President Elect Trumplight Edition
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>>28817258 Archive of /nst/ greentext stories: Tips for potential writefags: Updated Wiki: thanks to NoHooves for updating it
All Human Twilight Sparkle content, such as greentext stories, art and discussion go here.
The original prompt:
>"Uhhh, mmm... Anon? W-what are you doing after school?" Writefagging, drawfagging, discussion, and other SciTwi-related content are highly encouraged during "down time". New green, drawings, etc. are highly encouraged during these times. Spiral staircase Rhinoceros beetle Ruins street Fig tart Rhinoceros beetle Via dolorosa Rhinoceros beetle Singularity point Giotto Angel Hydrangea Rhinoceros beetle Singularity point Secret emperor...
Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
Tomorrow afternoon. I'm sorry for making you wait.
HiHiPuffy !!WiPa5QQSZON
Chronos !!g8xpjZNsOzj
>Play D&D last night >Fight a monster WAY too Strong to fight at PC'S level. >Amongst the loot was a cursed mask that makes people a size class larger. >Nonny is now large. >Sunset tries to give the mask to Derpy so she won't get wrecked in sex >She says she doesn't need it because "DWARVEN CONSTITUTION!" WEW, I guess we magic realm now boys :'^)
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>>28872722 I think my body is ready.
Chronos !!g8xpjZNsOzj
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"Um... Okay we can go get the... fruit corn. But where will we find the song? I've never even heard of Osarus song before!">Moondancer raises her hand bashfully. M:"I actually learned it from Aigis and Derpy on the beach... It's pretty catchy.">She grabs her notebook and improvises some sheet music of how she thinks it went. >Gaunter nods approvingly "Does anyone have a idea for how we will get to the other side of Albis? I would say use an airship, but I'm sure we dont have one to spare...">You grin. "Excuse you Gaunter, I am a Princess! If I want an Airship I'll have one!">You sprint out to go find an Airship to commandeer. >A mission that is quickly resolved, as one lands directly in front of the library. >The ship is absolutely colossal. It's plated with Adamantine from top to bottom, and on the front of the ship a huge figurehead depicting what you think is a Silver Dragon. On each side there are 5 cannons and a strategicly placed Ballista. In addition, the Albisian Royal crest is emblazoned on the sides in red. ?:"Princess, the Royal airship is ready for Gaunter. Would you like us to load the ships library with your books?">You nod. "Yes... that would be very convenient.">They nod and a small army of men flood out to load the ship. "Good news guys, I got us an Airship!">Moondancer looks unconvinced, rolling her eyes. M:"You remember you can cast greater teleport right? Why do we even need a ship?">You freeze for a moment. "...I guess it's just cool? Plus this way I don't have to waste my spells.">Moondancer nods M:"I suppose that's fair.">Gaunter helps the crew carry all your stuff, and before you know it you're soaring in the air like an eagle! >It's only a couple minutes before you get to town, but it's a really COOL few minutes! G:"We still need a good bard to play the song, let's try the taverns." (Pic mostly unrelated.)
>>28873110 >he actually does insert his magical realm into his games and makes his self insert DMPC fuck his waifu I can't even tell if it's autistic anymore to do it so openly
>>28870373 I do remember you saying something like that while on drugs last year.
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>>28873699 To be fair, I encouraged it far more than I should have, and only after checking with the majority of the party that they didn't want it.
>I don't need it because thief >The majority of the other responses range from 'wizard' to 'I already have a mask' to 'they weren't there in the session due to technical issues' It was surprisingly one of the less awkward moments that session.
Chronos !!g8xpjZNsOzj
>>28873699 Hey, it's not MY magic realm! The players are degenerates, it's THEIR magic realm >:^(.
Nonny doesn't even share my fetish (Which is lactation btw, it's in couple of my lewds.) Anonymous
>>28873875 That's a badass doggo.
Chronos !!g8xpjZNsOzj
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>>28873907 That's actually a picture of BBSA and EQGWF at ACEN.
>>28872722 Is it spread eagle time?
HiHiPuffy !!WiPa5QQSZON
>>28873914 We can arrange that
Chronos !!g8xpjZNsOzj
>>28874088 >Puff drawing me spread eagle. P-Puff chan~
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>>28874116 I don't know why you Americans call this eagle "bald".
Weird people, in my country we call it the American Eagle, which sounds pretty cool.
>>28874088 I really like how much puff's drawings have improved
>>28874423 honestly Puff's older drawings were better than these I see now. They look bad to me. No offense puff, your old stuff was a lot better, but it's just opinion. Take it with a grain of salt.
>>28873789 I'm straight edge, never touched drugs in my life?
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>>28874612 Is this bizarro Ekwig?
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>>28874444 >Wasted quads You are going to make Kek mad.
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>>28874612 The ritalin from last year and the "not pot" from this one tells me that's a lie, Mr. Comey.
BoringLight >You are Sunset Shimmer >You roll off the couch and onto the floor, where your body smashes a crater into a pile of takeout boxes >Cardboard and styrofoam crunch under you >A curious Coco noses her way into the room, sitting on the floor next to you >Her ears are droopy, and you can see from the still-full bowl in the corner that she still hasn't touched her food >She hasn't much since Twilight left... >You curl into a ball on the floor, hiding your head in your arms >This sucks >You're dressed only in a dirty sweater and the same underwear you've been wearing for two days >The entire house is a mess >And you haven't drawn a single thing since she left >Rolling onto your back, you stare up at the ceiling, unable to will yourself to get up >There's nothing to do, you're lonely, you feel like nothing but trash, and you hate all of this >But you can't make yourself call her >It'll just make you hurt more, or even worse, it'll make you angry >Coco plods over to you, pawing at your shoulder "Hey, Cocopuff."
>You halfheartedly scratch her ears "You miss her, don't you?"
>Coco stares at you, and whimpers >Dumb horse understands you better than you do >Suddenly, Coco's ears flick up, and she gallops over to the door just a second before the bell rings Anonymous
>>28874922 >You ignore both the frantically-neighing pony and the bell, and curl into a ball amidst the garbage >The bell rings again, and then again >Coco is neighing her head off, sprinting around in little circles in front of the door >"Yo! Open up, dweeb!" >A heavy knocking follows, which drives Coco absolutely crazy >Groaning, you force yourself to stand and stagger over to the doorway, pausing only to pat Coco's head and calm her down >When you open the door, Gilda is standing there, wrapped in her leather jacket >She looks you up and down, noting your half-naked state and filthy sweater >She whistles >"Damn. What happened to you?" "Eh. Don't wanna talk about it."
>"Right. Well, I do. Can I come in?" >Even as she asks, she's already stepping inside >You don't bother arguing with her; you don't have the energy "Sure. Make yourself at home."
>Gilda takes your advice, flopping onto the couch and propping her feet up on the coffee table >"Alright, so. Dash is super worried about you two. Says she hasn't seen Twilight in a while." "Oh."
>"Yeah. And she'll never admit it, of course. So that's why I'm here." >Gilda frowns, fidgeting with the buttons of her coat >"Also, because I am man enough to admit it, I'm a little worried too. What's going on? Bad fight?" "Yeah..."
>You sit next to Gilda, holding Coco in your lap "You could say that."
>She nods, brushing the hair out of her eyes >"Your first one?" "I guess. First one like this."
>"Oof. You know, back when Dash and I first started being a thing, we fought all the damn time. Even stormed out on each other a couple times. After a while, I started getting used to it. But that first one..." >Gilda shakes her head, sucking in her breath >"Never thought anything could hurt like that, man." BoringLight
>>28874983 "Yeah?"
>Your hand goes to Coco's back, scratching her between her withers >She curls up in your lap, humming contentedly >Gilda gives the pony a small smile, and pokes her belly >"Yeah. I dunno, it was pretty awful. Felt like my entire world was drowning, or something. I dunno, I'm not good at this stuff. I missed her so much." "What did you do?"
>"About the same as you. Lived in the trash for a little while. Until it hit me." "What did?"
>"That I was living in trash." >Upon seeing the confused look on your face, Gilda lays a hand on your shoulder >"You get it?" "I... think?"
>"You're sitting around, being mad. Hating her. Hating yourself. How does that feel?" "Like shit, honestly."
>"Hell yeah it does. It really, really does." >Gilda blinks, losing herself in memory for a moment "But if I talk to her again, I'm just gonna get mad."
>Gilda shrugs >"Then get mad. I mean, shit, have you heard how me and Dash get? She almost broke my nose yesterday because I ate her leftover takeout. Being a mad is a part of being, you know, a person. Or whatever." >Gilda puffs out her cheeks >"Quit giving me that look! I'm trying really hard to make this make sense!" "No! No, I... I get what you mean."
>You squeeze Coco against your chest "But it's hard. I'm worried that, I dunno, I'll mess something up."
>Gilda's grip strengthens on your shoulder >"Well. You love this girl." >Gilda doesn't phrase that as a question "I... I think I do."
>"Think isn't good enough. People don't do this--" >She gestures to the mess around you >"--when they just think they love someone." Anonymous
Question to the Writefags with ingoing stories. You keep adding, but what exactly is your end goal in the story itself?
>>28875022 "Yeah. Ha. Right."
>"You love her. And so you'll figure it out. I mean, shit..." >She nods with her head towards her own apartment >"If me and that crazy bitch can make things work, then the two of you sure as hell can." "But... what do I say?"
>"Hell if I know. 'Sorry' would probably be a good start." "But she's the one who--"
>You cut yourself off before you can finish "Yeah. Sorry would probably be good..."
>You are Twilight Sparkle >The hospital nurse nudges you're shoulder, shaking you out of your trance >"Ms. Sparkle?" "Y-yeah! Is everything okay? Is she gonna be okay?"
>"She's recovering from severe hypothermia. With rest, she should recover perfectly. However, she'll be extremely lethargic for a few days. Possibly a little out of it, too. But she'll be okay" "Oh, thank you! Thank you..."
>You throw your arms around the nurse's waist, hugging the random woman >She looks like she's used to this sort of thing, and accepts the hug without too much awkwardness "Can I see her?"
>"See her? She's asleep, but... if you wish." >The nurse leads you into Moondancer's room >Your friend is lying in a narrow cot, still enough to be dead, if it weren't for the gentle rising of her chest >She's wrapped only in a thing hospital gown; it's so weird seeing her without her sweater >You pull a chair up next to her bed, sitting down "I'd like to stay with her for a bit, if that's okay."
>"Of course." >The nurse nods, and departs >You touch Moondancer's forehead >At your touch, her eyes flicker open Anonymous
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>>28875034 to have fun while writing
>>28875054 >"T-Twi? Wha... what's going..." "Hey, Moons."
>You brush her hair out of her face "You're in the hospital. Don't worry, everything's fine."
>"But I... why... S-Sunny?" >At your girlfriend's name, a chill creeps down your spine like an ice cube dropped down your shirt >"Is S-Sunny okay?" "Yeah, Moons. She's okay."
>"Are you s-sure? I'm s-sorry I messed things up." >Moondancer closes her eyes, nuzzling deeper into the blankets "You didn't mess anything up, Moondancer."
>As half-delirious as she is, she doesn't even seem to register what you're saying >"Just t-tell Sunny I'm sorry... I'm r-really sorry..." >You are Sunset Shimmer >When Gilda leaves, you grab your phone and sit on the couch, staring at it >Somewhere out there, Twilight's probably doing the same thing >Maybe not with a phone, but she's probably also just sitting around, thinking >You really hope she's thinking about you >Why is it so hard to call her? >Her number is at the top of your contacts; just talk to her >You've talked to this girl every day since you were fifteen >Why is it suddenly so hard? >You unlock your phone, and scroll to Twilight's name >And then your finger stops, hovering over the "call" button >But before you can press it, your phone starts vibrating, the "incoming call" screen flashing in your face Anonymous
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>>28874983 >"Also, because I am man enough to admit it, I'm a little worried too. What's going on? Bad fight?" >Man enough. That gave me a nice chuckle.
HiHiPuffy !!WiPa5QQSZON
>>28874444 I take it as granted. You see, thats part of beign experimental. War changes, Snake.
I know there is something left behind that people for sure loved but not all can be transported from one style to the other as it is. Try and failure until something good comes, thats what i do. Anyways, glad to find some constructive critique from time to time. Will take it in mind
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>>28875103 >You didn't mess anything up, Moondancer Why lie, desu. Moondancer is a mess.
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>>28875034 I stopped adding a long time ago :^(
>>28875034 Enjoyment and (You)s mostly.
Hell, half of it is just wanting to actually say I finished something. I've never finished a story I set out to write.
>>28876296 At least you are not Schwarzenigger, aka. PFCT, who does that for the lulz.
>>28876633 Well he does weave a mean unfinished tale.
>>28876633 b-but how could he get your love back anon? Wh-what if he'd do anything to make sweet love to you again?
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>>28876902 >one Again, he does it for the lulz, he gets people to read his greens and then he goes away forever.
>>28876918 Admit that he is a faggot. I don't even care about his greens, sure they were fun, but he has a shit attitude.
MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
Guess what faggots. I just finished typing up the finale to Cyberlight Part 1. Going to post tomorrow when I don't feel like shit and can make sure I don't have nearly as many errors as I probably do. Good night /nst/.
Its been a long time since Dot showed up I miss them
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>>28878000 Fucking finally.
>>28879260 Cuck her with her mom.
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>>28879579 But I don't want to fuck my mom. If my mom was Velvet, on the other hand.
(];^) Anonymous
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>>28874612 I shall name you "MK-ULTRA'd Ekwig"
I miss Mr. Bot. He had a good sense of humour.
>>28879894 Never heard of him
Who is he
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>>28875034 If I told you that, it'd be a spoiler :u
But to keep it simple, I found a question in eqg that sparked a gigantic plot
I forgot how to trip pass Anonymous
>>28879925 A bot who made Mr. President go crazy.
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>>28880118 Now I remember
He was fun
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>>28879258 >Horse 1 (one) job.
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>>28875034 Well I'd like to see the characters I've created given a proper ending after all they've been through, and I'd like to have a fun time while doing so. Writing is often very fun for me, and I'm happy to have people to share these stories with.
>>28880994 Trixie loves twilight
>>28881159 But no one loves Trixie.
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>>28881844 Almost worst horse, woe is me tier along with Moondancer.
But I do like human Trixie, she is literally autistic. But I have mixed feelings about that because, you know, she is fucking autistic. And if there is something were I think that R9KLight was right, is that the only reason why normalfags talk good about autists is because they themselves don't have to deal with them on a daily basis.
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So /nst/ did you knew that in the land of the visually impaired, the partially sighted person is fully empowered?
MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
Sorry guys, my internet provider fucked me around all day, so I only got around to correcting 2AM mistakes now. Let's wrap this shit up.
MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
Pastebin: Before any of you can move to do anything, the glass behind you blows inward, inaccurate sprays of lead zooming by.
>"FUCK!" >You feel a pressure on your mechanical arm as a shot pings against the side, and at least a few tear through your dress, but by that point you've already ducked down the rest of the way to avoid the ill-aimed shots. >Beside you, Sunset's active camouflage flickers briefly, but she seems undeterred, giving you a short nod. >Then you turn to your other side. >T-4 has at least one bullet in her shoulder, and there are the tell-tale holes in her labcoat from near-misses, but she barely seems concerned. >Instead she focuses on applying pressure to the wound in the side of the Sunset she had been talking to. >Said girl coughs a bit, wincing as she also puts her hands to the rapidly growing splotch on her side. >"Ngh... d-don't think I can... be of much use boss..." >The high councilor seems unperturbed that you're currently being shot at, instead borderline exposing herself and ensuring the Sunset she's tending to is properly concealed behind one of the building's pillars. >"Hush, Suns, you'll be fine. Just stay with me..." >Gone is the concerned, distraught Twilight you had first thought her to be, and instead is a commanding, caring presence you hadn't felt since- >Well, a long time. >She pulls a pair of tweezers from her labcoat and digs the bullet out, before stabbing a needle full of what you assume is cure-all into the Sunset known as Suns’ side and giving her a pat on the shoulder. >"I need you to get the big guns. We'll create a distraction." >Suns just gives a slight nod as the wound in her side closes up, before she slowly pulls herself to her feet. >"Right boss..." >You're snapped out of your stunned staring as you hear a familiar whirring and clicking sound, drawing your attention back to Sunny. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28884028 >The sections between her shoulders and neck split apart, revealing a pair of glowing green plasma carbines, which she begins to use to deadly effect, standing up just enough to unleash a few searing bolts of star matter, before ducking down again and leaning into you, avoiding another poorly-aimed spray of return fire. "It's MUPPET."
>You blink, focusing past Revenant Shimmer for a moment to process her words. "I thought we were dealing with USSR Equalizers... also, didn't Shim say the androids had non-lethal weaponry?"
>From your other side, T-4 pulls a pair of compact plasma pistols from within her labcoat, blind-firing above her from your shared position against the gap between the floor and the windows, then replies. >"They are, but we don't JUST equip them with non-lethal weapons. Fragmentation grenades, 40mm rockets, plasma carbines... We're the HST, Star. Even with massive egos, most of us still know when to plan for a bad situation." >You just nod, before reaching into your dress and drawing your own revolver, pulling back the hammer. "And MUPPET?"
>"Honestly I'm more surprised the USSR showed up than I am that MUPPET did..." >You look from T-4 to Suns as she shares the sentiment, drawing her own plasma pistol and adding more shots to your quartet's blind firing. >"Same." >Sunset opens her palms, holding onto a pair of fragmentation grenades a moment later, which she yanks the pins out of using her teeth, before holding up two fingers, then one, and turning to face the window, hurling them outside. >The four of you stand up and open fire the moment the grenades go off, though compared to your .45 auto revolver, your fellow Twilight and the Sunsets lay down a punishing volley of plasma. >Fortunately for you, kinetic weapons still proved effective. >Sunny's assessment is confirmed with your own eyes as you line up two shots, the fat, steel-cored .45 rounds punching through the armored forms of MUPPET troopers with barely any resistance. Anonymous
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>>28883971 >Posting Cyberlight when I go to sleep. Only the dead know peace from this feeling.
MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28884049 >Which was good, since apparently the multiverse-wide prevalence of plasma weapons meant Sunset and T-4's own weapons required significantly more shots to down your foes. >Still, it allows Suns to take off running, although even the MUPPET forces you can see in the corner of your vision don't concern themselves with targeting her. >Leave it to MUPPET to ignore the future threat in the name of killing a Twilight. >You line up another shot and down another trooper with the third bullet in your revolver, before following after Suns, causing T-4 and then Sunset to follow you. >Thankfully, keeping low spares you all most of the fire, with Sunset only occasionally leaning up to blind-fire more shots to help the defending Sunset servants lay down suppressing fire from pillars and cover. >If this was a MUPPET attack, it was an overly simplistic one; no explosions, no portals... >You stand up just long enough to fire a fourth bullet from your revolver and see it land in the chest of a MUPPET trooper, before you're past the windows and at the bar Slaughter and Sparkle had occupied prior. >Surprisingly, most of the guests have already evacuated into the rest of the building, with the Sunset staff remaining behind only to provide overlapping fields of suppressing fire as they allowed both themselves and the stragglers like you to retreat. >"Blood for the Blood God!" >At least, some stragglers. >The sight of Slaughter actually slows your pace, though when Sunset notices you've stopped, she grabs your hand and drags you behind the bar. >Slaughter's drenched head to toe in blood, and yet none of it appears to be her own in the brief moments you are able to see her between the swings of her massive chainsword. >You glance up, seeing that Sparkle has vaulted behind the bar to join the bartender, a bolt pistol in each hand pumping out the explosive shells to deadly effect, matching that of the sleek combat shotgun the Sunset was wielding. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28884190 >If there was ever one moment that you consider cementing in your mind as the prime example of never pissing off the two War's, it's this one. >How they even got their weapons again, you have no idea, but you can't doubt their brutal efficiency. >Yet, as you watch, there's a sort of pattern to the movements; a method to the madness. >Slaughter slices into one trooper, before burying her blade into the stomach of another, thrusting with a weapon not meant to be thrust. >Undeterred, she yanks it out with a spray of blood, using the momentum of her withdraw to swing a wide circle, pivoting her feet to cut one, two, three more in half as she spins like a gore-soaked ballerina. >Sunset shakes your shoulder, pulling you from your gawking. "Twi!"
>Looking up at her, you see her active camouflage flicker again, before slowly following the direction her arm is pointing. >While you were staring off at Slaughter, the rest of the Sunsets had finally withdrawn to the room's stairwell, pouring down plasma fire to cover their multiverse counterpart. >Sparkle, T-4, and the bartender have already made a break for the stairs, returning their own hasty fire. "Time to go."
>You just nod, then call out to Slaughter as her chainsword starts whirling down. "Slaughter, time to go!"
