Quoted By:
>"Alright, introduce and describe your characters to the group."
"I'm playing Valaremedius. He's an old wizard and has a pointy hat."
>"That's nice. And you?"
"I'm playing Sue. She's a pretty young human woman, blonde hair, and has hairy arms. She carries a spear with red tassles on it."
>"Okay, now that that's out of the w-"
"Wait just a minute. How hairy?"
"How hairy are Sue's arms?"
>"I don't think that's very impo-"
"Like a gorilla's. Thick and long, but blonde."
>"Alright, that's settled then. Now, the town you are-"
"Why doesn't she shave?"
"Why should she shave?"
"Just asking. I'd shave if I had arms that hairy."
"She doesn't think it's necessary. There's nothing wrong with hairy arms. And it'd be too much of a hassle."
"Does she wear long sleeves though?"
"No, they would interfere with her spearwork."
"I guess it makes sense for her to prefer to keep her arms hairy then."
>"Now, the town you are in-"
"What about her legs? Are they hairy too?"
"No, just her arms."
"How does that work? Does she shave her legs?"
"No, she just has very hairy arms. Her legs have a normal amount of hair, but blonde so it's not quite so noticeable."
"How does that work?"
"Well, it's blonde, so it matches the skin bett-"
"No, how can you have hairy arms but not legs?"
>"The town-"
"I don't know, that's how she is. It's a fantasy world, so don't worry so much about it."
"You're starting to stretch my suspension of disbelief though."
"The stop thinking about her legs. She wears long pants, so you can't see how hairy her legs are."
"That's not the point. Verisimilitude."
>"...the town..."
"A wizard cursed her. Happy?"
"A wizard cursed her arms?"
"No, her legs."
"Oh, come on. That's ridiculous. You expect me to believe that?"
>"...the town is on fire..."