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Additional planned maintenance will occur with downtime the entire day of 3/15.
[509 / 256 / ?]

Nightly Scilight Thread #129

!!UkKIV3whwey No.28872157 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
President Elect Trumplight Edition
Previous thread: >>28817258
Archive of /nst/ greentext stories:

Tips for potential writefags:

Updated Wiki: thanks to NoHooves for updating it

All Human Twilight Sparkle content, such as greentext stories, art and discussion go here.

The original prompt:
>"Uhhh, mmm... Anon? W-what are you doing after school?"

Writefagging, drawfagging, discussion, and other SciTwi-related content are highly encouraged during "down time". New green, drawings, etc. are highly encouraged during these times. Spiral staircase Rhinoceros beetle Ruins street Fig tart Rhinoceros beetle Via dolorosa Rhinoceros beetle Singularity point Giotto Angel Hydrangea Rhinoceros beetle Singularity point Secret emperor...