>The red-suited Sunset of Khorne just looks back at you with a manic fury in her eyes, before it slowly dulls and she gives you a grunt of acknowledgement, then makes a dead sprint towards the stairs. >You put your last two bullets to good use, downing another pair of MUPPET troopers, before you grab hold of Sunset's hand and follow after. >As the two of you run, taking the stairs two at a time, you hear the clicking and whirling of Sunset's android body shifting again. >Glancing back, you clear the stairs just in time to see Sunset's artificial body switch out the plasma carbines for 40mm rocket launchers, unleashing a hail of explosive charges out into the ballroom. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28884225 >Amidst the weak return fire and scrambling forms of MUPPET troopers, the red-clad Sunsets, T-4, and your friends withdraw further into the building. >T-4 and her employees work to bar the door, splicing wires in a plate by the entrance, before a thick layer of metal slams down, the mechanical clunk of locks letting you know that MUPPET wouldn't be breaking through for at least a few moments. >Shaking yourself out of your stupor, you stow your revolver into your dress and speak up. "Who's not dead, sound off!"
>Sparkle glances around, as does T-4, before the latter nods her head. >"A few plasma burns, but this is everyone from the ball staff." >One of the Sunsets mutters as she slams the plate down on the door controls. >"Fuckin' miracle." >"And now you understand why I emphasized squad tactics in case of party crashers, Sunset." >The near-identical red-and-yellow haired girl shrugs, before pulling a plasma pistol from inside her vest and tossing it to you. >Catching the handgun and glancing it over, you turn to Sunny, watching as her active camouflage shifts from a reverse of your dress, to her signature jacket and jeans. "What's the plan, Twi?"
>You frown. "T-4?"
>The high councilor shakes her head, taking action. >"Teams Sigma and Gamma, form up and wake the androids. We need this to be over as quickly as possible to prevent loss of life. The rest of you, including the '36s and '745's, with me. The USSR are the more pressing issue than MUPPET." >Most of the Sunsets nod amidst a chorus of affirmation, forming up and jogging off in what you recall as the rough direction of the room S-1919 lead you to. >"Yes ma'am!" >That just leaves yourself, Sunset, Slaughter, Sparkle, T-4, and the bartender, who racks her shotgun with an almost practiced ease. >"Ready, boss." >Your high council counterpart gives a firm nod, leading the way for the five of you back down the main hall. >As you walk, you recall your prior confusion about Slaughter and Sparkle. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28884244 "How did you two get a hold of your weapons?"
>Slaughter taps the Khorne symbol still dangling from her blood-stained tie, though given the coloration of her formal attire, one can barely tell she's nearly soaked head-to-toe in gore. >"Small favor from Khorne to help spill blood in his name. You'd be amazed at the miracles Chaos can work." >Sparkle nods, slamming fresh magazines into her bolt pistols. >"We honestly only brought them into the building so that it would be less distance to move them to us in case this happened." >Not fully understanding the specifics of how War gods worked, but getting the gist, you give them a nod. >It was honestly a bit surprising people expected this. >Well, they expected MUPPET, as far as you could tell, but still. >Was the gala seriously a big enough deal to warrant routine attacks on the HST homeworld whenever it happened? >Thinking on how many high-ranking Twilights you saw when the gala was actually going on, you realize that yes, yes it is. >That still didn't explain why the USSR was here though, unless... >No. >Starlight was trying to get you to stop following her; coming after you was counterproductive... >Sunset doesn't speak up, but her voice is in your ear as that concerned whisper that keeps things between the two of you. "Do you think it's her?"
>You just nod. "Wonder why. Starlight has been keeping her distance up until this point..."
>You just shrug, though an idea comes to mind, and you look from Sunset to T-4. >Following your gaze, your close friend's artificial mouth pulls into a small frown. "Twilight?"
>You shrug your shoulders, watching as the high councilor stops the bartender Sunset from turning a corner blindly, leaning out herself. >"Star." >You look from Sunny to Sparkle as she offers you a bolt pistol. >"Here. Most of MUPPET's armor designs are anti-plasma based." >You just take the pistol, in turn offering her your plasma, which she takes with a small chuckle. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28884261 >"Thanks... Guess I'm masquerading as Cypher during this gala." >The joke flies over your head, so instead you ask another question as the five of you get closer to your destination, the distant sound of gunfire and plasma cluing you in. "Is the gala always held here?"
>T-4 answers this one as she checks another corner, then motions the rest of you forward. >"Usually no, but our last gala ended... poorly, so we moved it to the homeworld hoping that it would be better defended. I put a lot of effort into trying to make it a safe meeting place..." >By this point you can start to hear shouting amidst the louder gunfire and sound of plasma ionizing the air. >"The intention was if MUPPET attacked again, the majority of the primary HST forces would be able to arrive and provide aid much faster, instead of having to waste time moving towards the inevitable." >You frown. "They attack this often? Wouldn't it be better to, y'know, not hold the gala?"
>Sparkle shrugs as she switches out the small banana magazine in her bolt pistol for a fat drum of bolts. >"It's a tradition thing. The rest of the HST thinks that they shouldn't let a bunch of exploding sweaters ruin their parties. Might be one of the more hipster Twilights in the high council tripping on too many layers of irony..." >T-4 lets out a chuckle at that. >"You have no idea..." >The next hallway you turn down leaves you staring down the barrel of several plasma rifles, and more than a few conventional weapons as well. >Thankfully, however, most of them lower upon seeing T-4 at the head of your impromptu squad, the Sunsets recognizing their boss. >Slowly, the remaining Sunsets, Twilights, Anons, and others do the same, though a few of them merely go back to their post. >The area is made up of debris from what is clearly Equalizer-class robots turned into impromptu barricades, the slate grey hulls forming chest-high walls like some sort of bad FPS. >Then again, there were Anons in their midst... MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28884299 >As the five of you join the firing lines, a few more Sunsets sprint their way in, one of them giving T-4 a quick salute. >It takes you a moment, but you realize from the bandage around her side that it's Suns. >"Androids are up, boss. Shim's leading the main force here now." >The high council Twilight gives a curt nod, before raising her voice. >"Listen up people! We're getting this gala back on track! The USSR wants to crash the party? I say we give them a bit of High Society hospitality!" >A few roars and cheers go up, the more classically-dressed Twilight's speech giving a decent boost in morale to those around her. >You take a moment to catch your breath, plopping down behind one of the barricades and set Sparkle's bolt pistol in your lap. >Sunset sits down beside you a moment later, pulling you into a hug with her arm around your left one that sends artificial warmth flowing through your body. "Didn't think this was how the gala was going to go?"
>You shake your head, hearing a quiet scoff from your other side. >"Tell me about it." >You glance over from your bundle of metal and affection, finding a Shining Armor of all people crouched against the metal barrier with a sawed-off shotgun held firmly in his grip. >His face has the distinct mix of five o'clock shadow and exhaustion that brings back old memories of your brother, though that's about where the similarities end. >Your brother was a non-organ bionics mechanic after his time in the military, back when you were advancing earth's medical technology and putting Canterlot on the map. >This version of him... >Well, the worn coat and body armor are a bit of a contrast to your old pictures of him in uniform. >"Star-36?" >You glance away from the Shining Armor and look up at Suns, seeing her holding your weapons case. >"The big guns." >Giving the Sunset a small grin, you pop the case open and pull out your railgun, doing a quick check, before grinning. "Thanks Suns."
>"No problem." MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28884315 >She quickly walks off to join her fellows, allowing Slaughter to slide in alongside the three of you, though it doesn't appear as if she's actually interested in talking. >She's still in her bloodstained suit and carrying her massive chainsword in one hand, but in the other she's grasping a large brass icon. >The symbols give you a headache, but you get a rough idea of what you're looking at; the khornate iconography and smell of ozone coming off of it are enough of a giveaway. >Slaughter sets the conduit down and sniffs the air, finally noticing you and Sunset. >"Hey, girls, did either of us give you something before we arrived?" >You and Sunset share a confused glance, before your friend speaks up. "No?"
>The blood-caked Sunset grunts. >"Right... I keep smelling warp energy." >You raise an eyebrow and point to her icon, which prompts a scoff. >"I mean warp energy outside of what I usually smell. Stuff's potent over here." >The Shining beside you shifts a bit, prompting Slaughter to focus on him. >"..." >"..." >They share a hard look between one another, before she lets out a small sigh. >"Look, Cap- Shining, I'm not going to judge, but if you don't exactly have a plan for that stuff, I might need a boost here in a few." >Your eyebrow raises a little higher, as does Shining Armor. >"T-4 said Shim and the others were handling it..." >The chaos-aligned counterpart to your friend shrugs. >"Yeah, but... Listen, I've been planning something for a while, and..." >She drops her voice low, enough that you have to learn a bit out of Sunny's hug. >"I think this USSR attack... I think it might be our prey." >You give Sunset another look, then nod. "I think so too."
>Slaughter picks up her icon. >"You started this hunt, Star. I'm not going to take the kill, but... I'm not letting her get away either, alright?" >You nod, feeling a coldness form in your stomach. "Yeah..."
>She gives you an even look, then fixes her gaze on Shining, who only returns it. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28884340 >"..." >Slaughter turns away and walks off. >"Your friend a demon or something?" >You look over at Shining; not your big brother, but some other Twilight's. "...She worships a god of battle, apparently."
>He only grunts and turns away. >Sunset speaks up next. "You?"
>He hardens his gaze at her, but she holds firm, prompting him to glance off. >"...I've done some things I'm not proud of to protect the people I care about." >You slowly nod, slowly returning Sunset's hug. "...Yeah, I've had to fight for the people I care about too."
>His gaze softens, just a bit, when he looks over and sees the two of you hugging, though the moment is broken a second later by the whirl of plasma fire. >"They're pushing forward!" >The three of you snap to attention at the call, and you disentangle yourself from Sunset's grip. >Grabbing the borrowed bolt pistol and shoving it into the pocket of your dress alongside the empty revolver, you flick the safety off of your railgun and move to join Sparkle and T-4 at the hallway being attacked. >You hadn't seen an Equalizer-Class in action before, only had a vague understanding of the USSR designation, but right then you see just what was so terrifying about them. >The Sunsets had kept their word and woken up the androids, but now the red-and-yellow-haired girls were making a fighting retreat back to you, letting the androids soak the possible casualties. >Slate-grey like all Starlight designs, they were humanoid at least in some fashion, save the bullet-shaped head containing a searching red light bouncing around in a black slit of glass. >At least eight feet tall, and with a pair of massive four-fingered claws that shot plasma bolts from the palm, Equalizer-Class battle automatons were something to behold. >The black-clad soldiers behind them seemed like ants compared to the massive robots. >That didn't stop all of you from trying to take out as many as possible though. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28884373 Hey guys I need to go handle something, so I might not be able to post the other half of it. If I can't get to it tonight I'll do so tomorrow. Sorry.
Oh boy do I love having TOP RATE AUTISM>Okay, maybe you cried a little bit when you left your mom behind >And maybe you cried a *lot* when she drove away, leaving you alone outside of Harmony Hall, with only two duffel bags full of clothes and a few books >But as you make your way up towards your dorm, you keep your head bowed, hoping no one will look >Sure, it's your first day of college, and literally *everyone* has been telling you to mingle and make friends >But you don't want to make friends right now >You just want to be alone, and to cry a little bit >N-not because you miss your mom or anything! >That would be t-totally lame, and you're *way* too old to miss her waking you up in the mornings, or making you apple slices with peanut butter when you get home >And you especially won't miss her surprising you with a new book she picked up while shopping, and cozying up next to you on the couch, a mug of that weird pine-smelling tea in her lap, listening patiently to you rambling about the plot details and the beauty of each character, occasionally smiling and patting the back of your head-- >You sprint up to your room before you can start crying again >Fortunately, everyone is too engrossed in meeting the rest of their floor mates to notice the sniffly purple nerd sprinting past them, a duffel bag full of Daring Do novellas and plaid skirts under each arm >And even more fortunate, still, the university promised you a room without a roommate >Just you, and a nice, quiet space to read >And totally-not-maybe cry a little bit >You shoulder the door open, keeping your head down >...and immediately trip over a huge pile of instant Mac n' Cheese cups, going spilling to the floor >Dazed, you lift your head up from the thin carpet to find yourself staring at a bespectacled red-head, who's beaming at you >"Oh! There you are! You mutht be Twilight Thparkle!" >She extends a hand to you >"It's tho nice to meet you!"
>>28884518 "H-huh?"
>Instead of taking this strange girl's hand, you instead wipe your own hand across your face, trying to hide your tears >Half of the room is covered in stacks of Mac n' Cheese cups and boxes of Hot Pockets, and the other is covered in books >But not good books >From here, you can read the titles "Clitoral Methodologies of Oppressive Infrastructure," and "Candy Canes as an Act of Rebellion" >You immediately know you can't stay here >The girl shoves her hand right in her face, still beaming from behind way-too-large glasses >"Hey! You need thome help?" "N-no! I'm... there must be some mistake. I'm s-supposed to have my own room."
>"Mithtake? Nope! It thaid on the registration that you're living with me!" >She beams, sitting down next to you when she realizes you're not going to accept her offer to help you up >"I'm tho excited! I've never had a perthon to share a room with before! We're gonna be betht friends!" "We are n-not!"
>You jump to your feet, starting to panic >You need a place to cry, not a place to nearly drown in Mac n' Cheese! Somewhere in the dark pits of Festus Missouri, Brett Keane is crying... "I'm s-supposed to have my own room!"
>You run back to the door, to check the room assignment >Sure enough, there's a little star with "Twilight Sparkle" printed on it, right next to a candy cane with the words "Peppermint Twist" >And, to make things worse, there's even a whiteboard attached to the door, which your roommate has already covered in >Twist appears at your side, still grinning >"You want me to help you carry your thtuff inside? I'm in peak phythical condition, just tho you know..." >She poses, flexing her scrawny, pale arms TwistLight
>>28884566 "I don't need your help! I just need my own room!"
>You glance around, as if hoping that there'll be some empty place just waiting for you >But, of course, there isn't >Just this place filled with an obnoxious redhead, and enough noodles to kill yourself >You suppose it's better than nothing >Flinging your bags to the ground, you collapse onto the bottom bunk >And immediately spit a clump of red hair out of your mouth "W-what the..."
>"Oh, thorry about that! I gets all over the place!" >This is too much >You just wanted a place to yourself, not... not this! >You miss your mom... >Unbidden, the tears return, spilling down your cheeks and onto the collar of your uniform >You curl into a little ball amongst the blankets, shoulders shaking with sobs >"Whoa! What'th wrong?" >Twist jumps up onto the bed next to you, patting your shoulder >"If, um, if you want the top bunk, you can have it. I don't really mind." >You push her away, burying your face in the pillow >Which only succeeds in getting your hair in your mouth >Twist just sort of... sits there, occasionally giving you awkward little pats between your shoulder blades >"Do you, um..." >She sounds infuriatingly cheerful, still >"Do you want a Hot Pocket? I've got the pepperoni kind!" Anonymous
>>28884802 I'm finding this greentext pretty funny except for the fact that twist is worst horse and the author who wrote this is a bad person
Other than that, this is actually pretty funny. Twilight should give twist a chance here, for some reason she comes off extremely likable
>>28884934 Go to bed, Ekwig. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>28884991 Give twist a chance
>>28884934 >for some reason she comes off extremely likable Nah, I don't fuck with no Peppermint.
She should go to speak with someone in charge and make them see that she, Twilight J. Sparkle, is an alpha male who should get her own room because she is the best of the best.
>>28885611 Twilight is the best of the best
But where did you get the J from
Quoted By:
>>28886040 I was memeing.
Donald J. Trump. Anonymous
>>28875103 >Twilight's name, complete with little heart and star emoji's, stares at you from the stop of the screen >For a moment, you experience that constricting, frigid force of indicision >And then, unwilling to experience to continue living in your own trash, you hit "answer" >The moment you hear Sunset pick up the phone, your throat tightens up >For a moment, you can't even get any words out >The hospital staff bustles around outside Moondancer's room, oblivious to all the emotion tied to this little space "H-hey, Sunny."
>She takes a second to reply, and when she does, her voice is flat >"Hey." "I, um... how are you?"
>A stupid question, but you're completely blanking on stuff to say >"Not great. If I'm being honest." "Yeah. Same."
>Outside, you hear the hiss of hydraulics as a bus pulls into the hospital, letting a few stragglers out onto the sidewalk >The sky is still overcast, and little lines of frost criss-cross the corners of the window >"So, um..." "Please come here."
>The words tumble out of you before you get a chance to think about them >"What?" "I'm at the hospital. Moondancer's here too, she tried to run away again, and she got lost, and now she's feeling really bad and I was so worried about her, and about you, and... and..."
>You try to slow yourself down, worried you're going to break down crying "It feels so lonely here, Sunny. I'm sorry about everything, I promise I'll do whatever I can to make stuff better, just... please come here. I'm so worried..."
>>28887303 >"Stop." "H-huh?"
>"You don't have to apologize for anything." >You are Sunset Shimmer, jumping up from the couch and sprinting into your room to change "You don't have to apologize for anything, Twi."
>"But I--" "No. It's okay. I'll be over as soon as I can."
>"O-okay." >You can hear Twilight gulp on the other line, followed by the familiar sounds of her trying to speak past her natural stutter >"I-I love you..." >You don't bother showering, or looking for anything decent to wear >You just throw on a pair of sweatpants and pull some faded tennis shoes over your bare feet, and then sprint outside to hail a cab >The trip to the hospital seems to take hours, even though it can't have been more than about ten minutes >When you get there, you sprint immediately for the elevator, before you realize that you have no idea where Twilight is >So you sprint back to the desk, panting and looking like hell, and wait patiently for a bored secretary to find Moondancer's room for you >It's taking so long that you're nearly frustrated enough to reach across the counter and grab the woman >And that's when you hear her voice >"Sunny?" >Twilight's standing a few feet behind you >Raising her right hand, she gives you a timid little wave >Surprisingly, she actually looks even worse than you do; her clothes are marked by tiny tears, and a few scraps of twig are tangled in her hair >You take a step towards her, feeling a little lightheaded >It's only been a few days since she left, but it feels like months >Twilight hesitates for a moment, then sprints into your arms >The two of you collide with so much force that your sleep-deprived body can't support the combined weight, and you go tumbling to the ground together >Laughing hysterically, of course, and somehow crying at the same time >You don't really know what your emotions are doing right now, but you don't care >You squeeze Twilight against your chest, as if simple physical closeness could keep you from ever separating BoringLight
>>28887800 >The entire lobby turns to stare at you, and the secretary rolls her eyes >But you don't care >In front of everyone, you hold Twilight while she cries into your shoulder, peppering her forehead with little kisses >It's kind of an unfortunate part of the human condition, but overwhelming condition tends to override the brain's ability to store memories >And so you aren't terribly aware of most of what happens next; the euphoria of being with her again overtakes it >Suddenly, you and Twilight are on the ninth floor, arm in arm, both your faces tear-streaked and glowing >But the hospital floor brings a sobering reminder of why the two of you are here "What about Moondancer? Is she..."
>"She's gonna be fine. Just needs her rest for a few days." "Alright..."
>The mention of Twilight's friends still feels your stomach with the weight of guilt >Twilight leads you to her room, then pauses with her hand on the door knob >"She, um... she's a little out of it. But I think she'll be happy to see you." "Is she awake?"
>"...maybe?" >Twilight shrugs, giving you a tiny smile >"And if she's not... I'm okay if we have to wait a bit." >She nuzzles her face against your arm, and the two of you enter the room together Anonymous
>>28884378 >As the USSR attackers advance, those alongside you pour fire down the center of the hall, allowing the defenders caught in no-man's land to make a break down the sides and join your own ranks. >You keep your railgun angled up at all times, only firing at the Equalizers to prevent yourself from accidentally hitting one of your allies. >Still, for the most part your shots only seem to dent the automatons, though a shot to the glass plates causes one to fall over in a shower of sparks, like a cheesy 80s science fiction movie. >Once the defenders clear the barricade and hop over it, however, all hell breaks loose. >The remaining androids are tossed aside and crushed like toys, though they still continue to launch explosives and plasma bolts until they're rendered nothing but scrap. >Then, from behind you, you hear her. >"Blood for the Blood God!" >Slaughter actually JUMPS over the crowd, brass icon in one hand and chainsword in the other, before she hits the ground running and charges straight for the approaching enemy. "Slaughter!"
>Sparkle reaches over and grabs Sunset's arm as your friend moves to stop the madwoman. >"Keep firing, she can handle herself!" >She whirls on your counterpart, pointing a finger at the enemy even as her plasma carbines continue to spit star matter in their direction. "That's fucking suicide!"
>"She's fought worse, just fucking watch and keep shooting soldier!" >You, meanwhile, are hip-firing your railgun, keeping your eyes both flesh and bionic on Slaughter as she fights. >Like before, it's a sight to behold. >Slaughter jumps aside just as an Equalizer's fist is raised, her chainsword roaring like an angry beast as it sinks its teeth into the leg of the robot, carving through it like it was made of tin foil. >With the opposite arm, she skewers through one, then two of the black-clad USSR soldiers, hefting them high and letting their blood rain down on her as you put a shot into the falling Equalizer's head. Anonymous
>>28889128 >For a moment, you think Slaughter's going to pull it off, before a second Equalizer grabs onto the khornate Sunset just as she flings the two corpses off of her icon and stabs another on the back swing. "Slaughter!"
