TWITTER: ARCHIVES: [X] She's not a child. Just make it clear that her volunteering scares you.
You snatch your hand off Arizona's shoulder guiltily. Reclining in your creaky office chair, you try to project an air of casual nonconcern which seems to slide right off Wilson's hard grey gaze. “You know what you're doing,” you say to the air over the table. “But...”
Arizona's hands are folded before her on the table again as she looks straight ahead, sitting straight with military composure. Some vague jumble of officious objections with phrases like “risk management” and “sure bets” come to your lips, but your voice fails even as you draw breath to speak them. Everyone knows the time for caution and half-measures is behind you, now - you were arguing as much yourself not a minute ago. Everything you know about command, about leadership and *especially* about covering your ass in a highly political meeting with the CO of 7th fleet itself looking on screams against being too honest, but you can't force the lies past your lips.
“... I just wish you wouldn't,” you say quietly.
Arizona's gaze flicks sideways at you for a heartbeat, then away. She lowers her eyes to her clasped hands on the tabletop and squeezes them a little tighter.
[ ] ... the traffic cone was right. Naka was *right.* Oh, shit, I have to head this off.
[ ] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory.
[ ] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early.
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>>43203074 >[ ] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early. Anonymous
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>>43203074 >[ ] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early. Anonymous
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>>43203074 >[ ] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory. Also...first? Maybe?
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>>43203074 >[x] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early. Anonymous
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>>43203083 Finally! You haven't had much luck with that this far, but I suppose even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then ...
Quoted By:
>>43203074 [ ] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early.
Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma
Quoted By:
>>43203074 >[x] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory. INB$ Navyfag
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>>43203074 >[x ] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early. BRASS FROM THE ASS
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>>43203074 >[ ] ... the traffic cone was right. Naka was *right.* Oh, shit, I have to head this off planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
Quoted By:
>>43203074 [X] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early.
I know this is what Demetrious wants. The Caps do not Lie.
>>43203074 >[ ] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early. Look, right in front of the collected brass and Intel spooks, and the Admiral, is not a place to lose our shit or to act all emotional. Professional and precise. We will deal with this in private, in our office.
>>43203074 >[x] ... the traffic cone was right. Naka was *right.* Oh, shit, I have to head this off. Anonymous
>>43203074 >Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early. Waifu-neutral choices are environmentally friendly
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>>43203154 >We will deal with this in private, in our office. You mean... how feelthyhornet described it being, ah, 'dealt with'?
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>>43203161 Holy shit this is beautiful
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>>43203154 >Professional and precise. We will deal with this in private, in our office You just want that write up to become canon kek.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Quoted By:
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>>43203161 Ace work, holy shit.
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>>43203074 [X] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
Quoted By:
>>43203162 Precisely.
They also maximize Demetrious's amusement. Which is my goal.
>>43203161 Magnificent.
Quoted By:
>>43203074 >[ ]Ask Akagi or Hamp. They're the ones who've manifested their Hulls fully. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43203074 >[ ] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory. We can't treat her like a child in front of the brass. It's disrespectful.
Quoted By:
>>43203074 >[X] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory. >>43203161 >the tiny little Makita MY SIDES
Even if you want to waifu the BB, teasing her in front of everybody is probably the worst way to do it.
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>>43203074 >[X] ... the traffic cone was right. Naka was *right.* Oh, shit, I have to head this off. All hands, panic stations.
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>>43203161 You sir/madaam are a hero
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>[X] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early. WE SEE NOTHING, WE HEAR NOTHING, WE KNOW NOTHING.
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>>43203074 >[ ] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory. Anonymous
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>>43203074 >[x] ... the traffic cone was right. Naka was *right.* Oh, shit, I have to head this off. IT'S TIME
>>43203074 Okay, some thoughts.
Option 3 doesn't make sense. She's a flagship, brass shouldn't bother her. She's literally had admirals living in her for years. I'm too tired to try and phrase that in a way that sounds less lewd.
Options 1 and 2 are basically two angles at the same conclusion, the latter being a bit more conservative and making less assumptions. I say that an attraction is near-certain, but whether it's of the romantic or platonic variety still has some question marks. So let's go with basically Option 2, and dig a little more BUT I think we ought to do so in private. Flirting with a battleship/sacred war memorial or even investigating possibilities in front of others (especially others that outrank us) seems like a really bad idea.
I also think we need some admiral-to-admiral time with Goto to talk battleships and their assignations (though perhaps a different word would describe Kongou) so perhaps buying some time (Option 3, though for a different reason) is a good play.
Just some thoughts...
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
Quoted By:
>>43203247 That too, yeah.
Though... Yeah, the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS is still winning. We are safe.
Quoted By:
>>43203074 >[x] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory. Anonymous
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>>43203074 >[ ] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory. Anonymous
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>>43203074 >Moving along swiftly to the next brass tack item planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
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>>43203108 A gif for ants?
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>>43203268 She's a ship, yes, but she's also a girl.
That's like, literally the premise here. Their personalities are informed and influenced by their service, but it extrnds far past that zero point
>>43203074 >[x] ... the traffic cone was right. Naka was *right.* Oh, shit, I have to head this off. i just hope something finally goes right tonight.
Quoted By:
>>43203074 >[ ] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early. This is neither the time nor the place to have this particular conversation. Though I don't know when/if we will have it. But not in front of the Commander 7th Fleet.
>>43203074 Put her under duress. Akagi saved the Hornet driver because he was going to bite it. Hamp got out of Davey Jone's rack and back with his Hull due to some insane bosun yelling at him. Extreme stress, PTSD inducing basically, such as being dive-bombed (hue) would/might trigger the shipgirl bullshit.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
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Hmmm, I'm always leery of votes without some justification. HALLS has 9. Traffic cone as...3 and Nope has...8. + 1 Traffic cone and +1 HALLS after PF called the votes. Close run.
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>>43203074 >[ ] ... the traffic cone was right. Naka was *right.* Oh, shit, I have to head this off. Anonymous
Havings shitty shitscribble.
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Well with that out of the way: Nuinui best Nui.
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>>43203322 >due to some insane bosun yelling at him >insane bosun Settle is no longer a flag rank fucker
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
>>43203161 Alright, that seems more accurate than mine.
>>43203074 [ ] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
>>43203322 So... the solution is... to traumatize Arizona?
... That's a terrible idea. Horrible even.
>>43203357 Bentus is against it so it must be a good idea.
Quoted By:
>>43203074 >[ ] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early. as much as i want to call her a traffic cone again
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Quoted By:
>>43203351 the fairy's expression is the best goddamn thing in this one
>>43203322 how drunk are you?
Quoted By:
>>43203074 >[X] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory. Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
>>43203382 ...
>>43203393 Ah, so it wasn't just me?
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>>43203382 You fool! That's just what he wants us to think!
>>43203422 Either the guy is trolling or he is drunk like that one guy who wanted to kill Wille to punish us.
Speaking of Hamp, it's worth remembering that he didn't save our asses by being some amazing supership. He's got the same size guns as the Takaos, and a roughly equal belt. What won that fight was him being fresh and in the right place at the tight time
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>>43203322 Actually, this makes a great deal of sense. BUT given that we're talking about Arizona, it's a terrible idea.
On the other hand, that may be EXACTLY the argument we need to disqualify Arizona.
>>43203357 >>43203393 Akagi manifested due to wanting to save the Hornet driver, right? Hamp came back cause some dude was sounding the GQ alarm while kicking the rack out from under him. It's pretty simple really. Full mahou shoujou transformation is only possible under stress.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
>>43203469 Well, Demetrious is drunk... 85% of the time during these quests.
>>43203477 There is a logic to it, but I find anything that relies on traumatizing a humanized BattleShip is a bad idea.
>>43203416 Insufficient spoop.
>>43203470 And the sheer luck to pop up within the scarily short range band at which his 8" guns could penetrate the Abyssal QM's armour.
A little further out and everyone would be dead.
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Quick question someone in this thread might have an answer to. I know that USS Saufley (DD-465) played a role in the movie of PT-109, but I don't know what she did. As the only Destroyer I can find participating, I expect she played the roles of at least one of the Japanese Destroyers present, but I'd like confirmation. In particular, I want to know if she cosplayed as Shigure to represent the latter's attempt on JFK's life.
>>43203477 Oh, you mean we can bring arizonas hull back by putting her under extreme distress. I see what you're going for but why don't we just ask Akagi how she did it before pulling Ari's hull to the surface along with the trauma.
>>43203477 >Hamp came back cause some dude was sounding the GQ alarm while kicking the rack out from under him. I thought Hamp came back because he heard the sound of Settle's tremendous rage and hatred echoing through the Warp?
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>>43203510 Like I said, right place at the right time
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>>43203492 she's back you silly git
>>43203340 Anonymous
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>>43203506 100% agreement. The stress idea is probubly correct - although some form of wish magic would have similar symptoms since it requires wanting something very badly, which would manifest in highly stressful situations.
Regardless, bad idea with our present BB. As I said above, maybe that's our way out of this conversation. Put forward the theory that it requires a high stress life-or-death situation and the idea will promptly be vetoed by Admiral Thomas. Leaves us in the clear.
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>>43203555 He did. Hamp was also kind of sleeping at the bottom of the ocean. So it can be attributed to the bosun yelling at him to get the fuck up.
>>43203539 >>43203506 >it's a bad idea We're already sending them off to fight eldritch horrors from japan.
>just ask Akagi It's what I've been wanting to do but Settle is holding the Idiot Ball.
>>43203470 He does, however, have better turret protection, better fire control thanks to radar, and much better AP shells.
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>>43203492 Whenever Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Texas decide to wake up.
>>43203620 Against a Battlecruiser with 13.5" guns at point blank range, none of those factors make much of a difference.
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>>43203470 better guns
better FCS
better damage control
more logically placed armor
better AA
you name it, hes got it
>>43203619 I'd just like to point out that no, the fact that we are waging war against Cthulhu's daughters with reincarnated warships is not a bad idea, it's a crazy one because it works.
>>43203657 except for the fact that, you know
his AP shells can actually penetrate it?
>>43203657 The better performance of Hamp's guns and shells did make quite the difference in that fight, actually.
>>43203509 that an Abyssal nuclear carrier?
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
>>43203619 True. In the end, it depends on our risk assessment.
Which, need I remind you, is hilariously bad.
>>43203697 I'll bet the hulk of CVN-65 is under constant guard, and for good reason.
>>43203695 >>43203682 That's a factor of the extreme close range the scrap ocurred at. In that close, even the nipshit would have penetrated. The difference is that hamp had a better range band to work with - not that it mattered, since he was functionally immobile for the fight.
>At LA, Settle took the Higgins on a torpedo run because he didn't think the torps from the ASROC would track the Abyssal's screws. >At the Bonin Islands, we saw that that exact tactic works perfectly well against Abyssals Hindsight's a kick in the dick
>>43203738 No, Bentus, it'd have to get exponentially better to even be hilariously bad...
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>>43203755 >anon isn't voting the way I want everyone panic our perfect quest run is in danger
>>43203738 Emphasis on hilarious.
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>>43203748 At bonin you had software upgrades to make it possible from the 18 months of battle experience.
At LA, it probably wouldn't have worked.
>>43203747 >That's a factor of the extreme close range the scrap occurred at. 10,000 meters isn't "close range" for cruiser battles, that's just about the average. Sure you can shoot at things 20,000 meters away with your 8" guns, but it won't do jack shit.
> In that close, even the nipshit would have penetrated Except for the part where they literally can't.
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>[ ] ... the traffic cone was right. Naka was *right.* Oh, shit, I have to head this off.
>>43203746 >CVN-65 Just how long is it gonna take dismantling Enterprise, anyway? And how are they gonna dispose of the radioactive bits like the reactor?
