twitter: previous: Char sheet: A moaning wail echos throughout the halls, creeping into mine and Kandence's room, dragging me out of my unusually peaceful sleep. I yawn, my arms forming out of my puddle as I rise out of my tank, my body slowly defining itself back to it's usual appearance as a manically broken cackle echos through the halls again. I run my hand over my hair, the two fusing together at the edges for a brief second as I look at the door in confusion, to tired to open the door and check what's making all these scary noises.
I smirk as I see a crude pumpkin painted on our side of the door, oh right, it's like two weeks until halloween isn't it? Well that hopefully explains what all those noises are...then again from what I've seen around this place it could just be some girls messing around, getting their all hallows eve scares in early.
I sigh, turning to my skittish roommate's bed to see her, as I expected, curled up under it in her coils, shaking as she holds onto her rattle like a scared kid would a blanket or stuffed animal. I frown as she looks up at me, looking paler than a vampire in sunscreen.. or that ghost at the cafeteria...or maybe snow? point is she's looking even more terrified than usual, and it's breaking my heart to see it...then again, it also raises up another feeling, I mean, it is the season of spooks and scares isn't it?
what do you do?
[] comfort the snake
[] Scare the snake
[] go back to sleep
[] go to a class
[] find Miranda
[] hang out with the other slime girls
[] Go to a part of the school and "relax"
[] get some apple cider and pumpkin pie
[] get some nice cold flavored water
[] You know that's just some one playing sound bites over the speakers right?
[] write in
Quoted By:
>>43039398 >[] comfort the snake >[] You know that's just some one playing sound bites over the speakers right? >[] get some apple cider and pumpkin pie Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039398 >[] comfort the snake >[] hang out with the other slime girls >[] get some apple cider and pumpkin pie >[] get some nice cold flavored water Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039398 >[] comfort the snake Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039398 >[] comfort the snake Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039398 >[] comfort the snake Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039398 >[] Scare the snake >[] hang out with the other slime girls Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039398 >[] get some nice cold flavored water >[] comfort the snake Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039398 Vore the snake roommate. Best to get a jump on these things.
Quoted By:
>>43039398 >[] comfort the snake Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039398 >[] get some apple cider and pumpkin pie >[] get some nice cold flavored water >[] You know that's just some one playing sound bites over the speakers right? The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
Hmm, but still scaring the er...she doesn't actually wear pants now does she? scales of someone before the night itself isn't exactly the most saintly thing I can do, especially when it's some one who I suspect is scared of their own reflection some times. I grab the edge of my bath tank, and slowly ooze, pull and walk out of the side of it, the slightly purple stained water sloshing beneath me as I slide down to the floor, jiggling as I stand up, grabbing my uniform and struggling to put it on as I walk over to where Kandence's hidey hole. She peeks up at me as I sit down, my legs sinking into my puddle as I get to eye level, her golden yellow eyes shining in the dark, still clutching the end of her tail. "Not doing so well today are ya?" I ask softly, sliding under her bed with her She nods as her coils shift around so I have some room to not get squished or squashed. "The noises scaring you?" I ask smiling as she nods again, whimpering as she holds her tail closer to her chest as it shakes and rattles around "Those most likely aren't real, and if they are they're just some girls having some fun, nothing to worry about really" "I still don't like it" She whispers "it's always so creepy, halloween, I don't see why people like it so much, when it's so scary" "Well I think it's fun" I say smiling "I mean what other time of year do you get to dress up and get candy?" "Whenever you want to" She sighs, sliding under her coils "it isn't all that special, besides every one trying to scare eachother, and you know how I deal with that stuff Luuucy" "Yeah, yeah I do" I sigh, patting her tail, leaving some bits of slime stuck on her scales "But really there's nothing to be afraid of right now" "Well I think there is, all the time" she sniffle "urr, c..could you get me some treats when you go out I could use some comfort food" "Mark my words, I'll make you brave one day" I say smiling as I get out from under her bed "brave as can be' cont
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
>>43039719 "Well I wouldn't hold my breath for that, since I'm perfectly happy here" She laughs nervously flicking her tongue out as she peeks from under her bed ever so slightly.
I pout, crossing my arms under my chest as they mix and fuse together slightly.
What do you say?
[] Fine what do you want
[] How can I be braver than you? I don't have a spine and you have like...two
[] oh come on, this time of year is the best, I'll show you
[] Well if you stay in here, people might come to the door and I wouldn't be able to answer it
[]Eh, I'm going to find Miranda or that headless girl
[] write in
Quoted By:
>>43039791 >[] Well if you stay in here, people might come to the door and I wouldn't be able to answer it Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039791 >molest tail until she gives in and comes with us Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039791 >[] oh come on, this time of year is the best, I'll show you You just need a friend that can help you not be scared!
Quoted By:
>>43039791 >[] How can I be braver than you? I don't have a spine and you have like...two >[] oh come on, this time of year is the best, I'll show you Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039791 >[] Well if you stay in here, people might come to the door and I wouldn't be able to answer it Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039791 [] How can I be braver than you? I don't have a spine and you ARE a spine.
Quoted By:
>>43039791 >[] oh come on, this time of year is the best, I'll show you >[] How can I be braver than you? I don't have a spine and you have like...two >[] Well if you stay in here, people might come to the door and I wouldn't be able to answer it Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43039791 >[] How can I be braver than you? I don't have a spine and you have like...two >[] oh come on, this time of year is the best, I'll show you >[] Well if you stay in here, people might come to the door and I wouldn't be able to answer it >molest tail until she gives in and comes with us The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"OH COoooooome on" I sigh angrily as I tap my fingers on my shoulders "I don't even have a spine or anything, you practically are one, how can I be braver than you" "Because you aren't a coward like meeee" She cries "does that answer your question? huh, I'm a big scalely snake coward, okay?" " I know you are, but that's no excuse to stay cooped up in one of the best times of the damn year" I growl, ripples running through me "Come on, this is the best time to be out and about, I'll show you" "Sorry, but I'm having a much better time in here than I would out there" She says with a chuckle as her bed rocks around from her moving around I sigh, shaking my head as I walk slide to the door, my hand enveloping the door knob as I smirk evilly, I know how I can get her out of this room, she'll have to have fun then, she'll just have to. "Weell fine, I'll go, leaving you all alone" I say dramatically with mock sadness as I look down at my dark purple legs"but I bet someone is going to want to visit and I won't be around to answer the" Kandence gasps in a mixture of dread and fear. A moment later I hear the bed hit the floor with a loud slam, the floor shaking as she nearly runs into me, as she practically coils around me twice. "Soooo where are we going" She says laughing "I mean it's a pretty nice day and you're right I can't spend all of it cooped up in here" "Oh what could have possibly changed your mind" I say laughing as I swing the door open "Oh don't start, I I mean I don't laugh when you go crazy over water" She sighs as she slowly slithers after me "Do I?" "Wasn't laughing at you, it's just kind of is all" I say chuckling as I walk into the hall filled with fake and real cobwebs as a girl attached to a big fucking spider clambers across the ceiling Kandence shrieks and I stretch my arm out, wrapping it around her waste to catch her as the spider girl looks embarressed and hurt. Sorry" I say as she scuttles away "She's a bit skittish some times" cont
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
>>43040056 "Sorry" Kandence whimpers, holding her hand over mine, doing her best to not get it stuck in mine "I really am"
"Oh it doesn't matter, you just made her a bit self consious is all" I say laughing as I walk down the hall as I get the feeling something is watching me.
