“Why do we fear them so much?” you ask sharply. In the shadowed confines of this little cell your long-buried irritations are itching harder than ever, worming their way to the surface. “They came back for us, didn't they? Either on their own, or because we called them, and they answered. If we can't trust them, why are we making them fight our battles? We draw chalk circles around them and put up “No Unauthorized Personnel” signs and then we go 'gee gosh' when they go bugshit and we never noticed the signs? Does that rea-” “You really think it's voluntary?” Goto says, his tone so flat and empty that it cuts you off mid-rant. “Settle, has Naka ever told you about how she was summoned? Because I was there. I saw it.” He takes a deep breath, composing himself. “It wasn't beautiful. It wasn't special. And it sure as *hell* wasn't *voluntary.* We were trying for a battleship - Haruna, I think - and we ended up with her. First thing she heard was the shinto priest apologizing for mucking things up and getting her instead.” He falls silent again, his dark eyes focused on something in the unseen distance. “She found a purpose, eventually. Found a place. She's... happy.” You wince. “I think.” You wince more.
>>43208048 in after navyfag
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
“Abyssals showed up at the exact same time shipgirls did - you ought to know better than anyone. That implies that something *changed,* some universal, physical constant. You ever read about the Stargate program?” “Men who stare at goats?” “Yeah, that one. Remember that general they went looking for?” “Yeah, in the blue tent? Millions of taxpayer dollars pissed away on bullshit and hokum, what's new?” “You remember how he was actually under a blue tarp inside an apartment, yeah?” “Yeah.” “It wasn't an accident, Settle. It worked. You look into psychic shit, or ghosts and hauntings, or whatever you want - once you eliminate the ninety-nine percent that's just funny lights and superstition, you still have far more than you can explain away. And that's before this war proved us sailors right about our ships that go bump in the night. They didn't shutter Stargate because there's no such things as psychic powers. They shuttered it because they didn't understand the underlying principles well enough to get useful results out of it. We don't understand the rules, Settle, but that doesn't mean they don't exist - or that they can't be exploited. We're doing medicine the old-fashioned way, ninety-five percent chanting and throwing chicken bones and five percent actual science, as best we know it. It's hit and miss, sure. But don't think for a second that we can't bring them back against their will. Or that they want to stay here once they get here.”
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>>43208043 That picture reminds me, Big Spud/Big Yam teamup when?
UnAble Seaman Britfag
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>>43208043 Missed it last thread!
First for fairies first to fight! Where's my fairy marine corps?!
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
“... so draftees,” you retort. “That doesn't change the principles of leadership, Goto. We can't ask things of these shipgirls we won't do ourselves-” “Like commanding from a glorified conference room with a few flat-panel LCDs?” You open your mouth and close it again in a poor imitation of a beached fish. “Yeah. Every time you walk into that room, you give it a once-over like you want to piss on the displays and force-feed the tech the remote.” Goto chuffs. “Guess I would too, if I'd been a warship skipper. But my girls don't respect me any less for it, that I've seen.” “Right. Girls,” you reply. “You stressed that to me yourself. We can't just expect them to bear everything with a stiff upper lip because they're proud independent warships don't need no Admiral.” Goto smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes. “Yeah. Girls.” He sighs. “Y'know there's a betting pool among the kanmusu regarding me?” “You? What about?” “Guessing how long it'll take before I give in and bend Kongou over a dess.” You huff with amusement. “I can imagine who the ringleaders are.” “Yeah. I know.” Goto closes his eyes, and for a moment, in the sallow light, you see how damned *tired* he looks. “Course, I've thought about it.”
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>>43208057 It's a great feeling.
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>>43208085 >bend Kongou over a dess.” MY KEKS
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
He chuckles as you burst into coughs, trying to unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth. “Yeah. I know, I know. When this... this whole war first started, when they first dredged me up for the job, Kongou wasn't like she is now. Kind of. She was still...” he waves his hands in the air randomly. “Kongou. But she wasn't always kicking down my door or trying to *literally* jump my bones. She didn't have to, because... because I was there.” He sighs, bonking the door with his head a third time. “There were only five or six of them... then seven... then ten... then twenty...” he shakes his head. “How could I touch Kongou, when there's so many girls like Shigure? How can I play favorites, Settle?” This time you have no answer. “I heard about it from Kitakami. She texted me about it.” “Uh, did she-” “Mention the part where you got a cannon stuck in your mouth? Yes.” Well. Well, shit. “She also called you an 'unbelievable white-knight wank-a-thon',” Goto sniggers. “She's wrong, mind you. You weren't wrong to try. It's just that the time to try was months and months ago, and I was... I was busy. Very busy.” He heaves one last sigh, and you can see him settling against the door, as if he'd like nothing more than to fall asleep right there, sitting on an economy-sized pack of one-ply, shut off from the world. But instead he stands up, pushing himself up the door with his legs, and cracks his dark eyes open. “We really are Admirals now, Settle. Not glorified supply clerks or PR hacks. And certainly not Captains. So we can't go down with our ships anymore... no matter how much we want to.”
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>>43208062 >Psychic shit Oh boy, this is gonna go badly.
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>>43208085 > bend Kongou over a dess.” Anonymous
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>>43208085 >"...bend Kongou over a dess." Anonymous
>>43208085 >“Course, I've thought about it.” CONFESS TO DESS AND YOU WILL BE BLESS
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>>43208085 >bend Kongou over a dess planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Goto reaches behind his back and opens the closet, making you both blink in the harsh florescent light of the empty conference room. When Goto first pulled you into the little alcove you thought it overly dramatic, one of his flourishes for dramatic effect, like the suduku puzzle - but now you understand the gesture. “I think I'll pull a few select ships from frontline duty and have them spend time with Shigure. A few ships that probably need a break themselves... You just see to those, those remedies you were pondering earlier. E-mail me, or something.” Goto drifts away through the halls, meandering towards his office. [ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. [ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. [ ] Write-in?
>>43208104 >So we can't go down with our ships anymore... no matter how much we want to But that doesn't stop you from going down ON them!
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>>43208133 >[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Anonymous
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>>43208133 [x] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[x] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 [X] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[x] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. ALL ABOARD THE ARIZONA TRAIN TOOT TOOT
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>>43208133 >[x] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. can we -not- put the corgis off anymore, please?
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 03:42:24 No. 43208176 Report >>43208133 >[X] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Thinking time, my good Admiral. You really need some.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. If we are admirals we need more manpower to delegate damnit...
This shit is rough.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. We have admin to do, and could possibly have a good heart to heart with Arizona for a bit. Then there can be other things to take care of. So much admiraling to do, so little time!
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[x] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. >Foist any annoyingly important duties onto the vlc player Anonymous
>>43208133 >Other Check-in on Naka. She was drinking during the battle and all the following night. What's eating her?
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>>43208133 [ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over.
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>>43208133 >[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Character introspection, go!
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Anonymous
>>43208133 >[ ] Write-in? Call CNO. After the last... incident he said to keep him informed.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. TIME FOR PAPERWORK
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[x] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Given how things were regarding her volunteering, it might be nice to actually keep her around to chat. I'm worried about how upgrades will go with all the shipgirls, but she's so quick to volunteer she might not be thinking straight.
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>>43208133 Semi write-in.
>[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. Talk with Arizona about what has been happening lately. Anonymous
>>43208133 >[ ] Write-in? Put in a request to the chain of command about getting some damned psychologists on base. Also more personnel to wrangle the freaking Corgis. Settle's an admiral, he can at least put in paperwork to request the resources he needs to unfuck everything.
Or least make them less fucked up.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[x] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[X] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. We Shoukaku to unwind with right about now.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. We need someone to help us with this shit.
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>>43208133 . [ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over.
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>>43208048 >>43208050 >>43208055 Damn close. if not for
>>43208052 it'd be cap-worthy.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. We need to fix this shit as soon as possible.
>>43208133 >Go hang out with Harder. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[X] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Yeah, i don't think goto's right
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
>>43208133 >[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. >[X] Write-in? >Call Wainwright and see if he has time to meet with us and give advice to us. He's not a psychologist, but he seems to have not lost his mind in this madhouse. COMBO VOTE
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>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Fuggin muts.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. oh planefag, you wanted this didnt you.
incoming max 300 in 5...
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. TONIGHT'S THE FUCKING NIGHT
Remember, warships are literally made to kill people and break stuff .They're not like soldiers; soldiers are something you become, and god willing something you can stop being. It's their purpose, just like a lion hunts and a squirrel hoards nuts. You're dealing with enormous metal war machines twisted into facsimiles of humanity.
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. >[ ] Write-in? Actually fucking TALK to her about things while you're doing the paperwork. It's time to man up and stop trying to hide from our demons by being silent about them; we need someone we can talk to and trust implicitly.
>[ ] Write-in 2 Mention in the email that Naka might do well to be in the same group that spends time with Shigure; she could use some support, too.
Quoted By:
>>43208085 >"...I give in and bend Kongou over a dess.” >>43208133 >[x] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Anonymous
[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit.[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Very inspiring speech, Settle. Doesn't ring hollow at all. Really uplifting, too, Goto must've had a weight lifted off his shoulders.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 [x] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over.
Okay then, how many bets have been placed on Settle now?
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Would it be better to get time away from Arizona?
Probably yes.
But we have orders to keep a bodyguard with us, the Abyssals are starting land operations, and randomly manifested PT Boats don't obey orders.
Quoted By:
>>43208205 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Or also this. Corgi equipment and personnel and psychologists on staff.
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. We need to at least take care of the Corgi problem while we can.
>>43208229 YES. Wainwright wanted to talk to us for a while now.
What else is on our to-do list?
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>>43208249 Not sure if it was sarcastic or not.
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>[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Recuperation time
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
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>>43208249 >Very inspiring speech, Settle. Doesn't ring hollow at all. Really uplifting, too, Goto must've had a weight lifted off his shoulders. Anonymous
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>>43208186 >>43208195 >>43208205 >>43208224 Keep our boss in the loop and talk to Harder about the girl we're dumping half of our burden onto
>>43208254 With hooking up with Hate or Goto? Probably alot.
Quoted By:
[X] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over.
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>>43208133 >[X] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[x] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. inb4 Shoukakufags samefag the vote into oblivion. It's actually a good idea to have her help, there zero reason not to have her with us.
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>>43208133 >[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Use this stamp!
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >Report too your own office with Arizone as the guard. >write in Get us fucking >[ ] Write-in?
Put in a request to the chain of command about getting some damned psychologists Also wranglers
>>43208240 As I mentioned before, they're also still people - at this time.
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Anonymous
I have created a useful picture to explain why Planefag sometimes vanishes for ages in between posts/threads.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. UnAble Seaman Britfag
>>43208104 >we can't go down with our ships anymore What about ON-
>>43208138 Son of a dess...
I said it before and I'll say it again. These girls are our crew and family now. They're our daughters, sisters and lovers
(multiple. Hare- FLEET end best end) . We all have to do our parts and make sure they know they are all valued, as people, not just as warships.
>>43208133 >[x] Write-in? Get to work on a circular to that effect, or some kind of morale-booster... Something to solidify this hodgepodge of ships we have into a real fleet of shipgirls. Let them know who they can come to, who they can talk to, who they can trust...
That and what
>>43208242 said. We need to TALK to Arizona. We have to start this father/brother/lover/admiral thing somewhere...
And that said, I'm going to collapse into bed. Don't anyone break anything.
Quoted By:
>[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit.
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>>43208274 Pfft.
