>>>/biz/smg/ hereHello frens. SOXL is the answer. Face it. Semiconductors are crack in all but name. The desire for newer, faster, more is insatiable. Computers, GPUs, self-driving electric cars, AI enhanced smartphones, medical devices, microcontrollers, networking gear, machine learning, surveillance, infrastructure, military, the list goes on. No matter how many cores, how fast or efficient, demand requires bigger, faster, cheaper, better. The clamor for fresh silicon gives nary shit for national identity, creed, hue, gender or other vain conceit. The multitude speaks in singular. The plea: semiconductor.
SOXL couples a single ETF entry point with the the best companies the space has to offer then pushes the already stellar returns to the limit with 3x leverage. With SOXL your economic interests are aligned with hardware powerhouses TSMC, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Intel, Dutch based ASML, Broadcom, AMD, Micron, Texas Instruments, Applied Materials, et al. Real tech companies with innovative products people want, not """tech""" """companies""" pushing shitty ads. And like all leveraged ETFs, SOXL is rebalanced daily, accelerating gains in an upmarket while eliminating margin risks in a down.
In the last 7 years, SOXL has exploded over 100x (not even counting dividends!) yet still we are early. Semiconductor growth will proceed exponentially until every viable space is saturated with it. This is a fait accompli; the sheer number of interested parties and compelling outcomes make it so. The injection of increasingly compact and efficient sensors, microcontrollers, information processing, storage, and machine learning into everywhere and everything will be this era's seminal revolution, a revolution with SOXL holders planted firmly at the receiving end. Waiting for the "pullback" is a failure mode. Now. Buy it now.