What do you do?
[] look
[] get pie and cider/water
[] Hang out with miranda or the rest of the slimes I know
[]go to a class
[] hang out somewhere secluded
[]cause some mischief
[] tease snek
[] try to make kandence social
[]write in
Quoted By:
>>43040097 >[] get pie and cider/water >[]cause some mischief >[] tease snek All the important things
Quoted By:
>>43040097 >[] get pie and cider/water >[] hang out somewhere secluded Just getting her out of the room is enough for now
Quoted By:
>>43040097 >[] get pie and cider/water >[] hang out somewhere secluded >[] tease snek Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040097 >[] get pie and cider/water >[] Hang out with miranda or the rest of the slimes I know >[] try to make kandence social Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040097 >[] get pie and cider/water [] hang out somewhere secluded
Quoted By:
>>43040097 >[] get pie and cider/water >[] tease snek >[] hang out somewhere secluded Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040097 >[] look >[] get pie and cider/water >[] tease snek The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
It's probably nothing I mean, I thought I could still feel my heart beating when for the first couple of days there, so I really shouldn't trust every feeling I get. "Well lets get some cider and pie and forget all about what just happened there" I say shrugging as i walk down the hall "Sounds good" she mutters as she follows behind me, nearly hugging up against "You know if you want to wear me like a coat, you can just ask" I say sticking my tongue out back at her "wouldn't be the first time someone wanted to be inside of me" "WHAT!?" She shouts, her face turning bright red as she covers her mouth "Teasing, besides I wouldn't make a good coat anyways" I say laughing "R..right uh most people don't joke about that kind" She says before she goes quite, still holding her hands in front of her as she slithers and slides along I giggle to myself, why did I just say that, still it was kind of funny, now to...oh. well the cafteria is full of girls of all shapes and sizes, and colors and looks, I mean wow I can kind of see why Kandence is scared to come down I best find some place nice and secluded from here because I don't think my scaly friend could take it. what do you do? [] go to the bleachers [] go to Library [] Go to the slime class [] go to the "grave" Yard *the undead dorms* [] go to the green house [] go to the warehouse [] Get sparkling apple cider instead of normal cider [] write in
Quoted By:
>>43040296 >[] go to the bleachers >[] Get sparkling apple cider instead of normal cider Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040296 >[] go to the bleachers Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040296 >[] go to the "grave" Yard *the undead dorms* Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040296 >[] go to Library >[] Get sparkling apple cider instead of normal cider Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040296 >[] go to Library >[] Get sparkling apple cider instead of normal cider Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040296 >[] Go to the slime class >[] Get sparkling apple cider instead of normal cider Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040296 >[] go to Library >[] Get sparkling apple cider instead of normal cider Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040296 >[] Go to the slime class >[] Get sparkling apple cider instead of normal cider The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"Lucy?" Kandence says meekly as she taps my shoulder gently, sending a single ripple through it and to my neck "Do you mind if I just ah wait outside for you, cause there's really too many girls in there you know" "Oh it's fine with me" I say smiling softly as I put my hand on her shoulder "Just don't get lost on me okay?" She nods, smiling slightly, before she ducks down and bolts across the floor like a drop of dye rushing down a stream of water. I sigh as she nearly knocks a girl who's part cow flat on her ass. I smirk as I walk into the room, and see the giant stack of pumpkin pies and jugs of cider in the corner of the room "Free treats, from the gardening club" the sign hanging above all of the goodies reads in big colorful letters with a cartoon face of a green girl with white petals for hair. Well it seems like I'm lucky for once, because there's still some pies left, and by some I mean a fuck load. I stride over there, as a girl in a pot, looking like a flower with white petals growing from her scalp and vines. the petals that replaced her hair are long and mixed with leavers. And as I get closer I realize her eyes are light pink and seem hazed over. "Oh hello" She says leaning over at me "rare to see a slime with such a...alluring color...take as many as you want" "Er right" I say, feeling a bit nervous as I grab two whole pies, since Kandence eats quite a bit 'uh thanks I guess, see you around" "Oh I hope so" She purrs as she scoots her pot after me a bit "Also I know you don't really need it, but you should take some cider along with all that pie, goes wonderfully with it" I nod, grabbing the glass jug she hands me and holds onto for a bit to long, before walking as fast as my jelly legs can carry me away from her as she waves me good bye, nearly running into more solid girls as I do so. Okay that was a bit scary "Why'd you get two pies?" Kandence asks as I nearly bump into her as I rush out the door. cont
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
>>43040581 "So we don't have to share, duh" I say sticking my lavender tongue out "Now do you think the library would let us eat these in there
"No...I mean they already have to keep the books wrapped in plastic nearly twenty four" She begins as I'm already walking towards where my little school map tells me where the library is
"Don't care" I laugh happily as I go along.
What do you do?
[] drink all the sparkling cider
[] Ask Kandence how it feels to still be solid
[] Tell Her how fun it is being a slime *increases acclimatization*
[] Throw your pie at someone 1d20
[] read a book, when you get to the library
[] mess with her
[] write in
Quoted By:
>>43040627 >[] drink all the sparkling cider >[] Ask Kandence how it feels to still be solid Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040627 >[] drink all the sparkling cider >[] Ask Kandence how it feels to still be solid Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040627 >[] drink all the sparkling cider Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040627 [] drink all the sparkling cider
[] Ask Kandence how it feels to still be solid
Quoted By:
>>43040627 >[] drink all the sparkling cider >[] Ask Kandence how it feels to still be solid Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040627 >] drink all the sparkling cider >[] Ask Kandence how it feels to still be solid Anonymous
>>43040627 >[] drink all the sparkling cider >[] Ask Kandence how it feels to still be solid >[] Tell Her how fun it is being a slime *increases acclimatization* Anonymous
>>43040627 >[] drink all the sparkling cider >[] Ask Kandence how it feels to still be solid >[] Tell Her how fun it is being a slime *increases acclimatization* Anonymous
>>43040627 >[] Tell Her how fun it is being a slime *increases acclimatization* >[] mess with her Very light teasing.