Settle actually went on a date with Shoukaku. That's further than Kongou has gotten with Goto.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Quoted By:
>>43208262 I had honestly forgotten about that point. I had just wanted to get his opinion on the madhouse and what's going on with Naka as well.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Anonymous
>>43208297 You have the plane on the wrong face.
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>>43208240 >Remember, warships are literally made to kill people and break stuff So are Bolos, and Bolos are the most heroic and selfless motherfuckers out there.
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Quoted By:
>>43208133 [ ] Write-in
Call Wainright and see what else has gone tits up.
Quoted By:
>[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over.
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>>43208297 So which one is Planefag?
Quoted By:
>>43208062 >>43208133 >[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. >Go track down Willie, we haven't welcomed her back yet. planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Quoted By:
[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. No need to be dramatic, we don't buy the whole romance angle, and don't want to make her feel like we're shunning her for her choices.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208085 >Bend Kongou over a dess Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Like hell we're doing this alone. Also, we need whiskey.
Quoted By:
>>43208291 People, perhaps. But not humans. They're ships trying to look like humans.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >write-in Visit Shigure. TALK to the shipgirl starved for attention. This can only end horribly.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 03:49:25 No. 43208344 Report Quoted By:
>>43208297 My personal theory is that the man falls asleep quite often.
>>43208301 A good point. Honestly, I wouldn't mind either. I personally prefer to do my thinking alone, that's all.
... Yes, it's quite hard to be alone when you are a Bentusi.
>>43208176 Remember who promised to keep her close to guard us?
Then we send her home after?
Quoted By:
>>43208268 This. Wainwright has been trying to get our attention. Let's not ignore him.
[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit.
>Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit.
>>43208133 >[ ] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Anonymous
>>43208133 Brief Arizona on your conversation with Goto, and ask her what she wants to do with the rest of her day. Promise to stay in your office if she'd like a break - you've promised to stop being so dumb and she'll hold you to that. If she wants to stay, get some advice - perhaps you should get a morse code translation app for your phone so you can actually, you know, communicate.
Time to give a little trust, and have a little faith in a flagship.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 03:51:04 No. 43208374 Report >>43208351 Yes. But as I said right above you, my personal preference for thinking introspectively is being alone.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[X] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208043 >Acquire Arizona >Go see Wainwright >Update our boss >Corgi paperwork Anonymous
>>43208359 >>43208362 >>43208366 Guys, shouldn't we be finding out from Wainwright about the escalating situation before it explodes?
Quoted By:
>>43208268 But Anon, that sounds like the reasonable thing to do! It obviously should be sitting further down on our list of "Urgent Shit to Take Care Of", sandwiched between "Check on Willie to see how her MEAN LEFT HOOK is coming along" and "Contemplating whether or not to swap out dogfish in cane with different kind of fish".
Quoted By:
>>43208297 He's doing a Blackjack, just taking in all the comments/panic/shitstorming before actually writing.
>>43208351 Waifufags gonna waifu. The logical choice is to have her with us but nooooo, can't risk accidentally spending time with her
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[X] Call Wainwright and see what he has in mind. Changing my vote to this.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >>43208367 Fucking this.
[X] Brief Arizona on your conversation with Goto, and ask her what she wants to do with the rest of her day. Promise to stay in your office if she'd like a break - you've promised to stop being so dumb and she'll hold you to that. If she wants to stay, get some advice - perhaps you should get a morse code translation app for your phone so you can actually, you know, communicate.
planefag, spaghettiships when? ENRICO DANDOLO-TIER RUSES ARE NEEDED
Quoted By:
Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. Plus, actually talk to Arizona. Settle needs some one to bounce off idead and contemplate what happened. And call the boss as well.
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>>43208297 That's not even the best Deme edit for that page.
Quoted By:
>>43208133 >[x] Call Arizona and send her home. After that whole... thing with Goto, it's probably best to get some time away from her for a bit. You've got to think things over. Get things sorted and re-prioritize things with a clear head. No muckin' about.
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>>43208403 Be sure to look at some of the write ins that got support that aren't mutually exclusive to the winning vote. There be good ideas there.
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>>43208133 >[X] Report to your own office, and call Arizona in to 'guard' you. You may as well get started on the paperwork for the new Corgi wrasslin equipment right now. She can stamp things, or some shit. We need to get this shit with the corgis sorted, and we need to figure out this upgrade thing.
>Captcha: select all images with popcorn fuuuuuuuuuuuck
So, as I've got work in the morning, I'll be posting my WRITEUPS EARLY.
http://pastebin.com/hW8x9Sfn Lt. Hate
>>43208240 Depends on how the fuck you look at it, doesn't it?
Some people do it to kill shit and break things. Some people are idealistic, they fucking do it because they think they've got a duty to defend the ones who can't defend themselves. It's an important fucking distinction, too.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 03:54:25 No. 43208440 Report >>43208396 Well, there's of that on both sides, I should think.
>>43208403 Oh? Just when I was about to switch to contacting Wainwright. Too bad.
>>43208374 She can't talk Bentus. We can be as introspective as we want while she sits in the background.
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>>43208268 >It's not even an option You know that means it's too late right? There is a shitstorm happening in the background now and the aftermath is going to take a shit on our desk once we get back to our office.
>>43208386 >Guys, shouldn't we be finding out from Wainwright about the escalating situation before it explodes? Okay, but shouldn't we be dealing with any of the half-dozen problems sitting on our plate rather than retreating into seclusion because Shokakou fags who have never bothered to ask /why/ she is so desperate to jump Settle want to score waifu points at the expense of Arizone?
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Who won? This one seemed close
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
>>43208440 >Oh? Just when I was about to switch to contacting Wainwright. Too bad. that's in already. it's not a mutually exclusive action, after all~
Regardless of which choice was picked, the samefags still won.
feelthyHornet !!McLtsKOsrVy
>>43208454 And finally~
http://pastebin.com/LwhzMXCz Anonymous
Quoted By:
Does Willie deserve a head pat for her achievements in the war?
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 03:56:53 No. 43208484 Report Quoted By:
>>43208446 Wouldn't it be rude?
>>43208461 Then my mind is at ease.
>>43208473 It certainly seems so, doesn't it?
>>43208452 No, its a chance to find other problems and then go seek them out. Rather than just focus on Ari.
nettle !!yKCLkNN1aiq
>>43208439 hey fucklourde you don't sound drunk enough yet. get drunk. read thread jarhead, greekboi's gettin to the evetns of THAT NIGHt
YOU Know the one made you jellier than a fukin jello mold in a jello factory, yeah
use your time wisely fuccubus
Lt. Hate
>>43208477 as if any more fucking proof was needed that wing is fags.
>>43208386 >>43208452 Some anon a couple threads back put together a to-do list for us. Does anyone still have that handy?
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Lt. Hate
Oh my fucking god where's Arizona I need her to corral you. and maybe stick a gag in your fucking craw. She'd do it, you know. she's into that kinda shit.
>>43208452 Why is Shokaku so desperate then? Care to share your theory?
>>43208502 Hornet still wanted to tell us something after the battle.
Quoted By:
>>43208435 >Kongou wanting more coffee YOU GO TOO FAR, PARKER! YOU AM PLAY GODS!
>>43208440 True, but but the only reason not to have Arizona around is because "She's NTRing mai waifu, staaaapppp!"
feelthyHornet !!McLtsKOsrVy
>>43208492 Bro
You're right.
nettle !!yKCLkNN1aiq
Quoted By:
>>43208507 Wait, Nettle is Settle?
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>>43208452 >says the guy who'd do the other way around and lie about it. That sort of thing is sickening and foul play
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>>43208487 >No, its a chance to find other problems and then go seek them out. Rather than just focus on Ari. I must have missed where "do paperwork to solve problems" meant "focus on Arizona."
nettle !!yKCLkNN1aiq
>>43208488 >Clanner Muh home planet
Quoted By:
>>43208297 source pls, my google fu is too weak.
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>>43208534 Yep. Has been all along, too!
>>43208507 Arizona is into that?
But how would Hate know unless he tested it out with her?
Obviously Settle
Quoted By:
>>43208534 No, I am Settle.
>>43208530 Fuck off asshole, your shit isn't canon
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>>43208548 Settle
Hand Arizona the phone Settle you're drunk
nettle !!yKCLkNN1aiq
Quoted By:
>>43208479 Spee is pretty fucking stacked
>11" guns well that explains it
Lt. Hate
>>43208557 Ask Naka about Arizona's requisitions. Nobody I fucking know needs 120 fucking feet of silk fucking rope for any goddamn thing unless they're playing fucking D&D. And I'm willing to fucking wager she doesn't play D and fucking D.
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>>43208557 It's more that if any shipslut would be into that, it'd be her.
Yamato is a close second.
>>43208407 >ENRICO DANDOLO Well today I learned something. The ship doesn't seem notable outside of the name, but this fucking guy.
>hijacks an entire Crusade because they owe him money, over the Pope's objections >uses it to sack Constantinople >while he's in his nineties, and completely fucking blind I don't know how shipsluts and namesakes interact but I dread anyone connected to this guy colluding with Hate.
nettle !!yKCLkNN1aiq
Quoted By:
>>43208548 Jesus, dude, did Higgins give you brain damage when you killed her?
No wonder Hate and Ari are so frustrated with you if you're constantly talking like a mongoloid.
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>>43208587 You think she might actually plan to tie the admiral up to protect him from danger?
>>43208577 >>43208549 >>43208488 Ahem:
>>43208587 >120 feet of silk rope This leads to so many goddamn questions like holy shit Ari why you so thirsty goddamn
Quoted By:
>>43208587 >120 feet of silk rope Settle should have ran while he had the chance.
>>43208511 I'm not sure, but her behavior is odd compared to the other Japanese kanmusu. Now Naka was probably an alternative Japanese waifu if we had pursued her, because Settle offered attention of the sort Goto was no longer able to provide. Shokaku may be in a similar situation, ready to pounce on Yankeetoku because he's available while still being more confident and thus aggressive than Naka.
But Shokaku-fags accusing Arizona of being clingy and drawn to Settle by her various unresolved issues are probably the pot calling the kettle black. I expect we'll find out more eventually, though.
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>>43208577 >Clanner complaining about someone else being a moonwalking faggot Hah, irony.
Running away is also for non-lyran faggots.
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>>43208587 Ayeeee. we're fucked.
>>43208587 >ship girls playing D&D It has potential.
>>43208587 It's Ok, it is silk. At least Settle would be comfortable when the day comes.
>>43208587 The question is, sub or dom?
'Cause I can see it going either way
>>43208627 Shoukaku gives me the feeling that she doesn't have many friends among the other ships
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>>43208479 damn, no wonder Parker spends all his time on Skype
>>43208516 >Hornet still wanted to tell us something after the battle. Don't worry about Settle forgetting this, Hornet probably forgot what she wanted to say after the battle as well, for reasons
>>43208627 both are clingy, the way i see it.
Lt. Hate
>>43208637 So does a kongo-class in that outfit, goddamn. Where the fuck you suppose I'd turn up something like that though?
WAIT. I bet i can get Yamato to wear one.
Awwww the fuck yeah.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:07:47 No. 43208660 Report >>43208527 Is it?
>>43208548 >>43208577 >>43208610 Oh my. The Admiral is drunk again.
See, this is why I wanted him to be alone. To avoid incidents which are barely remembered the next morning.
>>43208627 I theorize that Arizona and Shoukaku are rather similar, if of different temperaments.
Of course, I have nothing but impressions and theories to support my claim.
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>>43208648 Yup.
Starbucks-slurping reasons.
Quoted By:
>>43208643 She can't be a sub, she's a BB
>>43208627 >>43208645 That actually makes sense. I don't see the other girls liking Shokaku much.