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>>43203678 I'm kind of thinking there is different triggers for each shipgirl/guy too. Hamp is a guy who gives very little fucks for instance. Actually forcing him to Give a Fuck may be his trigger. Settle yelling at him to get out of the rack as it was.
>>43203738 >hilariously bad You mean shoot our sidearm into the ceiling type deal.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
Quoted By:
>>43203755 ... I wish I could refute that. But you're completely right.
>>43203773 It certainly is for me. According to GhostDivision and Demetrious, it also is to them.
>>43203783 It was well within 10k metres. Were you even paying attention?
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>>43203697 No, just regular old souls-of-the-wailing-damned-forever-doomed-to-a-watery-grave. Unleaded.
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>>43203620 Except, well, the 8" AP shells with higher penetration. Against a battlecruiser, this is important. Very important.
>>43203682 Basically, this. Anonymous
>>43203792 >And how are they gonna dispose of the radioactive bits like the reactor? Drop it in Ukraine
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>>43203792 They're already in the process of yanking her reactors. Estimated time for complete razor-blade treatment is five-ish years.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
>>43203812 That's rather cruel to Ukraine.
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>>43203812 Fukushima. Japan's spewing of trillions of tons of radioactive seawater caused this mess. Instead of a radioactive lizard, we get Cthulhu-ships.
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>>43203830 They're used to it
>>43203792 Reactors (actually, the entire reactor compartments) will be buried at the Hanford Site, just like all the other nuclear ship reactors have been (except for SSN-575's original reactor, but we don't talk about that).
Did you guys know the US Navy actually named a ship after Benjamin Franklin? CV-13, joined the war in January 1944. Imagine if that carrier comes back as a ship BOY. Imagine if he's got ol' Ben Franklin's personality. Dude got around, mostly chasing milfs. The thought makes me giggle just a bit...
>>43203746 I'd be more worried about CV-66.
It's litterally the most modern ship that can come back. It had the capability to launch F-14s, F-18s and AEW.
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>>43203830 No one who matters cares.
>>43203657 Except that those heavier AP shells have more penetrating power. Which means they can get through more armor and potentially blow up something important. Like, I don't know, the magazine?
>>43203861 >sealing it in a 30-foot high stainless steel containment vessel, towing it out to sea on a barge, and then sinking the barge at a point about 120 miles due east of Maryland in 9,100 feet of water. ok navy, what the fuck
>>43203875 I remember skimming over your SB posts about it- wasn't it actually named for a place that may have been named for the dude, or something?
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>>43203875 Ben Franklin/Houshou.
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>>43203804 Hamp came back when the battle-cruiser was at 10,000 meters. It got closer from that point and was engaged by him the entire way.
The Jap guns wouldn't be able to even hole the armor on her without the shells being broken up until about 4-5,000 meters, and that's only if shes completely flat on to them. You can thank their anemic AP shell velocity and shitty steel quality for that. Meanwhile Hamps been poking holes in her the entire time.
Quoted By:
>>43203897 Different dude made those posts, I was just re-reading them on SB.
>[ ] ... the traffic cone was right. Naka was *right.* Oh, shit, I have to head this off.
>>43203886 At the ranges the fight was taking place (WELL WITHIN 10k metres, not at), the AP on the nip cruisers would've done the same job.
>[ ] ... the traffic cone was right. Naka was *right.* Oh, shit, I have to head this off.
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>>43203875 I'd be more worried about Andrew Jackson. The man was a straight-up lunatic in a good way.
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>>43203889 It's probably fine
Don't worry about it
Quoted By:
>>43203074 [X] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory.
Oh fuck I hope this is the positive option oh fuck.
>>43203897 It was Benjamin Franklin. USN carrier naming has always been all over the place.
>>43203886 Counting on hitting a magazine is kind of something not to rely on.
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>>43203074 [x] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory.
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>>43203889 Well, it WAS the 50s. Back then, doctors said that cigarettes were GOOD for your health.
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>>43203912 >>43203928 Ok I hate when people shout about the samefag bogeyman but m8.
m8. I can't even believe this is serious
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
All those late votes, all those tears. Ahhhhh. It fuels my hydrogen reactors.
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>>43203889 It's a long way to the marinas trench.
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>>43203952 Named for the sail frigate Franklin, actually. THAT was named for Ben, but the carrier wasn't. Technically.
However, the boomer WAS.
>>43203926 the japs 8" AP shell CAN NOT, read;
CAN NOT hole a 9" thick belt beyond 6,000 meters.
At 5,000 meters the shell will penetrate, but be broken up and do almost nothing.
Only at 3-4,000 meters can it actually penetrate and explode.
They would have died without doing shit all.
>>43203875 Fuck you and fuck whoever originally posted that. I couldn't get the image of Ben Franklin in a bikini out of my head for the rest of the day.
>>43203892 >AdvancedASW.jpg Anonymous
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>>43203912 >>43203928 You do know that the vote was called right
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>>43203952 No, you're thinking about the SSBN (a NUCLEAR SUBMARINE). The US Navy only used the Franklin part up until then.
>>43203879 It hasn't got as much name recognition, though. Gotta remember we're dealing with spirits, not just exotic war machines.
>>43203979 Someone explain to me why we don't give this person more shit again?
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
Quoted By:
>>43203994 I actually posted about Theodore Roosevelt hijacking the Ship Boy incarnation to come back to life.
He'd do it. You know he would.
His namesake not sunk/decommissioned yet? Wouldn't stop him.
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>>43204010 Our collective blood pressure is already too high and he doesn't even give good responses to being shit at.
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>>43204010 Because we dont care?
>>43203979, way to be a dick about it.
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>>43204010 He's a faggot, but he's a harmless faggot
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>>43204010 Nice bait, brah.
>>43204010 He's one of the less shitposty tripfags, and if we can't make the others leave we have no chance of getting rid of him.
Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma
>>43204010 Try the report button.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
Quoted By:
>>43204039 I was on the other side once, I revel in returning to the right one.
... Okay, it was that or calling them slowpokes. I went for the less dated one.
Quoted By:
>>43204010 There is nothing wrong with what he did. Don't samefag after the vote is called, don't get made fun of for being an obvious faggot.
>>43204074 Alright, I give up. I don't get the joke behind this picture.
>>43204004 It may not have as much recognition, but it is the largest warship sunk (by both tonnage and length) and it has the most advanced aircraft compliment and is the easiest to upgrade (remember how we were able to re-equip harder with better torps? we can literally do the same by giving her super hornets.)
If she comes back as an enemy then we are so fucked.
>>43204010 Planefag said he's cool in one of the earlier threads. And bentus is pretty bro-teir as far as name fags go.
Quoted By:
>get home just in time for kant-o-celle
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>>43204010 Because he is an autistic faggot, and most people here can identify with that.
Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma
Quoted By:
>>43204097 I don't think there's a joke.
Keanu Reeves deserves to be happy
>>43204116 I will give you that PF said he's acceptable (likely to get us to stop arguing), but that doesn't remove the fact that he's an annoying faggot.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
>>43204140 Oh hey, you're right. I didn't even realize he didn't have a trip.
>>43204097 The joke is Crix is a fag.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
>>43204116 Thank you! I do try.
As for our late CV-66, we'll see.
Oh, and regarding Real People using the Ship Girl/Boy incarnation to return to life, Ghost Division reported that Demetrious giggle insanely upon hearing of our ideas.
>>43204179 Oh you son of a bitch.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
>>43203996 Some of the Chinese ripoff girls designs are amusing.
Quoted By:
>>43204178 If we didn't allow "annoying faggots," none of us would be here.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
Clearly to preserve board culture we must all conform to being enormous faggots.
Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
Hurr, look at me, I am a gigantic autistic roleplaying faggot who cannot contain his roleplaying to the appropriate zones.
>>43204026 You know you can literally look up the exact figures for a guns performance, right?
20 cm/50 (8") 3rd Year Type No. 2
Side Armor
5,470 yards (5,000 m)
9.1" (231 mm)
8,750 yards (8,000 m)
7.9" (201 mm)
10,940 yards (10,000 m)
7.5" (190 mm)
19,690 yards (18,000 m)
4.7" (120 mm)
32,150 yards (29,400 m)
2.9" (74 mm)
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 00:16:37 No. 43204248 Report >>43204199 ... That I don't a trip, like you?
Well, since apparently I now need one. Here it goes...
>>43203987 >9" belt Fun Fact: Kongou and her sisters, as built, only had an 8" belt.
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
>>43204196 Now you know why I have a trip now?
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
>>43204203 >>43204228 Anon, don't pretend there's more than one of you. You're not even trying to hide it.
>>43204238 Okay, okay, calm down now. We get it.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
>>43204256 No you fucking don't.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 00:17:52 No. 43204268 Report >>43204251 Now I do.
Gentlemen, children and gentlemen, This is Bentus. We have activated the IFF.
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>>43204203 >Not Shipposting I had high hopes for you
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So, I see the chucklefucks are going on an impersonation spree...
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Trip complaining already and we're only an hour in. Never change guys.
>>43204244 You know most of those figures are yardsticks at best because every nation used a different system for measuring average penetration?
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>>43204265 Yes I do. Don't give them more ammunition. Not that they need it, but still.
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>>43204248 Perfect, now I can group you in with the rest of the tripfags. Filters are love, filters are life.
Quoted By:
I hope Bentus never stops posting, because inevitably someone will meltdown in IRC about it.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
Quoted By:
Central !/EdRLzIbh2
Quoted By:
>>43204196 >Ghost Division reported that Deme giggled insanely upon hearing of our ideas on reincarnation via ship. NOT IF I BEAT YOU THERE FIRST DEME
lol no, the amount of shit I have to write in order to bring the Bradford series in date with KCQ is a lot. Deme will likely bring his plans to fruitation before I get my shit up to date Anonymous
>>43204249 >Arizona's belt almost as thick as her guns Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43204205 I like the Washington design, but not for her.
I prefer it for her sister.
Also, apparently the knock-off's version of NC was an actual hillbilly/survivalist.
Fucking chinks I swear
>>43204248 Finally. Now I can fucking filter you.
>>43204249 Good thing we were fighting Queen Mary, which does in fact have a 9" belt.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship
>>43204268 We can tell which one is you, Your faggotry knows no bounds.
Quoted By:
>>43204276 Fuck off faggot, my dick is bigger.
Quoted By:
>>43204205 jesus they're not even trying to hide it
>>43204299 Musashi's penis in Lebe's heart is erect.
>>43204313 I like how the people whining about Bentus contribute less to any thread they post in than he does.
UnAble Seaman Britfag
>>43203074 I'm here at last and it's already shitpost o'clock...
>[x] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory. Meh, who cares? I'm here for shipsluts and navy tactics... It's been so long I think I need to remind myself where the fuck we are and what's going on...
>>43204307 How do I filter that fucker?
Quoted By:
>>43204311 ...I don't think he was saying that we were fighting Kongou. It just sounded like a vaguely related factoid.
Quoted By:
>>43204323 >Musashi's penis in Ghost's ass is erect. FTFY
>>43204277 >backpedaling this hard the salt is delicous
>>43204347 >Settings >Filter In 4chanx.
>>43204372 No cost is too high to get rid of him.
Quoted By:
>>43204307 >>43204347 Now I wish I could block you shit posters from this thread entirely.
Quoted By:
>>43204347 What
>>43204388 said, although you don't need 4chanX to filter trips.
>>43204373 Imagine Hamp in a dress and pantyhose.
Central !/EdRLzIbh2
>>43204341 We are in a meeting with Arizona, Goto and a bunch of other admrials. Hate is getting ready to pitch his ideas about getting Yamato on sorties and Shigure is in the psyche ward after nearly killing herself.
So long story short. Shit's just as fucked as before cap'n.