Quoted By:
>>43040800 No anon, you are the faggots.
Quoted By:
>>43040800 I am very confused as to why to seem to be so violently against it.
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
Kandence groans, sounding slightly annoyed as she slithers quickly to catch up to me. She shakes her head, but sticks close to me as we walk down the hall, as decorations covered the walls, pillars, ceilings and even the floor. A girl with patchwork skin helps a girl with far to many arms put up a skeleton cut out on a wall with a big shit eating grin on it's face, as a girl in a chest tries to help out. I giggle to myself as Kandence hides behind me again. I turn to her and she shies away, looking nervous again as I uncap the sparkling cider as it bubbles and pops, looking oh some appetizing and bubbly...nice and bubbly. her tail rattles slightly "Say, what's it like to still be solid?" I ask looking up at her, frowning a bit "Er, well besides the tail, exactly as it used to be, besides being even more tired in the morning" She says tilting her head and looking really confused "Why do you ask anyway, di..did you already forget" She leans closer to me with a worried look in her eye. I lean back "No no, just wondering is all" I say laughing a hollow empty laugh "since you know being a slime is really amazing an.. fun, I don't have to worry about anything anymore I can do what ever I want to with myself, I can go anywhere and I can't get hurt by anything, actually it really is fucking awesome, why am I moping about for any who, ?" *Humanity lowered slightly* *acclimatization increased to beginning "Er...okay, you had me worried for a second there Lucy I thought you were going to start crying and...UH I don't think you should drink the whole bottle of" she says, reaching out to take my bubbly jug away as I open my mouth and pour it into myself. She looks at me with a look of shock and worry, and maybe awe as I feel a tingly feeling all over as I drain the jug of sweet and tasty juice. I gasp, giggling as I wipe my mouth, smiling widely and happily. "Lucy?" She asks, sounding funny as she reaches out to poke me cont
>>43040943 What the fuck HM? That wasn't a majority vote! Only three fuckers wanted it!
>>43040943 HM there were only 3 votes for that, really? 3 for it, 6 not.
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
>>43040943 I giggle, as bubbles rise and pop inside me
What do you do?
[] hug the snake
[] Hehehe, I"m all bubbly, bloop bloop
[] I need some more of this
[] lets go the book place
[] I feel funny...
[] Want to race some where?
[] You're eyes look...wet
[] I think I need to lie down somewhere
[] I think I can hear my brain fizz
[] write in
>>43040943 >"since you know being a slime is really amazing an.. fun, I don't have to worry about anything anymore I can do what ever I want to with myself, I can go anywhere and I can't get hurt by anything, actually it really is fucking awesome, why am I moping about for any who, ?" Fuck off. That wasn't voted for.
>>43040943 HM the fuck is wrong with you?
Quoted By:
>>43040982 >[] I need some more of this >[] I feel funny... >[] I think I can hear my brain fizz Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43040982 >[] Hehehe, I"m all bubbly, bloop bloop >[] hug the snake >[] I think I can hear my brain fizz Anonymous
>>43040982 [] hug the snake
[] Hehehe, I"m all bubbly, bloop bloop
[] I need some more of this
Nice railroad Hm.
>>43040943 If you can't fucking QM properly HM don't QM anymore.
Quoted By:
>>43040982 >[] hug the snake >[] Hehehe, I"m all bubbly, bloop bloop >[] I need some more of this >[] and so do you Commence booze run
Quoted By:
>>43040982 >[] Hehehe, I"m all bubbly, bloop bloop >[] hug the snake >[] I need some more of this Anonymous
>>43040992 >>43040985 >>43041010 >>43041015 Whoa! What's with the extreme hostility?
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
>>43040973 >>43040974 >>43040985 >>43040992 I'm really fucking tired, I thought there was four for some reason, I don't know why. I'll reset the changes
I fucked up again
>>43041010 it was an accident
>>43040943 >*Humanity lowered slightly* >*acclimatization increased to beginning Way to appease the minority there. What the fuck, man?
>>43041031 Because he fucked up, Only three people wanted it and now it's permanent unless he fixes it, Also hostility is /tg/'s thing, Lurk moar newfag.
>>43041053 Yeah, because hostility is REALLY going to make him want to continue running this.
>>43041031 >>43041053 It's a 4chan thing, not a /tg/ thing. If you want a hugbox you can piss off over to reddit or facebook.
Quoted By:
>>43041037 It wouldn't have counted anyways since it STILL wouldn't be the majority if there were four, Get your fucking head on straight, Rest if you have to and cancel if you must if you need more rest.
Quoted By:
>>43040982 >[] hug the snake >[] Hehehe, I"m all bubbly, bloop bloop >[] I think I can hear my brain fizz >[] I need some more of this Anonymous
>>43041053 >>43041074 There's a difference between, "you fucked up there HM" and "Fuck you you railroading piece of shit"
When he makes a mistake. I mean it's not black or white in terms of niceness.
>>43041096 Fuck off hugbox faggot.
>>43041107 *Sigh* yeah, fuck you too.
>>43041037 >I thought there was four for some reason, It'd still be 4 to 6 or 4 to 5 boss
>I'm really fucking tired, Clearly, you might want to stop and push this back a day or two. We're only 2 hours in and you made a pretty big oops. I like you running, but you're not in any shape to do so it seems.
>>43041116 There you go, Now you're getting it!
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
(again sorry, I can't count right apparently)
She looks rough and scaly is that the word. I wonder how she feels. I wrap my arms around her with a squish squish as she makes a shrieky thing as I get all close up to her, smearing her shirt all nice a purple
"Lucy stop you're" She says pushing against my face as I press it against her stomach giggling
"Hehehe, I'm all bubbly" I say as she slithers out of my arms "Bloop bloop"
"A..are you feeling okay there?" she asks sounding nervous as she holds her drippy arms out away from herself
"I think I can hear my brain fizz" I giggle as I try to get close to her again, she felt nice
"Er...I think you may need some water or something" She says back away
"I need some more cider is what it is" I sigh sadly
"No you don't" She says holding her hand up sternly
What do you do?