>>43208645 Shoukaku? But the way she seems to know about the other girls seems to fly in the face of that.
>>43208643 Kinda hard to have a dom/sub relationship if one of the involved partners is a fucking mute who wouldn't be able to give a safe word.
>>43208639 >not implying that Ari wouldn't tie up Shokaku and drag her into the fun as well. I mean, friends help each other out, right? Just look at the example set by Hate and Settle in their friendship!
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>>43208597 If somebody is picked to be the leader of a civ in Civilization, they've probably done something impressive.
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>>43208637 >I roll to seduce! >Dammit Kongou this isn't that kind of encounter! Anonymous
>>43208627 Maybe she recongizes Settle as being a good thing and wants to get her best shot before some other big name takes him. Keep in mind that she was a ship in a war, so aggression is no stranger to her.
>>43208649 Has a point
>>43208655 skintight suits are always good.
Hard to choose between those that show skin like a swimsuit or one that covers the whole body.
Salt mind
>>43208660 Bentus your the only fucking one that seems too know whats going on. Mind explaining too me the last threads quickly? I was un-able too catch the ones after we -myself included- climbing a tree and almost dying was smart guy move.
You know, I didn't need my trip. but fuck it, this threads already a warzone like usual.
feelthyHornet !!McLtsKOsrVy
>>43208571 I know it isn't.
Quoted By:
>>43208668 Best girl indeed.
>>43208665 I think every interaction we've seen her have with the other girls has been neutral or negative
>>43208666 Nobody likes a gossip
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:09:31 No. 43208700 Report Quoted By:
>>43208655 You live dangerously, Lieutenant.
... Good luck in your endeavour.
>>43208435 Jesus...I really shouldn't have read that right before bed. Nice write up!
Quoted By:
>>43208667 ...
She's a battleship.
The safeword is "Oh god please don't shoot me Arizona. I promise not to do it again"
>>43208655 Are you a bad enough dude to brave the mean streets of Japan to acquire a skintight outfit for Yamato, Hate?
>>43208682 What is the chance she recognize how much advantage it is to seduce an admiral?
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>>43208707 Anon, you're talking about a MARINE. Think it over.
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>>43208707 Nah you can get that delivered. Or ask Naka.
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>>43208699 Girls gossip by definition, they all do.
Even DesDiv 6. How else is all that stuff about yaoi floating about.
Quoted By:
>>43208665 >>43208627 Oh god, she is putting up all sort of red flags
>>43208699 Probably because Shokaku, when you get to know her, is not a very good person - ostracizing the bullied girl and all that.
Lt. Hate
>>43208707 You seem to think I'm not putting on my boots to do just the fuck that right the fuck now. Not like I HAVE ANYTHING FUCKING BETTER TO DO WITH MY FUCKING TIME.
>>43208731 And this is coming from a Shokaku fag.
>>43208479 man who the fuck does all of these
I can never find the original source
I'm glad he started coloring though
>>43208620 Damn it feels good to be a Lyran.
Quoted By:
>>43208713 I don't think she's plotting something as she seemed shy
>>43208699 >>43208665 Well with the way Kaga acts, that might have something to do with it as she seems to be one of the highest regarded ships in the base.
>>43208731 You make it sound as if she's alone in that when a good chunk of shipgirls on the base do that and the only reason Ari doesn't is a lack of meeting her and not knowing her particular history.
>>43208731 One person's action can't cause something like that. It's institutionalised in the Japanese behavior. Yes, shes was wrong in abetting the behavior but not completely to blame.
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>>43208745 >I'm glad he started coloring though I don't think thats pixelfag
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>>43208699 >I think every interaction we've seen her have with the other girls has been neutral or negative Look at how she treated Shigure. There may be something to the idea that she's isolated from other kanmusu by her own attitude/actions and using Settle as a way out.
>>43208695 If you know this why post it any way? Why even have a trip? Is all you do is troll quest threads and whore for attention? Fuck off and stop trying to ruin quests
Arizona !!yKCLkNN1aiq
Quoted By:
>>43208781 Is it the collarbones Arizona?
Is Settle's collarbones so sexy?
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:15:14 No. 43208794 Report >>43208693 Oh, lad. If I know anything, it's that Demetrious leads us to glory, laughter and tears.
Not necessarily in that order and sometimes simultaneously.
In short. We've been dealing with the fallout of all of it. Mostly a nice little discussion with the Higher Brass about everything that's been going on.
Oh and Wainwright apparently figuring out how to ID Abyssals by acoustics.
>>43208737 Godspeed, Lieutenant.
>>43208744 Hmmm. I see false flags on the horizon.
>>43208781 Ah, Miss Arizona. I see you've taken the Admiral's phone again.
... Is he well?
>>43208737 Could you at least take Sammy with you? It'd be nice for some of the hulls to get off-base for awhile and--wait, this is a stupid train of thought. Don't rope anyone into your madness or it'll make the evening news and break on CNN.
Lt. Hate
Quoted By:
>>43208781 And now they know.
consider us even for shoving me in the drink.
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>>43208777 I write-up is a write-up whether or not its canon, no reason he shouldn't post it
>>43208777 >Don't post nice smut it taints my immersion Nigger what. It's good reading
>>43208731 I'm not 100% in favor of Ari, but I'd choose her over Shoukaku every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
>>43208767 It isn't a Japanese/Western thing. I know a lot of Japanese people who don't support that sort of thing.
>>43208796 Where are these images of this girl coming from?
>>43208737 Hate, how can I flatter Yamato in giving me one of her main guns?
Quoted By:
>>43208777 You're just playing into his hands.
>>43208749 My brother of Lyran descent!
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>>43208796 Her hand is in front of his head. Way to fuck up the shop.
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>>43208815 Boxed set of Space Battleship Yamato 2199
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>>43208811 >It isn't a Japanese/Western thing. I know a lot of Japanese people who don't support that sort of thing. Then where the fuck were they when shigure was reduced to this.
Quoted By:
>>43208811 >twice on Sundays Lewd! Where are you going to raise all the pocket battleships you spawn?
>>43208814 /k/ fell head over heels for something from pixiv
>>43208814 /k/ found a korean artist on twitter, and had a little fun
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:18:52 No. 43208862 Report >>43208811 Persons are smart, people are stupid, panicky animals.
Society draws both the best and worst of us. Shoukaku, more so, is the product of the 30s and 40s, desperately trying to make sense of the 2010/2020s and find her place in them.
... Hmm. I may have stumbled unto the answer.
>>43208811 It's been implied that just about everyone on the base treats her like that, not a few isolated cases. Just look at how people cleared out when she entered.
Salt Mind
>>43208794 Did anybody die wise one?
Wainwright found out how to ID aybssals by acoustics... Damn.
>>43208814 That one is Operator-Chan. She is showing up in /k/ I THINK shes from there, Not sure.
>>43208846 >Not having main guy holding perfect Ak-chan. I sob in Spanish cause of you.
Lt. Hate
>>43208773 Nah. I got a better idea.
Just you wait.
Wait, nvm. I won't take pictures. JUST YOU FUCKING IMAGINE.
hmm. maybe i ougghta fucking get one for Iowa, while I'm at it.
>>43208751 How about transparent parts?
>>43208872 Parker != Wainwright
>>43208862 Thats all of them, isnt it. The girls still trying to figure out where they should be.
>>43208882 How jealous would Iowa be?
Quoted By:
>>43208703 All nice write ups -- thanks for leaving it on a high note!
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:20:57 No. 43208900 Report >>43208872 No. No one.
... Well, as far as we're aware and within Settle's social and filial sphere.
>>43208888 My mistake, friend. I forget.
By the way, prepare for end of thread.
>>43208781 Seriously though, girl--fucking 120 feet? Are you planning on building some bizarre fuck apparatus or just a whole lot of bondage play?
>>43208872 >not knowing Lord of Tactical Dynamics Chris Costa Anonymous
stack drawfaggot
You guys do know I'm not pixelfag, right? just throwin that out there, I'm not sure how the fuck people still mix us up.
Lt. Hate
>>43208895 I don't fucking know and I don't want to find the fuck out.
Quoted By:
>>43208910 How would Ari use the silk rope in a non-rapey way?
Binding abyssals?
>>43208810 Fuck off, this is exactly what he does and he helped ruin the ending of a quest, why even defend him?
Salt Mind
>>43208900 ..So half a town is most likely dead now. Got it boss.
>>43208910 >Still demands an AK in that mans hands. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208866 And the donuts cashier.
Quoted By:
>>43208910 >Seriously though, girl--fucking 120 feet? Are you planning on building some bizarre fuck apparatus or just a whole lot of bondage play? You'd be surprised how fast 120 feet goes, especially if you want all four limbs to, say, abed frame...and, uh, extras.
Since Goto confirmed that there were actual successes in the Stargate program, how much of luck and curses are real and not just imagined? Doesn't this, and the emergence of kanmusu and Abyssals, and the spooky thing that the intel spooks found, only reinforce that we need to take another go at the supernatural? But this time, with rigorous science and absolute brutality and ruthlessness to get results.
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>>43208910 You underestimate how much rope bondage requires
Crix !!nLvSV/0cRma
Quoted By:
>>43208844 Where can I find more?
Quoted By:
Some more goodies from that artist.
>>43208961 We need goats.
A lot of goats.
>>43208882 We need a transparent suit like:
>>43208886 for Iowa. or
>>43208912 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43208936 S U C H T H I R S T
>>43208947 He's absolutely a faggot but porn doesn't ruin anything ya prude
Quoted By:
>>43208947 Dude, pic related. calm the fuck down. PF is still gonna reap waifuwars tears. Mostly yours it seems.
>>43208895 My gods, this is all part of a plan by Hate-
>>43208936 -Oh, I guess not. By the way, what would your reaction be if you walked into your...room(it's the former warehouse, right? Or can I not remember things correctly?) and found both of them in their in skintight outfits?
And possibly playing Mario Bros.
Quoted By:
>>43208986 So a Muvluv suit?
Quoted By:
>>43208985 And an Indian cooking crew for some good goat curry.
There's bound to be...losses on the path of scientific endeavor.
>>43208961 Settle summoned a ship, kind of.
Could he also stare a goat to death?
Lt. Hate
Quoted By:
>>43208996 Man was not meant to behold such joys in this fucking life, anon.
>>43208824 I just got done praising the Archon and masturbating to a picture of a Thunder Hawk.
Feels great man.
>>43208882 Better than skintight suits? You're not going Full Zentai, are you Hate?
Quoted By:
>>43208893 If you guys think the IJA ship girls are bad, imagine the IJA ships. Especially considering the notoriety and war crimes of the Imperial Japanese Army.
>>43209034 Skintights, bare legs + miniskirt?
Quoted By:
>>43208886 Maybe. It depends. Part of the fun of the full suit is leaving some things to imagination. I can get behind a translucent one though.
Quoted By:
>>43209033 Yes, and? What are you a fucking commie who can't appreciate open discourse?
Quoted By:
>>43208407 As crazy as the guy is, the actual ship Enrico Dandolo had an insignificant WW1 career and was later scrapped. If Enrica is around at all she's part of some Abyssal fleet raising hell in the Bosphorus.
>>43209020 I understand the whole not wanting to mess with a shaman's mojo that the JSDF has, but come one.
Summonings should be attempted in sensor-laden chambers and with the summoner festooned with enough scanners, sub-dermal sensors, and electro-magnetic probes in his fucking brain that he looks like he's a Borg extra from First Contact.
