>>40413187This is probably going to sound really fucking pathetic (it is) but a few days ago my mood was down for the entire day because I couldn't stop thinking about the way Trixie was treated. It really got to me when I thought about just how hopeless she must've felt after Boast Busters with no one wanting her around and being forced to live without a home (and having your new home immediately vandalized). Abuse like that will eat away at you until you break, and considering that she sought out the amulet, she likely did. Even after being freed of the amulet her life doesn't seem to get much better if her dialogue is anything to go by.
“Everypony always says they’ll give you a second chance, but deep down, they never forget.”
And her conversation with Starlight:
“You ever have one of those days?”
“For me, they’re all one of those days.”
Then there's the Moonshot Manticore Mouth-Dive scene where Trixie seemingly has enough and tries to off herself after being robbed of her first and only friend. Even if the scene wasn't intended to be seen as her committing suicide, I can totally see why people do see it that way after everything she's been through.