[] get cider 1d20
[] Lick her hand
[] Fiiiine
[] Weren't we doing something, like reading books
[] But it's fuuuun
[] why are you bossy
[] write in
>>43041120 I can do it, I just got a bit distracted and slipped up
Quoted By:
>>43041178 >[] But it's fuuuun >[] why are you bossy Anonymous
>>43041178 >[] Lick her hand >[] Fiiiine >[] Weren't we doing something, like reading books Fix the fuckup then, Retcon what you wrote.
>>43041178 >Yes I am, and you're coming with me! >To the cider place! Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 11 (1d20) >>43041178 >[] But it's fuuuun >[] get cider 1d20 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 13 (1d20) >>43041178 >[] get cider 1d20 >[] Lick her hand >[] But it's fuuuun >[] why are you bossy This might actualy work in getting her less afraid
Quoted By:
>>43041203 Forgot
>[] get cider 1d20 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d20) >>43041178 >[] get cider 1d20 >[] But it's fuuuun >[] why are you bossy The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d20) >>43041178 >[] get cider 1d20 [] But it's fuuuun
[] why are you bossy
Quoted By:
>>43041230 Be patient with him. He's not the brightest bloke around.
Quoted By:
>>43041178 >[] But it's fuuuun >[] Lick her hand >[] Weren't we doing something, like reading books Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 18 (1d20) >>43041178 >[] get cider 1d20 >[] But it's fuuuun >[] why are you bossy The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"But it's Fuuuuun" I whimper happily as I slip slide closer to her "Why are you being so bossy" "Because you're acting all weird and bubbly" she says, with a scare voice as she grabs my shoulders "We just need to get you back to normal" "But why?" I giggle "It's feels so tingly and good, and cider tastes good to...I'm going to get more cider" "No you're not" She say grabbing my arm as I walk away "you're going to the nurses office?" "Cider cider cider" I sing as she tries to pull my away, whimper as her hand gets stuck on my "Heeey Lucy can you slow down my hands kind of stuck" She says slithering after me as I hum along, hearing other people things giggling like I am "uh Lucy are listening?' I nod my head as I turn into the cafeteria, the nice flower lady waving at me as I wave back smiling happily. What do you do [] get lots of cider [] talk to the flower [] oooh right we were going to eat pie * try to force Kandence to eat pie* [] Oooh she has horns [] RED!!! [] write in
Quoted By:
>>43041400 [] get lots of cider
[] Oooh she has horns
Quoted By:
>>43041400 >[] get lots of cider >[] talk to the flower Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041400 >[] get lots of cider >[] talk to the flower Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041400 >[] get lots of cider >[] share plenty with Kandence >[] talk to the flower Anonymous
>>43041400 >[] get lots of cider >[] RED!!! Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041400 >[] get lots of cider >[] RED!!! Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041400 >[] get lots of cider >[] share plenty with Kandence >[] Oooh she has horns Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041438 >[] talk to the flower >[] Oooh she has horns Better more interaction then less.
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"Heeey, can you uh please gimme a second to my hand out of you?" She asks as I start to walk across the place as she pulls and tugs at my hand "Can I get cider first?" I ask smiling as I keep going to the all the nice tasty looking cider all stacked up next to the flower person "I won't take long I promise" "LUCY!" She shouts as I ignore her to get to the cider as I hear everyone laughing and giggling. "Oh look who's back" The flower says giggling "Couldn't get enough of my special cider could you" "Nope, can I have some more please?" I ask smiling "I'd really like more if you'd give me some" "Sure thing, anything for you cutie" She giggles as she hands me another jug and I drink it down, spitting the cap out as Kandence whimpers and cries behind me "What's wrong with you" "Waaaaaa" Kandence whimpers as I grab another jug "Er right, well, you're always welcome to more I have plenty" The flower says smiling as she pats me on the head as I try to get the jug open. I giggle, feeling so thin and watery as I nod with a big happy grin/ "Er, you know slimes aren't supposed to have carbonated drinks right?' a big deep voice says behind me I turn and Aaaaah she has horns, and big boobs, why does she have horns, is she like a cow "Awww but they're so cute when they're like this" plant lady says sadly as I stare up and cow lady, as she looks at me funny "So bubbly and simple, it's just adorable" "Wait, You drugged my friend!" Kandence shouts angrily, hissing as her tail rattles "Nooo, she's just a teeny tiny bit carbonated " the plant lady says calmly "She'll calm down in a bit" "And you wonder why no slimes won't to hang around you" the big girl sighs "heeey...I know where some better cider is" I blink, trying to figure out what's going on what do you say? [] hoooorns [] you have big boobies.. [] *drink cider* Can I haaaave some more [] uuuuh? [] Why're you so angry? []What's it like being a flower [] poke [] write in
Quoted By:
>>43041636 >[] hoooorns >[] uuuuh? >[] Why're you so angry? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041636 >[] *drink cider* Can I haaaave some more >[] you're a real pretty flower >[] Why're you so angry, horns? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041636 >[] Why're you so angry? >[] hoooorns >[] poke Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041636 [] hoooorns
[] uuuuh?
[] Why're you so angry?
[] poke
Quoted By:
>>43041636 >[] Why're you so angry? >[]What's it like being a flower >[] poke Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041636 [] hoooorns
[] uuuuh?
[] Why're you so angry?
[] poke
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"Hooorns" I says, smiling as I reach out to touch the horns pocking out of the big girls head. She brushes my hands away and looks sternly at me as I start to pout and cry, I just want to see what they feel like. "...wait don't cry I was just...fine you can touch them" She sighs angrily as she cross her arms and snorts "But you...stop giving slimes this stuff" "YAY" I shout happily as I shoot up, and grab her horns, rubbing and touching them all over "Buuut they love it, I mean just look at heeer" The nice plant lady says pointing at me, I turn and blink, are they talking about me? "Uuuuh?" I say leaning slightly "Right, being drugged out of her mind is loving it, I'm sorry I didn't realize that" Kandence hisses, her rattle shaking as her little fangs peek out over her lips "Carbonated" the flower says holding up a finger "She's just bubbly, not drugged" "Really, because she looks pretty high to me" Kandence hisses "Why are you so angry" I ask as I let go of the horns and slide over to her, her brown face looking all angry and...and stuff " don't realize what's going on do you?" She asks shaking her head as she face palms "Poke" I giggle as I touch her cheek gently. "Look I'll deal with you later, come on...Lucy was it, I have a lot of cider over here" The cow says sweetly crouching down and looking me in the eyes as I blink and shrink dow What do you do? [] OKAY [] But she has cider [] can I go back to my room with snakey [] No I want water now [] Why are you a cow? [] uuuh? [] write in
Quoted By:
>>43041870 >[] OKAY >[] Why are you a cow? >[] uuuh? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041870 >[] But she has cider Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041870 >[] OKAY >[] Why are you a cow? Anonymous
>>43040800 >>43040973 >>43040985 >>43040992 >>43041015 >>43041040 >>43041071 >>43041074 >>43041107 >>43041126 I don't get it, why is everyone so violently against acclimation to the point of going apeshit and insulting the QM?