Quoted By:
>>43209033 Now you've just gone full fucking tinfoil hat
I can't take this seriously anymore
not like I ever did Anonymous
>>43209033 ...when he posted the damn thing in reply to planefag calling the vote? I THINK YOU NEED A REFRESHER COURSE ON TEMPORAL CAUSALITY!
>>43208587 actually silk rope tends to leave 'burns/slices' after long periods and is rather too smooth for grabbing, it's usually better to use some sort of nylon or something with more give to it.
uh.. not that'd I know. of course.
>select all images with boats no fuck off captcha
Quoted By:
When we get our first hospital ship girl will she have a murder boner for killing subs?
>>43209068 There is one ship girl that fits that bill.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:31:58 No. 43209123 Report >>43208893 Yes.
To be more precise, Shoukaku, as we've seen, remains in touch with the past, remembering the city plan of the city before the firebombing for instance and Akihabara in the past. Does this affect her morals and points of view? As we've seen with Shigure, no more than the average Japanese of her time and the modern age.
Still, she tries to fit in with the modern world. She tries to reach out to the outside world. She tries to shed the past to reach the future.
The picture is still incomplete and I dislike making affirmations without full proof corroborating my conclusions.
Partly why I'd like to talk to Shoukaku more. The puzzle puzzles me.
Arizona is far more straightforwards, as befits a Battleship.
>>43208950 Oh, not half a town.
We'd have received distress signals if it was just half a town.
Quoted By:
>>43208435 >the whole mess Anonymous
>>43208587 Why do I need silk rope for DND?
Quoted By:
Lt. Hate
>>43209110 I wouldn't fucking know, last time I tried that kinda shit we just used some flexcuffs I had laying around and a couple rolls of electrical tape. I'll make sure Arizona gets the message though, I don't need people telling me Settle's trying to slice his wrists cos she tied him too fucking tight or some shit.
>>43209073 I dunno, imagine what'd go through a shipgirls head when the first thing she encounters is a fucking Borg drone. At least a kannushi is a familiar sight to a japanese.
>all this salt HOPPO TO THE RESCUE!
Quoted By:
>>43209133 Use Rope is the best skill, anon!
Quoted By:
>>43208999 If it wasn't riding up on me, that suit would have been just fine. It seems my sister got the better suit in the end.
Quoted By:
>>43209133 Weighs less than hemp.
>>43209123 So many people to speak with. So little time.
>>43209121 Do not lewd the Fruitcake.
Quoted By:
>>43209133 >not knowing the myriad uses of rope, use rope, and rope trick you must be new here
More importantly, are we getting KM ships?
>>43209123 >We'd have received distress signals if it was just half a town. Is this supposed to make me feel better? Cause its not!
>>43209133 Lots of different things. Namely the Dungeon part...
>>43209172 You can't stop me.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:35:33 No. 43209190 Report Quoted By:
>>43209165 It is quite distressing. So many interesting songs to hear, so little time.
>>43209170 Falling asleep at this time, I suspect.
>>43209180 It was not. It was meant to be ominous.
>>43209170 No. This is just normal. He's probably getting drunk as we speak and will collapse in short order. Welcome to KCQ!
Quoted By:
>>43209151 Her name is Akutan you fucking nip
>>43209170 He's partaking of our salty tears.
>>43209192 That too
Quoted By:
>>43209186 Nope but I can continue to save those images for my shipslut folder
Quoted By:
>>43209150 If they won't then America needs to try.
>>43209186 >furutaka-class Anonymous
>>43209145 It's not exactly slitting but it's similar. It's a lot like getting an enormous series of papercuts that have been carefully lined with salt (due to sweating). A good rope meant for this sort of thing is ever-so-slightly absorbent, smooth enough not to rub, and enough give to it to allow a little bit of flex to keep bloodflow from cutting off.
Silk isn't exactly great at this, but it's a good material for clothes and various things...
Oh yeah, you need to be careful about which position you put someone in. You'd be surprised at what shape the skin on someone's back is in if they lie still and exposed for nearly a day.
That's for long periods. Most people who have handcuffs don't tool around for 4+ hours.
Quoted By:
You know what's fun?
Comparing and contrasting how an author writes about two very similar events in a story. In this case, direct hits to a ship's bridge
http://pastebin.com/sr3N9q5Z Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:37:17 No. 43209222 Report >>43209198 It is Wednesday... Well, Thursday now.
I expect the end to come before the hour.
>>43209216 What about for less intricate bondage, where the goal is just to restraint someone?
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>>43209170 Oh, please, it's only been 40 minutes. When he hits an hour, someone will summon him with the TF34 message and he'll either post more or he'll tell us thread over.
>>43209216 Also never tie directly around joints unless you want to lose a limb, right?
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:39:34 No. 43209258 Report >>43209216 Hmm. I never quite understood the appeal. On either side.
>>43209222 It's likely the last post of the night.
>>43209218 Those are canon, right? Or could pf change his mind?
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>Tying a shipgirls's limbs to her superstructure >Tying up her guns like those gun porn pics
So, one thing we can take away from this is that we need more admirals as of some time yesterday. We are officially past the point where caution over what personnel to allow near the shipgirls is excessive and heading into the realm where it's actively fucking us. If the CNO or whatever doesn't like it, ask if he'd rather have a shipgirl go abyssal at some point in the distant future when an admiral fucks up or have a shipgirl go abyssal in the near future when some issue we flat-out don't have sufficient staff to address tips her over the edge.
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>>43209262 So far, all of Navyfag's writeups are canon
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>>43209262 anything Navyfag does is canon
Fap Angle must be smirking like a huge faggot by now
>>43209210 Fuck you, the WG devs fucked them up by not giving them their 1939 refit which turned them into Aoba class more or less.
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Oh wow... Was THAT what was on the phone? Settle listened to the sound of death for over a minute and basically told the reaper to fuck off? Wow.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:42:31 No. 43209320 Report Quoted By:
>>43209260 Yes, that's what I said.
>>43209293 That and falling asleep.
The man does need his sleep. As do I.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
After clapping your hand on Arizona's shoulder and introducing her to the Pantheon of Olympus as your Designated Bodyguard, you can't very well send Arizona home like a child who's presence is no longer desired. So you give her phone a ring, and after she taps the mic twice to acknowledge picking up you call her to your office. There is a *tremendous* amount of Paperwork awaiting your attention, and your goddamn inbox is chock full of Urgent Messages. You repress the urge to soak your desktop in fire and set the fucking computer alight, and begin the laborious process of working your way through it, top to bottom. A great many documents are various things from Your Staff, the unseen crew of pencil pushers that filter a great deal of this shit before it even reaches you. You haven't even gone to visit them, something you'd have never imagined you doing before, but with... well, the constant rain of fuckups, disasters and combats that have marked your short tenure at Yokosuka... yeah. Yeah, you're sure they understand. Arizona is sitting in a spare chair on the other side of your desk, sorting through a big bin of letters you asked Hate to send over. He was more than happy to share his burden. They're mostly fan letters from Japanese admirers to their shipgirl waifus. Arizona slices open envelope after envelope, scanning them quickly and disposing with about a quarter of them with a small, disgusted quirk of her mouth. You're about halfway through your e-mail backlog when you notice her glancing up at you every now and then, out of the corner of your eye. Toggling the lever on your chair, you try to sink a little lower behind your computer monitor to avoid her gaze. There's nothing to it, you think. But Goto's words about Kongou keep circling in your mind uneasily.
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>>43209284 Does it have to be an admiral? Who leads a small carrier task force? It is not a fully admiral is it?
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>>43209295 This
Post-refit Furry Turkeys were damn solid.
They were actually a touch better than the Aobas because they incorporated more practical experience into the redesign, too.
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>>43209294 10/10 would protect and daughteru.
Now if only Edsall weren't as lewd.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Hours later find the sun's long rays slanting through the blinds louvers, casting barred shadows on the opposite wall. Arizona seems to be reading the same letter over and over now, and you're slowly pecking out a reply to yet another e-mail requiring your special e-stamp. For the tenth time you alt-tab to a different application. Arizona sets her letter down with a flourish and raises one eyebrow, expressing her doubt that you're doing work. You chortle, raising your hands in surrender. “Dwarf Fortress.” She cocks her head, inquisitive. “Terribly. Dwarven effectiveness is mostly dependent on booze and whore supply, and the instant I start to see them as sailors - well, I usually need to start a new fort pretty soon.” Arizona smiles and seems to laugh in that quiet way of hers. She stretches, raising balled hands overhead as she closes her eyes and stretches out her legs. You catch yourself staring a little too much and look away before she finishes and catches you gaping. You turn your wrist over to check the time. “It's almost twelve-hundred hours, kiddo. Why don't you head home?” She pouts and crosses her arms. “I promise I'll call the motor pool for a ride.” She quirks an eyebrow. “No, I don't have *a* driver, but I do have *drivers.* It's wartime, hon, they always have a few people on duty.” She looks dubious. “Honest Injun. Some of the old crusty Marine chieftans are telling their young braves that The Bush Times have returned, and they'd best appreciate them ere the Winter of Our Peaceful Discontent returns with shitty MREs and no new guns.” Arizona gives you a bright smile at that - she always seems to appreciate your humor. ... even when the jokes aren't funny, which is all the time. Still, she waves goodbye all the time and leaves you in peace, closing the door behind her gently and carefully.
>>43209231 Use a pair of fucking handcuffs, preferably leather-padded. Going through the effort of ropes usually isn't worth the effort.
>>43209241 Depends on how long you leave it and they way you go about it; generally, yeah, it's more like lashing.
>>43209258 Some people like being restrained
Some people won't hold fucking still long enough for me to do things to them holy shit stop wiggling yes I know it feels good you keep kicking me in the stomach alright your legs are getting strapped down toooHOLDSTILLGORDMATTI Anonymous
>>43209295 >implying I was talking about world of warships there are three proper classes of heavy cruiser: Northampton, Portland, and New Orleans.
Failing that, the Myoko and Mogami are also acceptable.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
You count to ten to make sure she's out of earshot, and pick up the phone. It hasn't finished the first ring before you hear a familiar voice on the other end. “You asshole I've been calling you all day-” “Wainright,” you grumble wearily. “I've had a shitty fucking day, so this had better be good.” “Naka's not healing right,” he says without preamble. You sit bolt-upright in your chair, the springs creaking slightly. “The hell?” “She's not *healing* right,” Wainwright stresses, his voice strained. “But she's out of the wheelchair and-” “Not fast enough,” Wainwright repeats. “Not nearly fast enough. You saw Shiranui - it hasn't been two full days and she's already walking around and threatening to punt Kitakami's ass like a field goal. After getting blown half to hell, no less. Naka's just not healing fast enough, not for a shipgirl. And I've seen my share of nasty damage.” You feel a hard, cold pit sinking into your stomach. “What are you telling me, Wainwright?” “I don't know,” he says, the panic and frustration and fear evident in his voice. “I... I don't know. Something's wrong with her, but I'll be damned if I can tell you what.” Goto's word's echo through your skull again - *we don't understand the rules.*
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>>43209355 I laughed way too hard at that.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:46:03 No. 43209397 Report >>43209355 We will not be Bound.
>>43209345 A nice moment.
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>>43209364 Admiral Hipper, York and County would like a word with you.
>>43209345 She really is going to turn out like Kongou... man i hope the waifufags like turning their waifu into a suicidal cock-crazed slut then.
