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[430 / 17 / ?]

Afterlife Quest 46

!yEt.uA51aE No.43196822 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The armies lay scattered across the battlefield. Djinn dust themselves off and float back to readied positions, but no longer attempt to fight each other. A few of them watch the sky carefully as Izulu circles overhead unleashing the sound of thunder.

The djinni your hit specifically blinks a few times trying to get over the shock of his sudden discorporation. He was able to quickly reform a body after you hit him, but it looks like it took a lot out of him. The other rebel leaders are grouping up away from the militia to discuss what they should do.

The militia leader in particular looks smug after your action, but you can sense their respect for you fading rather quickly as Ayla speaks to the recovering djinn. The tension towards you increases every time she says master.

Your laptop beeps softly, so you pull it out to see what it is that Hestia wanted to tell you.

“The influx of people from the upper levels is exceeding my original estimates; the administration is also now creating defensive positions in the evacuated areas,” Hestia says from a prerecorded message, “Also Evangeline has shown good aptitude with psyonics, revealing previously unknown abilities.”

Completed Research


Ongoing Research – Hestia has suspended her research

Curses - Stalled
Dimensional anchor - Stalled
Planar shifting and planar shifting prevention - Stalled
Mana regeneration implant
Organic mana grid interface

Ongoing special project

>Hive city reconstruction and takeover - You have asked Hestia to deploy forces to reconstruct the city far above the pit that the administration has allowed to fall into disrepair. The casino gang is being given weapons to help secure their territory and goblins have returned to assist in security and the passing out of food and water. Robots are being rapidly constructed to enforce your total control of the city level's you control, currently 500-300. 19% complete.