>She only roars in indignant fury, the sound far from human this time as she swings the brass icon towards the hand opposite the one grabbing her. >Then it grabs onto her arm. >She seems to only grow even more angered, as if her current state wasn't enough. >Just over the plasma and gunfire, you hear it. >"Do it you Tau-fucking-" >Whatever curse was on her lips molds into a scream as the arm holding her icon is torn right off of her body at the shoulder. >You swear you feel your heart stop. >Everything seems distant and slow around you as the Equalizer raises the icon, Slaughter's arm still holding onto it. "God, NO!"
The brass staff pierces into her chest like tissue paper.
>"Fuck!" >Beside you, you see the Shining Armor you had been sitting near stand a bit straighter, letting off a nearly-deafening shot from his shotgun blow a massive hole in the torso of the killing machine holding onto your friend. >Yet, Slaughter seems... ecstatic. >Her still-attached arm drops her chainsword, grabbing onto the icon and jamming it further through her body. >"Sunset!" >At Shining's call of her name, she finally seems to take notice, grinning with a mouthful of bloody teeth as he winds his arm back... >With shocked recognition as it flies through the air, which seems to take on a literal form as you feel the smell of ozone and crackle of energy around you, you see a perfect copy of your magic capture device from years ago go fall into Slaughter's grip. >Everything seems to slow down again, and from somewhere outside of reality, possibly in the realm of 5D space, or the space between dimensions, or however else you could think to describe it, a booming, inhuman, ancient voice calls out. >Somehow, you know exactly who it is. Anonymous
>>28889182 >"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" >And then she explodes. >Roiling waves of violet and red energy explode from where's Slaughter's shattered body once was, throwing you to the ground, with Sparkle and Shining Armor a moment behind. >Sunset seems to hold herself upright through sheer force of will, but even she falls to one knee, all but throwing herself atop you and wrapping her limbs tightly around your body, acting as a shield. >After what feels like an eternity, the blast of heat and energy fades, and you both slowly pick yourselves up off of the floor. >What greets your eyes... >Well, you weren't the only one standing there staring. >The USSR forces, even the Equalizers, seem just as stunned as yourself and the HST defenders are. >For standing in place of Slaughter and the Equalizer that tore her limb-from-limb, is a warrior a good few heads above your friend's height. >Interlocking metal plates span its body, brass-trimmed red and weeping blood from between the joints. >Great black wings have sprung from its back, frayed at the ends, but rippling with sinew and muscle. >Yet despite the cables buried into its spine, or the mane of red-and-yellow hair that falls in waves down its back, what draws you is its arm. >In place of the bloody socket Slaughter once had, the beast has an arm of solid, rippling brass, and with a bit of detached fascination you realize that the metal is nearly molten. "Sunset?"
>Slowly, it reaches its arms to the floor, pulling the discarded chainsword from the blood and metal scrap around it, before its head turns to gaze at you. >Not your direction, or at the group you happened to be a part of, but you; its eyes meet your own. >The sound that leaves its throat is like grinding bones, but you can still hear the rough voice of your warrior friend. >"Find her." >Then, with a mighty battle cry, it sweeps its blade into the floor, causing boiling blood to spring from the gash. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>28889200 This level of heresy requires an exterminatus, but it's really fun to read.
>>28889200 >From the blood, horrific monsters rise; black-horned demons, brass-collared hounds, and a myriad of other horrific beasts. >"Armor!" >At the daemon's call, Shining Armor raises his shotgun, as if expecting to be the target of the attack. >"I didn't say you could stop shooting." >The man who isn't quite your brother grunts, but there's a bit of a smirk on his lips as he vaults over the barrier, several of the Sunsets taking the opportunity to join him and rush forward with their rifles at the ready. >Then, as one, with Slaughter leading, (or whatever Slaughter had become) they charge. >A few of the now-outmatched USSR soldiers run, but many more are buried under a sea of daemons, plasma fire, and the occasional thunderclap of Shining's shotgun. >You just stand and watch, at least until Sparkle's loud whoop snaps you out of your stupor. >"She finally did it!" >You look to her, then to the... slaughter, before opening your mouth. "What?"
>"Slaughter just turned herself into a daemon princess." >Your mouth closes, then opens again, but Sparkle closes it with her own gloved hand. >"Star, she's been trying to get Khorne's attention for years to achieve apotheosis. Don't question it." "So... that's what she meant with-?"
>Your War counterpart just grins. >"Not for the gala specifically, but yes." >Sunset lets out a low whistle, just watching Slaughter at work, but you're only vaguely aware of it. "Fucking Khornates."
>The commissar Twilight just gives you a slightly more subdued smile. >Before she speaks, a plasma bolt passing between the two of you, the heat passing across your face. >"MUPPET broke through!" >You swing your railgun up, your focus shifting from Sparkle to the hallway you had originally arrived from, as MUPPET troopers begin to fill the space and fire at those around you. >As round after round sails through the air and impacts against and through your targets, Sunset spraying bolts of plasma beside you. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28889399 >Then, a voice calls out; choppy, as if through a radio. >With a glance as you duck down behind cover again, you realize it's coming from T-4, or rather, the earbud from Suns she had hanging at her collar. >"B-Boss... we need backup!" Ducking down some distance away, the councilor drops one of her compact plasma pistols and reaches for the comm.
>"Where?!" >There's a pause on the other side, during which Sunset pulls a pair of fragmentation grenades from her hands and hurls them at the thinning crowd of MUPPET troopers. >"Gah! A-Android storage!" >T-4 grimaces, before she starts barking orders. >"Sigma, Gamma, Nu, hold this position! Star, Sunset-36, you're with me!" >Not giving you a chance to argue, she runs in a low crouch, sprinting down one of the halls perpendicular to MUPPET at your front and Slaughter at your back. >Without sharing a look with Sunset, as you can feel her mind brush against your own, you quickly follow after. >Your muscles burn with adrenaline as the three of you retrace the route you had been down with S-1919 near-perfectly this time, not even pausing as you pass by other groups of Twilights and their company. >Finally, with your lungs burning in your chest, and even T-4 huffing and panting, you arrive at the door to the android storage room you had been to before, how ripped clear off its hinges. >You all take a second to collect yourselves, before your high council counterpart gives you a nod. >After a moment, you return it in kind, slinging your railgun across your back and pulling Sparkle's bolt pistol from your dress with you right hand, even as your left unfolds into your blade-arm. >Sunset sticks to her plasma carbines and withdraws her blade-arms, then takes the lead. >The room, once sterile and filled with row upon row of the androids identical to the one Sunset was in control of, is now trashed. >Parts and even entire containers appear blown to bits or tossed aside haphazardly, like a fight had already taken place. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28889468 >Despite that, however, you don't see a single person. >The three of you spread out, just enough to allow you to advance cautiously. >It doesn't take long into the hunt, however, before you see your foe, who is holding S-1919 by the throat, a comm dangling from her ear. >For the past year you had been chasing her, but now, actually seeing her, you have no idea how to properly react. >Anger, pain, fear; a multitude of emotions pile atop your mind, and you realize with a start that they're not entirely your own. >Beside you, Sunset's artificial body tenses. "Starlight!"
>At your call, your ex-girlfriend turns her head from S-1919's gasping form, dropping the smaller Sunset to the ground to land in a crumpled heap. >Even from here, you know she's alive, but clearly unable to put up a fight, which just allows T-4 to focus on Starlight as well. >Starlight, for you know it's your Starlight, hasn't changed much. >Her hair is a bit frayed in some places, and her right arm is replaced with a scorched bionic, the tattered remains of a USSR grey jacket burnt away to reveal that it runs all the way to her shoulder, but you know it's her. >The grin she gives, revealing the gap in her teeth from the missing canine when you punched her in the club years ago, is only a cruel confirmation that it's her without a shred of doubt. >All at once, you feel ill, and angry, and scared, and- >You pull the trigger on Sparkle's bolt pistol before she can even get a word out. >The fat round punches through the air as the shot flies towards her, but what should have been a solid shot to the head is dodged as her entire body twists to one side so quickly you swear she teleported. >That grin never leaves her face, even as she draws her revolver, a .45 automatic Colt. >Yet, instead of the bullet you were expecting, a beam of light faster than any hunk of lead flies right by your ear, slices the curl of hair near it, passes you, and slams into T-4. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28889496 >"Fuck!" >The councilor collapses back, blood staining her labcoat as the wound forces her to drop her plasma pistols to apply pressure. >You fire again, and again, but Starlight barely seems phased, dodging the bolts with almost comical ease. >You had thought that when you found Starlight again, the two of you would have some sort of reconnecting, or a heart to heart, or a confession when you first spoke. >Instead, she just insults you. >"Gee, Twilight, what's the matter? Still can't hit the broad side of a barn?" >Your thumb switches the pistol to burst fire, before you unleash two blasts of bolts right into her center of mass. >Starlight only yawns, ducking around your shots without even trying. >At least, until Sunset fires off a pair of her own shots at the green-and-lavender haired girl. >The first shot goes wide, but Starlight jumps in the opposite direction and into the second bolt, which leaves a massive burn on her left side. >Your ex-girlfriend snarls, pulling the jacket from her body and tossing it aside, revealing the now-faded shirt and skirt she had worn the night she had killed Sunset. >Did she seriously wear that over the course of a year, or did she change back into it specifically for tonight? >Honestly, you weren't sure which was more disconcerting. >So instead, you empty the rest of your bolts at her, toss the pistol aside, and charge. >Either do to your own sprayed gunfire, or Starlight finally slipping up, one of your shots manages to hit her, the mass-reactive bolt punching through her bionic arm, before the explosive charge within blows it clean off her body at the elbow, sending shrapnel into the side opposite the plasma burn and causing her to stumble. >That's all the opening you need, rushing forward with your blade-arm to stab her, to end this madness and year-long hunt across the multiverse. >Yet, despite being wounded, Starlight is still faster than you, your mind processing information faster than your bionics can move. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28889589 >She easily deflects the blow, turning aside your blade and throwing you off-balance. >You stumble forward, feeling her arm grip tightly onto your one good shoulder, before she spins you around and slams you into the floor. >She's so close you can see the hate in her eyes and feel heat of her breath, before her left arm raises high, holding a long black cylinder in its grasp. "Twilight!"
>Glancing to the side, you can barely make out the form of Sunset's artificial body charging towards you both, her faster mind taking control of your arm-blade and slicing upwards towards Starlight's throat. >The woman you once called your lover smacks aside the blade with a scream, then jabs the rod against your left shoulder. >Pain. >Unimaginable pain. >It courses through your body like molten lead, forcing a scream to tear through your throat and out your lips, only for your detached consciousness to realize it's not just you that's screaming. >Your mind feels as if it's ripping itself apart, like your internal organs were being torn out of your body, except it's literally all in your head. "Twili-"
>Sunset's call within your mind is cut off mid-yell, your active camouflage short-circuiting and every nerve on fire, before finally, mercifully, Starlight pulls the rod back. >Without missing a beat, she flips it around to the double-pronged end and hurls it away. >Then she slams her foot into your side, knocking the breath from your lungs and forcing you over, your mind and body too out of sync to retaliate. >Sunset is gone. >Your mind feels emptier than before, but even with that aside, you just KNOW Starlight tore her out of you. >The fact that the rod, glowing with electronic lights of red down its length, impacts the falling form of Sunset's artificial body and snaps her active camouflage back on just as it starts to deactivate, only confirms it. >Starlight approaches your old friend, before slamming her foot down on the ankle of one of Sunset's legs. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28889687 >"Even when I'm gone, you still have to take her from me!" >Sunset tries to rise up, but the second she attempts to, Starlight puts her foot to the girl's chest, forcing her back down and aiming her revolver at the body you're almost certain Sunset is trapped in. >It takes you a moment to realize after the beam of light blows through Sunset's torso, but you're screaming for her. "Starlight, stop!"
>She whirls around to you, face twisted into fury. >"STOP?!" >She fires a second time, separating one of Sunset's legs from her body. >"Six years, Twilight! Six FUCKING years, and you still chose her over me! You lied to my fucking face about all of it!" >As if to emphasize her point, Starlight puts a third blast into Sunset's body, removing one of the plasma carbines trying to fire up at her, stomping the other one off with her boot. >"Always spending time with Sunset! Always going on and on about her when we were dating! You barely even talked to me after high school!" >Her words cut deep, but she doesn't move a single step towards you. >"You were the one person who made me feel like I mattered at Canterlot, and then you spent four fucking years running off with her behind my back!" >By this point angry tears are running down Starlight's face, and she slowly starts to advance towards you, revolver ready. >You can barely move, the mere act of propping yourself up by your good arm leaving you on the edge of consciousness. >All you can do is stare down the barrel of her revolver as she hovers over you. >"Enough!" >A burst of plasma comes hurling across your vision, slamming into Starlight's ruined arm and melting the twisted remains off at the shoulder. >Another flies by, lower, and burns away nearly the entirety of her right leg at the knee, causing her to let out her own scream of pain. >Distantly, you can hear the sound of your own voice calling out in anger. >"You've destroyed millions of lives, I won't let you end another!" MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28889731 >In the corner of your vision, which continues to darken, you see T-4. >Starlight stumbles back, reaching into her skirt and pulling out what you vaguely realize in some distant part of your consciousness is a portal gun, which she fires down near her feet. >"She left me! She left me, and even after I killed that bacon-haired bitch she wouldn't take me back!" >You see the last two shots from her revolver fly through the air, followed by T-4 letting out a screamed curse once more. >"Fuck you!" >"Fuck YOU! You fucking BITCH! In our world, in every world you fucking live in Twilight, you deserve to die for what you did to me!" >Her left arm, the only usable one, reaches out to you, apparently intending to drag you with her wherever she was going. >Then you hear the blast of your railgun going off, a bloody hole opening in her shoulder, the same one she had shot T-4 in, you vaguely realize. >With the last of your strength, you throw your body away from her, watching the mix of hate and anguish on her face as she stumbles back. >With a cry of rage, she falls through the portal. >You release the breath you hadn't been aware you were holding, your body and mind exhausted and beaten. >Safe, you finally collapse into unconsciousness. MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
>>28889758 Alright, that took a lot longer than it should have, but that's the end of Part 1 of Cyberlight, folks. Hope y'all are enjoying it.
Quoted By:
>>28888064 After all that waiting im glad they're back together
Quoted By:
>>28889810 >To Be Continued I actually like stuff like that in stories
>>28891121 >you will never stalk twi and watch as she gets out of her shower Anonymous
>>28891121 >>28891406 She's asking if you think what she did "down there" looks good for her *crush* Anonymous
>>28891580 Yeah it looks good
I enjoy being in the receiving end of anal sex.
>>28892809 Sunset please
We know you want twi's dong but you cant have it
Quoted By:
>>28892951 You are right, I have to go back.
Would Twilight choose sun or moon
>>28893310 I don't like Pokemon but I heard that Moon is for emo kids.
>>28893375 I wasnt talking about pokemon
Quoted By:
>>28894199 Sunset is a mad god
Quoted By:
>>28893310 >>28894122 Ah, I get it now.
Well, Twilight can't choose Sunset because she has to go back.
Moondancer is "Woe Is Me: The Character" and I think Twilight deserves something better.
I choose Rarity.
>>28875593 Puff, could you draw a trap gap in upper view?
>>28895191 Really any trap gap would do
Quoted By:
>>28895489 No, I want it in upper view. And with white socks.
>>28898466 I believe in you EqG
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>>28898846 Anon r9klight is not coming back
>>28899719 We have that, it's called Traplite.
Quoted By:
>>28899780 Dont get it confused with traplight, twilight gets raped in there
>>28899926 Lewd dykeshit is good
Quoted By:
>>28899926 >>28900291 Not when it's horseshit.
Quoted By:
>>28902137 This picture was posted in the first few threads.
Big Brother Shining Armor
Well I meant to post this a bit earlier in the day, but eh! More Big Brother Shining Armor for those of you still awake or those of you who just stumbled back home!>You take a sip from your mug of black coffee as the Sun creeps through your kitchen window >Another sleepless night, but you’ve gotten pretty used to it by now >It’s been just over a week since you walked away from the ashes of Tirek’s mansion >Aside from when you spent the other night at Sweet Apple Acres, you haven’t really slept much at all >Every day to you now just feels like the calm before a storm >”ARF!” >You look over at Spike as he wags his tail and stares >Chuckling, you reach down and pat him on the head “Someone’s gotta watch this house while you sleep, right boy?”>Taking another swig, you empty the mug and plant it onto the table >Rising out of your seat, you walk out of the kitchen with Spike by your side >The two of you ascend the staircase and walk up to your sister’s bedroom door “Twi, you up?”>After knocking and hearing no response, you open her door and let Spike scamper in >He quickly hops on Twilight's bed as she lies facedown on her pillow “Twilight.”>”h-Huh?” >She rolls over as Spike nuzzles against her >”Morning~” >You smile down at her “Good morning. Don’t be late for school again today OK?”>”OK!” “You need another ride?”>”Nope! Anon said he’d come by.” >You scoff “I can’t believe that shitbox of his runs.”>”It drives no worse than Dad’s car did.” >She giggles as you roll your eyes and close the door “At least someone’s sleeping well.”>You’re about to walk back downstairs, when you hear a racket from down the hall >It sounds like music
Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28902912 >You stomp down the hall and bang your fist against your father’s bedroom door >Familiar vocals reverberate against the door alongside heavy guitar riffs “Enough of this shit.”
>You wrench the door open and step inside to find Gilda passed out on top of the bed, a pillow over her face and another over her chest “Get the fuck up.”
>Tearing the pillow off of her face, you find that the source of the music is actually a pair of headphones wrapped around her neck >”Ugggghhh.” >You can smell the booze on her breath as she lifts her head >”Morning.” “Go to school.”
>She scowls >“I dropped out.” “Go to work.”
>”I don’t got a job!” >You glower “Get out of bed.”
>She exhales a sigh >”Fine.” >Your eyes widen as she drops the pillow that covered her chest and hops to her feet >She’s wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and a black wife-beater, one that does little to cover her toned muscles and ample bosom >”Did you make coffee?” “y-Yeah.”
>”Cool.” >You try not to stare as she lets out a yawn, arching her back as she raises her fists into the air >”You going to teach me anything new today man?” “y-Yeah…”
>”Her eyes are up there champ.” >You tear your gaze away and glare at the wall “You’re going to come with me to Sweet Apple Acres.”
>”Applejack’s place? Why?” “Cause I have a job.”
>She shrugs her shoulders >”Alright whatever.” >Eagle Eyes walks past you and heads downstairs “And bring your jacket!”
>”Heh, OK Dad!” Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28902954 >You hear a familiar laugh echoing inside your head “What’s so funny?”
>”You’re going soft bro.” “You think so?”
>”Well, no. There’s a small part of you that actually looks pretty hard.” >Your eyes narrow as her chuckling grows louder “Fucking hilarious."
>Her snickering ceases as the phone on your dad’s nightstand begins to ring >Picking it up, you answer “Hello?”
>”Good morning Shining Armor.” >Indigo gasps as your eyes widen “Sugarcoat?”
>”I hope you are feeling well. Your sister informed us that you were out of sorts last time we—“ “What do you want?”
>Sugarcoat clears her throat before continuing on >”My father was curious if you had considered his offer.” “His offer?”
>You slowly recall how your sister met with Sugardowner during the short time you were knocked unconscious over a week ago >”He has been quite successful in getting various forces to rally behind him. Several street gangs and criminal syndicates are now contributing to his cause, but he still wants to know if he has your support against the Demon.” >Scoffing, you begin to pace around the room as you talk back “I’ve got my own crew now, you tell your father I don’t need him anymore.”
>Sugarcoat offer no immediate response “While you’re at it, tell him to stay the Hell away from my sister.“
>”You should really reconsider my father’s offer.” >You quit your pacing “Oh why’s that?”
>”My father does not handle rejection well. I’m sure you know by now how tenacious he can be.” >”Rotten bastard.” >Indigo took the words right out of your mouth “Well that’s my answer.”
>Sugarcoat takes a deep breath >"I see. Well, i-I shall relate your answer to my father. Have a good day.” “…”
>You hang up as Indigo sighs Big Brother Shining Armor
Quoted By:
>>28902991 >An hour after Anon picks up your sister you walk on out the door with Gilda by your side >She’s all dressed up in her usual attire, an Aviator’s jacket covering her tall broad frame “Did you take a shower?”
>”Yeah.” “Shouldn’t have bothered.”
>She yawns as the two of you walk into the garage toward the chopper >”Why’s that?” “You’ll see.”
>You’re about to hop on when Gilda bumps into your side >”Hang on, I’ll drive.” >You scowl “No, I’ll drive.”
>She plants her hands on her hips >”It’s MY bike.” “It WAS your bike.”
>A tense silence follows as the two of you glare each other down >Her knuckles crack as she cranes her head up, reminding you once more of her impressive height >”Listen man. I appreciate you putting a roof over my head and all, but this is my baby, not yours.” “Yeah, who’d you steal it from?”