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>>43209397 It's mostly a domination/submission thing. Half it is in the mind, the other half is some people like being held down and yanking on something.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
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>>43209355 >Some people won't hold fucking still long enough for me to do things to them holy shit stop wiggling yes I know it feels good you keep kicking me in the stomach alright your legs are getting strapped down toooHOLDSTILLGORDMATTI I am riding the Balmer peak right now and I laughed so hard i have five dogs dancing around me right now like WHATS UP wow
>>43209386 >Goto's word's echo through your skull again - *we don't understand the rules.* And this is the perfect way the cap the thread!
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
“And there's nothing I can do,” you fill in, “but you want me to know. So I'm aware.” “Well, I... I guess,” Wainwright says. “I thought maybe some paid leave would do her good, but they've got this big concert coming up or something and she damn near bit my hand off when I suggested she postpone it and...” he sighs, sounding defeated. “I don't *know,* Settle.” “I'll keep it in mind,” you tell him. “Thanks for telling me.” He says goodbye, still sounding upset and worried, and you hang up the phone. The muted click of the receiver is crisp and distinct in the dusty room - it's still filled with boxes you had sent over from your little apartment, but there's no shelves to put the numerous history books on. When Harder returns his loaners it'll be even messier in here. You recline in your chair and sigh as you alt-tab away from your luckless dwarves and back to the web browser, where Naka's last message to you is still waiting. “Swing by,” you muse. You rub your face miserably, and wonder if you should bring up the issue with your orange-striped secretary. [ ] Ask her about it. [ ] Let it ride
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>>43209364 Baltimore and Takao class say you're dead wrong.
Mogamis were unlucky as fuck and top heavy as shit to boot, especially after the 8" refits.
My home town had a N.Hampton named after it, she was an Atlantic ship though, carted Roosevelt around for a bit. (which means yes she had a tub)
>>43209321 Dammit this Ari image is adorable.
>>43209407 If feelty wasnt fucking influencing the quest this wouldnt be happening
>>43209386 Right, we need to sit down with Naka with a big fat "How can we help", and WORK THROUGH THIS SHIT.
We don't know the rules? Then let's make up our own fucking rules until something works.
>>43209437 >[X] Ask her about it. SWING THE FUCK BY.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
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>>43209437 >[X] Ask her about it. Anonymous
>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. This is in the wake of Into the Deep.
This girl is probably drinking herself into a hole. Bring Backup.
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. Gotta do what we can.
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>>43209437 >[x] Let it ride Let it ride for now. we have other shit to be dealing with.
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. Anonymous
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>>43209437 [X] Ask her about it.
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. Time for us to be proactive. Even if all we want to do is sleep, eat donuts and stare at shipsluts all the day long.
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>>43209437 >[ ] Let it ride Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:50:21 No. 43209468 Report Quoted By:
>>43209386 That... is not good at all.
>>43209437 Hmm.
[X] Ask her about it.
We have to try, I suppose.
Lt. Hate
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>>43209442 She can be when she's not being all silent guardian i am the night 35000 tons of diplomacy bullshit.
which is fucking rare, but it happens.
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>>43209437 >[X] Ask her about it. Naka needs the power of Harder's D.
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. >>43209453 God bless you planefag
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. Anonymous
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. Anonymous
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>>43209443 Look saltfag, you would just do the same fucking shit to whatever waifu you are into, so fuck off.
>>43209456 Which backup is good?
Ari is Ok because she tells no tales. Who else? Not Shokaku.
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. >>43209453 OH SNAP! I better get a red bull for this. I'm do damn lazy to set up another pot of coffee.
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. Anonymous
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>[X] Ask her about it.
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>>43209437 >other Bring up her drinking during the battle and all through the night. She was still drunk and out-of-it when we had her sorting propaganda pictures. What's eating her? See if we can coax it out of her without being a blunt hammer.
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. NOT talking about these things is what resulted in the mess with Shigure, as Goto pointed out at the start of the thread. Naka needs to talk to somebody.
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>>43209437 >[X] Ask her about it. Anonymous
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>>43209437 [X] Ask her about it.
Maybe see if the possibility of manifesting her hull for a full refit cheers her up.
>>43209437 >Ask her about it Remember folks- Naka is fucking JELLY AS HELL at all the attention our girls are getting. She's probably gonna be an Emi-ish bitch and play it off but it's importat and I for one care about her.
And with that I can drive home. See y'all on the other side
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welp, i really need to sleep for work. i'll leave the rest in everyones capable hands. i assume i'll wake up to another cupcake fiasko
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. Anonymous
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>>43209437 >[x] Ask her about it. Anonymous
>>43209482 I said harder but shoukaku would actually be fine.
She obviously respects shou enough to put her forward as a secretary candidate last time. She might be able to help.
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>>43209508 >>43209453 ...or rather see y'all in a couple hours for the rest of the ride
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
>>43209484 >OH SNAP! I better get a red bull for this. I'm do damn lazy to set up another pot of coffee. like bru you don't even know my grandmother had a fucking keriug and what the fuck is twith these they are for fucking hipsters that drink like two cups a fucking day
fuck i drink two pots an hour fuck the retards who made this little POS
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. Otherwise I'm pretty sure we'll never find out.
>>43209453 Shine on, you crazy diamond!
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. captcha is lakes or oceans, fuck you captcha
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:54:30 No. 43209546 Report Quoted By:
>>43209529 A good point. Harder and Shoukaku would be good back-ups to have here.
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>>43209508 Good point. The attention she craved from Teetoku. And we need her in optimal functioning capacity as our secretary. Maybe she can process most of our "urgent" paperwork if we set her right.
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>>43209437 >[X] Ask her about it. It's that damn Japanese over-politeness. "I don't want bother other people with my problems." Girl, this affects your ability to do your job, your fucking CO deserves to know about it.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
>everyone voting for ASK HER ABOUT IT of course you did you're gonna stick your dick into that hornets nest of lies and issues and denial like imagine the narrow end of a traffic cone but now filled with razors and you jusut all voted to HUMP that shit I should drink more often it encourages me not kid glovign the vote options and then this happens WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BUT FUCK IT TIME FOR A *GUEST STAR* votes called yuea
Ghostdivision !!CGHItaQ/Fwn
>>43209534 You calling me a hipster, aeroqueer? I swear to god I'll stomp you in every dick you own.
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>>43209561 looks like sendai is gonna show up and shove settles head up his ass.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
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>>43209561 Pretending like you won't berate us for whichever path we take Planefag?
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>[ ] Ask her about it. As much as this could be us sticking our dick into the blender, we should at least see if we can try and make her feel better. Also SHOKAKU WHEN
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[X] Let it ride We know, and we can act accordingly without making her feel like we're riding her for not doing enough.
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. >>43209456 And bring Harder. The two of them have been getting along well.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:57:18 No. 43209602 Report Quoted By:
>>43209568 I do think he just did.
>>43209583 I'm... not quite sure what that exchange means, however.
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Not sure she will actually appreciate Harder being there knowing her issues.
>>43209534 >two pots an hour PF, that hardly sounds healthy. That is, like, ulcers and acid reflex unhealthy, caffeine dependence and sleep deprivation unhealthy.
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>>43209584 >Well? What is it? hahahahahaha
>>43209561 Of course we are. When has settle shown himself to not go mucking about in business he probably shouldn't?
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>>43209561 ...just how in the FUCK are you surprised? When you give anon the shiny toys and tell him that something with their shiny toy is broken they are going to try and fix it.
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>>43209437 >[ ] Ask her about it. We keep putting off these thugs and it bites us in the ass. Time to take the bull by the horns.
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>>43209578 >and shove settles head up his ass. I'm putting money on it being the other way around, at least the first time.
After all,w ho would expect crippled admiral to be an expert fencer and have Sanic hand strength?
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>>43209561 Naka is not going to be happy. Sendai is going to be absolutely fucking thrilled that she may have found a way to cure her sister. Then horrified when it comes to light her sister wants to ride the D.
Ghostdivision !!CGHItaQ/Fwn
>>43209583 It was bought for me. I specifically requested it because I got things to do in the morning and diddling around waiting for a cup of coffee doesn't rate.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 04:59:51 No. 43209637 Report Quoted By:
>>43209609 The man will shut down sooner rather than later.
Even with coffee, he's lacked too much sleep to last much longer.
Or maybe I'm projecting.
>>43209628 Ah, it was about coffee. Very well.
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>>43209561 I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you're looking for a life I can tell you I don't have one. But what I do have are a particular set of skills, skills I have aquired over a long career of shitposting. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my waifu go, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you. I will find you.
And I will bully you.
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>>43209561 I think you need to more explicitly state for people like
>>43209449 that this kind of attitude really doesn't work, and trying to implement solutions just for the sake of being seen to be doing something is counter-productive.
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>>43209561 >GUEST STAR ... Could it be?
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
"Admiral." Settle looks up at you, face every bit as drawn and haggard as his posture suggested. You give him a grin and dangle the whiskey you picked up from your fingers. "Time for a break." He frowns at the bottle. "Too much to do, Naka," he practically creaks. "Maybe another time." "Nuh-uh," you reply, dragging a chair around and falling into it. "This *is* 'another time.' I gave you a day after that fight with Hate..." He twitches. "You saw that, did you?" "Heard it first, caught the tail end of it. Come on, Settle. Take a break. As your secretary, you need it." Settle pushes back from his desk, exhaling through his nose--he'd never believe it, but he reminds you very much of the stereotypical Japanese businessman, working himself to death. "All right, you win. Shall I fetch a pair of glasses?" "Nah," you reply, pulling the stopper and taking a swig--before coughing as the burn hits your throat, earning a raised brow and a faint smirk as you sputter and wipe your lips. You pass it to him with a silent grimace, and he slugs one down, quick and smooth. Admiral Settle... the man is a fortress, you've decided. A standing tower keep, tall and regal. But right now, whether he knows it or not, the tower's collapsed. He's still Settle--still dedicated, disciplined, dutiful--but only because those are the bricks laid down at his foundation. It's a testament to his willpower that he's kept it together at all--the stones fell straight down, as it were, into a pile roughly resembling organized. You chuckle to yourself at that. Castle Settle is still weathering the siege--but the siege won't stop until no stone lies atop another. You know from experience.
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>>43209561 In all seriousness though, ignoring the problem will not make it go away. Trying to understand the shipgirls better is a good idea.
>>43208435 I can't help but wonder what Settle or Hate would hear.
I suspect that for the former it would sound a lot like a high-caliber she'll hitting the bridge of an Arleigh Burke, while for the latter it would sound like the overpressure from a 16" gun crushing his organs.
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Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
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And you know, in his state, he both 1: needs to talk, and 2: wants to do anything but. Hence the bottle. "So..." you begin carefully. "I've been meaning to ask." "About Hate?" He sighs, the faint age lines growing a hair clearer as he squeezes his eyes shut. "He's angry and loud." "Could have told you that, chief," you reply, taking the bottle back. "He's American." "Har. You know what I mean. He's not... content here. He doesn't feel like he's doing enough. So things... well, you saw. I made nice with him already...despite his best efforts." You shake your head--Settle thinks he's over it. He's not. "So how did that go?" Settle snorts. "You remember when you got yourself homework on the 'what-weapons-do-you-come-back-with' thing? My turn." "Let me guess. He wants Yamato back in the fighting." Settle raises a finger, and then lowers it, looking vaguely dejected. "You know. Of course you know. How the hell do you--" "He called me up for that one." At like four AM, of course. "You... actually said yes?"
Lt. Hate
>>43209671 I've heard them scream in pain and whatever passes for fucking fear for them before.
I'm not too fucking worried about them being 'creepy'.