Quoted By:
>>43204390 Maybe if mods banned you from posting these threads would improve.
Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma
>>43204373 >russian guns have accurate penetration tosavich )))))) this is literally you
>>43204373 >presenting a counterpoint is now backpedalling So you've finally realised you don't have an argument worth a damn and are just shitflinging. Lovely.
Quoted By:
>>43204401 Why would you put a Zero in a dress? That just seems awkward?
>>43204393 Roleplaying fags are pure cancer if they contribute nothing to the thread. Bentus contributes nothing to the thread.
>>43204333 Actually, it's not just people complaining about Bentus, it's people complaining about ANY name/tripfag who do nothing but fill the threads with useless garbage.
Quoted By:
>>43203897 "I'm the ship named for a place named for another dude."
full retard.jpg
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>>43204401 Rocky Horror Northampton?
Quoted By:
>>43203306 But who was the traffic cone?
Quoted By:
>>43204405 Hate isn't here. We brought up his idea for the next Abyssal attack. Right now we're discussing modernizing shipgirls, and Arizona just volunteered.
>>43204427 The same can be said of shitposters like you.
Quoted By:
>>43204454 I've ignored him entirely. Now I can get rid of his cancerous posts.
>>43204418 All of the information on penetration available is provided through a unified system known as the USN Empirical Armor Penetration Formula. Unless you're a Bong, because then you have your own special snowflake system that's ever so slightly different.
>>43204412 >I'm an idiot this is literally you
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>>43203889 That's nothing, remember what we did with our excess chemical weapons?
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>>43204427 Just like you, mate. Absolutely nothing but salty tears of frustration for no valid reason.
Quoted By:
>>43204431 He does it to troll obviously. The only reason to do it is to garner (You)'s and to shit up the thread with off-topic butthurt. Have you not been in a thread with ND at all and how any thread he posted in turned to instant shit?
>>43204489 >USN armour formula >of a WW2 japanese cruiser You're full of shit, you know that?
All those period figures are derived from the special snowflake system every major country came up with itself at the time.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Goto coughs prominently, catching your attention. He leans on his elbows as he claps his hands together just below his chin, giving you a long, weary Look over his knuckles. “Sooooooooo~” he drawls, slicing his chin towards the intel geeks at the other end of the table. “I believe you had something to tell us?” You see Chief Parker stand up from his crowd - your primary contact amongst the Squirrely Ones, He Whom Receives Donut Tithes. There's something about his look you don't like - the stubble's been shaved off and his shirt is fresh out of a drawer, but instead of the vacant queasiness or caffeine-wired, flinty edge you were used to seeing in your own bridge crew, Parker's face is drawn and pale. “We have isolated a reliable sonic signature for identifying abyssals.” A murmur of excitement goes through the room. Goto slides his gaze back to you for a moment, then back down the table to Parker. “Explain further,” he invites.
Hey guys, did someone here mention penetration? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43204586 Salty anon's tears were delicious
Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma
>>43204489 I see you have all those Japanese statistics written down on that ancient napkin you found on Iwo Jima. As expected of SerB!
Quoted By:
>>43204575 ib4 we have to hunt Abyssal Red October
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
“Yes... the...” Parker shakes his head, clearly trying to gather his thoughts. “Was it hull cavitation?” Tate asks eagerly. England hoists an eyebrow. “The computers run sonar returns through computers that try to filter out background noise and biologics to hone in on repetitive mechanical sounds fitting a certain profile,” Tate explains. “But no two abyssals really seem to sound alike so we can't profile them. But no matter what their machinery sounds or doesn't sound like, they still have to move through the water, which creates-” “No, no, no,” Parker objects, shaking his head and rubbing his face with both hands. “These things can change physical form at *will.* We figured out real quick that any approach based on mechanical profiling won't work. Ya can't just say all their screws sound like this, or water flow over their hull always sounds like *that* and slap a filter on to broom away all the tuna fishes and whale farts. That's a sonarman's approach, doin that ONE WITH THE WAVES thing,” Parker says, clapping his hands over his ears and waggling his eyes upward to demonstrate. “We're *analysts.* We took a few petabytes of sonar bouy data taken for marine research around Japan and just started stripping away anything that varied too much. I mean...” Parker sighs. “Petty Officer Weiss nailed this down, I'll let him explain.” He sinks back into his chair and sits in it like a sack of potatoes.
Quoted By:
>>43204575 I got a bad feeling about this
>>43204574 You do know that the Navy had occasion to test those guns themselves, right?
There is a thousands of pages long report on every minute form of Japanese technology that the War Department had put together after the war ended. everything from guns to radar to knee mortars.
furthermore those are THE only published values, so feel free to find an alternative source.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Weiss rises, a manilla folder held in his hand that he simply bends back and forward, not needing it in the slightest. “Okay, uh. Well. With mechanical signatures - screw cavitation, pump sounds, machinery - you analyze for *frequency* consistency; it's almost always playing the same note but its louder or quieter or faster or slower depending on what the ship's doing, you see?” Every brass hat in the room nods in unison. Squirrels are like this - once they get rolling on something they *know,* their confidence tends to draw people in. “That's how computers scan SOSUS to alert an operator, see, it filters by frequency, then applies a second pass for rate, how often the sound is heard or how often the cycle repeats or whatever. And we've got all the profiles nicely sorted because a sub far away moving fast, a sub close moving slow, vice versa, whatever, the physical realities narrow the possible combinations down to a much more manageable set of signatures,” Weiss continues. “But abyssals don't give a damn for physical realities, so - what's the constant?” Everyone waits. Weiss brings his hands up to his face, palms facing his cheeks, then flicks them forward to wave his fingers at the crowd. “They're spooky.” Parker lets his face sink into his hand while the other forms a fingergun to administer himself humane euthanasia.
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>>43204586 Ah, salt. Just what I needed for all this mackerel.
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>>43204637 > “They're spooky.” 2SPOOKY4ME
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>>43204637 >“They're spooky.” planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
“That's their *nature.* It's a constant. It might vary in signal strength, that's it. So we just filtered for the constants - filtered by repetition rate. And we found something that never varied save for volume. It was obscured by their own mechanical noise most of the time and you can't autofilter those for reasons just described so it was a real pain, but... we found it. We found a reliable audio signature that marks abyssals.” Silence sits heavy in the room for long moments as everyone absorbs that. Tate, the SSN skipper, is the first to reply. “So what the hell's the source?” Parker straightens up and answers while Wiess bends his folder into a tube nervously. “Abyssals are spiritual in nature,” he says, his voice sounding a bit ragged. “And their nature never wavers, never changes at all. They can speed up, slow down, climb, dive, stand on their damn heads - you'll always hear this signal loud and clear, once you're filtering out the background noise.” “It's quiet enough to be drowned out by the abyssal's own unique set of mechanical sounds, you said?” Wilson muses. “So the signal is faint?”
>>43204674 Screams of the damned, of course.
UnAble Seaman Britfag
Quoted By:
>>43204405 >Shit's just as fucked as before cap'n. Yup, sounds about right. Okay, I think I'm on track now. There's just so damn much we've not had a chance to get to yet. Next time we have an open slot in our busy schedule of shit hitting the fan, we need to really sort out priorities. I believe there was a suggestion of getting these girls some god-damn psychiatric help, wasn't there?
>>43204674 My guess is sobbing.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
“At first,” Wiess says, back on firm ground. “But just hearing it marks everything *else* you hear from it as abyssal. You should be able to program quick and dirty filters for their various acoustic signatures pretty quick if you can shadow them for a while.” “How long?” Admiral Thomas asks. Wiess cocks his head with a 'hrrrm' sound. “The big problem with abyssals is repetition frequency is so wide. Even at two knots a boat is making 50RPM or so on her screws, shafts, turbines - pretty easy to nail down. Abyssal have that sometimes... and sometimes they've got sounds that are complex patterns that repeat every thirty seconds up to a minute, like the chorus of a song or a blue whale's heartbeat or something. I'd say thirty minutes to properly sniff them all out and clean up the profiles for noise by cookie-cutter comparison against ambient background profiling from your unexposed side, but you could do it in five minutes or so if you need to teach a fish fast for a good shot.” “... damn fine work, boys,” Thomas says quietly. The Burke skippers seem to have been lost right when you were, around "ambient background profiling," but the submariners seem suitably impressed. “How soon can we have SOSUS looking for this?” Wiess rubs his head. “Well, I've got the algorithms all worked out, so as soon as you forward the report-” “Consider it done five minutes ago,” Thomas says. “Well,” Goto says, leaning back in his own chair with a sigh. “That covers all scheduled business. Is there anything else you want to bring up?” [ ] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now. [ ] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. [ ] Write-in?
>>43204627 Tests on worn-out unmaintained guns using shells produced at a time when end-war japanese industry didn't have the raw materials to make anything properly?
The accuracy of those "tests" has been torn to shreds for *decades*. It's the BuOrd equivalent of using aluminum wallhangers to "prove" that katanas bend like tinfoil.
>>43204674 >mfw the signal is THE SCREAMS OF THE DEAD Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43204726 [ ] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure.
>>43204627 >furthermore those are THE only published values, so feel free to find an alternative source Figures from Japanese tests are extant, just all in moonspeak and only partially internet-ised.
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>>43204726 >[ ] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. Anonymous
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>>43204726 >[ ] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. Anonymous
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>>43204726 Man, I want to hear this sound now, mad curious.
>[X] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43204726 [X] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure.
Let's skedaddle.
Quoted By:
>>43204603 Provide a different source.
Oh wait you can't, because there is literally only one, and its from the War Department after the end of WW2.
Fucking idiot.
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[x] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. This is a matter between ship-slut admirals. Filthy steel-hull admirals need never know what goes on.
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[X] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. Anonymous
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>>43204726 >Write-in "How's Shigure?"
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[ ] Ask what the spooky noise is the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
Quoted By:
>>43204726 [ ] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now.
[ ] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure.
Why not both? We need to deal with this shit sooner rather than later.
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[x] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. He needs to know about this shit.
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[ ] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43204726 [x] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure.
If Goto acts like nothing is wrong with this, I also vote
[x]smack him upside the head with our cane
>>43204726 >[X] Write-in? Has the existence of abyssal oil tankers been brought up yet? I forget.
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[X] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. NAVYFAG
>>43204802 Screaming shipgirls then queersquid?
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[ ] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now. One of the difficult but necessary parts of responsibility is letting your superiors know if there is a HAZREP of some kind. The admirals deserve to know that their PT boats could possibly go rogue and engage in blue-on-blue action. They can put more stuff in motion for preventing repeats than we can.
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>>43204726 >[ ] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now. > We need extra hands to deal with this. I don't care if we get fucking Seal Team Six or the Army loans us Private Snafu and Corporal Fuckup, we need bodies NOW. It wouldn't be wise to use shipgirls for this. The Japanese girls might set the Corgis off, and we don't have nearly enough USN ones. Even if all the extra hands do it follow the Corgis around and keep an eye on them, it's a vast improvement to our current system of "ignore them and hope nothing bad happens."
UnAble Seaman Britfag
Quoted By:
>>43204704 >>43204724 It's probably a mix of both, with a helping of, "I do not even want to know."
>>43204726 >[x] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now. >[x] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. We'll discuss Shigure in private, but we REALLY need a system in place for what happens when the girls (or dogs) break ranks like this. Just how do we haul them over the coals for what is tantamount to treason?
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >other "On the topic of manifesting the shipgirl and shipboy Hulls, let's ask Akagi or Hamp first as they've already done it."
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[ ] Cornhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[X] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now. We need more hands to handle this. Hate alone isn't enough.
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>>43204802 Green Day in G minor?
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>>43204726 [X] WHO WAS PHONE
I can't believe everyone forgot the fact that they hit Goto with a psychic attack.