Quoted By:
>>43041870 >[] But she has cider >[] No I want water now >[] Why are you a cow? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041870 >[] But she has cider >[] uuuh? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041926 Nice try reigniting the shitstorm, faggot.
Quoted By:
>>43041870 >[] uuuh? >[] OKAY Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43041870 Okay, so too much CO2 is bad. that hasn't really changed.
>>43041926 Honestly, I was one of the people who voted for it, but I don't mind it lost. I'm just as confused as to why the rest were so Violently angry. I could understand annoyed, but not such anger. My theory is that it is because it's Monday.
Quoted By:
>>43041870 [] OKAY
[] But she has cider
[] Why are you a cow?
Quoted By:
>>43041870 >[] OKAY >[] Why are you a cow? >[] uuuh? >>43041926 The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
I look at her, frowning as I turn back to Kandence and the flower, standing next to the big pile of cider filled jugs as the two look back at me with funny faces. "But she has cider" I say giggling as I point at all of it, she probably feels so dumb now "Riiight, she does" the cow says smiling in a funny way as her eye twitches, maybe she got something in it "But I have better cider, much more...bubbly and tasty" I blink, staring at the cider than the cow lady, with my mouth wide open. "uuuuh" I say, not really sure what to do, I mean there's cider here, but cow lady has cider to. "Er, Her cider is a lot better Lucy" Kandence says happily "Like" "Really really good, Bell's special brand" the cow laughs nervously "OKAY!" I say with a big smile, if kandence says it's good, it has to be good right "Er...why are you a cow" "Because I drank too much milk when I was growing up" She says flatly "Then why am I slime?" I ask tilting my head as she grabs my hand and leads me out of the cafeteria "I don't know" She huffs as the cold air washes over me, blowing trees and stuff around, making me sneeze. "Where's the cider?" I ask pulling on her hand "Just a little bit further" She says "Can you help me with her, please" "Just a little further okay?" Kandence says "and then you can have all the apple cider you can dream off" I turn to my snaky friend, her long black hair blowing on the wind as she smiles happily, her brown skin not look so pale now I smile happily and hum and sing to myself as we go to where the cider is. We get to a door, and cow opens it up as a chill runs over me as I start to recognize where I am as Kandence pushes me in a blocks the door. "Ah, it's you again" a terrifying voice giggles in front of me as a dark figure rises up, standing taller than the cow "Drank some cider this time did you, tch tch, well I know just the thing to fix you up?" cont
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
>>43042129 "Sorry, Lily gave it to her" The cow says scratching the back of her head "er I found her trying to get more dragging her friend along"
"Tch tch, well thank you Jesse, Well, I'll tell Mr marrow she needs a talking to again" the scary nurse says as she grabs a big hose "Now come here, I won't hurt you like last time, sorry by the way, I uh, didn't know how uncomftarble it was for you"
What do you do?
[] try to run out, Nooooo
[] You tricked me *cry*
[] Where's the cider
[] Cling to kandence
[] I don't like this place
[] But i didn't eat a book this time
[] write in
Quoted By:
>>43042129 I hope cry for Daddy is an option.
Quoted By:
>>43042162 >[] try to run out, Nooooo >[] You tricked me *cry* >[] I don't like this place >[] But i didn't eat a book this time Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042162 >[] Cling to kandence >[] But i didn't eat a book this time >[] I don't like this place Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042162 >[] You tricked me *cry* >Cry for Daddy Anonymous
>>43042162 >[] try to run out, Nooooo >[] You tricked me *cry* >[] But i didn't eat a book this time >[] I don't like this place >cry for daddy Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042162 >[] Where's the cider >[] You tricked me *cry* >[] I don't like this place >[] try to run out, Nooooo Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042162 [x] You tricked me *cry*
[x] I don't like this place
[x] I trusted you!
Quoted By:
>>43042202 adding
>I trusted you! The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
The big nurse with the tusks and donkey ears takes a step towards me as my lip and the rest of me quivers in fear. "NOOOoOooooo" I cry, as I try to run out of the room, but Kandence curls up in front of the door, frowning sadly as she tries to not cry, I slam into her and reach towards the day like as I begin to whimper and cry "I'm sorry Lucy" She says sounding like she's the one about to be violated, so sad, but I'm the one in danger "But she's just trying to help you" "You tricked me!" I cry as the nurse grabs me with a cold hand covered by a glove as she gently drags me off my snake "I'm sorry, but it's for your own good" She says letting go of my hand as I stop feeling so bubbly even If I am bubbly and fizzy and nice, why are they doing this to me, I'm a good girl "Shh shhh, it's okay Lucy" the nurse says gently "It won't be like last time, I'll just be giving you some nice cold water okay" "But I didn't eat a book this time" I whimper as I try to shy away as she holds up the hose dripping water on the floor "I know, I know, you had too much cider" She says, trying to sound sweet, but sounding sour "Now hold still and it will all be over soon" I pull back away from her, shrinking down as everything gets blurry. "I don't like this place" I sniffle as she slowly brings the "I want my daddy...I WANT MY DADDY, SAVE MEEE I DON'T LIKE THIS PLACE" *SHHHHHHH* Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh ... I whimper, feeling cold as my slime slowly heats back up as I vomit up more foam into the bucket in front of me "That should be all of it" the nurse says as kandence pats my back gently, which doesn't help me at all "Well, I never want to see a slime lose her lunch again" the jeese girl says sadly "Sorry about that but hey, it was all I could do to help ya" I glare at her, and she shrugs as she walks out. cont
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
>>43042423 What do you do?