>>43209661 i wondered where naka was
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
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"She gave him one of her guns to use on his frankenrifle. Hate's a greasy little shit, but I can spin it into a win," he insists. "He gets let off the leash--" "Nice dog joke," you interject. "Thank you--and we get one of our hardest hitters back." "So you gave him what he wanted in exchange for... a whole lot of stress, grief, and work," you observe drily. He grimaces and takes a shot. "Yeah. But it's win-win, pain in the ass aside." "What about the nationalists?" you ask carefully. "I owe them one," Settle growls. "For you and their Yak bullshit." You narrow your eyes, frowning. "I'm a big girl, Admiral. You already took on Hate and Yamato's problems. Don't take up mine." "My base, ships that follow my orders, my problem," he insists. "Settle..." you feel your voice soften, annoyance dying in your throat as you close your eyes. "You can't keep this up." He chuckles bitterly--somewhere, deep down, he knows it. You know he knows it, and he laughs like he's watching a shell whistle in on him from downrange. "Watch me, sweetheart." You sigh again, taking another swig of whiskey and immediately regretting it. No sense telling someone who wants to die he's going to get himself killed. "At least square things up with Hate, okay? Properly--I don't know if that means drinks, fists, or both. But you're not going to bury a fight with him under another fight with him." "Probably not," he admits grudgingly. "Any tips to unravel the lousy bastard?" "Professional opinion?" you offer. "Whatever he says, it's not 'here' that he's not content with. It's himself." "I'll bet that sounds familiar," Settle notes, as you take another, more careful gulp of peppery booze. "It does. To both of you," you add, pointing a finger at him over the top of the bottle. "No bullshit, Settle. That argument hit you pretty hard."
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>>43209700 in between bouts of getting her ass handed to her by Sendai, obviously drinking.
>>43209692 Everyone feels fear. It's simply an acknowledgement of danger. How you respond to it is what matters.
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
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"Did it?" he asks, tenting his fingers, a touch of warning entering his voice. "It did," you push, sliding the whiskey back his way. "You tried to lock it down--I got to watch your face when it happened. Scared the shit out of me. You don't want to turn to stone, Settle." "Worked out well enough, I would say." "Bullshit, sir. Stone crumbles. And... so will we. You understand that, right?" He waits for you to continue, swishing the quickly-draining bottle around in slow, lazy circles. "First off--we're all here because we're dead. The ships, I mean. Most of us lost our fights once already. And we're war vessels from a very bloody war. Tell you the truth, it's a fucking miracle we've all come home each time so far. Look at the rates from our first go-round. It's going to happen again. And you, O Admiral of the Stone, either you petrify, and you just don't give a shit, and you prove Hate right--or you crumble. Break hard. Probably to never come back." "So... what?" Settle asks. "What's your point, Naka?" You sigh. "My point is that I don't want that to happen, Admiral. You're a better man than that. And I don't want our deaths to destroy you." "...I'll take that under advisement," he says, his tone softening. His posture relaxes just a bit--you scored a hit there, and you're glad you did. For his sake. "Which brings me to the other half of Hate's argument." You reach for the booze and take another swig, ignoring the burn even as you tear up a little, no match for this little bottle of fire. "I guess it's what I really came here to talk about." "And that is?" You look into Settle's eyes as you lean forward, setting the whiskey down between you, your tone taking a faint edge. "Settle, I think he's right about the Abyssals."
>>43209561 >mocking anons for picking "Ask her about it" instead of "Let it ride" >One of the main reasons why so many shipgirls at base are fucked up is because Goto was forced to let it ride k
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
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>>43209661 Dwarves build their forts underground you traffic cone, what's up top is just decoration, fluff!
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
"I just got finished dealing with his 'capture' mission proposal for the hundreth time, Naka--" "Not capture," you interrupt. "I want to bring one back." That hangs in the air between you, heavy enough that you swear it could knock the whiskey off the table. "...Explain," he says. You sigh, leaning back again as Settle takes the bottle back. "First off--I trust you, but I need to make it clear, I trust only you with this. This can't leave this room." He nods, studying you more closely. "To tell you the truth? The God's honest truth... sometimes I think I have more in common with them." He balks. "Them? The Abyssals? Bullshit." You bow your heavy head faintly, the sudden ringing buzz of days of uninterrupted drinking weighing down on your back. "I've always felt like I was... missing something. Like--I left something over there." "Sendai," he says quietly. You smile ruefully. "That sure as shit cemented things, didn't it? I fucking hate those swords she brought me. It just--confirmed what I always thought. I've always, always felt like..." you take a breath. "...Like I have a foot on the other side." "Bullshit again," Settle says. "I've seen you. You sing, you dance, you give Harder confused boners." You smirk. "Settle, I've spent more time dead than alive. I'm almost one hundred years old, now, and I got dragged back to life in a botched ritual meant for someone else. No amount of dancing and singing can change that." "That's still a hell of a jump to 'no Settle, I am the demons.'" He points out. "What's the difference between you and any of the other girls? Or Harder?" "Hygiene and a sense of balance?" you offer, before dropping the joke and the smile off your face instantly. "There's more to it than that. A lot." "So... start," Settle offers, reaching for the bottle again to mask his impatience.
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>>43209437 Playing it straight with Naka's worked so far ...since no one else treats her that way. We need her -- so let's make sure SHE knows that. On the other hand, let's make sure she isn't deliberately or unconsciously healing slowly because she wants to stay on the beach and be our secretary ship rather than go back into the field.
I'm sure I'm missing other bases we need to cover, but it's a start. Let's not let this linger, Goto LITERALLY just told us that's what he did with Shiguire ... and we know how that went!
Lt. Hate
>>43209723 The point is, if those fucking bitches can feel fear, then what have I got to be scared of? Death? Our hour is fucking written, and it gains you nothing to fucking run from it. How the fuck you gonna be creepy to a nigga that's already accepted death?
>>43209692 I was speculating more on how the ships heard the moments of their deaths, while the humans heard their names.
My assumption is that's because the humans haven't died, not because they're human; Iowa, for example, would also have just heard her name.
You and the Admiral, though... I'd say it's arguable as to whether either of you survived that night. Certainly neither of you is the same as you were before the attack, and I mean that in a metaphysical sense; you've both been touched by the supernatural now, and those marks run soul-deep.
>>43209749 We've been ignoring Naka for God knows how many threads, trying to pretend she wasn't descending into alcoholism, and then you tell us she's getting even worse. What part of all that was supposed to tell us that we should continue to ignore her?
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
You practiced this. "Well, when they summoned me, I heard one of them apologize to the shrine maiden overseeing the ritual," you offer nonchalantly. "Saying he tried to 'send me back' when he realized the ritual had 'gone wrong but couldn't.'" Settle grimaces. "That sounds more like a job for therapy than anything." "Unfortunately for Harder, it's not all daddy issues," you reply, cutting off that line of thought. "Though I wouldn't doubt I'm 'depressed' by human standards. Kind of hard to test on us--we just show up. No psych evals, no screening. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't pass the standards to work around us, put it that way." Settle chuckles darkly. "Yeah, I got a lesson on depressed shipgirls this morning." Uh-oh. "Did you?" "Shigure." You blink, and then put it together. "Shit." "Pretty damn basic, now that I look back on it. Shunned, and gunned. She almost mailed my head into the ocean. Then she tried to blast herself." You lean in, gripping the table. "Damn it. Really?" "You sound more surprised that I expected." You sigh. "I knew it was bad--when things get like that, Settle, have you ever--how do I explain this. When you're in that hole, you want to be left alone, but you need help, but you can't TAKE help. You follow me?" "Better than I'd like to admit," he nods. "So--there's no quick fix for that. No easy win. I've tried to be friendly to her, but that just makes her tense up and wait for the cruelty to follow. Until someone can force the issue..." "Yeah, I saw." "It could be worse," you note. "We can't discount the idea that... maybe one of us COULD go the other way. Abyssal." Settle doesn't like that, falling into a stormy silence with his face clouded over in a scowl. You can't say you feel much better about it. "So...what do we do?"
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Naka's already a demon.
>>43209386 >Naka's just not healing fast enough, not for a shipgirl. And I've seen my share of nasty damage.” Five dollars says she's just pulling a Yossarian.
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
>>43209810 see
>>43209811 >When you're in that hole, you want to be left alone, but you need help, bu tyou can't TAKE help. You follow me?" NAKA-CHAN ANSWERS ALL QUESTIONS ONCE AGAIN
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>>43209782 >>43209811 Maybe she ought to confer with Agano.
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>>43209749 go home planefag your drunk
u2 settle
and hate
naka goto bed
yamato stop absorbing hate's bad habits
arizona stop absorbing settle's bad habits
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>>43209792 What is the terror of death?
That we die our work incomplete.
What is the joy of life?
To die knowing our task is done.
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94NTIljR2Nw "You need a volunteer to attempt..." you fish for a term. "First contact. Someone who won't really mind going bye-bye again, if it happens." You do half-hearted jazz hands at him as he lifts the whiskey, eyes locked on yours through the glass.
He gets the insinuation. Settle frowns, sliding the bottle back. "You ever thought about just... plain old anti-depressants?"
"Yeah," you admit, taking it yourself. "It's all brain chemistry, right? And we do have brains. You've seen the X-rays, the anatomical diagrams in the standard briefings about us, right?"
You smile cheerfully. "Congrats! You've seen me naked."
"It's you in those pictures?" Settle asks, a bit taken aback. "Brain scans, ultrasound--shit, I remember there was something about a tissue biopsy."
"Yeah. I volunteered. I just--wanted to help, you know? Somehow. Because--you know." The (new) alcohol's starting to hit you--you're not in the braindead muzzy phase yet, but your emotions are certainly feeling swingy. Fine by you--you need to get a lot off your chest with Settle right now anyway.
"This still isn't telling me why you think you're an Abyssalkin, or whatever," Settle notes, a faint slur in his voice as well.
You hold up two fingers, in open mockery of the V-sign pose you make all the time. "Part two, then: Because I'm a liar. A really, really good liar. Manipulating people is easy as hell. I'm manipulating you right now."
"What is this, a mea culpa?"
"No, I'm just pointing it out. I can read people. I was always good at it, but--well, when I was new, I tried people-watching. To learn how to act like one, I mean."
"It seems to have worked."
Lt. Hate
>>43209857 Pfft. Been through that particular fucking batch of demons too. Why the fuck you think I hate shrinks so bad?
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>>43209876 'cause you're in denial?
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>>43209811 >tried to 'send me back' I'VE FOUND HOW TO FIX NAKA!
What I think happened is that when the shrine maiden tried to "send Naka back" part of Naka was sent back. So what we should try to do is have the shrine maidens bring back the par
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
You slap your palms down on the table. "Goddamnit, Settle, I'm serious. It scares the hell out of me. I do it on reflex--the lies come easy. I have to work to tell people the truth. For a while, I thought it was pathological. I'm not proud of it." You stare at him in stony silence for a moment, before he gestures slightly, offering the both of you an out. "People-watching?" "Yeah. Faces, body language. Words unspoken, remember? And it comes down to a few things. People are pretty similar. You find the loose threads, you pull them back to their origin, and before long you've untangled the knot. I can read you like a book." Settle chuckles, sensing the need to fill the conversation with another lull. "That a fact? Okay, Miss Human Whisperer, profile me." You take a hard gulp of the whiskey and bite back the coughing fit. "You feel like you're a janitor that got pressed into a doctor's coat and no one's thought twice to ask yet," you answer primly. "You don't feel worth command--you'll take responsibility, but you're afraid of it. You're trying to stay level and professional and you keep coming unglued, more and more as things around you get worse, so then you double down and you go icy cool, until someone or something pisses you off again, and it's right back to square one."