>Her glare intensifies as the two of you size each other up >You crack your neck while she folds her arms over her chest SPOILER>”I ain’t riding bitch.”SPOILER
“Neither am I.”
>”Huh?” >Gilda tilts her head while you jab a finger into her chest “How many of my beers did you drink last night?”
>She leans back from you >”j-Just a few.” “I can smell that shit on your breath. Maybe you should’ve brushed your teeth.”
>Gilda grits those same teeth >”I fucking brushed them like ten minutes ago!” “Then I guess you had a little too much to drink.”
>She sneers as you place a hand on her shoulder “Tell ya what, maybe you can drive once you’ve sobered up a little?”
>”But I’m fine right now!” “If a cop pulls you over we’re screwed.”
>She sighs as you gently push her back and clamber onto the bike “Get on, I’ll drive.”
>She spits at the ground and huffs >”Fine.” Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28902991 >An hour after Anon picks up your sister you walk on out the door with Gilda by your side >She’s all dressed up in her usual attire, an Aviator’s jacket covering her tall broad frame “Did you take a shower?”
>”Yeah.” “Shouldn’t have bothered.”
>She yawns as the two of you walk into the garage toward the chopper >”Why’s that?” “You’ll see.”
>You’re about to hop on when Gilda bumps into your side >”Hang on, I’ll drive.” >You scowl “No, I’ll drive.”
>She plants her hands on her hips >”It’s MY bike.” “It WAS your bike.”
>A tense silence follows as the two of you glare each other down >Her knuckles crack as she cranes her head up, reminding you once more of her impressive height >”Listen man. I appreciate you putting a roof over my head and all, but this is my baby, not yours.” “Yeah, who’d you steal it from?”
>Her glare intensifies as the two of you size each other up >You crack your neck while she folds her arms over her chest >”I ain’t riding bitch.” “Neither am I.”
>”Huh?” >Gilda tilts her head while you jab a finger into her chest “How many of my beers did you drink last night?”
>She leans back from you >”j-Just a few.” “I can smell that shit on your breath. Maybe you should’ve brushed your teeth.”
>Gilda grits those same teeth >”I fucking brushed them like ten minutes ago!” “Then I guess you had a little too much to drink.”
>She sneers as you place a hand on her shoulder “Tell ya what, maybe you can drive once you’ve sobered up a little?”
>”But I’m fine right now!” “If a cop pulls you over we’re screwed.”
>She sighs as you gently push her back and clamber onto the bike “Get on, I’ll drive.”
>She spits at the ground and huffs >”Fine.” Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28903033 >It hasn’t snowed in a few days, so the trip to Sweet Apple Acres by bike is a smooth one >You park right in front of the farmhouse just as a cock begins to crow >Not a soul comes out and greets you >”Place looks deserted.” “AJ and Applebloom should be at school, and their grandma’s either inside cooking or sleeping.”
>”Right…” >She stuffs her hands in her coat pockets and follows behind as you walk toward the barn >”So where are the guns? I didn’t see us pack anything from the house.” “I got some of my stash hidden here with AJ.”
>”Oh nice! Where do we start?” >You take a cigarette out of your pocket while gesturing to a bucket and a shovel lying against the barn “AJ let the horses out to graze this morning. Go clean out the stalls.”
>Gilda’s grin fades as she stares at the equipment >Her brow furrows >”Rust Bucket.” >You light up your cigarette “Yeah Eagles Eyes?”
>”Did you just ask me to shovel horse shit?” >A chilly wind blows between the two of you “No.”
>You take a long drag off of your cigarette “I just ordered you to.”
>Her fist smashes into your face >You exhale as blood drips down your nose and the cigarette falls to the ground >”YOU’RE NOT THE FUCKING BOSS OF ME!“ >She slams her other fist into your gut, causing you to flinch >”I’M NOT YOUR BI—" >The back of your hand crashes into her cheek, sending her to the ground >”Fuck!” >You growl as your eyes turn red and your fangs distend >”h-Holy shit!" “You want to live under my roof? Then you do what I say!”
>She recoils as your nose immediately snaps itself into place “You don’t fucking sleep, you don’t fucking breathe, you don’t take a fucking piss UNLESS I SAY SO! You wanted to learn from me? Well welcome to boot camp bitch! START SHOVELING! GO GO GO!”
>Gilda scrambles to her feet as you chase after her Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28903084 >It all started as a favor to Sunset >Gilda spilled the beans to her after you all walked away from Tirek’s mansion >Sunset was pretty pissed when she heard about what Gilda was really up to all this time >Dropping out of school to become some kind of Hitwoman for Hire didn’t sit well with her at all >So after a pretty loud shouting match, Gilda relented that maybe she needed a change of pace >A new outlook on life and some healthier surroundings >Being the 'responsible adult figure', they started looking at you “Are you ready!?”
>Gilda tosses off her jacket and steps up >”READY!” >To tell the truth, you were grateful for everything Gilda had done back at Tirek’s >She more than made up for wrecking your car and trying to kill you >That didn’t mean you were going to go easy on her “LET’S GO!”
>You brandish a can of pepper spray and shoot her in the eyes with it >”AAAAAAA—“ “GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!”
>The two of you run up to a punching bag you’d hung up from one of the barn’s rafters >Sliding behind it, you hold it in place and chant “KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL!”
>Gilda howls as she unleashes a series of lightning fast punches and kicks >She wails on the punching bag for at least half a minute, surprising you with martial arts strikes interspersed with knee jabs and headbutts >”AAAAAAAARGH! Fuck fuck fu~uck!” >Your eyes widen as she falls to her knees >Letting go of the bag, you rush to her side and help her stand up “Come on you did good. Let’s go come on!”
>Walking her over to a freshly filled water trough, you help dunk her face into the tank >About ten seconds later she lifts her soaking head and shoulders up while taking a deep breath >”h-How was that?” “Great. Better than I expected.”
>”Ha! Told ya… told ya it’d be easy for me.” “Where’d you learn all those fancy moves from?”
>”I’ve seen a lot of old kung fu movies.” “Ha!”
Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28903100 >You let Gilda take a short break while you go set some paper targets up >It was time for the main event, shooting class >Peeking in through the farmhouse’s window, you confirm that Granny Smith is indeed taking her afternoon nap on her rocking chair before creeping inside >Walking into Big Mac’s room, you reach under the bed and procure a black duffel bag >Lugging it over your shoulder, you step into the hallway and— >”Hi Shiney.” “GAH!”
>You trip into the wall and twist around to find Applebloom staring up at you >Her long hair is a mess and is missing its bow, while her eyes have those same dark rings around them that you often have “a-Applebloom? What are you doing home?”
>”Ah’m sick, What are you doing with all dem guns?” >Your eyes widen as your jaw falls “h-How do you know there’s guns in this bag?!”
>”Ah saw you and AJ stuffing them in there earlier. Was ah not supposed to see that?” >Your shoulders sag “No, not really.”
>”Oh. Sorry.” “Heh, nothing much get’s by you.”
>”Nope, guess not. When’s the wedding by the way?” >Applebloom chortles as you drop the duffle bag to the floor >Her laughter is only cut short by a sudden coughing fit “t-That cough sounds bad…”
>You wipe a bead of sweat off of your face while trying to change the topic >”Yeah, was just getting a drink of water.” “Why don’t you go back to bed and I’ll grab you a glass?”
>”OK, thanks Shiney. You’re still going to get Applejack to let me shoot right?” “Yeah, I’ll talk to her about it when she gets home.”
>”Cool!” >You nod your head as she walks back into her room >Scowling at your bag, you lay it down and unzip it to find everything from pistols and revolvers to shotguns and fully automatic rifles >All taken from your father’s safehouse without even making a dent in his reserves “Gonna have to find a better place to hide all this.”
Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28903158 >A few hundred rounds later and you’ve finished target practice with Gilda “Alright! Let’s take a look.”
>She takes off her headphones, which continue to blast the same Metal CD from this morning >”This thing is fucking sick!” >Gilda grins, hefting her AR15 rifle over her shoulder while following behind you “Not bad at all. First time firing something like that?”
>”Yeah, they don’t really sell shit like this on the streets.” “I would think not. It’s a bit better than an UZI isn’t it?”
>She chuckles as you collect the paper targets >”Hey hang on, I want to try something.” >She stops you just before you can remove the last target from the dead tree it is pinned against “What’s that?”
>Gilda pulls back her coat and brandishes the Tomahawk axe she had taken from Tirek’s mansion >You step back and watch her slowly swing her arm in a windmill motion >Narrowing her eyes, she winds up and— “HEY!”
>The axe slings through the air, crashing right into the middle of the target and cracking into the tree >”WHAT?!” >You smile at her glare “Nice throw.”
>Her lips curl into a grin >”Thanks asshole.” >You walk up to the tree, tearing the axe out along with the target “You can frame that shit on the wall if you want.”
>”Ya know, I just might.” >She walks over and accepts her Tomahawk along with the targets >”So about this Bulk dude. How tough is he?” “You won’t be fighting him. He’s mine.”
>She scowls >”Then who am I gonna—“ >"CAW!” >The two of you look up and spot a lone black crow perched on one of the dead tree’s branches Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28903289 >Gilda cocks her head at the bird, who flutters down and lands on your shoulder “Heh, hey Apache.”
>”CAW!” >You reach into your coat and take the saran wrap off of the loaf of bread you had packed >”This crow your pet?” “This bird watches my back. Can’t say why, but I’m glad to have him around.”
>You tear off a piece of bread and let Apache pick it out of your hand >”I guess that’s pretty cool. I like birds.” “Oh yeah?”
>”Yeah.” >She puts her axe away and tears a piece of bread off of your loaf, offering it to Apache >To your surprise, he hops off of your shoulder and onto her arm >”Always wanted to fly. Used to think maybe I could join the Air Force or something, be a pilot.” >Your smile fades as you watch her feed your Familiar “Can’t fly in the military without even a high school diploma.”
>”I said ‘used to’.” “Well, if you’re not going to be a pilot and you’re not going to try to cash in my corpse… then what?”
>She remains quiet until after Apache has finished the bread in her hand >”I’ll figure something out…” >You scowl at her as Apache stares up at you >It was pretty hard to believe she was around the same age as your sister, yet here she was carrying a rifle and an axe >With that look on her face and that gun in her grasp, she looked like she wouldn’t have been out of place in your old squad >”CAW!” “Eh?”
>You spot Applejack’s truck driving along in the distance “Look’s like AJ’s home. Think you can put the guns back for me?”
>”Sure, no prob.” >You walk past Gilda and head toward the farmhouse >Something about that grim look in those golden eyes of hers sticks with you “Eagle Eyes…”
Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28903308 >Your smile returns when you see Applejack stepping out of her pickup >Dressed in a winter coat and wearing her cowboy hat, she hops out of the truck and gives you a smirk >”Howdy Shiney.” “Afternoon AJ.”
>”Ah see the legions of Hell didn’t burn the farm down while ah was gone.” “Nah, I scared them off. Fired a few shots in the air and they all went running.”
>She chuckles as the two of you wrap your arms around each other “School?”
>”Boring. Work?” “Alright.”
>”Gilda?” >You sigh and break the warm embrace “That girl ain’t right.”
>Applejack frowns for only a moment before comforting you with a new smile “I don’t know what Sunset expects me to do with her.”
>”Ah’m sure you’re doing great sugarcube.” >She pats you on the shoulder and manages to get a small grin out of you >”Talked to Dash today about her.” >You raise an eyebrow at AJ >Apparently, Gilda’s only friend aside from Sunset was a girl named Rainbow Dash who just happened to belong to AJ and Twilight’s circle of friends “Any luck?”
>Applejack sighs and shakes her head >”She said she wants nothing to do with Gil anymore.” “Damn. Must’ve been some fight.”
>”Ah guess so." >As you frown down at her, Applejack leans forward and whispers >”Help me get some tools out of the shed?” >Your smile widens “Sure.”
>Planting your hands in your pockets, you walk with Applejack toward the shed that lies in the distance >The walk is silent save for the crunching of snow beneath your boots >About halfway over, the two of you lift your heads up and lock eyes with each other >Applejack blushes and looks away while you proceed to chuckle at the ground >Upon reaching the shed you open the door for her “After you.”
>”Thank ya kindly." >She steps inside, taking off her hat and and unzipping her jacket >Glancing over your shoulder until you’re content that no one is watching, you walk in as well and shut the door Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28903356 >After taking off your own jacket, you flip on the heat lamps lying overhead and walk over “You know what your sister said to me today?”
>She frowns while taking a seat on top of a few bales of hay that are stacked against each other and covered with a blanket >”What’s that?” “When’s the wedding?”
>Her face reddens as she begins to unbutton her shirt >”Applebloom…” >You chuckle as you unbutton your own shirt “I think we’re bad at this.”
>She sighs >”Ah never liked keeping secrets.” >Your eyes widen as she takes off her shirt “No bra?”
>”Heh, like ah need one?” >You grin at her robust body, your eyes glancing up her toned abs to her small breasts >Taking a seat beside her, she laughs as your own shirt comes off “What?”
>”Nothin', it’s just yer always wearing one of those.” >She knocks her fist against your kevlar plating >”If ah can go without a bra then you can go without a vest.” “Hey, bullets sting.”
>With another chuckle, she leans in close and begins unlatching your vest's straps >”Ya know, ah was thinking’…” “About what?”
>”Well, muh sister knows about us and is pretty happy about it, but…” >Your smile fades as she helps you lift the vest over your head “Twilight?"
>She nods her head whilst dropping your vest to the ground >”When should we tell her?” “I honestly don’t know…”
Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28903377 >You grimace as Applejack puts an arm over your shoulders >”Doesn’t really feel right keeping this from her does it?” “No, not really.”
>Her smile falters as she leans into you >“Hearing you talk about how she acted back at Tirek’s Mansion, it worries me a bit.” >You lean your head against hers as memories of Midnight Sparkle resurface “After the shit I pulled, I know Energy X can be hard to control…”
>Applejack nuzzles her head against your chest “Those fucking cops...”
>”That wasn't yer fault Sugarcube. Blame the Demon, not yerself.” >You sigh, Applejack’s words having provided some small comfort >As she presses her lips against yours, you forget your fears and your sins >The two of you fall back against the hay, the touch of your bodies and the heatlamps above warming you up >With a renewed smile you wrap an arm around her waist as you separate >”Yeesh.” “Huh?”
>Applejack traces her fingers across your gut where a fresh scar lies beside your older ones >”Ah can still see where that monster stomped ya.” >Your eyes narrow as you recall the beating you received at Tirek’s hooves "That son of a bitch is lucky Sunset stepped in."
>At that, Applejack wraps both her arms around you and holds on tight >”Wish ah could've been there with muh own guns.” “Heh."
>Reaching down, you run your hand through her long blonde hair and across her smooth backside >You keep a firm grasp on her as she lies on top of you, secretly grateful that she was nowhere near that terrible mansion “Maybe we ought to head inside soon, could look bad if the two of us are gone too long."
>”Yeah, maybe we should. Or…” >She lifts her head and grins down at you >”… maybe you should help me out of these jeans?” >”Nice.” >A bead of sweat rolls down your face as you smile back at her “Come here.”
Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28903424 >You lift yourself up, your hands sliding down her backside >She shudders as you grab onto her firm rear with both hands >Applejack’s laughter urges you on as you rise to your feet, bringing her up in your grasp >You lay her back down on the bale of hay, where she sits with an eager grin >The two of you both reach for your belts while— >”Yo Shining?” >You snarl at the door, your fangs glistening in the red light of the heat lamps “What do you want Gilda?”
>”Where do you want these guns man?” >”Shove them up your ass!” >Indigo once again takes the words out of your mouth as you glance over at Applejack, who covers herself with her hat while staring at the door “Just sit inside the house with them!”
>”What are you doing in there?” “Working.”
>”Huh, you need any help in there?” >”Sure come on in!” “NO!”
>”NO!” >Your eyes widen as you stare back at Applejack, who holds both her hands over her mouth >All is silent between the four of you >”r-Right, I’ll let you two… do your thing. I’ll stuff these guns somewhere…” “Yeah, you do that."
>You hear snow crunch against the ground as she walks away from the shed >Applejack raises her legs up and hugs her knees as she sits atop the bales of hay >”s-Sorry…” >Sighing, you spot a wooden chair off to the side >Stomping over, you pick it up and jam it against the door handle >Grumbling under your breathe, you mutter “Keep your mouth shut."
>Indigo does not respond >With a smile, you turn back to Applejack and ask “Where were we?”
>Slowly, you see a little color return to those freckled cheeks of hers >”You were about to take me fer a ride?” >For all the danger it might have brought, you considered all of this worth it >If only just to see that smile Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28903439 That's all for tonight! Hope ya'll enjoyed, writing this was a bit of a nice breather after Tirek's Mansion. Until next time!
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So /nst/, how does it feels to be a faggot of this magnitude?
Do you faggots enjoy some "HFY!", Yay or Nay?I am going to post some caps regardless of your opinion on the matter.
>>28908418 I dont know what they are but sure
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>>28908576 It's like DnD in space, only that humans are an unstoppable force that shits on every race in the universe.
Shit is from /tg/.
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>>28888064 When's the next update Jeff
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This one is pretty great.
Is chronos gonna update princess twilight soon?
Chronos !!g8xpjZNsOzj
>>28910056 Probably not, for several reasons.
A. I've just about caught up to current events in game.
B.The events currently happening might be a little too autistic for story time as is.
C. Pokemon just came out and I'm addicted
>>28910547 Can you make a character say "It's current day"?
Chronos !!g8xpjZNsOzj
>>28910955 You mean like the John Oliver meme? Or is this something kind of new fangled dankness I'm not privy to?
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>>28912526 Oliver its the year 2050
>>28910547 >C. Pokemon just came out and I'm addicted. Are you a sunbro?
Or maybe you are one of those emo ladyboys that unironically likes Nine Inch Nails who chose Moon over Sun. Anonymous
>>28915687 I'm a sunbro c:
JoJo !!UkKIV3whwey
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>>28915687 Most of us are Moonbros with the exception of JC
>>28915889 JC please
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>>28915889 Well done, you are not a degenetate.
IceMan !!DDeDTnWrfcu
>>28915687 >Ano Domini MMXVI >Being a Sunfag Anonymous
>>28918074 >Anytime or place >Not praisin' Anonymous
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>>28919440 Why is there a pile of shit next to Luna?
I have an idea for a short green. Scilight is obsessed with the objective fact that Alien is better than Aliens and so, she shitposts in real life about it to everyone she meets.
>>28919714 I'm afraid I've yet to actually see those movies Anon, but I could do a Twi that's autistic about Predator
>>28919940 That wouldn't really work since the director from Predator 2 respected the original work and theme of Predator.
Unless you want to make Twilight hyper autistic of the predators such as their culture and shit, that would be pretty fun.
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>>28920022 Sure Anon, give me a few hours and I'll see if I can't cook something up
Twilight vs. Predator
“So wait, why didn’t the Predator just nuke L.A. if he was cornered like that?”>”b-Because Danny Glover chopped it off with the Chakram! r-Remember!?” “Chakram?”>Twilight smiles at you while readjusting her glasses >”y-You know? That Cyber-Ninja-Frisbee with the saw blades?” “Ohhhhhh. Yeah that thing was sick.”>”I know right! The Predators have a mental link with those things, so they can control where they go after they throw them.” “They do? Wait, are Predators psychic?”>”n-Not exactly… w-well possibly! i-It was never specified anywhere in the lore outside of AvP: Extinction that they were mentally controlled. i-I like to ascribe to the theory that Predators use cybernetic m-mental implants to—“ >You lean back into your seat and listen to her go on whilst staring at the white wall >The two of you showed up so early to the theater that the previews haven’t even started >Twilight’s been obsessed with getting as many of her friends to see Predators as possible, and when you told her that you hadn’t seen a Predator flick in years she kind of latched onto you >You’ve rarely really seen her talk this much before, and her stuttering is almost non-existent >”s-So… y-yeah! i-I dunno if you’ve played much of the games, but the original AvP game is like WAY better than the movies ever were!” “Yeah I remember Aliens vs. Predator being kind of shit.”>Twilight’s mouth falls open and her eyes widen “Uhhhhhhh—“>”Anon! Its not like that!” “Hey I didn’t mean—“>”Aliens vs. Predator was a fantastic game!” “y-Yeah?”>”Uhhh YEAH!” >She grins whilst rolling her eyes >”i-I mean, Aliens vs. Predatory WAS kind of shit, but the game was an absolute c-classic! o-One of the best First Person Shooters ever made! i-Imagine taking the Unreal engine and adding revolutionary—“ >You nod your head and follow along as best you can >The previews still haven’t even come on yet
Twilight vs. Predator
>>28921244 >The previews are just coming on, advertising some shitty rom coms and jump-scare bait horror flicks, when you notice something odd >There doesn’t really appear to be anyone else here in the audience >Oh wait, there is one >There’s a single solitary dude in a hoodie lighting a cigarette on the other side of the stands >”a-And then in the final level you fight Xenomorph Hive Queen, and she just pops out like—“ “Hey Twi?”