[] Thanks Kandence, I need tha *Mmrph*
[] Don't tell anyone what you heard today
[] I want to go lie down for a while
[] at least I still have pie
[] Go cry in a corner
[] find a nice dark place to sleep in
[] find Miranda
[] go to a class
[] write in
Quoted By:
>>43042439 >[] Thanks Kandence, I need tha *Mmrph* >[] Don't tell anyone what you heard today >[] at least I still have pie Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042439 >[] I want to go lie down for a while Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042439 >[] Thanks Kandence, I need tha *Mmrph* >[] Don't tell anyone what you heard today >[] at least I still have pie Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042439 >[] Thanks Kandence, I need tha *Mmrph* >[] Don't tell anyone what you heard today >[] at least I still have pie Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042439 >[] Go cry in a corner Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042439 >[] Don't tell anyone what you heard today >[] I want to go lie down for a while >[] Go cry in a corner Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042439 >[] Thanks Kandence, I need tha *Mmrph* >[] Don't tell anyone what you heard today Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042439 >[] Thanks Kandence, I need tha *Mmrph* >[] I want to go lie down for a while >[] find a nice dark place to sleep in Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042439 [] find a nice dark place to sleep in
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
I turn to my upset and she has no reason to be guilty, she was just trying to help me out here. "Thank Kandence" I say as she jolts slightly in surprise "I really needed tha Mmmrrph, aaargh* More lavender foam with streaks of black flows out of my mouth and into the bright red bucket floating between my legs, smell vaguely of apple cider as more of it forces it's way past my lips, making me feel all dry and sick. I whimper as Kandence looks even guiltier "Sorry" She repeats again, holding her hands in front of where her human and snake halves meet "Hey, don't worry, we still have the pie right" I say trying to smile as she smirks slightly "Well um, I just...Didn't mean to ruin your day" She says meekly backing away slightly "Oh you didn't ruin it" I say I stand er shift up, wobbling around as it take a few seconds for my bra...core to realize I'm not falling over "I just need to lie down somewhere for a bit, "Well we can go back to the room if you want to" She says smiling slightly as she slithers closer to me "Maybe, but don't tell anyone anything I said while like that, got it?" I say "Especially not Miranda, or my little sister" "Gotcha" She says nodding "not a word out of my mouth? where do you go lie down in? [] your room [] lake [] under a tree [] In the slime life class [] in a random class room [] write in
Quoted By:
>>43042705 >[] In the slime life class WARN THE OTHERS!
Quoted By:
>>43042705 >[] lake >[] under a tree Why not both?
Quoted By:
>>43042705 >[] In the slime life class Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042705 >[] lake >[] In the slime life class Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042705 >[] lake >[] under a tree Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042705 >[] lake >[] under a tree Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042705 [] lake
[] under a tree
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"Thanks, wouldn't want anyone to know how much of a baby I was" I say grinning ear to ear as I realize she isn't getting scared from my weird voice anymore "Hey, you aren't getting all freaked out over how I talk anymore" "Well I got used to it...kind of" She says happily "so er we're going back to the room right?" I shake my head and she whimpers again. "Well you can go back if you want" I say shrugging "I just want to go to the lake, maybe sit under a tree, or warn the others how dangerous cider is" "Well you seemed like you were having fun with it" She says chuckling "er..before I brought you here...sorry again" "There's nothing for you to be sorry about" I sigh shaking my head as I ooze out of the door, my soaked clothes still sticking to me slightly, somehow? "Sorry" she says again as she slides off. I sigh shaking my head. I really need to make her go out more, she's just so...I don't know. I sigh as I walk towards over the grass, as a girl with butterfly wings flies over me, judging from the shadow that falls over me...I bet she has a lot more than just the wings though. I sigh and walk down the hill leading to the lake, seeing the giant walls that surrounded the school in the distance...reminding me that I'm pretty much trapped here till I can't make people sick pisses me off so I ignore it as I get closer and closer to the blessed body of water, nice, deep, warm, and wet. All of the splashing and sloshing the fishy girls make in the water soothes me as I get closer to it, as the chatter of other girls going about their day and swimming almost adds to the calming atmosphere as I see a bent willow tree close by and crawl under it. I sigh as the shade falls over me, the wet grass making me get a little teeny bit bigger as I fall into my puddle, leaving only my head and arms to use as pillows as I close my eyes and "Heeeey, LUCY!" Miranda shouts from above me happily cont
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
>>43042913 What do you do?
[] ignore her go to sleep
[]look up
[] What do you want
[] HEY MIRANDA, how you doing
[] well if it isn't my favourite red thing in the world
[] don't drink the cider
[] want to swim
[] Heeey, want to mess with blue bitch?
[] write in
Quoted By:
>>43042926 >[] well if it isn't my favourite red thing in the world Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042926 >[] HEY MIRANDA, how you doing >[] don't drink the cider Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042926 >[] don't drink the cider >[] well if it isn't my favourite red thing in the world Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042926 []look up
[] What do you want
[] don't drink the cider
Quoted By:
>>43042926 >[]look up >[] HEY MIRANDA, how you doing >[] don't drink the cider Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042926 >[] HEY MIRANDA, how you doing >[] well if it isn't my favourite red thing in the world >[] don't drink the cider Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042926 >[] Keep lying down >[] HEY MIRANDA, how you doing >[] well if it isn't my favourite red thing in the world >[] don't drink the cider Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43042926 >[] HEY MIRANDA, how you doing >[] well if it isn't my favourite red thing in the world >[] don't drink the cider The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"Well if it isn't my favorite red thing in the world' I say happily as I open my eyes, once again seeing that fantastic hole of water, surrounded by all those girls like me, with their changed bodies and thoughts "How are re you doing today Miranda?" A ball of red forms in my vision, with a yellowish orange center before it slowly drips and falls on the ground in front of me, slowly forming my spiky haired friend. She smiles and crawls over to me, looking down at me as she looks down at me her light red and orange eyes. "Oh wonderfully, had a nice chat with this big harpy" She says holding her arms out "Also had a pie, still have it eve, So how about you, how's my favourite purple thing's day been going?" She points at her stomach and in fact there is a half digested piece of pie floating in her "I can see that" I say giggling "Well it was probably a good thing you didn't take the cider, and as for my day, well it started out fun at least" "Oooh, Yeah, already had enough of that yesterday" She laughs as she lays down next to me as I stand up and lay down properly, since I started feeling a bit...weird from what I was doing "though I would've paid to see you on it" I laugh and shake my head "Wasn't anything special, I just acted loopy and threw up" I say yawning as I look up at the leaves above me, seeing some one hanging up side down inside them "Well still" She says shrugging "Say want to do something?" What do you say? [] like what? [] Lay here, relax [] play with other slimes? [] SWIM!? [] Oh I have some ideas [] scare people? tis the season after all [] No more cider, please [] write in
Quoted By:
>>43043186 >[] scare people? tis the season after all Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043186 >[] Lay here, relax Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043186 >[] play with other slimes? >[] SWIM!? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043186 >[] like what? >[] SWIM!? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043186 >[] scare people? tis the season after all Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043186 >[] like what? >[] play with other slimes? The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"Like what?" I ask as she tilts her head towards me, her face scrunching in thought as her arms melt into the back of her hair "I don't know" She sighs "I didn't really have any ideas when I asked, I was hoping you did" "Well we could go Swimming!" I say happily, sitting up, grabbing my friend's arm, our slime mixing together a bit as I smile widely "Wouldn't that be fun, surrounded by all that water" "Er, swimming does sound fun, but can't we do more stuff in the water besides it?' She asks looking up at me pouting. What do you say? [] Yeah, lets check out what's at the bottom of the lake! [] Marco polo [] No lets just swim around together [] Skinny dipping...I mean it's not like you're wearing anything right now anyways [] Tag, yes I am a genius [] fine sure whatever [] write in
>>43043390 >[] Yeah, lets check out what's at the bottom of the lake! >[] Tag, yes I am a genius Anonymous
>>43043390 >[] write in Why not fuse, then grab other slimes near the water, fuse and become slimezilla
Quoted By:
>>43043390 >[] Yeah, lets check out what's at the bottom of the lake! Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043390 Will we not just dissolve in the water?