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>>43209875 nice taste in music there naka
>>43209876 Odd. I don't see an IMAX label on you cuz DAMN NIGGA YOU PROJECTING LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER
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>>43209792 By not letting you die.
And making sure you know it.
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>>43209875 >I won't mind leaving >What about Hate? Anonymous
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I think what Naka needs is more night battles.
nettle !!yKCLkNN1aiq
wai taiwa t now we get his
hits fuckin
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>>43209875 >You smile cheerfully. "Congrats! You've seen me naked." I don't think that counts
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>>43209898 >You feel like you're a janitor that got pressed into a doctor's coat and no one's thought twice to ask yet," you answer primly. "You don't feel worth command--you'll take responsibility, but you're afraid of it. You're trying to stay level and professional and you keep coming unglued, more and more as things around you get worse, so then you double down and you go icy cool, until someone or something pisses you off again, and it's right back to square one." >Nothing about being the result of schizo shitposting mental voices duking it out in our head She don't get shit.
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
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"That one was easy," he says with a shrug, reaching for the bottle. "You wish you had died on the Higgins," you add softly. Settle freezes mid-grasp. "It's true," you reply, voice going steely as you stare into Settle's rapidly-darkening features. "It reads in everything you do. Don't get pissed, don't build up a head of steam, don't ask me what I'd know about it. You know what I know about it." Slowly, Settle's hands relax from the white-knuckle grip on the table's edge. "...Okay. What DO you know about it, Naka?" "You and Hate have a lot more in common than you think you let on. That's why you piss each other off so much. He thinks his duty goes down a pair of ironsights. You think yours was back in LA." Settle stares at you for a long, long moment, before he finally snatches the whiskey from the table and kills the entire bottle. "That didn't last," he growls. You give him a tired grin and produce the second bottle. "...I knew I made you secretary for a reason," he says with a dark chuckle, leaning back into his chair.
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>>43209932 Hey
if you write Admiral Ryan Settle you can shorten it to ARSE.
>select all drinks Anonymous
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>>43209932 Stop shit posting and start Ship posting.
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>>43209792 You misunderstand me. I'm not calling back you a coward, or scared of death, or anything like that. In calling you smart enough to recognize you can die, but brave enough to keep fighting. Thinking you're invincible is a liability in a fight.
Tell me, which marine would you rather have your back? The one who fears no death, and stands out in the open like an idiot waiting to get shot, or the one who duck and covers?
>>43209798 Looking back into the archive, Settle heard his name on the phone.
Lt. Hate
>>43209932 I was gonna say they're acting just like the fucking shrinks, trying to get inside my fucking head. "Do you really feel you failed them? how?" Fuck off motherfucker you weren't there, that's fucking how. Stupidass fucking sections.
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
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----- What was it like, before I came here? That was what he asked. What he meant was "what were YOU like, before I came here?" So you tell him. You tell him about the first days, tripping and falling, the humiliation and embarrassment. The long nights of study, classical art books, gymnastics, anatomical diagrams. You tell him about the days and nights and days blurring together into a formless, soupy mess, sleep shifts few and far between. You tell him about the hours of research online, and the days on the dance floor. You tell him when you first learned you had... other, more humanlike qualities. "I found a male ballerina's playlist on youtube," you reminisce fondly with a lopsided grin, remembering those thick, toned calves, "and the rest was browser history." You tell him about the Abyssal wearing your face. "It was less than a month since I'd been back," you say quietly. "Mixed light raiding party--more of those back then." "I remember," Settle says quietly. Nothing like LA--after the first, ruinous attacks, the Abyssals switched to fast hit and run, harassing and harrying coastlines with near-impunity, the early response still too slow to reach them before they vanished into the rolling fog. "It was a pretty big group, especially for then--we estimated six or seven destroyers and a CL. Goto really wanted us to crush them, get our first big win against the raids. He set us in two task groups--Kongou, Tenryuu, Desdiv 6, and Tatsuta, me, Akebono, Hamakaze, Teruzuki, and Akizuki. "Kinda overkill, wasn't it?"
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I wonder what Naka has to say about some other characters, like Shoukaku.
>>43209834 That simply further reinforces the notion that simply ignoring Naka (or Shigure, or whoever) isn't the solution, either, in which case SOMEONE has to do SOMETHING.
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Admiral Ryan Settle otherwise known as "ARSE"
>>43209968 Then fucking eat a bullet like every other person who refuses help instead of staying around and shitting the place up.
At least if you're dead you won't eat up the resources that could go to someone who'll accept some help and has a better chance of recovery.
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“As another formation of bombers crossed overhead, the antiaircraft officer couldn’t stand waiting for the SOC to get airborne. His five-inch guns, elevated high, roared. At once the muzzle blast, just ten feet from the plane, tore the canvas skin right off the plane. As Lt. Harold S. Hamlin recalled, “the pilot found himself sitting on a picked chicken—the blast had removed every stitch of fabric from the plane. Pilot and crewman scrambled out, and the forlorn-looking plane, naked as a jay-bird, was jettisoned.”” — Ship of Ghosts: The Story of the USS Houston, FDR’s Legendary Lost Cruiser, and the Epic Saga of her Survivors, by James D. Hornfischer
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
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"This was before they started juking us," you reply. "Before we realized they could be tactical. We actually had breathing time between attacks back then--less worry about leaving forces behind in case of a feint." "Kongou's fast in class, but not fast enough to run down CLs and DDs." "The plan was classic hammer and anvil--Group one sets up, group two swings around and drives them into her guns. By the time they knew what we were doing, they'd be too damaged to get away whole. If nothing else we'd cripple their damage output if they slipped out and reformed." "And? Did it go that way?" You chuckle bitterly. "Does it ever? No, I guess that's not fair to Goto--the plan did work. It was just that fucking weather. One of those storms. Seas turned to shit, spoiled our destroyers' aim. We went with guns, Akizuki to back the CLs up if we got hit from the air. The storm cut our firepower in half. And..." you sit up and force your buzzing head clear, focus your blurring eyes on Settle. "A single Abyssal CL with a gaggle of destroyers, what does that sound like to you?" He makes the connection quickly, even drunk. "Torpedoes." "Bingo. It hit me just in time--got the warning out right before around thirty of them passed through our zone." "Lucky." "Lucky, yeah, but before we could get back on target, the Abyssals were already gone." "Gone?" "I swear they just sailed into the clouds, and nothing came back out. Like they were never there. We got one or two and damaged a third, but..." "Not a proud kill tally for that many IJN girls," Settle nods sympathetically. "And, there's more than that. That CL running the show? I saw her."
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>>43209997 we need to assemble a special division of dads, stat
>>43209968 God, you just LOOOOOOOVE your fucking pity parties. How ANYONE can deal with you like this is fucking amazing.
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>>43209962 He heard more than that, though. They were actively talking to him.
What the Secret Squirrel Brigade found is more primal. It’s the sound of death itself. If you haven't died yet, it just knows your name. If you have, it knows more.
Which raises the question of whether you start hearing the sound of your own death once you've rendered a specific death inevitable, or if you have to actually die first.
Lt. Hate
>>43210002 >>43210018 Ow that fuckin edge. Watch yourself there, fuckin, guy.
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
"Her?" You chuckle again, feeling the icy creep cinch up your back even as a stony dread drops down your throat to ache in your gut. "Me." "You, what?" "My face, my hair. My eyes, just... blue. Like a foglight over the water. And when I looked... she knew. She looked back at me, Settle." You swallow, the room suddenly feeling very cold despite the whiskey. "And she just grinned, and strolled into the fog, and then she was gone." "...Which is why you think..." "Yeah." You mutter, lips feeling drawn and tight over your teeth. "Yeah." You fall into silence at that, arms wrapped around yourself at the sudden chill. You can't even bring yourself to reach for the bottle. Settle does it for you, pushing it closer to you, expression clearing despite the alcoholic haze. Still a mountain, even when drunk. Seeing him square away as best he's able helps you do the same, and you roll your stiff shoulders. "Which brings us to yesterday. Did Goto tell you what he heard on the phone?" Mount Settle--no, FORT Settle, you're not Arizona or Shoukaku--stands up, taking an extra second to gain his balance, before he shakes his head. You take a breath (and a drink) yourself. "They nuked him." Settle's eyebrows fly up and then drop down. "...What?" "Whatever they did, however they did it, they made him go through a nuclear bomb by sound. Not a nice, clean, instant vaporization. Somewhere inside the radius, enough to 'feel his nerves set on fire and his skin sandblasted off.' He said it wasn't 'just' pain--somehow, he knew." "But--how? How would they--" "There were ships in Nagasaki, Settle. That's my guess." "Jesus." "There's more. They showed him his grandfather."
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>>43210032 You're one to talk.
>>43210045 Clearly we should capture anti-naka and make regular naka and her kiss
and then the base explodes
nettle !!yKCLkNN1aiq
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>>43210045 >"There's more. They showed him his grandfather." Just like they showed Settle Higgins
>>43210032 No, really, kill yourself. Put yourself out of your misery. If you feel like you're being wasted, then stop being a drag on the budget and just kill yourself.
>>43209826 May be more truth to this than expected. It's possible that she told her repair fairies to go slow with it.
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>>43209968 For competent shrinks (yes, they exist), they aren't asking those questions because they want to know the answers. They’re asking to force you to come up with and accept your own answers. Preferably answers that don't lead to you deep-throating a Glock, but still your answers. Not theirs.
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>>43210065 quick get this man a teddy bear stat
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>>43210071 you first, mate
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
Settle may or may not know the man's history, but he can put the implication together well enough. "His dead grandfather." You nod dully. "Yeah. Made him go through his final moments. He remembers it. 'This is what you are to them,' they told him. 'This is what they did to you.'" Settle falls back into his chair like a pile of rubble, leaning back as far as it can recline, a hand to his temple. "...How in the fuck did he not just punch my lights out first thing when he woke up?" You shrug. "You could ask. Goto's a strong man, Settle. And a smart one. He has a lot of respect for you, and a sense of perspective. He's only one man for all us girls, but..." you smile tiredly. "He's a pretty goddamn good one." Settle nods absently. His eyes flit a little, left and right, as he forces his tired, alcohol-soaked brain to work, putting together what he knows of Goto, how he behaved these last few days, after what they did to him. After a moment, he finds the point he was trying to grasp and his focus returns, back to you. "And you want to SAVE those sons of bitches?" "I do." "Even when they do shit like that?" "They learned it somewhere, Settle," you reply darkly. "Don't give me that. When we dropped the bombs--" "No, I'm serious. Maybe--maybe they're violent because violence is all they know. All they understand. Maybe the line between us and Abyssals isn't as clear as we'd like to think. They can TALK, Settle. They can reason--you've seen them in combat." Settle says nothing. "And now," you finish, "you've spoken to them."
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>>43210084 off to the panda with me then, see you guys later
Lt. Hate
>>43210071 Let me guess, you bought your first real katana when you were 16 and started practicing Kendo every fuckin day, right? Oh, and beards and fedoras are fuckin classy, right? And I fuckin bet nice guys finish last, don't they?
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>>43210075 Or possibly that her repair fairies were killed in the initial torpedo explosion--after all, the IJN only trained specialist damage control teams in DC; once they were dead, it was just the rest of the crew flailing away wildly trying to find a way to fix things as best they could...
>>43210061 >just kiss NO YOU FUCKING IDIOT
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>>43210103 >"And now," you finish, "you've spoken to them." Naka you better fucking...
>>43210045 Were their ships in Nagasaki at the time?
