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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 60

Official Win-O'-Thread

No.145306408 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>What is this thread?
Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books.
Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere.
Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't).
If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how.
Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.

>Where can I find old Win-O'-Threads?'-Thread/'-Thread/
(Note: This finds the OP for old threads. If you want to search for comics in the archive, clear the subject field!)

>Where can I find downloads for other comics?
Warez forums/blogs, DDL-indexing search engines (like FilesLoop), torrent trackers (like 1337x) and other P2P networks (like DC++).
If a link has been posted on 4chan, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links).
If all else fails, just >buy it.

>Where can I buy comics?
On the various publishers' webstores, and at your local comics shop.

>Where can I find an LCS?

>Where can I find out when new comics are released?

>How do I download from websites that only give me .exe files?
Untick the checkbox under the download button.

>How can I find this thread every week?
If you are using the inline extension go to or use the option under "Filters & Post Hiding".
If you have 4chanX go to Settings > Filter > Subject and add the following line:
/Official Win-O'-Thread/;highlight

>And last but not least
This is embarrassing
508 posts and 89 images omitted

anyone remember that nsfw animated short or animation posted here not too long ago?

No.145475875 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can't put my finger on it
18 posts and 1 image omitted

No.144011599 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does /co/ think that DC is extremely worried about Batman? His copyright is coming up, normies are starting to realize his no kill rule is retarded, his obession with villains and letting people die, people are genuinely starting to get tired of him, etc.

What does DC do when Batman falls to the wayside like Superman has?

No.142114023 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Still funny to this day.
521 posts and 81 images omitted

No.145439864 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How do we bring back pre-2015 Disney?
178 posts and 41 images omitted

Ms./co/ 2024 (Nominations) Part 6

!!TSeJH+Shkly No.145424712 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

โ–บLIVE Nomination List:

โ–บNomination Process
>Nominating NAME from SERIES
9 replies
Failure to post properly will result in the character being ignored or removed.

โ–บOne-Month Old Clause
Any character making their first debut in the entirety of the previous month is ineligible to compete (meaning cutoff date August 1st).

โ–บCurrent Eligible Entrants
—For characters to be nominated
>Characters must originate in /co/ western material
>Puppets allowed
>Characters can be any age
>Cannot nominate multiple characters in one post
>/a/ and live-action actors are not allowed
>/v/ characters that did not originate from /co/ are not allowed
>Any non-bannable contestants (No colored horse show characters)
>Characters cannot be Board-Tans, OC Donut Steels, or originate from a meme
>Real-life politicians that are portrayed as cartoon characters / caricatures are not allowed, satirical or otherwise.
>Grandfather Clause: Any character that was allowed in past Ms. /co/ tournaments is eligible.
>Generalization Statute: You are voting for the entire history of that character, not just one particular iteration.
>Elite 8 Rule: All /co/ characters except the temporary year ban of the elite eight are allowed
>Jenny Rule: Champions are barred from reentry into the tournament

โ–บCharacter Judges
Yotsuba & /co/nrad!
Jenny XJ9
Hope Corgi

โ–บJenny Rule and Elite 8 Rule
Barred: Jenny XJ9, Spinel, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, Betty Boop, Fang, Wuya, Eris, Toph Beifong, Raven, Harley Quinn, Alex, Clover, EVE

โ–บDetailed rules and info

>Ballsanon !!TSeJH+Shkly
>Coayynon !!HfHRhjBcrKX
>Cumanon !!/T96LOBkiwX
>PenisAnon !KoAd713y0Q
>Samaritanon !!LKu0yr+rtFu

โ–บPrevious: >>145421050
1038 posts and 307 images omitted

No.145396359 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
huh huh huh
We're dead.
huh huh huh
That's gay.
15 posts and 2 images omitted

No.145419443 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did this scene cause so many manchildren to seethe? From a story perspective having Korra start off with aptitude for three elements means:
>A) We're not just doing "The avatar finds bending teachers for all the elements season by season" again
>B) Contrasts her with Aang, who started with just air and who was very spirtual
Not to mention that some people are literally just born with skill. Look at Azula and how much she outclassed Zuko. Or Toph who just a child yet can rival King Bumi, the strongest earthbender.
It was also just a cute and funny scene.
3 posts omitted

Toonami Rewind

No.145407667 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
English-dubbed anime on a western cartoon block.
Receiving gains and losses at a still-unfair ratio.
668 posts and 136 images omitted