want to host a winner-take-all candy game. Lori and Leni want to host a masquerade party to celebrate a movie premiere, and Lucy's hosting the Morticians Club for the Blood Moon Festival. >"Game Night": Lincoln and Clyde are super excited for their double date with Zia and Angie. That is, until they realize that the Loud Family Game Night is scheduled for the same night, and they've never lost at game night, ever.