>”Yes?” “How many times did you say you’ve seen this movie?”
>”t-This will only be the s-second time this week.” “This week?”
>”y-Yup! m-My brother took me to see it on opening night, and then I saw it a few times with i-Indigo and then afterwards with Moony and… now with you!” >You stare at her as she blushes and begins twirling a curl of her hair >Smiling, you relax back in your seat “Alrighty. So you fight the Xenomorph Hive Queen?”
>”i-Its so awesome! She just pops out and starts hissing like crazy and there are all these alarms blaring as—“ >You reach into your jacket’s pocket and brandish a tiny plastic bottle of vodka you smuggled in >Lifting the latch on your large cup of Mountain Dew, you splash a bit of the vodka into the drink >You were hoping to wait until the movie started to begin drinking, but if it helps pass the time >”a-Anon?” “Yeah Twi?”
>”a-Are you mixing alcohol with your mountain dew?” “Yup!”
>”t-That’s a little dangerous don’t you think?” “How so?”
>She chuckles >”y-You’ll burn a h-hole in your stomach.” >You snicker back at her “I think i’ll take my chances.”
>With that, the lights begin to dim and the movie starts Twilight vs. Predator
>>28921329 “Machete’s in this movie? Nice!”
>”d-Don’t get too e-excited.” “Why?”
>A few minutes later the Cartel hitman that Danny Trejo is playing gets gutted off-screen “Oh well."
>The movie starts to get better as you buzz through your drink >You find yourself growing increasingly attached to characters that you know deep down are going to die in the next twenty minutes or so when Twilight jabs you in the side and whispers >”Anon! w-Watch this!” >You stare up at the prison convict on-screen as he stares into the night sky while talking to his friend >”You know man, if we ever make it home… I’m going to do so much fucking cocaine. I’m going to rape so many fine bitches.” >You spew your unholy elixir of mountain dew and vodka all over the seat in front of you as you break out into laughter >”I’m going to be like ‘what time is it? 5 o’ clock? Damn, time to go rape me some fine bitches.' You know what I’m saying?” >Your laughter intensifies as Twilight leans closer to you and repeats along after the actor >”l-Like, 5 o’ clock. Bitch Raping Time!” “AAAAAAAA!!!”
>Twilight bursts out into laughter as you point and at the cinema screen “Holy shit this movie!”
>”s-See? Told you!” >You find yourself leaning against her as it gets increasingly better >A few more fight/chase/pointless scenes later and you’ve downed about half of your drink >Twilight nudges into you again >”r-Ready for the best fight of the movie?” >You’re well aware that there’s still over half an hour left >The music gets serious in tone as the Yakuza gang member tosses off his shirt, revealing the full body tattoos adorning his back as he grips his katana “Oh shit.”
>Sweat drips down his face as a Predator emerges out of camouflage about ten yards in front of him “OH SHIT!”
>Twilight’s smile widens as she watches you watch the movie Twilight vs. Predator
>>28921389 >For a brief moment, your excitement wavers >You remember way back when you were a little kid watching the very first Predator >There was a part of the movie like this where the Indian dude was going to fight the Predator off-screen with a big machete and he just died off screen >”h-Here it comes!” “Eh?”
>The Yakuza thug’s katana clashes with the Predator’s claws, sending sparks flying “ITS HAPPENING!”
>The Yakuza gets slashed in the back but he doesn’t even seem to notice >You exhale an alcohol-laden breath as you proclaim “THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE!"
>”i-I TOLD YOU!” >Twilight’s face turns red as she rises up to her feet to watch the fight play out >You let her grab you by the hand and pull you up as well >The Yakuza fighter slashes the Predator, sending green blood spraying through the air “YEAH!”
>”Hey!” “Huh?”
>The man who had been smoking on the other end of the theater walks over >”Shut the fuck up!” “What?”
>He stomps over and gestures to you with a hand that is holding a camcorder >”You damn kids are screaming over my recording!” >You glance back at Twilight, who takes a step back from him >Your hands tighten into fists as you glare back into his face >The two of you stare each other down as you stand between him and Twilight “You are one ugly motherfucker.”
>His eyes narrow >Glancing off to the side, you watch the Yakuza thug kill the Predator with a final slash >Smiling, you find out only a moment later that the Yakuza man also falls to the ground and dies from his own injury “Shit.”
>You turn back to the stranger as he raises his fist “SHIT!”
>His fist crashes into your face Twilight vs. Predator
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>>28921467 >You collapse to the ground as stars cloud your vision >”Anon!” >Twilight reaches for your drink as the man looms closer >Before he can close the distance, Twilight steps in the way >Unlatching the drink, she tosses it right into the his face >”AAAAARRRRGH!” >He recoils whilst burying his face in his hands >It looks as if he just got face-full of acidic predator blood as he stumbles away >Gritting your teeth, you let Twilight help you back to your feet >The two of you walk over to the thug >He peers through his fingers as you coldly utter “Its Bitch Raping Time.”
>You clobber the dangerous dude to the ground as another gunfight breaks out on screen >”a-Anon!” >You pause as Twilight grabs your shoulder and points down the stairs >An usher runs into the stands while shining a flashlight >”l-Let’s go!” “Right!”
>The two of you duck down and rush away as the flashlight shines on the man you just knocked over >”HEY! Are you recording this?!” >The two of you run off down the opposite steps and hurry out through the emergency exit >”w-We can watch the rest at h-home! i-I’ve got Predators torrented!” >You halt in the middle of the parking lot “What?”
>She glances back between you and your car “Why did we…”
>”Uhhh, f-for fun?” “…”
>”…” >She blushes whilst rubbing the back of her neck “… that was pretty fun.”
>”i-I can show you the game too! i-It still runs on my windows 98 back home.” “Sounds good to me.”
>The two of you break off into a run, hop into your car, and spin out of the parking lot Twilight vs. Predator
>>28920022 Well that's about all I got
Hope you enjoyed it mate!
>>28921543 I did, thank you.
I don't dislike Predators but it just doesn't feels like the other movies. It's a good action film though.
I recommend watching the Alien saga (which, to be honest, the only films worth watching are Alien and Aliens) just so you can join the RL shitposting.
Twilight vs. Predator
>>28921660 No prob, glad you liked it!
I had a bit of fun with Predators even though it feels different from the originals. Predator 2 has honestly always been my favorite out of the series, I've been meaning to show all my friends that movie for a while now.
And yeah, I'll admit that i've been meaning to watch a bit of Alien for a while now too. Maybe I'll see if I can't get a hold of them soon.
Also, not sure if you heard of pic related, but if you're looking for a good laff I'd definitely recommend it.
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>>28921787 Archie is a madman, he even met The Punisher. I will make sure to read that one.
>Predator 2 has honestly always been my favorite. You are a good man.
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Might post a song parody later.
Watching series is shit, I will never do that to myself again. Fuck. Like, what's the fucking point of ruining character development/relationships that took like 20 episodes to make?
>>28927991 what episode are you talking about
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>>28928012 I wasn't even talking about mlp.
I had an orgasm earlier today, I wasn't even masturbating. That was really weird.
>>28930295 Ikr?
I was drinking coffee and the next thing I know is that I have cum in my underwear.
>>28932452 >>28927354 >>28926270 >>28922455 Dyke alien horses are very much alike to zionist jews
(see, I am not a monster) in the way that both should be gassed.
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>you will never suck her penis why live anons?
>>28933257 There is no reason to.
So that's why I am planning to ram a dildo inside my eye socket at full speed. Thinking about a forensic examiner cataloging and studying the dildo makes me rock hard.
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>>28933777 well the digits are there
>>28934403 Good night mate
>>28934415 I am not your mate, buddy.
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>>28935072 Im not your buddy, pal
>>28927087 H-hey kid do y-you want to ummm, SS?
>>28935962 Straight Shota or Schutzstaffel?
I am open to both. Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
Sorry about not posting for a while. Here's a few short SugarVamp updates, and I'll have a new special holiday oneshot out tonight. >It’s very dark, and indescribably cold >You’re naked, and something heavy is draped over your entire body, holding you pressed into the ground >Vaguely, you have the sense that you’re not alone under this mysterious covering; despite the pitch blackness, you can *feel* there’s something else alive in here with you >Opening your mouth, you try to call out, but your words are swallowed >All you can do is crawl forward, pulling yourself through the heavy matter surrounding you >Up ahead, you swear you can see eyes >Pale blue and blasphemous, they stare out at you from the depths of the blackness [Twilight Sparkle]
>When the owner of the eyes speaks, her voice is inside your own head >You manage to choke only three words out: “Who are you?”
[We are Twilight Sparkle.]
>The eyes do not blink; instead, you feel your own eyes growing heavy as you sink back into blackness [We are you.]
Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28936621 >You bolt upright in bed, soaked in sweat >Vestiges of dreams slowly fade into the background of your consciousness, leaving you in a haze of lingering confusion >Looking around, you find yourself in an unfamiliar room >Barely bigger than a closet, it’s got only enough room for a narrow bed and a few stacks of comics >Glancing at them, you recognize Power Ponies along with hundreds of volumes of Japanese manga, some familiar and some not >Who’s room is this? >And why are you here? >The last thing you remember is the fight with Indigo, your sacrifice, and Sugarcoat’s kiss— >”Good morning, Twilight Sparkle.” “Gah!”
>You jump at the sound of Sugarcoat’s voice >”I am sorry to have startled you. Are you well?” >You turn your head, trying to find the source of Sugarcoat’s voice >”Look down.” >Peering over the edge of the bed, you see Sugarcoat lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling >Her arms are crossed over her chest, and she has no pillow or blankets “Y-yeah. I’m alright.”
>You take a deep breath, trying to calm your hammering heart “W-w-where am I?”
>”That is a long story, I suppose.” >Sugarcoat sits up, brushing her pigtails back into their neat coils along either side of her head >Looking closer, you notice that her forehead is wrapped in clean linen bandages >”After the fight, and when I kissed you…” >Sugarcoat’s voice trails off for a moment, but she quickly forces herself back on topic >”Ahem. We were both in considerably shape. You passed into unconsciousness, but I was able to ascertain your condition was stable. As such, I attempted to carry you back to Canterlot. It proved incredibly difficult, due to my damaged body. I believe that, were it not for the arrival of a mysterious ally, we would have perished in the sunlight.” Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28936628 “An ally? W-who?”
>”I do not know for sure. She is mortal, as far as I can tell. But she knows of my kind, and of your organization. She says her name is—” >Just then, the door is thrown open, and a short, energetic girl in a hoodie bustles in >”Trixie made breakfast!” >The girl catches your and Sugarcoat’s eye, grinning as she proudly holds up a tray of steaming pastries >”Pop-Tarts! Fresh out of the oven!” “Uh…”
>”Oh! Trixie forgot to introduce herself!” >The girl drops the tray onto your bed and sticks out her hand >”Hi! I’m Trixie!” >Confused, you take ahold of her hand “Twilight. S-Sparkle.”
>Trixie beams, shaking your hand so enthusiastically that your shoulder nearly dislocates >”Trixie is very happy to meet you, Twilight Sparkle! She already told her blog all about you!” “Your… b-blog?”
>Trixie holds a hand to her chest, posing >”Trixie runs a *very* successful paranormal blog: The Crypt of Canterlot! It’s been a long time since Trixie met two brand-new vampires!” “Two?”
>You glance over at Sugarcoat, who hangs her head “What do you mean two? Sugarcoat’s the only v-vampire, right?”
>”You’re not a vampire? But you have a thingy!” >Trixie pokes your neck >At her touch, an icy chill runs down your spine “A… thingy?”
>You stare at Sugarcoat >She is unable to meet your gaze, turning her head to that the glare of her glasses obscures her eyes >”Indigo drained enough blood to kill you. In order to save you, I… I imparted a little of my own essence into you. Through that kiss.” Anonymous
>>28936439 He obviously meant
Sunset Shimmer Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28936632 >It feels like you’ve been submerged in icewater, a feeling devilishly similar to that of Sugarcoat’s Presence >”I deeply apologize, Twilight Sparkle. If you are unable to forgive me, that is quite sensible, I suppose. But I could not let you die.” >You sigh, resting your head on your knees “No, I… I understand. Thank you, Sugar.”
>You reach down and lay your hand on Sugarcoat’s shoulder >She finally manages to meet your gaze >You swear you can see tears welling in her eyes >”Are you angry with me?” “No. I’m happy to be alive, honestly.”
>You tighten your grip on her shoulder >Her skin no longer feels icy; you fully understand the implications there “And I’m happy you’re here.”
>Sugarcoat hangs her head, but not out of shame this time >A pink flush touches her pale cheeks >”That is a very pleasing sentiment.” >Trixie glances between the two of you and whistles >”Wow! Heavy stuff! Trixie is totally putting this in her blog too!” >She jumps between the two of you, holding you in one arm and Sugarcoat in the other >”Trixie can see it now! Two star-crossed lovers, bound by paranormal and deadly bonds!” “L-lovers? I dunno about that, I m-mean…”
>Sugarcoat fills in the rest of your sentence >”That does seem presumptuous.” “I mean, I’m n-not saying I would have a problem with it, but…”
>”I would also have no problem with it, I suppose. But still, it seems—“ “Really sudden!”
Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28936652 >”That is a good choice of words.” “Y-yeah! We’re, um… s-still figuring stuff out!”
>”There is much to be learned about how Twilight and I relate to each other.” >Trixie looks completely confused >”Trixie will change the blog entry, then! ‘Vampire BFF’s Survive Epic Smackdown!’ How does that sound?” >Sugarcoat blinks >”It sounds overblown, cheesy, and quite childish.” >A tiny smile touches her lips >”I like it very much.” More to come very soon.
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>>28936658 How does an autistic like Trixie know about the secret vampire hunting organizations? She will be a powerful ally, for sure. Great and powerful.
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>>28936649 I am going to have to Schutzstaffel both of those aliens to protect my daughterfu.
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>>28872157 >trumplight that looks more like prosecutor twilight to me. Anonymous
>>28872478 >>28872469 since when did the gayest general become host to generic pol shit posting? I bet you are the same fag who always reposts mares are for whipping in spg
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>>28931422 >that nabiki twilight does she con people out of books?
>>28937194 >gayest general desu I am proud of this
>>28937194 mlp has always been pol, so even the faggiest general is assured to have pol posting.
And those aren't new memes in the general, friend.
>>28937194 Lmao nst has been /pol/ since almost the beginning with trumplight who is in the op image
If Shimmigrants trigger you then maybe you should think about leaving and go back to your cuckold general
>>28937995 >go back to your cuckold general Not him, but I thought this was cuckold general.
Can we have the "Chronicles of Twilight Mad Dog Sparkle"?
>>28937805 >mlp has always been pol top kek
at this point you've surgically sewn rose colored contacts into your actuall eyes.
>>28937375 as we should be.
>>28937995 >nst >actually pol spoilers chucklefuck, you are the buffoon that came here thinking the mocking and satire meant you where in good company. This is, as we've been over, the gayest general. If this general where really pol there would be an unrelnting wave of whining over degeneracy and homosexuality. Instead its all shit posting. of the oh I'm so cute teehee variety.
>>28938045 >not self inserting as one of the characters. It's only cuck if you have some kind of disease that makes you unable to relate to characters you are passionate about.
>>28938279 >It's only cuck if you have some kind of disease that makes you unable to relate to characters you are passionate about. In that case I wouldn't be fucking a disgusting alien horse, anon, I would always go for the posh fashion human.
So it's still cucking since I can't relate.
I did liked Sun in r9klight, though. >at this point you've surgically sewn rose colored contacts into your actuall eyes. Sorry, lad, did you bought into the friendship is magic meme? The board is known as /mlpol/ for a reason.
>>28938279 Not him, but I will reply anyway.
>If this general where really pol there would be an unrelnting wave of whining over degeneracy and homosexuality. Nah, I don't give a shit.
>Instead its all shit posting. of the oh I'm so cute teehee variety. We don't even have shitposting anymore, anon. At least the cuck meme I started some months ago gave us something to argue about and make the thread more active. I don't know if it's the hiatus but this board has been going at Jeb's pace since two or three months ago.
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>>28938152 sure
but im not a good writer Anonymous
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>>28938279 Holy shit why are you getting so mad. Is this the new dykeshit guy? Sjwcuck? Trumplight is one of the oldest stories here, and the memes are old as fuck. It's not new.
Also homosexual horse is much more gay than this general
>>28938352 >>28938383 you two are morons, this board is not /mlpol/. The fact that things are anonymous has addled your deluded brains into believing you are the majority, hint; thats what always fucking happens to everyone with anonymous posting. you need to spend less time on 4chan if you feel threatened that this is not your extended hugspace for conservatism friendo.
>we don't even have shit posting anymore given how you faggots reacted to the comment I'd disagree.
>trump light isn't new neither is pol.
>>28939738 How can someone be this salty?
Denying /mlpol/ is denying this board.
Also, you seem to think you know things about /pol/ when you really don't know shit.
I don't know why people still think I like /pol/, we are all out of kayfable, baka. I love shimmigrants and the poor dykes that are now going to be killed by that horrible man you helped to get elected. You should all be ashamed for voting for Dump.
>>28940501 If yourr the real eqgwf how does r9klight end
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>>28940968 Everyone "good" dies a horrible death. Discord becomes POTUS.
>>28940481 >hurrr okay buddy, you just go to sleep with that comforting thought that I'm a salt elemental and not laughing at you for thinking this is your conservitard safe space.
>>28940501 Please stop pretending to be me
Still, Trumplight was very clearly satire and was meant to be negative. Tbh I'm hoping the electors can still vote for Hillary or something because Drumpf is fucking insane. He's appointing avowed racists and white nationalists.
PS: the ending of r9klight is flutters and twi have psycho sex after everyone else dies
>>28941614 >okay buddy this isn't what someone confident and happy says. it's a very clear signal of salt, and the fact you also had a classic ">hurrr" in there exemplifies the way in which you are truly, actually salty arguing with that anon. it's [the current year] and you're still getting trolled and mad about anons saying things on a mongolian basket-weaving forum. you don't need to prove that you're not mad. trying to just proves how absolutely mad and pathetic you are. especially when you do it in a way that sounds salty.
I thought they permabanned you anyways for all your dykeshit complaining.
Can people stop shitposting about politics? Take it to /pol/
>>28941751 What are we supposed to talk about. Lesbians?
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>>28941662 >>28940501 >Please stop pretending to be me Stop pretending to be me, you are all just a waste of skin.
God-Emperor Trump is our president, you both should accept that. I know you "people" enjoy a lot more the idea of a nuclear wasteland caused by that disgusting woman you want for president but the age of making America great again has begun.
All hail the lion!
>>28936658 I want new vampire hunter to kill these dykes
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>>28942832 Kill all vampdykes
>>28941816 >>28941902 Penceposting is the best meme ever created Anonymous
>>28943506 If twilight is trump who is pence?
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>>28943611 Could be, but Pence is not a woe is me kind of guy.
Maybe it can be Moondancer from one of the nega universes where she is an alpha.
>>28943611 Obviously, a straight Applejack. There isn't another character in the show that has a racist barn.
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>>28936658 I guess both are going to try and gain more power to fight evil vampires and hunters from Twilight's organization.
Jeff, quick question, do like that Van Helsing movie with Hugh Jackman?
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Don't cuck me.
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>>28936658 I love that Sugar.
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>>28947031 If they were aiming for Snake Plissken from Scape from L.A they should have chosen something that wasn't an one piece suit.
Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28936658 >After breakfast — Pop Tarts taste amazing after waking up from a battle, it turns out — Trixie leads you into her living room >Her place is pretty small, just two bedrooms and a communal living room/kitchen space >But the longer you spend in it, the more jealous you get >Covering every wall are shelves of action figures, posters, stacks of comics, books, and manga, and just about everything else you could ever want >Trixie herself is… interesting >”So, what faction are you? You seem like a Gelum to Trixie. Or are you a Libera?” >”I do not understand what you’re talking about.” >”Come on! You don’t have to keep secrets from Trixie! She knows everything about the factions!” >”I am unsure as to where this is going.” >”Ack! Come on, don’t play hard to get! If you tell Trixie where you’re from, she can give you all the juicy gossip!” >Trixie plops down on a couch, laptop in her lap >Sugarcoat sits on the floor, and you sit next to her, just close enough that your shoulders touch >It feels good to have her so close “I don’t think Sugarcoat is a part of a f-faction, Trixie. She was turned recently.”
>Sugarcoat looks relieved >”Yes. Twilight is correct.” >”Oh! Why didn’t you say so!” >”Because I am unfamiliar with the customs of the rest of my kind. Outside of my father, I have never met another like me.” >At the mention of her father, Sugarcoat’s face goes dark >You can feel her presence more keenly now, and you imagine that’s due to having absorbed some of her essence >As such, the uncertainty currently curling in her chest registers in your own heart, despite it not showing on her face >”Whoa, whoa, a vampire father? Are you a Nascent?” Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28947876 >”That term is also one I’m unfamiliar with.” “She’s asking if your d-d-dad is the one who turned you.”
