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“But how?”
“Hmmm…” You look around at what you have, and see motion a while away. Hmm.. must be a homless man… yes! That’s it! “I’s got an idea.”
“Onii-chan?” Mimi follows after you as you head in that direction
“Oye geezer!” He startles into full conciousness, looking up at you in fear in his eyes. By the looks of his scrapes and bruises, he’s been the victim of homeless beatings before. Most likely from yankii punks like yourself. “Woah there, geezer. I ain’t gonna beat yer shit, I’s got a job fer ya.”
“A-a Job? What kinda job a punk-kid like you have for me?” He glares up at you and turns his bearded face away. “Sides, a kid like you wouldn’t possibly keep yer word and pay up I bet-huh?”
“This’s what I got fer ya. 50,000 yen. That’d keep ya nice ‘n fed fer a bit, wouldn’t it?” You toss some money that you’d procured from Shuu’s wallet at him. He looks shocked that youd shell out such cash. This -is- important, and you’re -plenty- sure that you could chase down and beat down his malnourished ass if he were to run on you. “Alls I need’ya to do is distract the cops over at the station. Piss on em, whatever. I dun care. Just take care of it, and turn dey heads. Then you’se can getcher self some grub or booze or whatever kinda shit yer gonna buy wit that dough.”
“Ah! Umm… I can do that… “ His eyes are wide as he gathers up the notes into his hands. “Is that all?”
“Also, don’t say anythin’ about us, got it?”
“Y-yeah! I do!” He smiles and stands up on wobbly feet. The following scene is quite amusing, and effective. The old man wanders across the street over to the station, and chats the officers up a bit about getting some money from them. After being refused money, services, -and- food he decides to SHIT ON THE SIDEWALK not ten feet away from them.