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"Everyone is sweet!" I push Julie off of us. "You, Mom, Me, Kaori, Haruko, even the kids from Fortune. Everyone! Just accept it."
"But there can only be one sweetEST!" Julie persists.
Haruko is glaring at me.
Why are you acting like this is my fault?! Because it isn't!
I look over toward the clown, she's laughing at me.
Oh, no no no. You do NOT get to laugh at my expense here!
"(Psst, Clown! Show us a magic trick!)"
"(Do something!)"
She stands up, seeming somewhat awkward.
With one of her hands, she places it against the palm of her other with her thumb extended.
Then, she pulls the other hand away! It's like she just pulled her thumb off.
"Oh I've seen that trick before." Julie sighs.
"Same here." Haruko crosses her arms.
"Oh, well I guess you can have this then, I don't really need it."
Naturally, she shrieks and falls backwards. Haruko falls to her knees and clamps her head between her hands.
"Hahahahah!" The clown laughs with glee. The 'severed' finger hits the ground and puffs into smoke.
What an awful person.
"Okay, that's enough." Mom picks the clown up. "We're going home, and you're getting another bath. How do you smell so bad again?"
"I smell fine!"
"Hey, is that another one of your tricks?" Haruko seems confused.
"Which one?"
"That glowing door."
We turn around, and are confronted with a glowing blue door suspended in mid-air.
Maybe if I don't look at it, I can just go home and worry about it later.
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