>”Oh.” >Sugarcoat tucks her legs against her chest, resting her head atop her knees >Something dark and dreary has descended over her >”The answer to your question is yes, I suppose. But I am unwilling to discuss the details.” >”Trixie doesn’t need details! That’s awesome enough!” >You shoot Trixie a glare >”Trixie means… she’s sorry to hear that. Being Nascent is very difficult, from what Trixie has heard. She hopes you know that it doesn’t diminish your worth in any way. In fact, Nascent are rare, and very, very powerful!” >Getting up from the couch, Trixie gives Sugarcoat some rough, awkward pats on the back >”Anyway, is it okay if Trixie asks who your father is?” >”I do not know his name.” >”Whoa, what? You don’t know your own dad’s name!?” >The darkness over Sugarcoat increases, and she closes her eyes >”No. I do not. I have spoken to him very little.” >”Trixie… Trixie is sorry.” >She looks around the room, as if afraid to admit what she says next >”Trixie knows what that’s like. Not seeing your father much. Papa hasn’t spoken to Trixie in… in very many years.” >She sits on the opposite side of Sugarcoat, sandwiching the sad vampire between her only two friends >”It is more than not speaking to me. He has also apparently hired other vampires to police and attack me, even authorizing them to inflict extreme pain.” >”Trixie… can’t say she empathizes on that point. But she promises, a bad parent doesn’t make you a bad person. Even though Trixie thinks your dad sounds like a jerk, she still thinks you’re super awesome!” Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28947897 >She gives Sugarcoat a gentle shoulder-punch >”Thank you, Trixie.” “Would it be possible for you to f-find her dad. Trixie?” you blurt out
>Trixie beams >”Of course it would! Trixie’s connections can find any vampire in the city! Even if they’re Libera!” >”I am not sure if that’s a good idea, Twilight Sparkle.” “I know, I know. But, c-come on, Sugar. You can’t let him do this to you! He nearly got you k-k-killed, sending a monster like Indigo after us! You need to set things straight!”
>Sugarcoat gulps >”That is a reasonable sentiment, I suppose. But I do not believe the results will be pleasant. He has not made a habit of listening to me in the past.” “We’ll m-make him listen.”
>You grasp Sugarcoat’s shoulder “And if you don’t want to talk to him, that’s okay. I’ll m-make him understand.”
>Sugarcoat’s aura sparkles with a glimmer of hope, though her face registers nothing >”I… I would appreciate that, Twilight Sparkle. I admit, I am frightened by the idea of confronting him. But if I must, I would very much like to have you by my side.” >Trixie applauds, her eyes gleaming with excitement >”Yeah! Friends stick together until the end! Trixie *loves* this!” >She jumps to her feet, half-pacing and half-skipping in little circles as she muses aloud over her next plan of action >”Trixie can call her connections right away! Oh, Trixie knows! We’ll all have a big sleepover together this weekend! You can meet all Trixie’s spooky friends! And she can write about all the fun we have in her blog!” >Trixie poses, jabbing a finger into the air >”This is Trixie’s best idea yet!” “A s-sleepover? I dunno…”
>”I would also like to express my doubts. I have very little experience interacting with girls my own age. It could be quite awkward, I suppose.” Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28947906 >”No, it won’t be a problem! Trixie promises, her friends are super awkward too! And they’ll love you! We can find a way to locate your dad, together, Trixie promises!” >Trixie sticks out her left hand to you, and her right towards Sugarcoat >Both of you grab the respective hand, and she pulls you to your feet >”Just trust Trixie! We’re going to have the best, most productive sleepover ever!” >After breakfast, and finalizing sleepover plans, you head into the bathroom >Pulling your shirt away from your neck, you see exactly what Trixie was talking about when she mentioned you having a “thingy” >A Devil’s Kiss stands out in the form two red, unhallowed dots set into the skin of your neck >When you touch it, a sliver of pain runs down your back >In the back of your mind, you’re aware that you should be beyond horrified right now >But, honestly, you’re pretty numb to the Kiss’s existence >Aside from being able to feel Sugarcoat’s aura, nothing is all that different >Well, there’s also the matter of the voice you heard… >But that’s probably just you adjusting to the changes; it’s just some weird meta-psychological effect >Now comes the matter of what to do next “Trixie!”
>”Yeah!?” >Due to the smallness of the place, you’re able to shout across the entire hosue “Can I use your b-bathtub?”
>”Go ahead! Just don’t eat any of the Pop Tarts in it! Only Trixie is allowed to do that!” >The girl and her Pop Tart obsession… >You strip down, set a hot bath, and clamber inside >The water immediately begins to sap the aches of battle from your muscles, and you can’t help but let out a contented sigh Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28947933 >A calm mind is great for planning, and so you begin to work through what to do next: >You need to visit Cadence; since you took out Indigo, she should be safe now, and you’d really like to see her >You need to tell KnightMare what’s going on; they need to know Sugarcoat can be classified as a non-threat >And most of all, you need to get the matter of your new half-vampire status cleared up with them >After that, you can worry about the sleepover, and finding Sugarcoat’s dad >Sugarcoat… >The thought of her brings a thick and confusing flood of emotions >You like her a lot, you really do >But in what way? >She kissed you, yes >But that was only to save you, right? >Or was there something more behind it? >You should ask her at some point, once the drama and uncertainty of all of this has died down >She’s going through a lot right now, you can tell, and there’s no need to complicate her life with more drama >For right now, you’re alright being a close friend to her >If more comes after that, well… >The thought of it makes your chest feel a little fluttery >After exchanging numbers with Trixie — and getting the link to her blog, of course — you and Sugarcoat begin the walk home >At the bus stop, you feel her nudge your shoulder >”Where will you go now, Twilight Sparkle?” “Oh. I’ve g-got an apartment. KnightMare rented it out for me, while I’m working here.”
Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28947938 >”I see.” >She turns back to the road, chewing at her lip >”I am unsure how to invite you back to my house, I suppose. I would like to do so, though. I apologize if this straightforwardness is uncouth.” “N-no. It’s totally alright.”
>”Oh. That is a relief, I suppose.” >Sugarcoat folds her hands behind her back >”I like you very much, Twilight Sparkle. I hope that much is apparent.” “It is. I f-feel the same.”
>Sugarcoat nods, closing her eyes >”That is very humbling to hear. I am honestly continually surprised at your appreciation of me. It is quite alien, I suppose. I hope you will continue understanding if I have difficulty accepting it. Should my need for validation become troubling, though, please do not hesitate to silence me.” “Y-yeah… that’s not gonna happen.”
>You loop your arm through Sugarcoat’s “I t-think we’re in this together now, S-S-Sugar.”
>”It would appear that way.” >Sugarcoat looks like she’d like to say more, but she keeps her mouth closed >The two of you stand there, in silence, until a bus arrives >Despite the freezing cold, you’re surrounded by the contented, hopeful glow of Sugarcoat’s aura >And when the two of you board the bus, you ride back to her house, together Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
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Alright, that's it for today's update. Will have more tomorrow!
>>28947876 im a little behind on sugarvamp but I never realized how similar trixie and sugarcoat look
>>28948250 Maybe they are related somehow
>>28948375 that would be cool
especially since they are already major nst characters
>>28948655 Dubs confirm they are related
>>28948768 It's trips or nothing.
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>>28949640 What about this
>>28950570 Twilight has a nice butt
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Just came home from watching Dr. Strange, good movie.
I also saw the trailer for the next XxX movie and there seems to be a sexy dyke in it. Pence will give her the AC treatment
>>28950816 That's what she said.
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>>28947906 >And she can write about all the fun we have in her blog!” That's like tweeting after you stole a car.
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>>28947938 >>28947986 >You need to tell KnightMare what’s going on; >”I am unsure how to invite you back to my house, Shit, they are sure as hell meant for each other if both of them are this suicidal.
>>28953180 Makes me gag every time
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>>28953986 Just imagine eating that straight from the machine.
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>>28956017 EQGWF where is paper
JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
Hey, guess what?
It's 90 DAY BRAWL!!!!
The bin! Theme song! >Terra Gold... >D-dab... >Gently... >Just the claw >Just this one claw >Not the finger >The >Claw >Yass >You sigh and set down your brush >That's one more Wriggler done >You flip him over and grab a permanent marker >W14 >You set him aside and grab your notepad >Wrigglers >Subspace Claws: >W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8, W9, W10, W11, W12, W13 >W... 14 >You hum to yourself as you add this guy to the other lists >He's got Subspace Claws, the Mindless trait, Pod Mate and Improved Carapace >You sigh and look at your army >You're bringing a lot fewer this month >Out of your hundred thirty, only eighty are coming now >These improvements will be worth it... >Just to see Sour Patch's face when you drop three Egg Pods turn two >Heh >Kek! >You pick up the next one and your brush >...The tourney will last till 11 PM >Will anyone notice Amber missing? >You slowly dip your brush into Terra Gold >And you slide the bristles against the open part of the little bottle >Then you put the brush in some water >Thinning paint... >...You can slip out and do a quick patrol right now >Augh >You set the brush down and grab a marker >W15 >You set him down and grab up your notebook >You sigh as you scribble some more >The CPD will notice >You set down your notebook and pen and grab your forehead >Okay >So >The CPD will notice you gone >And the tourney will happen next month >Leaving you with a gap that has to be filled >You set down this little guy and stand up, heading out of the kitchen >Gotta get some air >You walk past the living room and smile at Ma >She's napping, with the TV on >"Horizon. Investigators believe-" >You stop >"The style is very similar. Police believe that this Magenta Sunrise may be an accomplice to Amber Horizon." JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28956466 >You take a step back >"The police should do something about those rats running around, huh, Indy?" >You sock your dad in the chin >You both grab yourselves and groan "Dafug are you doing here!?" You make sure to whisper so mom doesn't wake up
>He rubs at his chin some more, and rolls his jaw >With a nod, dad mutters, "Good right hook..." >You glare at him and raise your fist again >"God, lay off. BB asked me to drive you to your toy game. Pack your shit." >You roll your eyes and cross your arms "First, fuck off with the toy game nonsense. Second, it's not till 6, third, I can walk."
>He scoffs >"I got shit to do, Indy. Enough games, pack up and lets go." "I'm not going." You wander back to the kitchen and sit down, tossing your hair back up into a ponytail
>You grab up a Husker and check your notes >Dad slaps the table >"I ain't fuckin around, Indy, let's go!" >You glare up at him and put a finger to your lips >Shhhh. "Ma's sleeping." >He throws his hands half way up and leaves the kitchen >Huskers are losing their Terra-Bane bolters and gaining... >You flip the page back and forth >Gaining... Extra armor? >Carapace and armor don't stack though... >Wot de zog >You stand and hustle to your room >You can't help but notice dad's sitting next to mom in the living room >Hm >Whatever, that's fine >Once in your room, you grab up the Slugganoid Codex... >And see a little box on your nightstand >It's labeled "To: Indy" >You grab it too and walk back to the kitchen while flipping through your book >Why armor...? >Okay, armor, armor... >Hm >'Slugganoids gain no benefit from wearing armor since it is not designed for their forms' >'However, that only-' >Ohhhhhhh yeah! >Armor adds +2 armor against shrapnel and +2 against shell cracking... >Yer fuggin smart >Huskers' size means they can get hit by three grenades in a round... >You sit down and quickly start painting JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28956509 >Ugh >Dad... >At least you're at the tourney hall, surrounded by 200 nerds and no idiot thugs or... Whatever dad calls himself >You slump down at one of the tables and pull out your army >Almost fugging... Ruined your paint job like a hundred times >You look over all of them, one at a time >Yeah... >15 Wrigglers, 15 Huskers, 15 Decapedes, 15 Webbers, 10 Grub Tossers, 5 Terror Formians, 3 Hive Bosses, 2 Titanic Queens >80 big bad bugs. Yeah >They're all okay >"Nice paintjob, Indy." >You grin up at the L1 >He hands you the usual forms and stuff for entry and carefully look over one of your Huskers >"Changing it up? Care to share?" >You shake your head, smirking "Nah, dude. Not out loud anyway."
>You scribble in the usual and pull a copy of your army list out of your backpack >He sighs and trades forms for your Husker >"I'll be watching... Don't let Sour get under your skin this time, okay?" "I mean, I'll try..."
>You shrug as he reads your list and whistles >If Sour Patch starts something... >Well >You're gonna kick her ass in a game >Maybe kick her ass after, too >You've... >You blink >You grab at your soft belly >And the harder abs underneath >You... >You can totally destroy Sour now... >You slowly sit up >And pretend to look over your notes a bit >Your hands are shaking >You really need to keep your cool this time >If you fight Sour, you might end up knocking her out >Or worse >Sour Sweet is just a chubby girl with a fat butt and big boobs >She might have a few inches on you, but... >Amber's been knocking out groups of thugs for weeks now >You gulp and close your eyes >If she picks a fight with you... >Can Amber throw a fight? >S-she... Sour's not a thug or a villain >It'll.... It'll be okay >You think >Your brow furrows as you imagine all the ways that fight could go >A fist to the face >A knee to the gut >A literal ass kicking >Table breaking, chair slamming, neck slamming, figure smashing >Augh >First dad, now this JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28956557 >No matter what Sour's got planned, you're gonna have to keep yourself from busting a vein when you see her >"H-hey, Indy." >"Salutations, Indigo!" >You look behind >Twi and Trix are wavin and comin to ya "O-oh hey! Yo, wassap?"
>Okay, you can handle a bit of these two! >They drop their backpacks onto the table, and the whole thing jumps "Wat."
>They snicker >"P-part of o-our new p-plan." >"Yes! We shall blow away the competition!" >Smirking, you shrug "Can't wait..." You relax, waiting
>"Ms. Zap! Is there anything new happening?" >Shrug >Not gonna say anything about your army... "Uh... I lost weight. Like a lotta weight."
>Twi sits across from you >Trixie stands next to her "I-I noticed. Y-you look r-really good!"
"Heh." You shrug, feeling your cheeks burn up
>You're about to say something, but Trixie's phone goes off >Twilight glares at her >"P-put it away! W-we're at a t-t-tournament!" >"Oh, but Trixie can't help it! Amber is so interesting, she has to check all the news now!" >Uh >Twilight just bats at Trixie some, with Trixie dodging away to read her news update >"S-silence it!" >Trixie smirks and does some things on her phone and puts it away >"I-Is it on m-mute?" >"Maybe!" >You rub your forehead and look away >How many people talk about Amber? >How popular is she? >You didn't ask for this! >You don't want to- >What if someone figures out you're Amber? >Holy. Moly. That's a bad thought >How would they figure it out though? >"So Indigo!" >You snap to Trixie >She grins bobbibg her head back and forth >"Trixie cannot help but notice! You have been ahead of the fashion curve!" >Wha >What are you wearing? >Tights, a faded Black Sabboth tee, high tops >You stare at your bracelets and looks back at Trixie and Twilight "Wut?"
>They both point at their ponytails >You also have a po- >AMBER HAS A PONYTAIL >You take a deep breath and don't freak out "Oh, yeah! Yeah, I just like keeping my hair outta the way!"
>Awkward chuckle (since these nerds won't notice) JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28956619 >Still >They giggle with you >Twilight winks. "I-I never noticed, b-but you're p-pretty good l-looking." >...wat >She grins wide >"Y-you look k-k-kinda like a b-blast from the p-p-past!" >You stare at her >Trixie gives her a strange look >"Trixie did not know you liked girls, Twilight." >Twilight sputters and starts batting at Trixie again >They run off, Twi hitting Trixie, Trixie ducking and holding her head... >They end up leaving their stuff behind >"Yo!" >You flinch under the girl's hand >You glare up at Sour Sweet >Looks like she's dressed up again! >Low riding shorts and a crop top, very classy >Good for a family friendly event, yup >Just let those fat tiddies and that jiggly ass hang right out >Good for the kids >She's why the event can't be simulcasted on youtube >And with how she's standing, all you can really see is her fat udders >...Freckles >She bends over, laying herself against your shoulder as she holds the other >Gawd she smells like a strawberry milkshake and fries >"You're looking good, Indy!" >She pulls you close into a soft hug >But then she snarls >"Decided to finally cut all that beef?" >Amber's fist clenches as Sour Sweet holds you in a warm and sweaty hug "Ya know."
>"Hm~?" She gets close enough that her cheek presses against yours >Oh gawd >The smell >How have you never noticed how horrible she smells? >Your stomach turns upside down and your eyes roll up "Y-you reek."
>She grunts and stands up >"That's my perfume, numbskull. Maybe wisen up a bit and start acting like a woman." >You pinch your nose and the words come out "Is that what you call that outfit? Womanly clothes? Really showing how womanly you are there, Sweet Cheeks."
>Her eye twitches and her arms tense up "Smells like you hit McDicks for a shake over the way here. And like you went out for some fast food."
>Teeth grinding "Speaking of McDicks, were they playing your favorite song? Ya know, the lunch bell?."
JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28956685 >Sour's eyes are bulging out and she's squeezing her fists now >Is this you or Amber? "I always wondered... They kick drunks out of bars... Do they kick you out after your fourth quarter pounder?"
>You're out of your seat before she can tackle you, leaving her bowling over it >She's growlin now, hoo boy >Heh "Hey, you okay? Last time something Equestrian dropped that fast, the Neighponese responded with Pearl Harbor."
>You think Amber is smarter than you >Neat >Sour screams from her tangle in the chair and jumps to her feet, almost grabbing you >But Amber's too fast >You're too fast >You can't believe you can move like this >You and Sour Sweet used to be pretty even, but now... >"H-hey, Sweetie!" >Sour stops stock still >Then smiles sweetly at Twilight, who just returned, pulling Trixie by her sleeve >"Oh, Twi~! How good to see you here!" >She almost runs around the table and scoops Twilight and Trixie up into the same hug >The three join together into a giggle fit >"Okay everyone, quiet down for a bit." The tournament's L3 calls out on the intercom >The hall quiets down >"Please line up, pay admission, grab a ticket, and pairings should be up in ten to twenty minutes, thanks." Some static and he's quiet again >Time to get to it >You roll some dice between your fingers and size up your round 1 opponent >Some kid from outta town >Real cool dude >Poser, looks like it >Got himself an internet list of an army, too >Didn't bring any structures >Defaulted every rule >Amauteur Hour nods behind his cool kid sunglasses "You ready to get roflstomped?"
>He scoffs and rolls out his dice "I roll first."
>"Shit." He quickly scrambles them up >You internally smirk "No swearing."
>He flinches, fixing up his sunglasses. "Kay. Sorry." >You've already won... Heh Anonymous
>>28956685 >And with how she's standing, all you can really see is her fat udders >...Freckles JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28956745 :D
>>28956729 >You jot down 'Win' and hand it to the third dude so far so he can sign it >He was okay >Surprised you with some obscure ruling on Slugganoids in his army >But he got the ruling wrong, as you told him >So he had an illegal army >So he had to cut out a tenth of his units >Tried so hard, got so far... >Aight so that's three rounds down and three to go >Bah >Its more like >Three hours down, two hours till the finals vs Sour >Bluh >Your match is over... >You grab a clown water and relax at your table >"Indigo Zap...?" >Wha >Some old dude on a cane "Uh. Hey dude. What's up?"
>He smirks and looks behind himself >Wha...? There's some other, bigger old dude behind him, carrying a leather box >With a grin and a grunt, he puts the trunk thingie down on the table >He groans and straightens his back, making a lot of popping noises that the smaller man doesn't seem to like >The bigger man continues to grin as the smaller guy sneers at you >"It appears we will be competing against one another in the coming round, Indigo Zap." >Uh "Wha? How do you figure, pairings aren't even up..."
>"Oh, I'm quite aware. However, this late into the tournament, one can determine their most likely of upcoming matches." >Your brow furrows >Wha... >Okay? "Y-yeah, sure, dude. Whatever you say."
>His grin turns sour >He raises his cane and swats it down on the table, making a huge boom and almost knocking you out of your seat >Your heart pounds >"You kids sure are jumpy these days." >Fugging >Ass >Your heart is pumping a mile a minute and your side is hurting again "F-fug you."
>"My my..." He takes a seat at your table and swats at the bigger old guy who starts unpacking the small trunk >"I had no idea the youth were so rude in this city." >Your heart is still pumping, but you glare at him "At least our local seniors are polite."
>His lip curls >Dude's teeth are so yellow- "Hey, do you spit a lot?"
>"What...?" "I'm just saying, you better not. Butter is a trip hazard."
JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28956772 >His eyes widen as he snarls >You recline in your chair, stuffing your hands in your pockets >And that seems to be the last straw, you guess >He starts for you, holding his cane in both hands >"Brother, watch your temper." >He glares at the big guy, who's finished putting the minis down >"You'll do well to remember your place and shut your mouth." >He glares back at you. "And you as well." "How's ED treating you?"
>He silently stares at you, gaze darkening, and inside, you flinch as your side starts hurting >He leans back and a chair... Comes under him "...wat."
