What are the worst Mary Sue characters in animation history? My picks would be 5. Gaz 4. Mandy 3. Uniqua (The Backyardigans) 2. Korra 1. Chloe (The Fairly OddParents)
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You can't get more Mary Sue than the character that was literally free from voting for the entire merge of a Total Drama season with superhuman skills for no reason, singlehandedly won most challenges for her team, had near zero conflicts and whose only contributions to the show were about her boyfriend who was inexplicably into her from day 1.
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>>147858589 >>147858603 >Only two posts got taken down by mods. >The entire thread didn't. You're weak mods and anons.
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>>147858422 Why would I waste my time replying to a bot?
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Are you talking about me huh? Or Barneyfag?
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We're living in an era where shitty HB cartoons made on shoestring budgets are more aesthetically pleasing than cartoons with a $300k/ep budget. Like, holy fuck, would it kill a modern cartoon to use some line variation once in-awhile?
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>>147848835 Shut up tranny
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>>147851523 That's pretty depressing but not that surprising. It seems the shows they chose to make into series were decided on based on cheap they were to produce.
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>>147851523 So that's why Butch Hartman's artstyle went to shit over at Nick, he was just copying what was popular. His WAC shorts looked much better.
>>147797185 Anonymous
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>>147843508 It's not trying to emulate cgi
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>>147851490 Hanna Barbera didn't become shovelware until the 1970s, and they not only had a few good for what they are shows but they were still much better then what Filmation was doing at the same time.
>>147851542 Anime only did right when PRO-JAPANESE AMERICANS like Tom Ruegger and Sherri Stoner were running those show, they're nowhere near as good when they're left to their own devices.
Say is this is 100% true, how many changes would've happen in the animation industry?
>>147748681 Nozomi isn't even the most iconic or popular character from her own franchise.
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>>147760076 Yes she is, SiIvaGunner made sure of it.
kViN and his whores are still laughing at you, Famicom. You are nothing.
>>147760076,2 No they are not, Famicom has apologize for the 2Ch information from years back.
Please, fuck off and get a life, kViN moved on, you should too.
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>>147760076,3 Also kViN hasn't brought up Famicom by name since 2018.
What are the best /co/ related relationships
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>>114338219 >she literally saw him as a project and didn't like him for who he was Did we watch the same show?
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>>114337963 >Eileen Rigby is a fagot but u now Eileen is a cute person sooo mmmm 7/10
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>>114338794 Immediately stopped reading your post as soon as you started jerking off that shitty badly-written short-tempered ugly cloud bitch. Kill yourself.
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>>>/v/705027004 this time posted on the correct board, lel
>my cheap jab got ignored so I'll repeat it.
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>>147841741 The only people who never feel bad about getting something stolen from them is something they never earned(with their own hard working money) or given as a gift(from a friend or family).
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>>147844456 Anon you're the one that started seething for no reason, your inability to formulate an argument and attempting to disengage by not answering the question and ignoring the jab, even though that's what you are focusing on rn and then make a post about it without directly replying tells me not only im right, im getting to you, you're projecting anger from something else into the first thing that annoy you and you can't even explain why.
So, where is the anger coming from.
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>>147841590 >then she got up and slapped his ass
Jeph Loeb has been on a bit of a greatest hits tour lately for DC, bringing back Batman: The Long Halloween, and upcoming delivering the sequel to Batman: Hush with Jim Lee. And now he’s bringing that same “play Stairway!” energy to Marvel by returning for a backup story in Giant Size Age of Apocalypse. Provided by writers Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, and artist C.F. Villa. “In 1995, I was extremely lucky to be part of one of the biggest stories to hit the X-Men with Age of Apocalypse, writing both Astonishing X-Men and X-Man,” Loeb said via press release provided to Comic Book Club. “Now, thirty years later, join me and the superstar artist of tomorrow—Simone Di Meo—as we return to this doomed timeline with some of the greatest X-Men characters ever!” In the series, Ms. Marvel is pulled to important moments in the X-Men’s past by Legion. And in this third one-shot, per Marvel, it’s only hours away from the end of the Age of Apocalypse. “If Kamala can’t find what’s left of the X-Men, she’ll burn in nuclear hellfire. Former enemies must learn to rely on one another as they journey through a land of charred bones and broken promises…but can Legion truly be trusted? And how far will Rogue go to teach Kamala the true meaning of mutant identity? Welcome back to the Age of Apocalypse – where no one survives the experience!” While Marvel didn’t provide info about what Loeb will be tackling for the Revelations backup, based on a variant cover it looks likely it’s Sabretooth versus Wolverine. But maybe not! Maybe it’s Sugar Man. We can only hope. Giant-Size Age of Apocalypse #1 will hit stores on June 25, with a main cover by Adam Kubert and variant cover by Di Meo. Check them both out, below. Meanwhile Giant-Size X-Men #1 hits stores on May 28, Giant-Size Dark Phoenix #1 on June 11. Details on Giant-Size House of M #1 and Giant-Size X-Men #2 will be released at a later date.
>>147834798 What? Have Kamala be the one to fight Apocalypse while giving a moronic speech about how TEH FACISM IS TEH LAMMORZ?!! CAAAAAAAAAAAAAN DO!!
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>>147834831 They could do so much with this, but they HAAAD to put "run-killer" Kamala in it.
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>>147832572 God no she can just fuck off entirely
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>>147834614 >up the mutant timeline. >At this point I just want Cable to BLAM her or at worst the TVA come in and say she's too fucky for synergy and needs to knock it off because Kamala's has become Poochie, Ruiner of Runs since all her books including nuNYX got shitcanned. I wouldn't even do that. Even that's giving her too much attention. No. You know what you do with these Poochies? You just stop using them. Phase them out completely. No big event. No killing them off for shock. Just slowly, but steadily, use them less and less until they're gone. I promise you anyone who pretended to be a fan of them wouldn't even notice it was happening.
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>>147832268 How giant sized could it possibly be?
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>November 19th, 2004 Get the in here and talk about The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie or I'll make ye walk the plank!
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>>146433525 Aero only gets a bad rep because Vista
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>>146426545 Doesn't really apply to the first movie. It has a geniune animation upgrade and doesn't look like the golden age seasons but with shadows.
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>>146431239 Yeah 2004 was when we finally started leaving the 90s and Y2K behind
I love the later half of the 2000s but it has a certain edge to it that was everywhere. In a weird way, not bad or good
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>>146433574 It's getting harder and harder to push the thoughts to the back of the head....
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>>146427489 The fucking Emoji Movie made significantly more money than your literally who disneyslop film no one remembers. Let that sink in for a second.
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Alone on a Saturday anon? A loli thread is what the therapist prescribed.
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>>147823916 I think it's wrong of Aang to pose as Toph while offering footjobs.
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>>147823809 Now I kind of want to see Rhonda and Helga becoming late night binge buddies
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>Sakura Kinomoto stays up. >Laura Haruna gets deleted. What the fuck is wrong with this board?!?
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What did he mean by this?
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>>147824547 >Dexter x Blossom is a shit ship. especially since it's just lemmings copying an e-celeb
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>>147812773 >take a group of young sadists >train them to be masochists >??? Anonymous
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I think teen/older PPG show with drama is a good idea. I just don't think modern writers can be trusted to pull it off.