>[] Yeah, lets check out what's at the bottom of the lake! Anonymous
>>43043390 >[] Yeah, lets check out what's at the bottom of the lake! >>43043422 No because that's essentially rape.
Quoted By:
>>43043390 >[] Marco polo >[] Skinny dipping...I mean it's not like you're wearing anything right now anyways Anonymous
>>43043464 Fuck i mean' to link to
>>43043428 my bad.
Quoted By:
>>43043464 It said tag, not jam big fat hand into her.
Quoted By:
>>43043482 No, don't you remember? Fusing is like Hugging for slimes.
Quoted By:
>[X] Yeah, lets check out what's at the bottom of the lake! >[X] Skinny dipping...I mean it's not like you're wearing anything right now anyways
Quoted By:
>>43043390 >[] Yeah, lets check out what's at the bottom of the lake! >[] Skinny dipping...I mean it's not like you're wearing anything right now anyways The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"Yeah, lets check out what's at the bottom of the lake!" I shout happily as Miranda sits up and "grabs my hands" our fingers fusing together "That's what I'm talking about, I've always wondered what was down there" She says rocking back and forth with a giggle "oh this is going to be so much fun" "Hell yeah it is" I say happily as I stand up, putting my hands on my hips as I walk over to the shore of the lake, the silty dirt mixing with the puddle under my legs as Miranda walks up next to me "er wait won't we just disolve" "er no, I mean we sleep in water don't we, so this is just like a giant bed right?" She laughs hitting my back roughly "feeling a bit harpy brained today luce?" "Yeah,I blame The cider" I sigh angrily shaking my head "well lets get started then" "TO ADVENTURE!!" She shouts loudly, making quite a few of the sun bathing girls, mostly harpies or cat girls turn and look at her weirdly what do you do? [] Slowly go into the water [] ask a nearby mermaid if anything neat is down there []t ake off your clothes [] Run into the water [] mess with the cats [] Throw your core as far as you can into the lake 1d20 [] try to dive in 1d20 [] write in
Quoted By:
>>43043592 >[]t ake off your clothes Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043592 >[]t ake off your clothes >[] Run into the water Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043592 >[]t ake off your clothes >[] Run into the water We can blame the aftereffects of the cider.
Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d20) >>43043592 >[]t ake off your clothes >[] try to dive in 1d20 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d20) >>43043592 >[]take off your clothes >[] ask a nearby mermaid if anything neat is down there >[] try to dive in 1d20 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043592 >[]t ake off your clothes Don't want them to get wet!
>[] Run into the water Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 12 (1d20) >>43043592 >[] ask a nearby mermaid if anything neat is down there >[]t ake off your clothes >[] try to dive in 1d20 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043592 []t ake off your clothes
[] Run into the water
Quoted By:
>>43043592 >[]take off your clothes >[] Run into the water Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 17 (1d20) >>43043592 >[]t ake off your clothes >[] Run into the water >[] Throw your core as far as you can into the lake 1d20 The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
I look at the water gently lapping at the shore, my puddle and legs, slowly making me grow a bit bigger. Hmm I wouldn't want to get my clothes wet, and even if they're water proof, I just don't feel right swimming in them I slowly start to unbutton my white top, fumbling with the buttons as I hear Miranda gasp. "What?" I ask turning to her as I keep trying to unbutton my shirt, having some real trouble with it, this is actually starting to make me angry "W..why are you taking your clothes off?" She says, sounding embarrassed as she covers her eyes as I manage to free my chest and breasts, which bounce and jiggl as I free them from the tight strangling cage that is my shirt "We're just going swimming...right?" "Well You never wear anything" I say leering at her as I slide out of my shirt and skirt "this shouldn't bother you at all, you streaker" "But why are's just you usually wear clothes so it's kind of..different you know" She says wrapping her arms around her smaller chest "well...uhaha I don't really mind it's just took me by surprising" "I don't want them to get wet" I sigh "And you're acting weird, I mean it's not like these are anything you haven't..." "RACE YOU TO THE LAKE" She shouts loudly as she rushes off towards the water. "You're on!" I shout as I start to race ooze after her, before we both end up floating on the top of the water "eeeh?" "Oh right, forgot about this" she giggles "Okay this is going to be a pain to explain, but just focus on swimming alright and you should be able too...swim?" What do you do? []f loat around a bit [] Tackle Her 1d20 [] swim down under the water [] So as I was saying... [] tease her [] SPLASH FIGHT 1d20 [] write in
Quoted By:
Rolled 15 (1d20) >>43043796 >[] Tackle Her 1d20 ATTACK
Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d20) >>43043796 >[] So as I was saying... >[] tease her >[] SPLASH FIGHT 1d20 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d20) >>43043796 >[] So as I was saying... >[] tease her >[] SPLASH FIGHT 1d20 Anonymous
Rolled 1 (1d20) >>43043796 >[] Tackle Her 1d20 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 10 (1d20) >>43043796 >[] float around a bit >[] SPLASH FIGHT 1d20 >[] swim down under the water Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043796 >[] So as I was saying... >[] tease her >[] swim down under the water Oh ho, do I sense some chest envy?
