PREVIOUSLY:“So for our performance in yesterday’s assault, our unit is being sent to the rear.” You hope it wasn’t because of last night. Your headache spikes every time you think about it. “We are going to be performing manual labor duties for the Corps until we are needed once again.” The only person who looks satisfied at the thought of not having to do any fighting is Rascal. “Which of course means that no… we are not expected to run into any combat in the REAR,” you say with emphasis to Greta.
“Absolutely disgusting,” she hisses. “Are they really so arrogant that they’ll send five perfectly good witches to the rear in the middle of an assault!?”
“It wasn’t the Colonel’s call,” you say, folding your arms. “This came directly from High Command themselves. And we have to deal with it all the same.” Aurelia at least seems to be taking the news well, simply going back to filing her nails. As for Thorn well-
She threw her bed over your head, letting it crash through the tent and surprise a few soldiers passing by. “Horseshite!” she screams. “Fucking bullshit!” Greta and Rascal immediately shrink in fright at Thorn’s fury. “You all worked so hard to get where we are now and they’re just going to send us back to the rear!? I am not going to go back to filing paperwork again!” she yells. She grabs her footlocker and slams it down on Aurelia’s bed. It launches Aurelia briefly in the air, before she quickly lands without another word. Aurelia really is taking the news well. “I’m angry! ANGRY ABOUT STRATEGIC DECISIONS!”