Quoted By:
>>43204726 [x] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now.
[x] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure.
>>43204819 WORSEtl;dr thank god I got that writeup(s) done.
>>43204802 The death cries of those they have yet to kill?
It is everyone. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[ ] Write-in? "...what, exactly, does this signature sound like that's so 'spooky,' anyway?"
Followed by:
>[ ] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43204726 Ask Goto what Yaoi is. Then throttle Kitakami.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Quoted By:
>>43203470 >Speaking of Hamp, it's worth remembering that he didn't save our asses by being some amazing supership. He's got the same size guns as the Takaos, and a roughly equal belt. What won that fight was him being fresh and in the right place at the tight time You forgot the rate of fire. Hamp's guns could achieve approximately double the rate of fire they (and their IJN equivilents) were designed for, (and they did, on multiple ships in multiple battles) by using the "cue-ball" technique.
Big guns in that era were loaded primarily by operators using hydraulic rams - you had one that rammed the shell into the breech, then another that pushed the powder bags in and seated them firmly behind the shell. Because the shell went in first the shell ram was considerably longer. Operators of the US 8 inch gun found that they could quickly smack the shell with the powder ram and "bat" it into the gun like a cue ball, which sped up loading considerably because the powder ram was shorter, and thus could cycle a lot faster. That the equipment tolerated this abuse without any appreciable damage afterwards is a testament to their construction.
Sheer rate-of-fire meant that Hamp was putting out twice the steel as could be expected, and since his turrets were properly armored he wasn't losing guns to secondary battery penetrations, either. Takao et al had their primary batteries guarded by only splinter level protection. Once you get in real close where secondary batteries can land reliable hits, sheer volume of fire will take out your guns really fast.
Quoted By:
>[ ] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now. >[ ] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. how are these mutually exclusive?
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[X] WHO WAS ON THE PHONE, GOTO Anonymous
>>43204753 Yes, and they were converted to the USN formula, just like the rest of the worlds naval guns.
Pretty nifty system, that.
>>43204729 More goalpost shifting. Feel free to post some of those "debunked" tests, including actual facts and primary documents that back them up.
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[X] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now. Bad Dogs!!! Lie down!! No cookie!
>[X] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. We best get our local waterfowl in an orderly queue on this one quick.
>>43204848 Agh! No! The are rules even in Hell.
>>43204802 It's Nickelback.
>>43204726 >[x] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 00:48:09 No. 43204922 Report Quoted By:
I'm honestly uncertain of the best course of action.
So, instead, I'm going to go kill Skaven.
>[X] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now. >[X] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. >>43204869 Oh my, here we go.
>>43204879 They're not that temporally confused.
>>43204910 ... Sajuuk, why?
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
>blurt out the big incident in front of all the brass ever >discuss shit privately on the d/l with Goto >I KNOW LETS VOTE FOR EVERYTHING now what do I do literally what do I do
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[ ] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. Anonymous
>>43204802 One direction, Justin Beiber, Linkin park,Green day,celine dion and nickelback all singing together?
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 00:50:39 No. 43204967 Report Quoted By:
>>43204946 ... Exactly what you want to do.
Complete and utter chaos.
>>43204946 Ask Goto what Yaoi is.
>>43204946 Fire our pistol into the ceiling, of course
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[ ] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. The alternative seems to be pic related to me.
>>43204946 I think most are suggesting report that the corgis have been starting to get out of hand to the brass, but don't go into detail about the Shigure incident just yet. If you need something to tell the brass was a reason for concern, bring up the groundskeeper.
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[ ] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43204946 Privately with Goto has way more votes
Quoted By:
>>43204946 How about we talk about the incident first and than AFTER that we talk to Goto?
Quoted By:
>>43204946 Solution:
Blurt it out in front of all the top brass ever.
Afterwards, talk privately with Goto on how to clean up the mess now that top brass have popped a vein or two out of sheer rage.
>>43204946 >Summon Werner Herzog. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43204869 WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA? That's about the worst I could think of Abyssals saying.
Quoted By:
>>43204946 Talk about corgis.
THEN after that pull Goto aside.
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[ ] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[X] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Quoted By:
>[X] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure.
Why would we fucking tell a room full of admirals that we are failing to do our fucking job properly?
>>43204955 WORSE No, seriously. It's
Quoted By:
>>43204946 Just don't count double votes. Simple.
Quoted By:
>[X] Pigeonhole Goto after the meeting adjourns to discuss the incident with Shigure. Seriously you cannot choose both you dumbfucks.
Quoted By:
>>43205025 Stop.
come back.
Quoted By:
>>43205025 >squatting sanya >not slavnya >>43205029 Because a surprising number of anons are so autistic that they cannot into social interaction.
Or they want to make things bad, then complain that planefag is being mean.
Quoted By:
>>43204726 >[ ] Bring up the Corgi Incident right now. Anonymous
>>43204608 >a few petabytes UnAble Seaman Britfag
Quoted By:
Clearly, we mention to Goto, "I have something to discuss with you afterwards. In private." Then tell the brass, "Oh yeah, the Corgis have gone dogshit."
>>43205029 Because two men alone can not handle several dozen corgis.
Quoted By:
>>43205071 Oh good. It wasn't just me feeling dumbstruck and terrified at that.
>>43205029 It's not our fault that we were given insufficient personel to keep them in line.
Also, better to take the figurative beating now than have to worry about corgis somewhere else fucking something up seriously bad.
>>43205033 shipgirls being sacrificed?
>>43205033 How can anything be worse than that?!
Seriously, I had to buy fucking ear defenders for artillery crews just because my sister decided that she liked remixing those bands with each other.
Quoted By:
>>43204946 Informing them of a recent situation that they should be made aware of isn't just blurting the big incident out. You can inform them of a situation and that information is pending, but they should know about possible corgi related fuckery.
Quoted By:
>>43205029 Technically there's only two other admirals there.
The rest of them are people who will be going into harm's way on our say-so.
Quoted By:
>>43205050 My only fear is that he makes us look like a fucking amateur when it comes to crazy shit. Seriously, the dude's surreal.
Quoted By:
>>43204946 >good news everyone we recently recieved more PT boats! and they're already being PROACTIVE Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43205099 >shipgirls being molested? FIFY
>>43205089 >>43205096 We have a staff and we rate a larger command. We can request additional personnel to handle our dogs without showing our ass to the commander of the fleet.
>>43205101 I assume she is in some way defective?
More importantly, what are you doing to stop it?
>>43205033 Is it destroyer girls saying "Onii-chan I hate you!"?
Quoted By:
>>43205033 It will be Admiral's voice won't it?
>>43204897 Now who's goalpost shifting? You just claimed the USN tests were the only ones, and in the same breath you admit nip tests exist.
You're just shitposting now, you filthy hypocrite.
Quoted By:
>>43205025 >Go to window >"I KNOW AN EXCELLENT SOURCE OF HUMAN SUFFERING!" >Turn to rest of brass while Werner's running across the ocean >"Just so you're all aware, there's been a problem with the returned patrol boats." >Wait until Goto asks what the problem is >"I'll gladly tell you once you tell me what yaoi is!" >Fire pistol into ceiling and leap out window to escape the Herzog Chief Parker
>>43205071 What can I say? I was in a rush.
>>43205099 >>43205101 Now, y'see, those are just MUNDANE horrors.
Fucking Weiss man, he poked the fucking eye of the abyss.
Quoted By:
>>43205122 That still doesn't change the fact that we better warn the others that, hey, PT boats make shitty pets when nips are around.
Quoted By:
>>43205122 We're still going to have to mention to them that there's been an incident. Don't need to go into detail, just give them the general gist. They'll find out sooner or later, and us trying to sweep it under the rug WILL NOT help.
>>43205156 Is it the sound aborted babies make whilst being spit roasted in hell?
>>43205132 Would it be worse if it is Oniichan daisuki?
>>43205096 >>43205029 >>43205122 We are doing our job properly, based on the intell we were given about the Corgis.
The intell was bad. The corgis are not just willfull little shits with guns and torpedos.
They are willfull little shits with guns, torpedos and issues.
Totally different requirements for operations.
>>43205176 That's Nickleback. Also banned, even in Hell.
>>43205125 >I assume she is in some way defective? Defective is too kind. Retarded land whale is how I would describe her.
>More importantly, what are you doing to stop it? I moved out last year, sure my apartment is next to a highway but I'd rather be kept awake by cars than by she shit.
>>43205156 So the abyss blinked first 'eh?
Quoted By:
>>43205176 >spit roasted That wasn't what I thought you said at first.
Quoted By:
>>43205132 >>43205177 "It hurts, onii-chan. Anonymous
>>43205137 Control your salt anon, nip tests obviously exist somewhere (but have never made it online, seeing as how only the nips have them). The only official published results are what the USN gathered from their tests.
So the point still stands, you fucking idiot.
Quoted By:
>>43205033 It's that part at the end of Saya no Uta?
Quoted By:
Crashing this meeting, with no survivors
Quoted By:
>>43205192 C'mon, Nickleback ain't that bad.
They're completely formulaic bullshit, sure, and most of their songs sound similar enough to confuse audio recognition software, but they're closer to aggressively mediocre than outright BAD.
>>43205233 And here you are goalpost shifting again.
I'm not deriding you as a hypocrite for nothing, you know.
The only thing that stands right now is your dick, since you seem to get off on being a whiny little troll.
Quoted By:
There is one very good reason why we should discuss the Corgi situation now, with everyone: Those fucking dogs/PT Boats manifest randomly, on their own, with no concern for friend or foe. The Shigure incident, sure, we should try to keep that between us, Goto, and at most Admiral Thomas and the CNO.
Quoted By:
>>43205261 Dude, what. You are getting into Incomprehensible Autism Land. Fuckkin chill, m8.
>>43205261 Go ahead an post those sources claiming otherwise anon.
Oh wait, you fucking can't.
Keep whining about those values that only you have ever seen, I'm sure your great uncle Tanaka said that his 8" guns penetrated a battleship once or something.
>>43205248 >that sky Most people don't know what they're missing living in a major city. Light pollution a shit.
Quoted By:
>>43205301 Great uncle tanaka's 8" gun penetrated your mom.
Quoted By:
Will you two jokers talking about 8" gun penetration just get a room and fuck already?
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
“Yes,” you say. “One more thing - my pet Marine is having a hard time containing the PT boats these days, and when they're not being torpedo boats, they're... well, Corgis. They're breaking out of the kennel regularly now, and with just one minder it's proving hard to control them. I know that qualified personnel are in short supply, given all the factors involved, but there has to be some sort of equipment to help with this thing.” The others begin pitching ideas as the squirrels go scrolling through their smartphones for images of possible robotic solutions. In the brief pause before people start pitching ideas, you lean close to Arizona and whisper in her ear. “Could you go outside and call us a ride from the motor pool?” Arizona seems to shiver as the tension leaves her. She nods and slides sideways, then back, striding out of the room quickly. You should've known better than to take Arizona - *the* Arizona - into this room, with the history and connotations that ride with her, but leaving her waiting outside the door while you discussed Business inside seemed so insulting you hadn't even considered it. You fish out your own smartphone and start recording the better-sounding suggestions as they're made, and once your satisfied, Goto adjourns the meeting.
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>>43205248 Do you need to keep the lens open for hours to capture that sky?
>>43205248 >>43205311 Settle and Higgins lying on a remote hillside, watching the stars come out one by one, not saying anything, nothing to say, just *being* there, when?
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>>43205301 Go back to wikipedia.
Oh wait, they won't let you in anymore, since you're not notable enough.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
>>43205342 You've barely risen from your chair, struggling upward on stiff muscles with your cane as leverage when someone catches you by the back of your collar and yanks you backwards. You hear a door slam, and the world goes dark as you stumble, falling ass-first into something vaguely bucket-shaped.
