Previous thread: smile, well the boss is usually in the biggest building in the dungeon or town or room whatever, point is the leader of these goblins' that I'm guessing is their dad as well as their chief is probably in their.
I smile, turning the dial on my headphones as I start to sing along to the good old singing in the rain song, spinning and twirling around as I hear more sounds of things running to hide as I walk up the shoddy stairs made out shaven down logs and old water logged planks stepping over fish bones and through a terrible stench that seems to stick to everything close to the big hut.
I cover my nose and walk up the rest of the way, throwing the dirty red rags out of my way as I hear a whimpering gurgling gasp.
"Jesus" I say as I see a goblin wider than I am sitting in a broken stone bench
"HAaaaa, defiler of my lands" he gasps as he pulls on a chain, making a girl with blueberry blue hair stumble out from next to him "Defend me from this invader"
She looks at me, she's in pain...torment from this godawful smell
"SONS, SAVE YOUR FATHER!" He gasps, coughing up a fish head onto the poor girl
What do you do?
[] look around in horror
[] kill him
[]Sooo, how'd you get so fat
[]Err, Fuck I can't I need some air...
[] Hey tubby
[] I'll let you live if you do one little thing for me, okay
[] I'm so sorry girl, you don't deserve this, no one does
[] For once, I'm glad I have one eye
[] write in