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MLP 10th Anniversary Party

No.35971518 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Bronies and Horsefuckers
Channers and Normies of all ages
It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the 10th Anniversary of the airing of the first episode of My Little Pony Friendship is magic, and 11th Year of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom
Today we celebrate the moment that Twilight Sparkle opened a book on the newly-formed HUB Network on October 10th of 2010.

10 years. An entire Decade of pastel cartoon horses. And here we still are.
It's time to celebrate!
As-is our normal tradition, we will be having an ongoing stream of all the pony media that filled the past 10 years over on cytube


Which coinicides with the original airing of the first episode.

We are expecting some potential staff guests (others have participated in years past), we will have giveaways, and some group games

There are now MLP-themed CAH decks onallbadcards that can take large groups which we will try out together.

Thank you all for making these past 10 years incredible.
May the next 10 hold as many great memories!
Let the celebratory shitposting begin!
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