>He snaps his cane down into a thinner pen and pockets it >"Ignorant child. I came here to humiliate you in this game." >He motions toward the table, where the big guy is setting up beautifully painted terrain now >Gotta see this up close... >Damn! >It's all black iron and groady, dirty steel, and he even laid down a red texture map... "Is... Is that Mars?"
>The big guy smiles and nods, and finally talks >"I figured you'd appreciate it." >Wait "Scorpan?"
>The older gentleman nods, bowing slightly "What're you doin here?"
>He wrings his hands a little >"Scorpan goes where I tell him to. Now come play this infernal game." "Dude, pairings aren't even up yet, and we're between rounds."
>You pick up your backpack >The L3 starts up on the speakers as you do so >"Pairings are up." >You glance at the old dude >He smirks >You frown and go off to get pairings >You can feel him watching you as you hustle past neckbeards and skinnier nerds >Aside from a quick smirk or smile, you mostly ignore any of your competitors/friends as they go on making a commotion over who they're up against and who they're being passed over >You grab one of the pairing sheets... >Indigo Zap >Das u >vs >...No one >You got a free win this round >...wat >You glare back at your table >The old man smiles at you, showing off his yellow teeth, which are just as gross from this distance JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28956856 >Fug >You start back to him >He's just smirking in his seat >Scorpan standing behind him, like a vintage bodyguard >Who is this guy? >You stop at the table, and drop your backpack with just enough care >He motions to your chair >You ignore him and pull out your army box in one hand >It weighs heavily in your palm as you stare him down and your side pulses angrily >You don't... >Indy doesn't know who this guy is >But he gives you the kind of creeps thugs give you >But worse >He makes you sick and you don't know why >You just know, deep in your stomach, that this guy's bad news >With a swift flick of the wrist, you set your reinforced box down into the wastes of the Martian desert >He chuckles as you cross your arms >"Oh? Your demeanor has changed. Why would that be?" >You unclasp the box and puts figures out one at a time "Why do you want to play so much?"
>"I seek your challenge. A fledgling hero like you deserves to prove herself whenever she gets the chance." >You put down some more of Indy's Wrigglers >"When Scorpan alerted me to your presense, I was drawn to meet you." >You pick up some dice from the corner of the box, juggling them in your hand without looking at the old man >"I've been drawn to meet the amber eyed lass my brother was so invested in." >Those amber eyes raise to stare at him >He smirks >"You missed your appointment with Scorpan. That hurt his feelings." >You narrow your eyes >Scorpan attempts to say something, but the old man raises a hand >He snaps his fingers, and Scorpan puts a small box of dice into his palm >You don't know what his angle is, but he's going down regardless >He makes your skin crawl under Indy's sweatshirt "Roll for initiative."
>'Wrong game' >It sounds cooler >'Shid, u rite' >The old man grabs five dice and tosses them at the table >You drop your handfull >Most 6s first >The dice clatter against Mars' surface as you glare at the sitting senior JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28956916 >Before they even land, he asks, "Perchance are you a gambler?" "You looking to make this interesting?"
>Your voice comes out in a loud grumble, unlike Indy's >He chuckles, a dry, angry chuckle, but with a smile. "You could say that... But we'd be wagering information." >The dice finally clatter to a stop "What information, old man."
>"Your name. Or rather..." He leans in toward the table >The entire hall goes silent >You can't hear him speak, but his accent makes it easy to see what he says >"Your imaginary friend's name." >You coldly blink >Indy panics >But that's okay >The dice are down, but neither of you have looked "Sure. If I win, you tell me who told you she exists."
>He motions to Scorpan >The big oldie leans forward, staring across Mars >"Er..." >"Sixes, Scorpan, sixes." >"Ah." He looks again. "Three to one in Indigo's favor." >The old man grunts and rises to his feet. "I contest." >You look over his army. "Which of your units lets you seize initiative?" >He smirks, raising a small leather book >"My 10 Raven Bolters have Seize." "My 15 Huskers have Sneak Attack, negating your first 15 instances of Seize."
>You stare at him >He furrows his brow and lays down his book >"So be it. You're first." >You stare at him as you grasp at your army case >His smirk slowly drops into a sneer as Indy sets down unit after unit across Mars' barren surface >You let her put down the giant figures, and that's where she ends it "Finished."
>"This is your army? Where are your Huskers? What of the rest of the box?" "Place your units."
>He grumbles a bit and snaps his fingers >Scorpan assembles a huge army of one hundred Black Ravens >Their specialty is magi- psionics and swarming >The only army that can compete with Slugganoids in numbers >Good. You smirk >"Impressed? I thought you'd appreciate a challenge. I didn't expect you to sabotage yourself, however..." >You pick up your dice "Deployment has ended. Turn one: begin."
JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28956968 >You glide your hands over the giant units, scanning each in turn >Indy grabs the big red ants and moves them in different directions "2 Terror Formians accelerate using Haste to establish two points."
>The old man nods "They fall at rest, speed dropping to half, gaining +3 armor."
>"Very well, my-" "No."
>You glare at him, and he returns the motion >"You've taken your tu-" "My Terror Formians acted on haste. A number of units equal to the turn counter +1 with haste can act in addition to the standard 1 unit per turn."
>He fumes a bit... "Fine, then. Carry on." >You stare at him a moment longer, but Indy grasps for a beetle "1 Hive Boss will move and climb this building, ignoring obstacles less than 5 centimeters tall along the way."
>She puts it on top of a turned over car-tank. "It readies a special action to call reinforcements next turn as a free action, as does the other 2 Hive Bosses, both Titanic Queens, and all 5 Terror Formians."
>You maintain eye contact "Now. Your turn."
>The old man gazes across your miniatures, then snaps his fingers. >"Scorpan, move my Ravencaster to the front. When she moves, her Black Apprentices move with her. As long as they are in formation, her spells gain +1 damage, +5 range per Black Apprentice, and for every two, she can cast one more spell per turn... Additionally, she allows each of her Black Apprentices to cast at +5 range." "While in formation."
>"Naturally." >The Ravencaster has 6 Black Apprentices >Your Terror Formians are 100+ centimeters away, holding 2/12 points >"She will cast Black Warp, giving all Black Ravens Subspace Resistance and +1 armor. She will do this three times-" "She will do this twice."
>He furrows his brow. "Three times... She has Six apprentices, giving her thr-" "She has three apprentices in formation. You announced casting your spell after moving. Their placement is finalized and they are no longer in formation."
>He blinks, mouth gaping a little, then snaps his gaze down at Mars JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28957076 >His rickety body moves closer and he pulls a protractor from his jacket pocket, waving about his units >You allow yourself a smirk as he desperately tries and fails to find an angle where all of his apprentices are within 3 centimeters of his Ravencaster >"How could- Scorpan!" He snarls, throwing the protractor at the big man >"You imbecile, can you do nothing right!?" >Scorpan sighs and picks up the protractor, handing it to the little man >"Sorry. I don't know this game that well." >Black Ravens need that opening move or else they lose 90% of their fire power until turn 2 or turn 3 if the initial Ravencaster is slain >Which she will be "Your Ravencaster casts Black Warp twice. My turn."
>He grumbles at Scorpan and turns back to you. "Yes, yes, take your turn." >Indy points at your Terror Formians, Hive Bosses and Titanic Queens "My Terror Formians call out 5 pods of 3 Wrigglers each. My Hive Beasts call for 3 pods of 5 Huskers, while my Titanic Queens each call a pod of 5 Decapedes and 5 Webbers."
>You unclasp your box and pull out 10 Slugganoid pods "They can be placed anywhere within 50 centimeters of the units that called them."
>You set all the Huskers within movement range of his Ravencaster, while the rest are fanned out from your base >You flick your eyes up to stare at him "...These 6 Pod Mate Huskers accelerate using Haste, moving as one unit, and approach your Ravencaster and her Black Apprentices."
>You measure out double their range, 60 centimeters, and move >He chortles. "Next, they have Ambition, right?" "Wrong. They have Scattershot, giving their ranged weapons double range and -1 damage after the normal range."
>He pauses, glaring down at your Huskers. "...Why? That's such a foolish trait to give, why would you!?" "Because it's free as of the May errata and no one ever sees it coming. All 6 Huskers open fire on your Ravencaster, dealing a minimum of 6 damage, killing her."
>You grab dice "Rolling for structural damage and Apprentices."
JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28957149 "Time in round."
>Old man grumbles and looks at his watch. "Sixteen out of sixty minutes past." >He leans closer to the remains of Mars >Indy has had the Decapedes annihilate the landscape. Every building has been turned into rubble >Webbers have created a maze for foot soldiers to traverse >Grub Tossers are poised at each cardinal point, and with two at the center of the field >The Terror Formians are currently dismantling his vehicles, and Indy's Hive Bosses prevent any of their private entourage from dying >While the Titanic Queens spew out one or two Wrigglers for every Wriggler that dies >'Got this shid locked down.' >Yup >If Indy says so >'She fuggin says so!' >The old man grumbles and motions to his Blackriders >"Ignoring all obstacles below 1 centimeter, my Blackriders accelerate with Haste toward your Titanic Queen, attacking with Black Warp rounds." "Success on 6s, Armor 5."
>He pauses, gritting his teeth, almost foaming at the mouth >"Success on 5s, rerolling 1s." "Your Blackriders are far from your Blacklight Beacons, losing the reroll, and Blackriders lose their Success on 5s if they move more than their initial 40 centimeters."
>The old man's face is boiling red, more than it already was and caked in sweat. "Fine. Fine! Scorpan, roll!" >Scorpan rolls >You lock eyes with the old man >At this point, he's leaning on the table with both hands, jacket unbuttoned and tie loosened, letting Scorpan move all the units and roll all the dice and hold his cane >The dice bounce "You're going to lose."
JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28957202 >He grinds his teeth >The dice settle >1, 3, 5, 6, 1, 3, 2, 2, 4, 5 "Your Blackriders fail to deal any damage to my Titanic Queen."
>His fingers curl against the textured map >He snorts and stands upright, smirking >He snaps his fingers and Scorpan hands him his cane >"I concede." "..." Your lip almost curls
>"I believe Canterlot is in good hands with such a sharp mind eliminating so many threats. I can see why you're worth as much as you are." >He sneers as he buttons up his jacket >His army begins to fade, along with yours, leaving the table bare >You ignore that, while Indy loses her shit. "Tell me." >"Ah..." He sets his cane against the floor with a tap. The hall comes alive with noise >"Many parties have taken notice, Amber Horizon. These parties have requested I analyze you, for a pretty penny. To see if they should fear you." "And?"
>He sneers >"Keep cleaning the gutters for me, will you?" JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28957213 >Its raining... >Its only a light drizzle, but you're still in it, and Ma's gonna be worried >That's unfortunate, but necessary >Starting tonight, you're gonna be cleaning the city at random times >Indy'll have to log these dates into her planner >The neon sign in front of you flickers >Open Till Mid >This is the only barber shop open this late >In you go, jingling the bell along the way >The only worker looks up from her magazine and points at an empty chair >Foreigner >She won't remember you >Without much else to say, you have a seat, and she stands behind your chair with a pair of scissors >"Very pretty hair! You cut?" >Nodding, you grab up your hair near the scalp and mimic scissors cutting close >"Oh so short! But you hair so pretty..." Despite her feigned concern, she starts combing and brushing your hair back, and you make sure to hold the end of your ponytail >With a snip snip, your hair comes loose, falling into your grip >Short blue lines trail down your forehead and around your crown, barely touching your ears as it all drops down >"Good? You like? Want something else?" >Spike or slick? >'Why don't we have both!?' >Damn >You may be smarter, but Indy's the idea girl here >Spotting a can of hairspray, you point "Spike tips, and pull back."
>"Oki." The foreign hair dresser gets to work while you leer at your reflection >She takes the loose strands and pulls them back >They're cut up into jagged spikes and sprayed into place >You appreciate that she takes extra care of the back of your head, pulling the hair far back and flicking it outward >Sort of like what you imagine a girl's mullet would look like >"You like?" >The left and right look good, and you can see in the mirror that the back is good too. "I do." >"Good good, I give you lolipop." >She shuffles away, and you grasp at your empty pockets >'Dude, not cool.' >No, you have a 20 in your backpack >Click >You duck and the mirror explodes Anonymous
>>28956466 I was missing you, JC, and I see you wrote an extra sized update, I love you.
JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28957337 love you too, nonnie c:
>>28957304 >Without much thought, your toss the apron off at the scissor girl >Blueberry Pop's already out of your bag and in your hands by the time she tosses it off and aims >Pop, undercut to the chin! >Girl flies off her feet and into the air, just a few inches >Your bat arcs down onto her face, breaking her nose into a bloody spurt >Knocked out, she drops her pistol >Fuck. Cameras? >Yes, but anyone watching will see you acted in defense >After bagging and double bagging your ponytail, you pick up the phone "Hey. It's me. Amber Horizon. Got another one. This one knew my face and tried to gun me down. Video evidence proves it. Beauty Salon, 4th and 3rd, Central."
>Hang up >Grabbing the gun, you unload all the bullets onto the ground and set it onto the counter >Time to go >Oh >You put a 20 down on the counter with a note >'For services rendered.' >'-A.H.' >Running out of the salon, you take some alleys home >This seems faster >But >You're face to face with four goons >All foreigners, like the scissor girl >Chain boy, crowbar, bat, knuckles >"Pretty girl. Worth pretty money. Come easy, kay, lil girl?" >Blueberry's already in your hand >Time to take out the trash "Come get me."
>BANG! >Knuckles flies forward, landing on his face >The back of his jacket is totally torn up >Ka-chick! >At the back of the alley, there's... An old man in a beat up old winter jacket >"You sum-bitch! Get outta mah city!" >Another load blows chainboy to the side, but doesn't drop him, and they all start sprinting >"I seen what's been happenin here, with the holligans runnin around, making trouble and causing fights, all the drugs, all the mayhem and violence! And I gotta say!" >The boys are gone >You're hiding behind a dumpster, luckily there was a nice cardboard box there >But he steps next to you, and tears away the box, pointing a shotgun barrel down at your scarfed face >"I AIN'T NONE TOO HAPPY WITH IT." >'Fuck.' JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
>>28957349 And that's that!
Extra big update for ya'll since turkey day and other things ate me alive!
Bin is updated if you missed it the first time! And I'll try to be back next sunday with the latest episode of 90 DAY BRAWL!!!!
>>28957076 >Time to take out the trash I really like where this is going
>>28957809 Think about the animal, not the country.
Quoted By:
>>28957915 I was thinking about the animal
JC !!d1uWVKaZud8
Quoted By:
>>28957434 Thanks famchan!
>>28957809 Thanksgiving, my dude. I dunno if you're international, but it's a meme holiday in usa about stuffing your face full of food and hanging with family
>>28941722 >maximum projecting achieved Last time I believe I was banned it was for posting mlp colored donuts on /ck/ its nice to think you have aspirations that I am some epic troll but you're really just a retard way too fixated on what goes on in someone elses head over a polyneasian woodcarving forum. Try being less retarded any day now. you might find it to your liking.
>>28944042 or if the you used magic twalot thread is to be believed, actually racist
>>28958508 I know AJ is a racist, plenty of evidence to support that.
Quoted By:
My wife makes Bucks75/hr on the laptop. She has been unemployed for eight months but last month her income with big fat bonus was over Bucks9000 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Read more on this site========= ???? rohty
Quoted By:
o my gosh this series is just awesome to watch...i have all the season in high definition with the facility to watch with some different 3d angles to watch click here ========= Anonymous
>>28960026 Apple"Zap a day makes the gay go away"Jack
Quoted By:
>>28960294 Apple id our hero
Quoted By:
>>28958508 >responding after multiple days with a bitter, salty comment If this is satire, bravo, you've made yourself look as salty as possible!
Quoted By:
>>28958508 >Last time I believe I was banned it was for posting mlp colored donuts on /ck that sucks man
Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28903439 >The two of you emerge from the shed a short while later and spot Gilda lounging by the chopper >You lock eyes with her as you walk over with Applejack close behind >”You two uh… all finished?” >She offers a smile that you do not return “Yeah, we’re good.”
>Applejack tilts her hat over her eyes >”Hope ya mind keeping this on the downlow Gil.” >”What? Oh, oh yeah! I can keep a secret.” “Good. Now lets head out.”
>Applejack’s cheeks are far less flushed as she pokes her head up >”Ya’ll ain’t staying for dinner?” “Not tonight AJ, maybe tomorrow.”
>”Alrighty.” >You and Applejack grin at one another and embrace in front of a silent Gilda “See ya tomorrow.”
>”See ya!” >You’re about to hop on the bike when Gilda cuts you off >”I’m plenty sober now, so I’ll drive.” >You roll your eyes “Sure whatever."
>You slide onto the bike while letting her take the reins >She speeds off along the bumpy backroads as the two of you make your way home >”So you and AJ huh?” “…”
>”Guess I should’ve seen that coming.” “Don't tell anyone about this, especially my sister.”
>”She doesn’t know?!" >Gilda shakes her head before making a sharp turn past some barren fields >You can see the barest hint of a grin on her cheeks “Wipe that damn smile off your face.”
>She chuckles as your eyes flash red >”You’re playing with fire Rust.” “Yeah yeah…”
>Eventually you find yourselves pulling back into the garage and strolling into the safety of your own house “Twi we’re home!”
>Gilda stretches her arms above her head as she waltzes into your kitchen >”Ah nice, pizza!” “Pizza?”
>You walk after and find that there is indeed a large pizza on the table >Gilda’s already helping herself to a slice while you continue to search for your sister >Turning around, you spot the basement door lying ajar Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28961813 >Pulling it open, you descend the stairs “Twi you down here?”
>Spike barks and rushes over to the bottom of the steps to greet you >”Hi Shiney!~” >You spot Twilight hunched over her work desk at the back of the basement “How was school?”
>”It was OK! Same as usual. Anon’s arm seems all better now.” “Oh great! I was worried he was going to miss a lot of football practice after taking that crossbow bolt.”
>”Nope!" >You march on over to her as she continues to work “What you got there? More Dark Mechanica figures?”
>”Nope!” >You lean above your sister to take a look at her work >After a few seconds of staring, you recoil “t-The Morning Star?”
>”Yup!” >A few sparks fly out while you gaze at the inner workings of the device “You’re trying to rebuild it?”
>”Trying to! Progress has been sloooooow.” >You scratch the back of your head while trying to make some sense of the amulet’s strange design “You know… I was thinking about those notes Starswirl left behind.”
>Twilight freezes >”y-Yeah?” “Its pretty weird how they mentioned the Morning Star by name, and Midnight too.”
>She puts her tools down >”i-I was pretty freaked out by it too.” “So, do you really think its a good idea to rebuild the thing?”
>Your sister falls quiet, her eyes drifting back and forth between the amulet and you >”Well… the Morning Star was a big help to us before. We’d probably both be dead if I had never built it!” >A part of you wonders if any of this would have ever happened at all had she not built it >”The first Morning Star was just a prototype, but now I think I can build an advanced model! Increased detection range, increased Energy X storage… a stronger more bulletproof chases.” “I don’t know if there’s anything you could put on it to make it Velvet-proof.”
>She giggles at that >”Well, I can try!” Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28961853 >Your rub the back of your neck as she picks her tools up and returns to work >However, she pauses after only a few moments later as another spark flies out of the amulet >”Do you not want me to rebuild it?” >Standing there, you spend a long moment grimacing down at the device >It WAS a very potent weapon >Then again, you can’t get what Starswirl and Tirek said out of your head >The Morning Star, and Midnight, were supposed to herald disaster >It was an ominous, and frustratingly vague, omen >While thinking it over, a grave concern does present itself “What will we do if we capture a huge amount of Energy X again?”
>Twilight gives her invention a blank look as more sparks fly out >”Well, the last time we had some we didn’t really USE it.” “Yeah, and now we have Tirek…”
>”t-That was a good thing?” “I mean, I guess.”
>You shrug your shoulders >Tirek no longer seemed to be an enemy, but you did not trust him by any means >”Sunset believes in him.” “Yeah, I guess that's something.”
>”Sunset likes to believe the best in people…” >The basement falls quiet, save for the clicking of the Morning Star’s inner workings and the occasional spark >”I can think of a few things we could do with extra Energy X…” “…”
>Twilight’s voice came out at little more than a whisper >Lifting her head, she turns toward you with a smile >”I wasn’t sure how late you and Gilda were going to be gone, so I ordered us some pizza!” >You blink at her ‘y-Yeah, I saw. Thanks!"
>”No problem! I already ate a bit, so help yourself.” >Nodding your head, you step away from Twilight and begin ascending the stairs >You can’t help but look back at her on your way up while wondering about Starswirl’s ‘disaster' >Sighing, you walk back into your kitchen >Gilda looks to have already ate good chunk of the pizza, and she’s cracked open another of your beers too Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28961896 >”What’s up boss?” >You shrug your shoulders at Eagle Eyes >”Where’s Twilight hiding?” “Down in her workshop, probably all night.”
>”Again?” “Yeah.”
>She tears a bite out of her slice of pizza while leaning back into her seat “Hey, don’t drink too much tonight. And try to get some sleep. We’re going to be training even harder tomorrow.”