There's a *click!* and suddenly Goto's graven face emerges from the gloom, moodily lit by a single incandescent bulb above you.
“Settle,” Goto intones darkly.
[ ] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.”
[ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?”
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>>43205370 >[ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Anonymous
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>>43205370 [x] Where is the Katsu-dun?
Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” THROW HIM OFF HIS GAME
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>>43205370 >[ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Anonymous
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>>43205370 >[x] “I TRIED I TRIED I'M SORRY I TRIED MY BEST” Anonymous
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>>43205370 >[ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Anonymous
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>>43205370 >[x] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Anonymous
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>>43205370 [X] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?”
But isn't it like 2019?
Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[X] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.” Be as snarky as possible....then...
[X] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?”
Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” CRAZY YANKEE
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>>43205370 >[x] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” MIND FUCK
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>>43205370 >[x] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Anonymous
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>>43205362 And then Higgins lovingly whispers into his ear...
"Bend over and spread 'em, skipper. And don't clench up. I brought the BIG one." Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Anonymous
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>>43205370 "Goto, the destroyers have been getting IDEAS about me and Hate. If word gets out you pulled me into a closet...."
>what's yaoi mean? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[X] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.” Anonymous
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>>43205370 >[ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Anonymous
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>>43205370 >[x ] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2019, dude.” Anonymous
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>>43205370 [x] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?”
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>43205370 [ ] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.”
Goto, today is not the day to confess your undying love. Killing me by Kongou is NOT a mercy kill.
Quoted By:
>>43205370 "I thought we kept the buckets for the girls, not for my ass..."
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>>43205370 >[X] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Anonymous
>[X] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” MAXIMUM OVERTROLL IS GO
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>>43205370 [x] "Goto. The dogs will be dealt with."
There's really not much we can say. It was American dogs, even if they did just randomly manifest outside of the kennel, that drove Shigure to attempt suicide.
The dogs disobeying a direct order from a rear admiral isn't much of an excuse.
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>>43205370 >[x] “I TRIED I TRIED I'M SORRY I TRIED MY BEST” Anonymous
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>>43205370 [ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?”
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>>43205370 >[ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Anonymous
Quoted By:
>yfw DesDiv 6 is listening in as Settle asks Goto about yaoi.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 01:16:52 No. 43205481 Report Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[X] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.” You know what I hate now? Fucking rats.
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>>43205370 [ ] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.”
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>>43205370 >[X] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Diffuse, then deal with the shit.
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>>43205464 >throwing Hate under the bus I don't even like him, but that's a dick move.
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>>43205370 >[X] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” I need to know for Navy reasons.
>>43205447 >MAXIMUM OVERTROLL IS GO At least you cement your position as an absolute shit.
That's the same as trolling a man whose daughter nearly shot herself because of the dogs under your care got loose and mauled her.
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>>43205370 >[X] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” Anonymous
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>>43205370 >[X] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.” >[X] “I TRIED I TRIED I'M SORRY I TRIED MY BEST” In their respective order, but say the first one trying to remain calm. The second line for when that fails and Goto shows why he's scary for real.
2015? I thought this took place a few years later.
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[ ] “... so, uh, what's yaoi mean?” And I hope the door didn't just lock us in here.
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>>43205464 I hate Hate, but even I have to admit that this probably wasn't his fault, since the Corgi's are self-manifesting outside of the kennels.
And trying to shift blame to someone when there's a good likelihood that there's evidence exonerating them (video surveillance from the kennels showing all previously known PT boats accounted for) is just fucking idiotic.
>>43205499 Woah, hey there, we have NOOOOOO idea what this is about. Cool your tits, anon, smoke a bowl, have a drink, and KINDLY FUCK OFF.
>>43205370 Panic when we realize the closet locks from the inside. Then panic even harder when Tenyruu or Kitakami finds us.
Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[ ] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2020, dude.” planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
>>43205499 officially my favorite post of the night
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>>43205557 Excellent taste, Boss.
Quoted By:
>>43205370 [X] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.”
Dude. Trolling seems bad at this stage.
>>43205524 It takes place in 2018, Planefag is just drunk or something.
Or maybe hes pulling fast ones on us.
>>43205549 Or the panic when Kongo finds us.
Do remember that Arizona is at the motor pool so she can't save us.
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>>43205544 A matter of hours ago one of Goto's ships nearly blew her own head off.
I don't think Goto's in a good mood right now.
Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[x] “I TRIED I TRIED I'M SORRY I TRIED MY BEST” Anonymous
>>43205544 >we have NOOOOOO idea So you're still trolling that man, and hoping that he hasn't found out that the girl is in the hospital under suicide watch and that this is about something else.
That doesn't change things much.
Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[ ] “I TRIED I TRIED I'M SORRY I TRIED MY BEST” Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43205499 ... We put our self in great danger trying to stop that, remember?
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
>>43205557 So far you mean? The night is still young.
Quoted By:
>>43205370 >[x] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.” Anonymous
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>>43205370 Whatever Goto wants to discuss ... it's likely not something we've anticipated, or he's going to come at it from an entirely unexpected angle. Why don't we mix it up, be vaguely officer-like, and simply say "Yes Admiral Goto?"
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>>43205577 I thought it was 2018. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>43205602 YER FUN IS CANCER
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
>>43205370 >[ ] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.” I thought this happened in 2018.
Quoted By:
>>43205593 So what you are saying is that your autism engine isn't firing on all cylinders?
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>>43205602 >telling planefag to not reply to shitposters >planefag Anonymous
>>43205370 >[ ] “I TRIED I TRIED I'M SORRY I TRIED MY BEST” >[ ] “HATE'S FAULT HATE GUARDS THE DOGS IT WASN'T ME IT WAS THE MARINE” I'm rescinding one of my votes for the yaoi trolling and replacing with this.
>>43205578 >Goto latches onto Settle in pure, terror at the Siren call of "TEI~TO~KU!!" >Kitakami opens the door Anonymous
>>43205588 Yeah, and we nearly got our dome blown off. I'd say a little screwball is in order, because HOLY FUCKING SHIT WE NEARLY ATE A 6 INCHER AT CONTACT RANGE.
Fuck you, absurdity is the only good response here.
Quoted By:
>>43205557 good thing SWQ made maximium overtroll a thing then, right?
>>43205624 >one of my votes for the yaoi But keep the other four?
>>43205577 >>43205612 >they don't realize what day it is Anonymous
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>>43205645 >>43205651 Goddamn it. Fucked up my reply and put two responses. Ah well, was too late for the vote anyways. WE GO DOWN WITH THE SHIP
>>43205635 >Awakened by the growing fear of her former captain. Higgins returns to find out what the flying fuck is going on. Anonymous
>Yaoi option in a faggot's quest >Expecting people not to go with it
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>>43205661 Whooops, a fumble fingers am I. Thank you~
>>43205681 There's a very, very good reason why he put that option in there in the first place.
>>43205662 That was yesterday anon.
>>43205690 It's obviously the only correct response.
Destroyers are not for sexual, admiral love is purest love.
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Planesfag of 1989, what is that era like?
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>[ ] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.”
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>>43205662 I'm well aware it's Back To The Future Day, thank you.
Which, by the way, Happy Back To The Future Day to you all.
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>>43205714 That seductress.
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>>43205370 >[ ] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.” Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 01:33:04 No. 43205757 Report Quoted By:
>>43205746 ... Welp, time to get the theme going.
Quoted By:
>>43205746 Oh my bad. For half the world it is still today.
>>43205676 What the hell would Higgins even look like? Would she be dressed in those digital water camo work uniforms 's that modern seamen wear, or would she wear the more formal dress uniform? Or would it be the service khakis?
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>>43205816 American flag bikini
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>>43205816 I dunno, but HIGGINS IS A CLASSY LADY
Threadly reminder that battleships are not for sexual.
>>43205866 >What is Kongou? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43205816 Someone posted an image of an arliegh burke ship girl in a previous thread. You might have to check the archives if nobody posts the pic
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>>43205866 >>43205876 Threadly reminder that the Kongo Sisters are not battleships.
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Rolled 7 (1d8) >>43205866 Good point.
I'll just masturbate to your post instead.
Quoted By:
>alone in a barely lit room with Goto Kitakami can feel the Yaoi from miles away.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 01:40:14 No. 43205888 Report Quoted By:
>>43205876 That is an excellent question.
>>43205816 Because the armor on modern warships is thin, her clothes will leave little to the imagination
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>>43205876 A battlecruiser
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>>43205892 so... a catsuit?
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>>43205866 Speak for yourself.
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>>43205866 >What is Kongo? >What is Arizona? >What is Yamato (aside from a hotel)? >What is literally any major ship-girl? Anonymous
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>>43205816 Something like this.
Don't bully the admirals.
feelthyHornet !!McLtsKOsrVy
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Threadly reminder that battlecruisers are lewd.
UnAble Seaman Britfag
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>>43205866 I would sexual a battleship. Especially a Nagato-class or a Yamato-class.
But only if they consented. And after much romance happened.
That said...
>>43205370 >[x] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.” We're in the shit, but we're also the most sarcastic flag ever to swing a cane. Plus, I think we are WELL past apologies. We don't say sorry for our fuckup - we FIX it. We talk about getting a shrink security clearance or something. We don't waste time groveling. WE know we fucked up. GOTO knows we fucked up. ARIZONA knows we fucked up. Now let's DO something about it and deal with the nightmares when they come.
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>>43206009 Don't you mean except Hamakaze, Urakaze, and Nuinui?
Ushio's still more or less a kid akin to DesDiv6, just puberty hit her hard and fast.
Ever wonder if pocket battleships or coastal battleships are lolis?
Sup dawg I herd u like destroyers So I put a DD in a DD
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>>43205929 Somebody's getting bullied tonight, might as well be them
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>>43205929 We bullied marines, we bullied mechanics.
Time to bully admirals.
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>>43206009 Ushio is for tender molesting and
hand holding .
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>>43206101 That's just wrong.
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>>43206101 Look at that nice coaster.
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>>43206101 RJ has suffered an unfortunate fate.
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>>43206154 But Mushashi is not a pocket one?
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>>43204911 It's fortunate this doesn't usually work, or we'd all be answering to Field Marshal Hate by now.
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>>43206154 thats not a pocket BB
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>>43205370 >[ ] “A single incandescent bulb? Seriously? Is it budget cuts or shitty contractors? It's 2015, dude.” We don't know exactly what he wants, but we do have a guess. So in this case, let him state the subject.
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>>43204946 A little late, but
Quoted By:
Higgins a best.
I found an interesting bit on SB: Featuring the meeting of Iowa and Yamato, and their subsequent parasol duel.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
You look around the darkened broom closet as you shift your ass to a slightly more comfortable perch on the rim of the mop bucket you landed in. “So...” You squint at Goto. “I get the feeling I should ask you what 'yaoi' is before anything else.” Goto stares at you, his face going slack with astonishment. And then he starts to laugh. The wiry, grizzled-looking man slides down the door of the janitor's closet as he stifles his guffaws with visible effort, tears rolling out of his sunken eyes to soak into his unshaven stubble. He ends up sitting on a big pack of replacement toilet paper, still chortling as he rubs his temples. “Where the hell did you hear *that* word?” “Kitakami.” He sniggers. “Figures.” “So. I was, uh, going to pigeonhole you and-” “Shigure,” Goto says with a sigh. “Yeah. Heard about it about thirty minutes ago.” “I would've gone straight to you, but it took me most of the morning just to run the damn dogs to ground,” you tell him. “We managed to trap them in the well deck of an LSD tied up at the JSDF berths and bailed before its skipper could chew my ass off for the gift.” “You did the right thing,” Goto replies. “I was still in that conference - spotted you in the back with Arizona, by the way.” “Yeah. What the hell was their problem, anyways? Were they all from the Nationalist News Network?”
