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!!0ZviLFh59My No.43203074 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

[X] She's not a child. Just make it clear that her volunteering scares you.

You snatch your hand off Arizona's shoulder guiltily. Reclining in your creaky office chair, you try to project an air of casual nonconcern which seems to slide right off Wilson's hard grey gaze. “You know what you're doing,” you say to the air over the table. “But...”

Arizona's hands are folded before her on the table again as she looks straight ahead, sitting straight with military composure. Some vague jumble of officious objections with phrases like “risk management” and “sure bets” come to your lips, but your voice fails even as you draw breath to speak them. Everyone knows the time for caution and half-measures is behind you, now - you were arguing as much yourself not a minute ago. Everything you know about command, about leadership and *especially* about covering your ass in a highly political meeting with the CO of 7th fleet itself looking on screams against being too honest, but you can't force the lies past your lips.

“... I just wish you wouldn't,” you say quietly.

Arizona's gaze flicks sideways at you for a heartbeat, then away. She lowers her eyes to her clasped hands on the tabletop and squeezes them a little tighter.

[ ] ... the traffic cone was right. Naka was *right.* Oh, shit, I have to head this off.
[ ] ... nope. Once glance an attraction does not make. Test this theory.
[ ] Poor girl's feeling uncomfortable in the HALL OF INFINITE BRASS. Shouldn't have put her on the spot like that. Give her a chance to slip out early.