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It's early morning in Pearl.
All the structural repairs on the Manse's structure are pretty much complete. Out of your window, you can see the work crews taking their sweet time to report for what little work is left. Carefree, without much sense of urgency.
Golden Reach is more or less in the same condition now as it was before the battle. It's still a rushed job of a fortress with basically no comforts or amenities, but the sheer structure, the walls and ceilings and stairs and windows and such, is all there.
Of course, the original plan was to make it shiny, comfortable, luxurious and impressive, the way a Solar manse is supposed to be, but for that you'll need Valeriana's blueprints and directions, and even then it'll probably be a matter of months or years of work.
But that's right, there's no rush right now. You have breakfast with your servants and then arrange for the scheduled training of the Steelshard mercenaries. Deal with small matters of administration and governance that require your attention (solving minor disputes, organizing work and guard details, and such).
What else?
...You really do feel lonely. Did this whole "bet" you had with Tia get blown a bit too much out of proportions? If so, is it her fault, or yours? Or are you just being weak right now?