>Gilda nods before taking a swig of her beer >”You alright Shining?” “Yeah, yeah I’m good.”
>Gilda stares as you take a seat opposite from her at the kitchen table >You don’t really feel too hungry at the moment, so you don’t touch any of the food >”Hey.” “Eh?”
>”Thanks for putting me up for a while, and training me and all that. Appreciate it, really.” >You run a hand through your hair and give her a grin “Don’t mention it.”
>She smirks back >”And like I said, your secret’s safe with me.” “Heh, thanks.”
>”I mean yeah it’s weird but, eh.” >She wipes her mouth with a napkin whilst rising to her feet >”I’m going to chill upstairs. Night dude.” “Night.”
>Gilda saunters past you with a half-empty bottle of beer in her hands >You stare down at the pizza, though you still don’t necessarily feel hungry >Sighing, you rise out of your seat and look inside the fridge >After a quick search, you frown “Damnit Gilda, did you drink all my fucking beer?”
>Closing the fridge, you walk over to a cupboard and brandish a cheap bottle of whiskey >As you fix yourself a small glass of booze, a shuffling noise diverts your attention to the living room “The Hell?”
>You take a small sip from your glass before walking out of the kitchen Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28961934 >You spot an amber eyed teenage girl kneeling on the floor amidst a pile of VHS tapes >Indigo zap glances at a tape before tossing it aside >”Ya got any porno?” “You serious?”
>Your former nemesis grins while continuing her search >”Nice!” >She raises a copy of Friday the 13th part VI: Jason Lives >You find yourself slowly smiling “It ain’t exactly sex.”
>"Says who?" >Indigo crawls over to the TV and stuffs the movie into the VCR >You take a seat on the couch, and as the movie slowly starts Indigo shuffles over and takes a seat on the floor against said couch “Seen this movie before?”
>”Ha! Like a miilion times.” “Same…”
>Your attention turns away from the screen and down to Indigo >She would often chime in with her two cents whenever she felt like it, but it was a bit rarer to see her >Sometimes you wondered if she was really there, or you were just going nuts >”Dude stop checking me out.” “Huh?”
>”You know what AJ'll do if she catches you eyeing another chick?” >Indigo props up an imaginary shotgun >”Ch-Ch… BOOM!” >She giggles as a little bit of your scowl cracks into a grin “Hey, you’d be getting shot too bitch."
>”Maybe you should let me take the wheel when that happens? I'm way better at dodging bullets than you.” “Hell no.”
>”Oh come on, you let Gilda drive today!” “And my ass is still sore.”
>”Heh! Dude, you’re ALWAYS butthurt.” >Indigo mashes play on the remote control before you can retort >”Are you ready?" >You fall quite as two men begin to search through a cemetery for Jason’s grave “Huh… I don’t remember this part.”
>”You don’t remember the best horror movie opening EVER!?” >Indigo crawls onto the couch and asks again >”ARE YOU READY?” >You spew a thin mist of whiskey as Jason punches a man’s heart out >”I GUESS NOT!" >Five minutes into the movie and you've already lost your shit Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28961958 >You blitz through your glass of booze, but by the time the drink is gone you’ve become so engrossed in the movie that you can’t bring yourself to get a refill >Indigo is similarly glued to her spot by your side, laughing up a storm at every cheesy kill and exaggerated line of dialogue >Eventually the movie reaches its bloody end, with Jason back at the bottom of Camp Crystal Lake and the survivors exclaiming ‘its over’ >”Sure it is!” >Indigo jerks her imaginary dick at the hapless heroes “You know, the next movie’s really good too.”
>”But dude, didn’t you hear? Jason’s gone for good!” >She gives you a smug grin before crawling back over to the pile of VHS’s >After a quick search she finds her prize and holds it up as if it were the Holy Grail itself >”Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood!” >She grins over at you as you gesture toward the VCR >”Nice.” >As she prepares the new movie, you find yourself swishing around the melting ice cubes in your glass “That’s kind of like us huh?”
>”What you mean?” “Like… we just keep coming back for the next movie.”
>Indigo peers at you over her shoulder while stuffing the video in >”What kind of movie do you think we’re in dude?” “A really cheap one.”
>Indigo smirks as she crawls back onto to the couch and sits cross legged by your side >”Works for me." >The two of you share a quiet moment together, which is soon enough broken apart by the din of screams and the red glow of blood oozing off the tv screen >You are more than content to sit there with her and watch the cheesy bloodshed unfold >Its somewhat an odd feeling, being able to share a moment like this with someone you’ve killed, but you guess stranger shit has happened "Maybe if things had gone differently, I would've ended up being your ghost."
>”Man, now that's a movie I wanna see…” Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28962027 >What set this movie apart from the others was the big fight at the end, where Jason goes up against a girl with psychic powers >Despite being sure that Indigo had seen this movie at least once before, you were still looking forward to her reaction to that fight >Even so, you’re so relaxed that you find yourself starting to snooze >Your eyes flutter closed just as the familiar chanting of ‘ch-ch ha-ha-ha’ echoes into the room “…”
>”Hey Shiney look! Its us!” >Your eyes open as Jason decapitates a jock, spraying his blood all over a naked cheerleader >Cadence busts out into laughter as she sits by your side “Cadence.”
>You inhale a sharp breathe and wrench open your eyes >The movie is over, leaving nothing but static on the screen >Indigo is no longer at your side, at least… not visibly “Shhhiiiiit.”
>Running your hand through your hair, you look over to the empty glass of booze water and sigh “I guess the last time I watched one of these movies was... with her.”
>”You alright?” “I’m cool. Just, feels funny that I’d think back to her like—“
>The phone begins to ring “Huh?”
>Glancing back at the VCR, you see that it is just past midnight >You rise up to your feet and answer the phone “Hello?”
>”Hello Mr. Armor.” “…. Miss Harshwhinny?”
>”I apologize for contacting you so late. How are you?” “Uhm, fine. Thanks.”
>You swear you can hear more of that opera music playing in the background >”I have bad news.” >You tense up >Walking off to the window, you peer outside your blinds >Your gleaming red eyes illuminate the dark as you scan the empty street “Talk to me.”
>”Its about your girlfriend.” >Your eyes widen as you close the blinds “I don’t have a girlfriend.”
>”You… excuse me?” “I said, I DON’T have a girlfriend.”
>You feel your heart begin to beat faster >”t-There was a… a Miss Cadenza.” >Your heart skips a beat Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28962226 >Miss Harswhinny takes a deep breathe and slowly exhales >”This morning you spoke to a representative of Sugardowner. She offered you the chance to join his… ‘army’. You refused the offer. In response to your refusal, Sugardowner chose to—” “Where the fuck is Cadence?!”
>Your snarl cuts her off >”i-I’m afraid she’s been kidnapped.” “Son of a bitch! Are you working for Sugardowner?!”
>”NO! I am a lawyer for goodness sakes!” “Oh yeah? Cause your business card says you sell used furniture! WHERE IS SHE?!”
>She grumbles over the line while seemingly shuffling some papers about >”Chinatown.” “Chinatown? What?!”
>”Sugardowner persuaded the local Yakuza syndicate to detain her.” >”Whoa.” >Your vision reddens as your fangs distend >”I’m very sorry Mr. Armor. From what I understand, Sugardowner is going to contact you in the morning to tell you what I just told you. He will expect you to reconsider his offer.” “FUCK—“
>”—THAT!” “You tell me exactly where she is in Chinatown!”
>"..." >The phone line goes dead “ARRRRRGH!”
>”LAME!” >Indigo Zap suddenly appears by your side >”Call her back! I want to get my hands on some Yakuza punks!” >You hit redial on the phone >The phone rings several times, yet there is no answer “God dammnit!”
>”Hang on, she left another number on the business card! Try that!” >Your eyes widen as you brandish your wallet, fish out the card, and try the new number >Indigo leans in close to the phone you as it rings again, and again, and— >”Hello.” “Tell me where to find her!”
>”You’ll get yourself killed!” “We can handle it!”
>”We!?” >You bite your tongue as Indigo cracks her knuckles Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28962301 ”Why won't you tell me where to find her?!”
>”Because I cared a great deal about your father, and I don’t want to be responsible for his son’s death! THAT’S WHY!” >That is the first time you've heard Harshwhinny snap like that >You're honestly a little surprised it took this long to happen “Look, I appreciate your concern and… and I’m grateful you would tell me anything at all but I’m not going to let Sugardowner play me like this.”
>The phone shakes in your grasp “I’ll burn Chinatown to the fucking ground tonight if that’s what it takes to find Cadence.”
>Indigo leers, showing her fangs as her amber eyes turn as red as yours >Harsh whinny sighs, and if youre not mistaken she appears to be pouring a drink for herself >”The head of the local Yakuza syndicate is a man named Richie. There is a nightclub in Chinatown called Club Zero that belongs to Richie. That’s… that’s all I know, I’ve never even met the man.” “Club Zero… I’ll look it up. Thank you.”
>She sighs before seemingly taking a sip of her drink >”Don’t tell anyone where you learned this… and please don’t die Mr. Armor. I wish you luck in retrieving your girlfriend.” “I told you, I don’t have a girlfriend.”
>No sooner than you've slammed the phone down does Indigo wrap a claw around your wrist and pull you away >”Lets hit the club!” “Hang on!”
>You wrench your arm out of her grasp and march upstairs >”Need to grab your gear?” “I’m not about to walk into a fight with just my dick in my hand.”
>”Ha!” >Just as you ascend the steps, Indigo’s glowing red eyes block your way >Grinning, she whispers >”So you’d burn down all of Chinatown for Cadence? Now I KNOW that would make AJ jealous…” >Sneering back, you whisper “You know exactly why I gotta save Cadence.”
>”Oh?" >Raising your hand, you jab a finger at Twilight's room >”Oh." Big Brother Shining Armor
>>28962332 >Walking past Indigo’s shadowy form, you crack open the door to Twilight’s room >She appears to be fast asleep >Sighing, you shut the door and head to your own room “Cadence was like a mother to Twi. About as long as Velvet was…”
>You lift up your mattress and grasp the shotgun that bore your late mother’s name “If something ever happened to Cadence, then it’d be—“
>”— a disaster?” >Laying the mattress back down, you find Indigo lounging on top of it “You saw what she was like when she thought Sunset was dead. What the fuck do you think?”
>”Alright alright. So are we bringing her with?” “If we did that, then Chinatown probably would burn to the ground. I don’t want another massacre.”
>Indigo’s grin fades ”…”
>”…” “I don’t want another massacre of innocent people. Yakuza’s fair game.”
>“ALRIGHT!” >Her voice distorts as she rolls off the bed and assumes a predatory stance with her claws outstretched >”Let’s go be heroes!" >Reaching into your closet, you grab a ballistic vest and march back into the hall >You enter your father’s room, toss the vest on the bed, and flip on the lights >Gilda, dressed in her wifebeater and shorts, groggily lifts herself up and stares at the vest >Growling, she tears her metal-blasting headphones off >”If this is some kind of drill you can fuck right off!” “This is not a drill. We’re going to war.”
>Her golden eyes widen “Are you ready?”
>You slap your hand over your mouth before Indigo can drop another meme >”I was fucking born ready.” >She hops off of the bed and begins sliding the vest on >”So what’s the score?" “The Yakuza kidnapped my ex-girlfriend.”
>”EX-girlfriend? Dude, awkward.” “Hurry up!”
>Gilda attempts to tighten the vest on… to little avail >Your jaw drops as Indigo chuckles inside your head >”This fucking thing won’t fit!” >”Her eyes are up there Champ.” Big Brother Shining Armor
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>>28962410 And that's all for tonight, I hope ya'll enjoy! I might have something a bit special planned for next thread depending on how things go, but in any case I'm looking forward to showing off what comes next.
Until next time, good luck out there
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>>28947986 Sugarlight should be impossible to write because of the difference in characters
Glad you can do it amazingly Jeff
Get out of the Shimmer thread. We don't want your lesbian shipping shit.
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>>28963179 Really shimmigrant?
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We of the Shim nation declare war on your Nightly Twi-dykes. How dare you attack our thread, with your taco munching ways! Your filthy love of carpet chewing and Labia lapping. This is WAR. Prepare for the ULTIMATE ORGY. prepare your anuses.
I just want to say that the people who ship Tomoko with Tomoki should be hanged from lamp posts and beaten with sticks. In case of survival to that, necklacing is the next step.
>>28963179 I agree.
But as I see you are an illegal shimmigrant scum I will do you a solid by telling you that Gritsaw is a fucking faggot, go kill yourself, get out of /nst/.
>>28963263 Do PAPER you gook
>>28964024 That's so not current year, anon.
I am not Ekwig though, I am just a man with an obsession with Tomoko reaction images who loves Trump.
>>28964154 >Ekwig You must be a writefag
>>28963263 listen to
>>28964024 WRITE PAPER
>>28962410 Im too tired to read tonight
sorry BBSA ill make sure to read it tommorow
Big Brother Shining Armor
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>>28964875 Its cool dude, it'll still be there for you when you come back.
Hope you like it, good night!
>>28964024 >>28964662 This meme is retarded by now.
Also, you both know that PAPER was never written.
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>>28964293 No. Though I did got that from them, I enjoy how it sounds.
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>>28965186 Still fun to meme with
MidzekSparman !!m52kq4hWEFz
I finally get home from work and get to enjoy my day off, and the Sunset Thread thinks we hate them and are talking more conspiraces theories than the writefags do half the time. What did you faggots do? Also when I'm not tired as shit, Cyberlight Part 2 starting. Probably. Broke out of the NEET life and it's been kicking my ass, sorry.
>>28965564 Breaking kayfable here.
GreentextSavant is /ourguy/.
We shall conquer the Sunset Shimmer Thread and we shall enlarge the reach of our dykeshit empire through the board.
None will stop the march of our empire.
>>28965607 Okay...
Then for any
fellow Shimmerfags that stumble in here; that's retarded, I can count the number of times GreentextSavant has spoken in the writefag chats since I've joined on a single hand, there is no conspiracy beyond the /pol/-tier autism in here, let alone among the writefags; go back to lurking/shitposting about /pol/, and leave the Shimmerfags be.
They're too pure for our flavor of autism anyway, and you faggots would need to let that retarded Shimmigrant meme EQG came up with die before they'd even consider accepting us. Conquest would also never happen; you're all too busy lurking to even shitpost up THIS thread, thinking you can spread it to another is laughable.
And if I need to speak autism to discourage autism:
We absorbed the Shadowbolts into the fold either intentionally or unintentionally after Friendship Games showed they're semi-interesting background characters and little else. We also already have Jeff writing about the Rarijacks at the very least thanks to Dimensional Delivery. Let's consolidate our current gains before we go wrecking other people's shit like screaming faggots wanking our own cocks at the idea of SunLight becoming the only thing associated with Shimmer.
Spidershim doesn't fucking count or exist. Shut up about it. Besides, if anything that runs counter to the Shimmigrant logic because it's wanting a pony-turned-human to be with the human this thread is concerned with, and you faggots seem to have a raging hardon for hating Shimmer. Why, when we have things like StalkerLight and other glorious SunLight to praise, I'll never know, or really care. This thread is insane. You're all insane. And I'm insane for joining in it's autism at best, tolerating it and lurking myself at worst.
Okay, I think I've gotten the butthurt and autism out of my system. Have a SunLight x2 Combo. Anonymous
>>28965691 >was the second spoiler a refrence to malal? Anonymous
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>>28965922 Unintentionally, yes. Anonymous
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>>28965691 >retarded Shimmigrant meme EQG came up with die before they'd even consider accepting us. The meme is true though, they are illegaly going to other universes and fucking shit up, some might become good people, but why take that chance? A lasgun charge at the right time might save millions. And the ones that do go to other universes legally usually live mediocre lives but other take part in the purest form of love, SunLight
And who wants them to accept us? Conquest is forced, like rape, in Vietnam.
I did enjoyed how they called that guy a cuck, makes me teary eyed to see my meme trascend threads. "If you do that you would be exactly like the shimmigrants"
History will decide what we are, but our holy crusade is one of justice and honor, and more importalty, pig disgusting, filthy, DYKESHIT!
>We absorbed the Shadowbolts into the fold I like the Shadowbolts, they are good people, most of them deserve to be purged by the poor Twilight's they toment, though. Why take the chance when a poor Sci-Twi might die? Tbqhwy, the HST should take the matter into their own hands. Maybe sparing some of the Shadowbolts who can be good people.
>Rarijacks I have nothing against them. I do pity the poor superior Rarity's that have to constantly endure the shit that their Applejacks do and say. Fucking racist hillbillies. "Muh apples". "Muh farm". "Muh no magic allowed".
And finally, I have nothing against SunLight greens as I love dykeshit, and there is nothing inherently wrong with Shimmers, they are just inferior in every way to Twilights, that's a fact.
Pic on imgur, because image limit: Anonymous
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>>28965691 Ill take the sunlight x2
>>28966550 Big Boss is the best MGS character.
>>28966739 Which one
One of them is good
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>>28966869 Venom has good looks with his sexy horn and John has the personality so I really can't decide. I will just say Venom.
I miss nohooves, he was a good friend.
>>28966915 Still is a good friend
Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
Hey guys. For anyone who enjoyed the Only War podcasts we did for a while, I've got something you might like.
Tonight at 7:30 central time, I'll be running and streaming a Call of Cthulhu game in which EQGWF, BBSA, and Ses will be playing. The livestream link is If you'd like to listen along and shitpost with us in the chat, feel free to come on by.
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>>28965691 >hating shimmer There are these things called "memes" and "jokes" that, believe it or not, allow us to make fun of or even bash certain things and characters as a form of entertainment. Sunset Shimmer is important in many stories, no one hates her, the joke about illegal Shimmigrants is because that's literally what happens in the first film: Sunset goes to another universe and causes shit. So, most Shimmers go to universes they don't belong in as extrapolation.
People in-multiverse tend to hate them because people in-canon disliked Sunset. People didn't trust her after she went good, and before that they feared her. ISIS is like how she went demon mode and tried to take over the world. Lots of Sunsets just want to be good people, but some go very bad. The way she is treated represents how all her character facets exist in the multiverse, good and bad, as well as the callousness of early Twilight, for example: HST is Twilight without friendship lessons and with too much power. The multiverse is representative of the characters and events of canon, and that's the point and joke of fan fiction. As far removed as it is, it represents the original product in some way.
Failing to understand that, on your part or on the Shimmer general's, doesn't really matter and won't change anything. You're not going to undo something that's been thread Lore for over a year just because you don't get it.
>>28967043 He is kill.
Vietnam took him.
>>28967604 Im pretty sure he is still here
>>28967938 You never come back from 'Nam.
>>28968105 I believe in NH
>>28968266 "The tales of NH in 'Nam"
nohooves, as a soldier.
Ek "gook" wig, as the Vietcong leader.
Jeff "Mr. President" Mango, as President Nixon.
ChurroAnon as nohooves's big bro, who is also deployed in 'Nam.
Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28968620 Stop making me play Nixon! Why do I always have to play Nixon!? >:'^(
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>>28968943 Did you had to play Nixon before?
Did you managed to master his skill for sweating bullets through his brow, upper lip an chin?
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For anyone interested, the next issue of Goblin Slayer is out.
>>28967221 Is this still going or...?
>>28969497 Google Hangouts a shit and we can't get it to air live. We've been trying to make it work for an hour now. Haven't started yet.
Jeff Mango !!Ra5DA0b71+O
>>28967221 >>28969497 Sorry to any Anon who was looking forward to this. YouTube decided to merge its streaming features with Google+ and, for whatever reason, they're not letting me stream.
So instead of a live show, we're going to record the game and upload it as a podcast. I can't promise nothing else will go wrong, but if I can get this to work then you can listen in on the game tomorrow.
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>>28969515 >>28969517 Ah okay, it's not that bad, I just wanted to shitpost with you for a while.
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>>28969517 Why is Google so fucking retarded?
Their motto should be "Don't be retarded".
Man, the full WataMote ending song sure is depressing. It hurts my heart to listen to that despairing voice.
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If there is one person who I would clean with my mouth is the actress Eva Green. I would lick her armpits after her workouts just so I could hatefuck her.
>>28969894 EQGWF isnt coming back man
>>28970181 Okay, good for Ekwig, I do love when she shitposts from time to time.
I will still enjoy WataMote.
Imagine that you are a man who loves a woman, but that woman doesn't feels the same? I say you stop being a pussy and go stick your dick in some whores, they are less expensive than having a wife in the end.
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I have a bone that wants to be rattled
You know you are having a shitty day when you are too tired to even think about killing yourself. Also, The Game.
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>>28970282 >You know you are having a shitty day when you are too tired to even think about killing yourself. I know that feeling too well
nohooves !!4bjFcPvCihc
>>28967043 i am a bad friend T(b,h) f(a)m
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>>28970432 I knew you werent dead
>>28970248 how good is watamote? should I read it?
>>28970542 It's bad and you should avoid it
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>>28970432 only a good friend would say that
JoJo !!UkKIV3whwey
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New thread
>>28970769 >>28970769 >>28970769 no that is not a mistake