>>43206249 >linking to that shithole >at all Anonymous
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Quoted By:
Goto sighs and shakes his head, leaning over to rest his elbows on his knees. “I wish. That first one *is* a known troublemaker, but the rest-” he shakes his head. “They're just scared, Settle. They're scared shitless. We haven't made any official reports about Iwo Jima yet, but the armchair intel geeks are already posting about it on the 'chans, or so I'm told. It's a matter of hours before a reputable news outlet starts pushing us for a statement, according to Thomas's PR people, and my JSDF staff think we should just write one up now and get ahead of it. Land invasion, Settle. LAND invasion. The majority of the American public live on the coastline, and for Japan-!” You nod glumly, taking his point. “We're buying time for the riot police to deploy, basically.” “What? You just said this is *Japan,*” you retort. “I thought the Japanese lined up and waited quietly in line at the tsunami shelters - and no shoving, unless you're the designated packer with the neat little uniform.” Goto doesn't even crack a smile. “Not anymore. People are right to be scared, Settle. There's nowhere we can't be hit, now. And those fucking buzzards are right there to fan the flames when people start to panic.” “And atop of all that, Shigure.” Goto nods. “Shigure.” He leans against the door and tilts his head back with a groan, his spine clicking audibly. “I can't believe I never thought of it...” “You couldn't have anticipated a damn dog attack,” you point out. “It's our fault, not yours-” “Really?” Goto mutters.
>>43206271 Funny. They say the same things about you guys.
>two male admirals alone in a janitor's closet
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
“Pretty sure those boats are the ones that missed their last swipe at her at Surigao Strait,” you inform him. “I saw them harassing Shigure a few days ago, but didn't put things together and didn't report it-” “Ha!” Goto snorts. “You remember what happened to the boats at Surigao strait, didn't you?” You think for a second, then reach for your pocket- “No looking it up, wanker.” You sigh. “Okay, what?” “They got the shit shot out of them,” Goto says. “Probably why they're still pissed about it. Have you ever seen a shipgirl try to launch torpedoes on land?” You recall Hate's ambush with the bats, back at the museum park. “Yeah, they just-” “Fish out of water,” Goto replies. “Hell, ton for ton the little bastards would do more damage actually biting her as dogs than raking her superstructure with peashooters and small arms. She's carrying a late-war armament so she's got light automatics to match three of the tiny shits, if she wanted. She was never in any great physical danger.” Goto closes his eyes and taps his head against the door with a hollow 'bonk'. “Sounds like... sounds like she just snapped.”
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>>43206312 On the interbutts, everyones a faggot.
>>43206313 Kitakami's easedropping on them right now thinking.....Yaoi.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
“Have they tried... I don't know, psychologists-” Goto snorts and shakes his head with a dark chuckle. “Where the hell would you *begin* to analyze their issues? You can't treat them as merely human, or so conventional wisdom goes. And everyone's scared shitless of what'll happen if you go encouraging them to dig up those memories. We assume they're repressing or handling it as best we can and *let them fucking be, Settle.*” Goto bonks the door with his head again. “I assumed Shigure kept to herself for the same reason. I assumed wrong.” [ ] Don't blame yourself. I tried to help her and fucked up just as bad. (Tell him the whole story of the incident with Shigure.) Sometimes... sometimes you just can't fix people, Goto. Or ships. We're not supermen. [ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them?
>>43206336 Oh just wait till we walk out of the closet.
Into a gaggle of IJN DD shipgirls.
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>>43206268 Well shit ... the trolling option actually worked and now we're having a professional conversation and resolving important issues. What a strange day...
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>>43206345 [X] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them?
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Well we haven't had any cases of shipsluts turning abyssal. Yet.
Quoted By:
>>43206345 [X] Don't blame yourself. I tried to help her and fucked up just as bad. (Tell him the whole story of the incident with Shigure.) Sometimes... sometimes you just can't fix people, Goto. Or ships. We're not supermen.
Goto has been a major bro so far. We come clean with him.
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? They're the same ships we knew. Same personalities. They're just able to talk face-to-face now.
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >tell him the incident but we shouldn't stop trying. The admirals are the only ones who the girls interact with Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[x] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[x] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? >[ ] Other We need to gather some of the more well adjusted girls to help out this sort of thing. Someone whom they can approach for help.
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[X] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Somehow Shoukaku's going to over hear this and decide it's time to end this game.....She's gonna grab Arizona and double team us into happy.
Quoted By:
>>43206341 She, like the Moniter, is small enough that should could only come back as a corgi here.
Quoted By:
>[X] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them?
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[x] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Do the impossible, see the invisible.
>>43206364 but where are the missiles!
Quoted By:
>>43206345 [X] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them?
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[X] Don't blame yourself. I tried to help her and fucked up just as bad. (Tell him the whole story of the incident with Shigure.) Sometimes... sometimes you just can't fix people, Goto. Or ships. We're not supermen Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[ ] Don't blame yourself. I tried to help her and fucked up just as bad. (Tell him the whole story of the incident with Shigure.) Sometimes... sometimes you just can't fix people, Goto. Or ships. We're not supermen. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[X] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43206353 Said gaggle is the DD6 gaggle.
>>43206345 >>[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Our approach was all wrong, and we approached her too much like a girl and not enough like a ship, but that doesn't change the fact we had the right idea.
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[x] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? I feel the other choice is just giving up period and cosigning them to just being hulls.
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[ ] Don't blame yourself. I tried to help her and fucked up just as bad. (Tell him the whole story of the incident with Shigure.) Sometimes... sometimes you just can't fix people, Goto. Or ships. We're not supermen. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[ ] Don't blame yourself. I tried to help her and fucked up just as bad. (Tell him the whole story of the incident with Shigure.) Sometimes... sometimes you just can't fix people, Goto. Or ships. We're not supermen. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
>>43206345 >[x] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? How much Vallium would a shipgirl need?
>>43206345 >[x] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Sometimes there's nothing you can do but letting shit fester is asking for problems.
>>43206386 This guy has the right idea.
Quoted By:
>>43206345 >[X] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
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>>43206425 Oh, and we should tell Goto everything, but we should preface with this first. I think holding back from Goto, who is the only person on this base who can really understand the shit we go through on a daily basis, is a bad idea.
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>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Heeey maybe the no-shrinks thing was pants-on-head retarded. Sure we don't know exactly how they work... but maybe we ought to spend some time figuring that out.
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>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
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>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? It's just there's not alot of people like us and a whole lot of them, each with their own problems. Still gotta try though.
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>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
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>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? So far, they seem pretty human to me. Let's try psychology.
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>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Supporting
>>43206386 Anonymous
>>43206345 >[x] Don't blame yourself. I tried to help her and fucked up just as bad. (Tell him the whole story of the incident with Shigure.) Sometimes... sometimes you just can't fix people, Goto. Or ships. We're not supermen. let's share our misery, we could get sympathy from the girls but goto can offer Understanding
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>>43206345 >[ ] Don't blame yourself. I tried to help her and fucked up just as bad. (Tell him the whole story of the incident with Shigure.) Sometimes... sometimes you just can't fix people, Goto. Or ships. We're not supermen. Anonymous
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>>43206345 >[ ] Don't blame yourself. I tried to help her and fucked up just as bad. (Tell him the whole story of the incident with Shigure.) Sometimes... sometimes you just can't fix people, Goto. Or ships. We're not supermen. Anonymous
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>>43206345 >[X] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
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>>43206345 [ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them?
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>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? But we should tell him the whole story with Shigure, and that treating them only as teenage girls rather than as beings who went through a war and were killed in it is not helpful.
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>>43206345 >[x] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
>>43206451 Agreed.
A thought along that line: the Abyssals had oilers, so noncombatants can come back too. We had a shitload of hospital ships during the war, perhaps it's time to try summoning a couple of those. A hospital ship girl could be the perfect answer - ship girl strength with medical (including psychological) experience from her crew ...
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>>43206475 Thank you for this image. Ohyodo's pretty gud.
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>>43206345 > We're going to need help. Someone able to stare down the barrel of a gun without breaking a sweat and talk down the person holding it. Someone able to keeps their wits while surrounded by mindblowing weirdness and respond in kind. Someone willing to do whatever is needed to help others, even if it's as crazy as eating a shoe. Someone able to defy all reason and logic, like curing illness by walking from Berlin to Paris in the middle of winter. Anonymous
you guys are fucking up btw too late now though, hahahaha
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>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? Anonymous
>>43206510 So what you are saying is that we might see the abyssal edmund fitzgerald
>>43206345 >You SHOULDN'T let them be, Goto. >Tell him the whole story of how we failed, and how we need to get the girls to help eachither out because there's only so much we can do Anonymous
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>>43206510 THAT'S a good idea.
>>43206530 I can't find anything, anon.
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>>43206443 Assuming we dose on a milligram per kilo basis based on displacement, a dd would need about 400grams or about 1 pound. Not as much as I'd have guessed honestly.
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>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? We need to identify and solve problems. Which means they also need to trust us. To tell us if they have issues or problems.
Course it hasnt helped that Goto has...
Hmm. Has only himself for all of them.
So to speak.
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>>43206529 Calm down there, Planefag.
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>>43206543 I was hoping for a ship girl Comfort class myself ...
>We're literally in the closet with Goto >>43206341 Anonymous
>>43206510 A lot of them were sunk too.
I wonder if the nurses on board were bitter.
Lt. Hate
>>43206313 And Settle's got the fucking balls to say I'M the fucking queer one here, right?
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>>43206581 we're going to exit and run into KTKM, aren't we
>>43206605 Shut yer hole Marine, we know you all lust for ADMIRAL SETTLE, LORD OF THE GUNZ
Lt. Hate
>>43206630 That ponce doesn't even fucking lift.
So>We should try to help the girls as best as we're able to >That isn't always enough though, and we don't have enough to give >We should work to get the girls lwaning on one another >Maybe that includes summoning logistics shipgirls That about the sum of it?
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>>43206602 I didn't consider the fact that they'd likely come back in nurses uniforms ... I suppose in this quest that would be a bonus...
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>>43206345 >[ ] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? >>43206386 >We need to gather some of the more well adjusted girls to help out this sort of thing. Someone whom they can approach for help. Also concur with this guy. Though trained psychologists would also be helpful. I'm sure you can find someone suitable for clearance, if they could find people for friggin' Guantanamo...
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>>43206544 I like this combo
>>43206638 HS Berlin
Mined. Then hit another mine the same day.
Ahhh the poor sod driving this.
>>43206643 He's still got pretty freakish strength, exercise habits aside
>>43206602 >I wonder if the nurses on board were bitter. So are we getting a shipgirl with the composite personality of the characters in M*A*S*H*?
Lt. Hate
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>>43206678 My guess is retard strength.
Just a fucking guess, but it seems damn appropriate a lot of the fucking time.
>>43206677 It gets better. The soviets re-floated her 4 years later, but she sank AGAIN in 1986
>>43206643 So you're saying you'd be the seem in the relationship?
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So anons, how spookey?
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
VOTES CALLED. I am going to eat dinner and contemplate anon's... choices.
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>>43206688 God help us if they come back with a 1930s grasp of psychology.
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>>43206688 Comfort class would presumably come back as WW2 nurses. Haven class could be your MASH mashup ... pun intended.
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>>43206701 So she is the exact opposite of Willie?
UnAble Seaman Britfag
>>43206345 >[X] You *shouldn't* let them be, Goto. And we shouldn't fear them. They came back to fight for us - isn't that reason enough to trust them? God dammit, we may be stupid bastards, but what the hell use is saving mankind, if we sacrifice humanity to do it?
