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MLP General

!!3gam3heWjui No.31700386 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
725 & 726: Shadow Play - Parts 1 & 2
Written by Josh Haber & Nicole Dubuc

Tails of Equestria RPG: The Festival of Lights showcased here!

Beyond Equestria: Pinkie Pie Steps Up and Ponyville Mysteries: Peryton Panic storytimes:

Legends of Magic #9 is still storytimed here!

A new year means all sorts of new things - and reevaluations of existing ones. Princess Celestia's fairly easy-going, but there's plenty Equestria needs to at least keep a watch on. It's easy enough for the unexpected to happen, so expanding on the expected is at least some measure of prevention. Has any area been neglected recently? Are expanding supply lines stretching protection thin? How are neighboring countries faring? Some of the usual things she may consider, in addition to normal internal affairs.

Previous thread.