Have cursed knowledge? Know some interesting tidbits? Want to help the /co/mmunity? Help us make the /co/ iceberg!
The current proposal has 800+ entries and counting. Let's shoot for 1000!
Entry Listing:
https://rentry.org/coicebergprojectPrevious thread:
>>143538862How to contribute:
>Check the rentry to see if your contribution(s) are not already added.>If your contributions aren't already listed, go ahead and list off your contributions, and provide a tier level (listed first thing in the rentry and below for easy reference)>Try to keep entry names as short as possible.>Have fun!Can't think of anything?
>Do your own digging. Comb through the archives for things that pique your interest>Read through the existing threads>Look around the internet for obscure/cursed media, incidents, trivia-- anything that interests you. Wikipedia and other forums tend to have a wealth of interesting information that can aid you in finding new additions>Find the backstories of cursed or weird images, most have specific incidents tied to them which would make for great entries to the icebergProgress:
>Create Tier Model>Decide on template/iceberg image>Decide on tier criteria>Gather and Tier Entries (We are Here)>Choose Images for Sidebar>Refine as needed>Put it all on an iceberg>Finishing touches>Spread the completed product!Tier Reference:
1 - Surface Level Knowledge
2 - Lesser Known Knowledge
3 - Obscure backstories and/or Easter eggs
4 - Behind-the-scenes controversies, lost episodes, etc.
5 - Banned episodes, controversial comics, etc.
6 - Incidents involving creators, comics, or cartoons
7 - Lesser known Incidents involving creators, comics or cartoons
8 - Comics and animations outright banned or cursed
9 - Direct impact of /co/ on the actual industry, lesser-known discoveries made by /co/, or less unsettling truths
10 - Extremely unsettling knowledge and truths