They aren't ships. They aren't girls. They're SHIPGIRLS. The only way we're winning this war AND securing a future peace is by treating them as such. No-one who's ever served on anything that's ever floated is up to that task, but we're the best the world's got. It's going to take some real mental contortions, but we'll manage it. We have to manage it. We have to make these girls our family. Our daughters, sisters and even lovers. It's the only way we'll understand them well enough to make the right use of them and well enough to help them when they need us.
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>>43206703 seme, damn autocorrect.
UnAble Seaman Britfag
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>>43205816 >Has a harpoon that's also a Harpoon >Eyepatch from the bridge hit >Basically a chinese knockoff fusion of Tenryuu and Tatsuta Anonymous
>>43206643 >Lieutenant Hate Come to terms with your promotion finally?
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>>43206688 Or even better, a WW I hospital ship, like HMHS Llandovery Castle.
They will see every girl as degenerate.
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>Hospital Ships God Forbid we get an IJN Hospital Ship like the Asahi Maru. Can you imagine the IJN approach to mental trauma? Probably involves a bunch of beatings and talks of dishonouring your family.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 02:26:59 No. 43206764 Report Quoted By:
Hmmm. Looks like most people are going to be gentlemen and human beings.
>>43206721 And now you intrigue me like this. Demetrius, I know that the result will be interesting, no matter what.
Although I am sure that everyone will panic anyway.
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>>43206756 Don't worry, she will hit a tanker on her first day and sink.
Lt. Hate
>>43206751 You musta missed the explanation.
They sent Sammy B at me with my rank pins and strict orders to see that they were firmly fucking affixed to my collar correctly. And that I was to not appear in public again without them.
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>>43206721 Welp I predict this ending badly for us and not in a way funny to Planefag.
>>43206726 Well said.
So, my hospital ship idea isn't totally stupid?
DoDfag on third day of little sleep here, so managing anything remotely coherent would be happifying...
>>43206655 What about repair ships and tenders?
Right now we only have one human who's cleared and has the skills needed to do repairs on shipgirls.
Isn't it worth the effort to get other shipgirls that could do that as well? Such a shipgirl might even have insight into how upgrades could be properly integrated into a shipgirl, or what effects they might have on the Leveling Effect.
Out of curiosity, is sinking hospital ships still a valid strategy in war now? Or does Geneva convention have something to say about it?
>>43206721 Guys, didn't Shigure say that she didn't want to come back? When we were staring her down in the tree. She didn't "come back to fight for us", the Japanese are summoning their ships. That's probably a part of the problem.
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>>43206688 >inb4 the Hospital Ship is pretty much Hoolihan Anonymous
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>>43206783 That would be an absolute godsend, yes.
>>43206794 Probably, yeah!
>>43206531 So why is the M113 touted as a do-all armored vehicle?
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>>43206780 Seems like a good idea to me. Then again, I'm an engineer on my third without sleep, so I'm probably not a good person to confirm things like that.
The only reason night shifts don't suck is when quests are running when I normally would be sleeping.
>>43206721 We're truly beyond help now.
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>>43206783 We should have 2 Repair Ships. One for field repairs and one at HQ for Specialized treatment.
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>>43206783 Akashi is a canon character don't see why not
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 02:30:40 No. 43206839 Report Quoted By:
>>43206790 ... Well, it shouldn't be... I think.
I haven't studied International Maritime Wartime Law in a while.
>>43206783 Point. We really should have thought about support ships previously - all we've had to date are combatants.
And that line of thinking prompted what I hope is another good idea (two in one day? that would be a new record for me): we're going to have to hit Iwo Jima shortly. It would be nice to have some landing ship girls. If the CVs get faerie planes, wouldn't the landing ships get faerie tanks? That would change the game a bit...
>>43206775 Did she have to do it at gunpoint, or has she learned how to weaponize cute yet?
>>43206794 That's true, but wouldn't it be better to attempt therapy for all shipgirls and identify the ones we can save and the ones that we'll just have to let go, rather than waiting until one of them breaks down and kills herself?
I'm sure it's not going to work on all ships, but I think it can help prevent more suicides/going Abyssal than it'll cause.
>>43206790 >now It was NEVER a valid strategy. Ever. The only people who did it intentionally did it either because they didn't care about the rules of war (Japan/USN) or did it by accident and tried to BS a justification afterwards (Germany).
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>>43206855 Wait, how about Shipgirls launching Landing Ships filled with Faerie Infantry and Faerie Tanks as well?
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>>43206824 Because the guy who owns that particular website is a goddamn monomaniacal lunatic.
>>43206855 CVs are actually the best land invaders.
Just waltz on land, then let lose your planes.
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>>43206794 Likely summoning them and not really considering their feelings. Sure there's those like Kaga who live to resume the fight, but others are bundles or issues and not much was done to help.
>>43206855 Because things like support ships and pyschologists would make things too easy and not "interesting" enough. Can't have that in a planefag quest, even though we're not expected to make non-retarded choices.
So while fap angel is eating, consider the following: Ise and Hyuuga are perfectly suited to capturing an Abyssal.>Battleship armor, can take the inevetable punishment from getting close >Littoral nature of the plan means they have access to their full complement of planes >Planes are fucking AMAZING at forcing an enemy ship to change course as you want them to >Gym rats with katanas, good for CQC and wrassling >Dense as a single brick between them, resistant to hypothetical psy-attacks
>>43206790 It's always been illegal - hasn't stopped anyone.
The IJN actually found the Russian fleet at Tsushima by following their hospital ship at night, which under the laws of war had to have all of its lights on.
>>43206794 >Shigure Thats.... Wait, thats horseshit.
Shes lying. Either to Settle or herself.
>>43206323 >She's carrying a late-war armament so she's got light automatics to match three of the tiny shits, if she wanted. She was never in any great physical danger.” Shipgirls that were summoned come back as built.
We see that in Tone and Chikuma for those summoned and Northhampton for those who WANT to come back. (Tone/Chikuma not remodelled for full floatplane duties, Northhampton with the radar that was added later.)
Deep down, she wanted to come back.
>>43206874 Llandovery Castle was no accident anon.
Nor was Brittanic. (Of note: Brittanic was actually a Titanic class ship).
>>43206721 I'm sure you will.
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>>43206721 ...damn it. We're screwed. And not in a way that will please Kitakami.
>>43206855 >>It would be nice to have some landing ship girls. Well, Akitsu Maru is a landing ship, so she can do it...
Oh, wait, she's IJA. ...This just keeps getting better and better.
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>>43206901 Possibly before everyone treated her like crap.
>>43206914 She does NOT look 14
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>>43206900 Smart girl.
I guess that reflects how illegal things are usually normal in an all out war.
>>43206913 Britannic hit a fucking mine. They found the minefield she sailed through in like 2006.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
GOT FOOD, GOT LIQUOR time for new thread yes?
>>43206721 Yes Anon is actually stupid enough to believe that we can fix every single girl's PTSD by ourselves.
Still say you should have had Shigure shoot herself to prove that to Anon.
Because noooooo now they're going to do it again and you get to post for it to blow up in their faces again... hopefully literally.
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>>43206510 That's a good plan.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 02:36:11 No. 43206948 Report Quoted By:
>>43206936 Thereabouts. Still good to go?
>>43206913 Canadians are still super pissed about Llandovery Castle - almost 300 doctors and nurses died on that ship.
>>43206893 >slow as fuck >torpedo bait >entire rear 1/3rd of the ship is a disaster waiting to happen nah
>>43206927 Thank you, captain obvious.
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>>43206824 Because Sparky is a retard.
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
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>>43206936 Page 9, we can cram at least one more in
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>>43206888 That would certainly give a new meaning to CAS. I still want faery tanks though ...
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>>43206931 Fair enough. Titanic class ships have terrible detection rolls.
Iceburgs should not be roll 20 to detect.
>>43206939 You think just giving up and treating them like ships is any better? To be honest there's no winning choices it being a planefag quest.
Lt. Hate
>>43206856 She's Sammy fucking B. She's a lot like me, a couple years ago: accomplish the fucking mission, no cost too great.
UnAble Seaman Britfag
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>>43206901 She wanted a second chance...
Poseidon help us all, she wanted a second chance and this is what she got... God, no wonder she snapped. I'm amazed she hasn't gone as Abyssal as Vanguard!
>>43206907 Huh, where's that from?
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>>43206956 Or in other words
>Excellent bait Anonymous
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>>43206862 I'm not saying don't try to help them. We just need a good plan for helping them.
>>43206901 .... and that's a good point about load-out.
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>>43206963 Any time good citizen!
>>43206952 Meh, they're only Canuks, just replace them with Moose and no one will tell the difference.
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>>43206980 Wolf slut detected.
>>43206989 When are we ever gonna hear about the fun times you had stomping around the sandbox, Hate?
When are we gonna get to hear about Ramadi ?
>>43206913 >When the crew took to the lifeboats, U-86, surfaced, ran down all the lifeboats and machine-gunned the survivors remaining in the water and on the lifeboats. Only 24 people in one remaining lifeboat survived. Subs are asses.
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>>43207002 Canuck here, trust me, you don't want to replace us with moose.
>>43206988 No you realize, just like Settle supposedly knew from the beginning, that some scars don't heal, I mean sheesh, Settle is just enough of a headcase as the girls, this is one aslyum patient claiming he can cure another one.
About the only people who have their heads in this quest is Wainwright and Parker.
>>43207002 What is a moose?
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>>43206271 They did a funny thing that I enjoyed once.
So I'm cool with them.
>>43206952 The north remembers.
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>>43207084 Even CBC remembered and talked about it on the anniversary.
>>43207069 A grazing, antlered herbivore approximately the size of a pickup truck. They like to take naps on warm country highways and shut down traffic flows.
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>>43207105 So aboriginals?
>>43207067 If only there were a profession that involved treating mental illness, psychological trauma, and helping people come to terms with their experiences while improving their cognitive function, some kind of therapy for the psyche...
>>43207105 Not to mention that they'll survive a car crash if you run into them. You'll die, by the way.
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>>43207067 Though there is a bit of a case of his attempts actually endearing girls (shoukaku and Arizona); I mean if he didn't pull that shell stunt, Arizona might still be an incident waitting to happen.
That being said that has its limits, especially when done at the absolutely last moment.
Lt. Hate
>>43207032 Absolutely fucking not and never.
There's not enough booze in the fucking world to make me talk about that shit and fuck you for asking. go read one of the various fucking books by the 'historians' or the one by the fucking army chopper jock that pretended that since he flew in supplies and kicked shit out the door of a blackhawk he's a goddamn hero.
>>43207067 >About the only people who have their heads in this quest is Wainwright and Parker. >and Parker. LOL NOT FOR MUCH LONGER
>>43207122 Wow. How is that we never hear of this?
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>>43207121 Perhaps we need to send for one of our modern hospital ships while we're at it. We'll need it for the Iwo Jima invasion if nothing else. And if we do get a hospital ship girl or two, we would want to give them training on modern methods.
So perhaps hospital ship girls for the human side of our ship girls, and fleet tender ship girls for the ship side.
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>>43207157 I wonder who could be behind this.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 02:48:36 No. 43207177 Report Quoted By:
>>43207151 Oh, this should be interesting too.
>>43207105 >They like to take naps on warm country highways and shut down traffic flows. This is an actual thing?
>>43207122 >During the night the submarines had become separated. On 16 September, at 11:25am, U-156, with a Red Cross flag draped across her gun deck, was spotted by an American B-24 Liberator bomber from Ascension Island. Hartenstein signalled to the pilot in both Morse code and English requesting assistance. A British officer also messaged the aircraft: "RAF officer speaking from German submarine, Laconia survivors on board, soldiers, civilians, women, children." >Harden flew back to the scene of the rescue effort, and at 12:32 attacked with bombs and depth charges. One landed among the lifeboats in tow behind U-156, killing dozens of survivors, while others straddled the submarine itself causing minor damage. AMERICA YES
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>>43207151 How many Germans does parker get fucked by? Does akagi ntr batlead? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Canadians on a sinking ship:>Line up perfectly, as if on a parade, then ask the major if there is any hope. When the answer is no, don't complain.