Quoted By:
Rolled 13 (1d20) >>43043796 >[] So as I was saying... >[] Tackle Her 1d20 >[] swim down under the water Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043844 we just got tackled back
>>43043844 Is this the part where we flail with our hands and grope her chest?
Quoted By:
>>43043874 No, She gropes US!
Quoted By:
>>43043868 dude it was a slice of life roll, calm down
Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d20) >>43043796 >[] Tackle Her 1d20 >[] tease her The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"So as I was saying, why were you getting all flustered about me taking my shirt off" I ask, tapping my chin as I drift around a bit on top of the of so pleasingly warm water "I mean, it's not like you've never seen them before" "Like I said, I'm used to you wearing clothes, okay, it just took me off guard" She says angrily, clenching her fists "Can you just drop it?" "Oh I see, you're jealous aren't you" I say, pushing my chest out as I hold my arms under my breast, sticking my tongue out as I shake back and forth "Oh wait maybe you just want to" "SHUT IT!" She shouts dipping her hands into the water and splashing me, I gasp, the water surprising me for a second before I smile happily and leap towards her, tackling into her "Oh calm down I'm just" I say giggling as I realize I'm under her, and her hands are on "uuuh playing" She huffs at me, pouting and generally looking upset, before she notices where her hands are to. "OH God I didn't mean to uh, it was an accident I swear" She says turning even redder "um, they feel nice? What do you do? []sink under the water, not saying anything [] lets never speak of this again, alright? [] Stop squeezin them then! [] get off *split* []I KNEW IT!!!! [] Smack her 1d20 [] write in
Quoted By:
>>43043993 >[]I KNEW IT!!!! Let the teasing commence
Quoted By:
>>43043993 []I KNEW IT!!!!
[] Stop squeezin them then!
[] lets never speak of this again, alright?
Quoted By:
>>43043993 >[]I KNEW IT!!!! Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043993 >[]I KNEW IT!!!! Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043993 >[]I KNEW IT!!!! >[] Stop squeezin them then! Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043993 >[] Stop squeezin them then! >[] get off *split* >[] sink under the water Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043993 >[] lets never speak of this again, alright? >[] Stop squeezin them then! >[] get off *split* Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43043993 >like what you feel? The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"I KNEW IT!!" I shout, Oh I'd be blushing right now if I could "I knew you were acting weird, you just wanted to touch and do stuff to me didn't ya?" Oh that should rile her up a bit, this should be a bit entertaining...wait What am I even talking about! This is just as bad for me, I mean she touching my...errr "What NO!" She shouts, her eyes swirling around as she starts to freak out "It was an accident I swear, I didn't want to touch em or anything or" "Then stop squeezing them!" I laugh angrily as she lets go and drifts away from, still clenching and unclenching her hands as she does "Well that was uh fun?!" She says giggling nervously "Now lets forget it happened and have some fun exploring the lake, like we were going to be that thing we aren't talking about happened Okay!!!" She takes a deep breath, her cherry red cheeks puffing out as she gets ready to dive under What do you say? [] Yeah *explore lake& [] You know I didn't really mind [] No, eye for an eye, get back here [] What thing? i don't remember anything happening, at all. right? []Oooh you liked it didn't you, I bet you were waiting for you chance to strike the second I took my shirt off [] Oh come on, we're friends and it was an accident, nothing to worry about [] write in
Quoted By:
>>43044200 >[] You know I didn't really mind >[] No, eye for an eye, get back here Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43044200 >[] Yeah *explore lake& >[] You know I didn't really mind Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43044200 >[] You know I didn't really mind >[] Yeah *explore lake& Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43044200 >[] Yeah *explore lake& ADVENTURE WAITS FOR NO MAN!
Quoted By:
>>43044200 >[] Yeah *explore lake& Anonymous
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>>43044200 >[] No, eye for an eye, get back here >[] Oh come on, we're friends and it was an accident, nothing to worry about The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
"You know, I didn't really mind" I say under my breath as I look up at the clouds slowly floating along it "What?" Miranda asks, still looking very embarrassed and far redder than usual, but that could be the cider still messing with my core? "Nooothing" I say smiling "lets go" She nods, smiling widely and happily as I focus all my mass on the water, slipping into it, my legs losing shape as they flow around me, making a kind of small cloud as Miranda joins me under the water, opening her mouth trying to talk but only managing to suck in water and blow out a single bubble I giggle and swim off, she follows after me, close behind. I push my arms out, slowly making my way through the lake as I realize how light filled it is, there's an entire other wing of the school down here, and this place is a lot deeper than I thought it was. Schools of colorfull mermaids swim around us chatting it up as octupus girls stick to the sides of cliffs hanging around the side of the place as I see flickering lights way deep down in the vast dark abyss under feet? This place is amazing, seaweed and stuff flows around us. Miranda taps me on the shoulder, and dives deeper, I smile and follow after her, already forgetting the trouble we had a bit ago as we both slowly sink down the rich blue depths, not a single thing to be worried about, besides of course running into anyone in our wandering around....We should do this again later, it's fuuun And we'll end here Sorry for fucking up early I've archived and will be around to talk and such
>>43044393 Don't worry about it, people were just being jackasses. Have a good one boss and thanks for running
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
>>43044414 It was my fault, to be honest, but thanks for trying to cheer me up
>>43044423 Naw, you messed up a bit, but you didn't deserve that hate. You get chewed out for the smallest things when it really doesn't matter.
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>>43044423 Enjoyed reading, looking forward to the next one
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>>43044471 It affects our humanity and the vote was way off, It was not a "Small thing" and yes it did matter.
>>43044393 Oh man there's an entire underwater section? This calls for some music. The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
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>>43044559 that gives me an idea for the next thread
>>43044559 Oh god kingdom hearts flashback...WHY!?
>>43044393 How much bigger are the two slimes going to be after climbing out of the water.
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
>>43044649 Big, bigger than Kandence, or the cow girl earlier
until they lose their excess mass
>>43044670 Remind us to combine to scare some people when we get out, shit'll be hilarious
The Headmaster !8.HocLMZTU
>>43044688 Oh next thread is going to be fun
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>>43044705 Looking forward to it, the character relationships seem really good in this. Enjoying it a lot.
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>go /tg/ looking for more monster girl content >find mg thread >fuck yeah >start in the archives at part 1 >all these cool choices! Krakens and wyrms and wolves oh my! >Wonder what anons chose? >anons chose to be a fucking slime What a fucking disappointment.