Quoted By: >>144011064
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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 75
Quoted By: >>144081933
Talk about costumes pulled from comics debuting on the big screen. Good, bad, whatever.
I'll start with an upcoming one. Took 20+ fucking years, but we finally got it. And yeah, it looks great.
I'll start with an upcoming one. Took 20+ fucking years, but we finally got it. And yeah, it looks great.
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I have discover the new flavour of the month:
Quoted By: >>144079042 >>144079064
China is on the brink of collapse
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I really, really don't want these threads to go on /trash/. /a/ won't allow them because >dubs. Maybe /tv/ if we can't get a bend for one Friday evening thread? Checkered Past threads are already allowed, so this really shouldn't be a stretch.
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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!
>Collection of Deliveries:
>Drawfriends Gallery List:
rentry DOT co SLASH txf8t
NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in:
Previous thread: >>143984207
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!
>Collection of Deliveries:
>Drawfriends Gallery List:
rentry DOT co SLASH txf8t
NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in:
Previous thread: >>143984207
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/co/ shoutout
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/co/ artist who need more love thread?