>>43207200 you forgot, 'say sorry for asking'
Quoted By:
>>43207182 see
>>43207135 Black pavement is very warm from a long day under the sun, and moose are big enough that, if your car crashes into one (esp. at full highway speed) you will be fucked. The moose, by comparison, will be rudely awoken from its nap and probably confused/angry, but largely unharmed.
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>>43207191 You know what is even better?
The pilot got a medal of bravery for that.
>>43207069 Belligerent beasts with massive horns, they eat grass and pick fights with cars - and win. They are stupid, violent and they smell awful. Also taste good with BBQ sauce.
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>>43207200 Nurses on Llandovery Castle?
>>43207216 It is Sorry for asking, eh?
>>43207204 Did she botch the throw so bad that it landed on THEIR side of the sandbags?
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>>43207252 it would appear so, yes
Lt. Hate
>>43207252 It's not as uncommon as you'd like to fucking think.
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
>>43207225 And then there are the bears.
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>>43207050 What is even better, it took them a few tries to ram a life boat.
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>>43207151 I wanted to say "And even Parker's on the edge"
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>>43207269 Bears can be bought with apples. They are Ok.
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Lt. Hate
Quoted By:
>>43207285 In fucking general
>>43207267 Any boot stories you'd like to share?
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>>43207252 That would be the reason for the sandbag foxhole. Although the dumbass on the right is lucky he didn't get his head blown off whilst sticking it up to look as the explosion.
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>>43207268 You think this is bad? Wait until the missile shields go up.
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>>43207269 Then there are those Geese that don't give a fuck about anything, and cute Otters that hold hands.
>>43207157 Same reason the USS Liberty wasn't attacked by Israel or how McCain never murdered hundreds of sailors during the Forrestal fire. It's swept under the rug by big guys.
Quoted By:
>particularly the nurses: seeing these bodies of women and nurses, floating in the ocean, having been there some time. Huge aprons and skirts in billows, which looked almost like sails because they dried in the hot sun."[7] Llandovery Castle was a strange business.
Lt. Hate
>>43207300 I got a couple, though telling them is boot as fuck.
Whatever. What kinda fucking story you want?
>>43207318 >McCain never murdered hundreds of sailors during the Forrestal fire. It's swept under the rug by big guys. This is remarkably retarded and I wish I could filter anything else you say going forward.
>>43207333 Bodily functions. Shit and piss and stuff to do with them.
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>>43207333 Tell us about that time when the drill instructor got SO MAD
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>>43207333 First one you can think of that includes alot of stupid shit.
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>>43207333 The kind where dumbasses were SO CLOSE to realizing what they were doing wrong
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>>43207333 Sur-fucking-prise me
>>43207339 He did though. He hit his afterburners off on the flight deck as a prank.
Quoted By:
>>43207333 One where your DI gave you a bullshit excuse to rope you into a working party.
Or one involving incompetent Corpsmen who prick a guy's arm so many times to find the fucking vein.
>>43207372 >>43207339 What exactly happened?
>>43207354 Yeah I know but the story is genuinely funny and very related to what you are asking.
A tale of pizza gone wrong.
>>43207372 You...don't know anything about the Forrestal Fire, do you? They even have the video of the incident. It's required viewing for all US Navy personnel as a learning tool about Damage Control and Fire Fighting.
>>43207413 Uncommanded rocket launch because of an electrical surge. Started setting off munitions and jet fuel and poor damage control lead to the fire and damage growing to be much more deadly than it should have.
>>43207449 And Senator Mccain started this?
>>43207466 Nah. That Anon just has a bone to pick or something.
Rolled 7 (1d8) >>43207449 That's the one where they washed all the firefighting foam overboard, isn't it?
>>43207413 Anon read on a conspiracy theory site that John McCain was directly responsible for killing all those sailors on the Forrestal.
In other news, jet fule can t mlet steel beems (but a fucking passenger jet flying hundreds of miles an hour into the side of a sky scraper and exploding, followed by a very hot fire burning for an extended period of time might cause the structural integrity of the building to be compromised).
>>43207466 No, but he did run from the scene before stuff started really blowing the fuck up.
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>>43207428 Shipgirls covered in vomit when?
>>43207413 >>43207413 >truthdig I know, It's the first result in Google.
>>43207449 McCain's Phantom touched off a heat-seeker on the rails if I remember right m8. He totally started the fire due to shenanigans. He had to get his Admiral daddy to keep his ass out of Leavenworth.
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>>43207428 For the love of god can you keep this on your own shitty website?
>>43207503 McCain flew Skyhawks not Phantoms.
>>43207496 Of course he ran the fuck away from the fire, he wasn't a first responder and was not equipped or trained to deal with that situation.
>>43207503 Please kill yourself at our earliest convenience.
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>>43207496 As did a lot of people.
>>43207503 You are so full of shit that even the "Moon landing was hoaxed" idiots think you're fucking crazy. Die in a fire.
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>>43207449 Don't forget that they were using really old bombs that were in no condition to be used, because they had nothing else and CINCPAC insisted they be used instead of disposing them.
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>>43207478 >>43207480 >>43207492 >>43207493 >>43207496 Ahhh thanks anon.
Looks like the admiral today was also there on that day.
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>>43207528 Stop, you're ruining my fishing.
>>43207496 Which is exactly what you should do in that case.
Don't have the equipment to deal with a fire? GTFO and let it get handled by the people who do. Hanging around means you're in the way and could become a casualty yourself.
>Connecting, Connecting, Connecting I just wanted to party.
>>43207530 That's not very nice. You should be ashamed of yourself. I'm trying to educate an Anon here.
>>43207538 But it was hoaxed. The moon landing absolutely didn't happen.
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>>43207561 Exactly. And Damage Control wasn't what it is nowadays too. Plus many of the initial responders who tried to combat the blaze were killed in the first couple minutes of the disaster.
>>43207578 Really? convince me.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 03:11:12 No. 43207602 Report >>43207578 Now that's Master quality bait.
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>>43207496 That was his job. He was a fucking pilot - for which damage control procedure was 'get the fuck out of our way!' Considering the pilot of the plane next to him got incinerated, I'd say McCain did well to get away in time.
>>43207599 I don't haft to convince you of anything. You have Bing at your fingertips. You can find it yourself.
>>43207602 I try.
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>>43207578 The tastiest bait I've had today.
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>>43206927 She was in her 20s after all the time skipping.
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>>43207634 At least that is theoretically possible -- as opposed to faking the moon rocks, which isn't given their composition.
>>43207634 Nah, it wasn't just for the hell of it, it was to stick it to the russians.
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>>43207578 >But it was hoaxed. The moon landing absolutely didn't happen. mite b bait
>>43207632 >Bing oh yeah. So much bait.
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I honestly thought that most people would get over the conspiracy theory phase when they're out of their teens.
>>43206345 >>43206721 time to sir late-to-everything to butt in!
They are not human. But by that token, they are still people; they are the creation and forging directly by the suffrage and sweat of human beings, as any other child of man.
They emulate their parents: The ones that do not come back as abyssals must understand on some level that their creation and development - their driven and directed actions - are the results of those who poured their heart and souls into the forging.
Who else are they to learn from, to act as the beings they are? They even wrap themselves in human flesh;
As such, a psychologist with a sufficiently open mind, or the right chaplain may do a good job of comforting them and allowing them to face down their own issues as strange as they might be.
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>>43207634 >flickr Cool source
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 03:17:07 No. 43207707 Report Quoted By:
>>43207688 When Demetrious is done writing.
Although... the hour grows late.
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>>43207688 Deme just chugged a glass of Shoukeine's love juices. It'll be a while before he can feel his fingers.
>Bill Nye the Science Guy >Moon landing denier It was painful to learn this, then I grew up.
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>>43207723 Bill Nye was an engineer.
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>>43207723 What?
No he isn't
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>>43207723 Bill Nye helped build the MarsDial, he sure as hell isn't a moon denier.
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>>43207672 >attempt Mun landing >miss Mun, hit Duna instead >attempt fakery to get out of paperwork And then it all goes Kerbal...
She deserves to be lewded.
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>>43207695 >chaplain Unless the US and/or JNSDF have started allowing secular chaplains, that's probably a bad idea.
We already know the religious nutters either worship or hate the shipgirls, either of which would be bad for an unstable girl to be exposed to. Even then, getting them going on the whole 'soul' thing probably wouldn't work out well.
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>>43207795 ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
>>43207778 she deserves to be sunk
Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma
>>43207795 I believe you might have seen Armageddon ... and that was an asteroid...
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>>43207795 How can the space shuttle be real if the Moon isn't real?
What the fuck is even going on now.
>>43207830 Shitposting, you poor innocent soul.
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>>43207825 No, the Moon isn't real. It's totally a Project Bluebeam hoax. The recent appearance of the City in the Sky in China is proof of it.
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>>43207831 >This picture. I wonder how many people on Tumblr would freak out if this got around.
>>43207825 You mean we didn't train oil drillers to be astronauts and send John McClane and Batman to save the world?
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>>43207812 In the sense of 'le petit naufrage', I suppose?
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>>43207848 >Toy Story forever ruined Thanks Quzilax.
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>>43207778 >imply KCQ's hasn't slept with most of the people on base. Anonymous
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>>43207830 I want to fuck that throat.
>>43207831 >Dihydrogen monoxide Don't even get me started on this shit. Can't clean it off without getting more on.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this decision. After the thing with the yaoi, what the fuck do I know. Planefag, is this in-character? Should we feel bad inside?
>>43207909 I know right? It's everywhere, even in the air we breath.
>>43207909 I heard both Hitler and Stalin were addicted to it.
That they needed tons of it just to stay alive.
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>>43207914 Of course it is.
>>43207914 >Written by planefag himself >Asking if it's canon, IC or what have you Anonymous
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>>43207914 Perfectly in-character.
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>>43207922 I heard the Nazis made captive Jews ingest it. It's also found in tumors. Makes you think, doesn't it?
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>>43207872 Hey, it's better than our actual near-earth object plans ... which is fucking scary.
>>43207914 Oh boy, saltyposter is back!
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>>43207928 Something something mad max image
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Oh wait, wrong gas.
>>43207914 Are you the same guy who kept asking if the Arizona fapfic was canon?
>>43207778 I await the day Harder wakes in the middle of the night hearing voices going "Haaaarderrrrr-saaaaannn~", only to find to his horror that Iku and other subgirls are slowly rising all around the sides of his bunk, the only feature he can make out on their face being the hearts in their eyes that seem to glow as they gaze down at him.
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>>43207960 Yes, and I am still outraged it isn't. smh tbh fam
>>43207950 >saltyposter >implying there's only one of us Anonymous
>>43207937 It's the difference between stupid that we've scribbled onto our sheet and stupid that we're already committed to. One is good roleplaying, the other is bad decisionmaking.
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>>43207983 Well you'll just have to hold your pretty little ass tight and find out won't you?
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>>43207914 >>43207983 It was a tense situation and we cracked a joke to break the tension, I don't see what's wrong with that.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
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new thread going up now
>>43207976 >harder is found in the morning with his arms and legs chained to the bed, completely drained of all bodily fluids Anonymous
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>>43207976 And somewhere, a tiny voice goes "Harder, just fucking roll with it."
And Harder, miraculously, does.
>>43207981 >implying that "us" is not just a collective fused together into one entity for the sole purpose of being salty Anonymous
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>>43208026 >Somewhere, Jack D. Ripper is vindicated Anonymous
>>43208046 So, you're saying that we're the ocean?
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>>43208058 more like the Dead Sea
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
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yeah new thread