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Knight Titan quest

No.43110470 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>I've been considering this for quite some time
You are Isaiah Corneah, the youngest child of Lord Victor Corneah leader of house Corneah.

You are rudely awoken as the door to your bed chamber burst open slamming into the wall.

The woman standing in the door way is Iliza, your cousin.
"You are coming with me."
Two of the houses armsmen march into the room grabbing you by each arm.

"What the Frak do you think you're doing!"
She laughs, it's a mocking laugh one you've heard far too often as a child.
"Things are about to change in this house."
Your own men drag you through the corridor.
"Don't worry Izzy you won't end up like the rest of them, I have plans for you."

Izzy was what she had called you when you were children, back then you'd been best friends.
That had changed when you were both 16 and she caught you in bed with her best friend.
The name was now used mockingly.
You arrive at the throne room where your Father and siblings are in chains kneeling in front of the planets high priest.
The armsmen throw you to the ground next to them.

The priest nods at your arrival then turns to your father.

"Victor Corneah you and your children stand accused of heresy."


You had never been your fathers favorite or overly close to your siblings but heresy?
>A. Remain silent
>B. Say something(Write in)