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>>43210084 ... I'll be in my bunk
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>>43210127 wow lewd do you want to kill the quest because we still don't even have keine lewds
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>>43210103 Sidling into a reference thing:
History has been forgiving in a way. The war was ended via that bomb, with less loss of life by projections; and the loss wasn't as punishing to Japan, which now thrives.
Of course most Americans aren't aware of the full details, but there's a reason you don't get spat on when you go to Japan.
you still get sneered at for being a slovenly foreigner in that polite way, but that's typical and it's been a long time Anonymous
>>43210032 As a recovering rage-machine and occasional depressive with self-destructive fits, yeah, I do get to call you out.
You can either learn to live with the facts, or you can continue to nurse the deluded notion that dying will make everything better, will somehow balance the scales.
Pick one, shithead.
Shit Happens. It isn't always your fault, and you aren't God. Get off your fucking cross and rejoin the rest of the human race.
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
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Once again, you fall to silence--you take another gulp of booze and push the whiskey back Settle's way. He drinks, but slowly--as proper a sip as one can take while passing the bottle. He's thinking about it. He's thinking about it...! "...What's your angle, Naka?" He finally asks. "You think you might have more in common with them than your sisters--" you flinch at that word. "--Sorry. Your fellow shipgirls, and you want to save the Abyssals." "Want to try to save the Abyssals," you correct. He waves his hand at you vaguely. "Try to save them, whatever. Are you trying to save yourself?" Sah-wing and a miss, Settle. You laugh once, twice, and then let your head fall on the table with a glass-rattling thump. "...No?" "No," you mutter into your flat, wooden pillow, "Just... no." He sounds torn between apologetic and frustrated. "Walk me through this, Naka. I can't read people like you do." You look up at that--that and him nudging the whiskey bottle against your cheek gently but insistently. "All right, fuck it, fine. I've told you most of it, I may as well tell it all." Snatching the bottle by the neck, you toss it back, coughing and hacking your way through another round of burn. "You know how Harder's been tormenting my destroyers?" You can see a dozen quips spring to his lips, but he forces them down out of respect for you. Heh, thanks, Admiral. "Yeah." "He's been stuck in old habits. Old tasks. His duty." You enunciate the word pointedly. "We all have that feeling, even when we've adjusted to the modern world. This compulsion to...act, to fight. I think it's part of what makes them come back--the ones who come on their own, I mean. I've got it too." Settle's a smart cookie. You can practically see him remember your pathetic hospital stay, the first time you introduced anyone to Naka--the real Naka, the simmering bag of issues and misery. "...And..."
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>>43210147 eyyy who knows they might even be from Bikini Atoll
won't know that 'til we storm the beaches
>>43210045 Pray she's right about Nagasaki. If she's not, the most likely alternative is Crossroads.
>>43210112 No, on all accounts. Didn't buy a new katana until just a year ago, used the family one instead.
But it doesn't change that you refuse help, deride people that try to help people with PTSD, and generally act like jumpers that stand at the edge but don't have the guts to take the last step forward.
Naka-Chan !!0ZviLFh59My
Your voice dwindles to a faint croak, and not from the harshness of the whiskey. "And I can't," you whisper. "No matter how much I want to. A shot at my duty is... a liability, to everyone else." You go for the bottle, then change your mind, pushing it away in disgust. "So I try to be useful. Keep myself busy. Do anything I can to fill that hole in me. But I can't. Nothing I do can. I'm a warship that can't make war, Settle, and it's all I want to do." "...No wonder you twigged to Hate so fast," he offers. You snort, wiping the tears from your eyes with the back of your glove. "Tell you the God's Honest? The only reason I'm functional at all is because I've just... given up. Passed it up as not for me. I tell myself if I can just help everyone else do their duty... well, it's not a substitute for mine, but--" you give up trying to hide the tears. Fuck it, you'll pin it on the whiskey. "I just want to help, Settle. All I ever wanted to do was help everyone." There it is. There's the last piece. You see it click into place in Settle's head, his honed military mind slamming it home. Admiral Settle finally unravels you, the same way you unravel everyone else. "And that's why Sendai's freaks you out so much." "She came back, for me. For ME," you rasp, a hollow smile all you can manage. "I can't... fall back on my old excuse any more. I can't give up on myself without letting someone else down. I've got NOTHING. I can't fall back on my deep, dark stupidity. I lie to everyone, but I can't even lie to myself any more."
Central !/EdRLzIbh2
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>pic unrelated New Bradford stuff that I probably should have posted earlier:
http://pastebin.com/G5bY97JG Anonymous
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So the Abyssals are apparently death personified, who are girls, who are warriors... .
>>43210210 >>43210166 Pst, pst hey guys, spoiler here.
Hate's a goddamn fucking character and trying to talk to him in the meta isn't going to change a goddamn thing. Anonymous
>>43210212 Hug the naka.
Such a good girl.
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>>43210187 In which case
>Nagato never >Prinz Eugen never >Saratoga never >Swayback Maru never Feels fucking bad, man.
Almost caught up with the thread.
>>43206323 >“They got the shit shot out of them,” Goto says. “Probably why they're still pissed about it. Have you ever seen a shipgirl try to launch torpedoes on land?” >You recall Hate's ambush with the bats, back at the museum park. “Yeah, they just-” OVERHEAT AND EXPLODE? At least US torpedoes would have. Not 100% sure if Long Lance torpedoes cook off when dry, but they would result in PURE OXYGEN FIRES which is so much worse.
Speaking of which EOD is going to have a FUN(tm) job of recovering those Mk13s the corgis scattered all over the alleyway. I'm assuming the torpedoes are Mk13s because Mk8s would have cooked off by now and most of the base hasn't been levelled by ~4000lbs of torpedo TNT.
Remember the shell we pulled out of Arizona? HE shells like that have a warhead of 75-150lbs or so. Mk13s have 600lb EACH. It's probably going to be the same EOD team that fled in terror the first time.
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>>43210255 yes, administer hugs.
>>43210241 No, but it makes me feel better. You don't yell at the TV when your favorite characters do something stupid?
>>43210187 Maybe not crossroads. Considering that Prinz was seen in Telegraf.
Is Naka becoming human, is that why she's not healing as fast?
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I'm not sure hugs are the right thing here
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>>43210212 So now might be a good time to talk about the possibility of a rebuild.
Especially if she's still wounded. Assuming that translates into hull damage, it would actually make a rebuild simpler.
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>>43210277 Plus it acts as a sounding board, lets us work out ideas to try in the quest itself later on.
>>43210277 No, I don't actually.
>>43209782 In recognition of the fact Naka’s PTSD is rapidly progressing to the point she is going to befriend an abyssal and masturbate to an unconscious Harder, I did a thing.
Naka you must fight the Abyssals.
No, I am afraid.
Naka! You fucker!
Hey Naka, you better get in formation or I won’t love you anymore.
Admiral you never loved me.
If she can’t do it, Willie must do it!
(Naka stares at the sorrow on Willie’s face)
Yes, let her do it.
https://youtu.be/Abbp1H-fBPk?t=20s (For those of you who don’t get the reference:
https://youtu.be/tcRkvXvs5Rc )
God damn I wrote this weeks ago and have been waiting for Naka to show up in story to post it. I didn't think the befriend an abyssal part would be so accurate. Anonymous
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>>43210265 >It's probably going to be the same EOD team that fled in terror the first time. It's been a week, I'm sure they're used to things by now.
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>>43210212 Give her some fucking literature.
R. Daneel would be a pretty sympathetic character for her, I think.
>>43210304 Man, going to the movies with you must be awful.
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>>43210212 Well...the good news is all these feelings -- including feeling like the enemy and wanting to try and save them ... are very human. Which means we have the experts to actually try and help with this shit.
>>43210278 She didn't actually sink in the lagoon, IIRC. She got towed out and sank elsewhere.
>>43210241 I'd prefer if he'd post less. It's really irksome to have him play it up when I've already had to deal with similar among friends and family.
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>>43210332 Still got nuked though. But point. Maybe its different.
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>>43210278 Prinz also belongs to the US Navy, we took her as a war prize.
We could reclaim her any time, its not like the Germans would care.
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>>43210280 PFFFT Please. They cannot become human, Naka REALLY wants to, but she fucking cant. Why do you think she is so utterly confused about herself and everything she is about, why she lies to everyone especially herself.
Fuck so shipgrills have Ork levels of "I need war to fucking LIVE". What the fuck happens when/if we defeat the abyssals?
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Stop being Best Girl Naka, Best Girl never finds happiness. For all your cynicism you are a True Idol.
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>>43210212 A best way to teach a person that does not give a shit about others on instinctual level is to make them give a shit. Stick her to a unit with Harder, it'll help both of them.
>>43210280 It's like something out of Gurren Lagann. She wants to fight, but she's been rendered inert by her own self-damning logic: So long as she thinks she's useless, she shall be useless. It's a mental block that's preventing her from functioning, that damn abyssal clone probably doesn't help, either
>>43210321 >PTSD is rapidly progressing to the point she is going to befriend an abyssal and masturbate to an unconscious Harder Thar's a very interesting image
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>>43210330 That would mean I had people to go to the movies with.
>>43210339 Then don't respond to him.
We gotta upgrade Naka man
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>>43210362 I read that as 'ass clown'
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>>43210362 Assuming it's really a clone ... it could be like the sound -- you see that which you are most afraid of. So for Naka, that's meeting the enemy and finding that they are us.
>>43210362 >that damn abyssal clone probably doesn't help, either Don't forget, the Abyssal clone that's a better CL than she is.
Abyssals have the sound of death right. Time to isolate the sound that shipgirls and shipboys give out. FIGHT DEATH SONG WITH LIFE SONG. COMBAT IDOL, NAKA-CHAN. FIGHTING WITH THE POWER OF SONG.
>>43210369 He's saying she'll turn into Shinji from Evangelion.
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Naka more like NakuTL Note: Naku means 'cry'
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>>43210398 funny you should mention that
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>>43210391 Psychological warfare at its finest: I suck, therefore why should I?
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>>43210398 symphogear thread is somewhere else
>>43210398 Macross style? Well we already have a love triangle.
>>43210402 I know but try to imagine it.
Naka schlicking herself at the foot of the on which an unconscious Harder is resting upon. Let your imagination work for you anon.
>>43210398 In b4 Akagi sings "My Boyfriend is a Pilot" to introduce the Abyssals to human culture.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 05:45:45 No. 43210430 Report Very curious development. We are learning more and more. Excellent. Quite sad for Miss Naka. Of course, her orders always were... alcoholic in nature.
>>43210415 All we need now are ALL THE MICRO MISSILES we'd be in business
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>>43210427 A rendition of The Star Spangled Banner by Arizona may turn some Abyssals.
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Looks like we're winding down the thread, so I'll throw my snip up too.
Hornet and Akagi's Excellent Adventure
http://pastebin.com/vD5hRqSH Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 05:46:47 No. 43210446 Report >>43210434 We can arrange that.
Quoted By:
>>43210362 She needs to believe in the Settle that believes in her.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNQvLECht08 Anonymous
>>43210424 My imagination is busy trying to find a way to apply Undertale to this quest. I'm thinking play Megalovania and dunk on some Abyssals.
>>43210430 We definitely need a hospital ship. Like, yesterday.
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Don't worry, Happy Plane is here for you.
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Is this the blender? My dick feels fine, what really hurts is my heart.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 05:48:10 No. 43210469 Report Quoted By:
>>43210446 But can you arrange water-proof speakers for when we engage in Naval Song Warfare?
...Is Naka Route completely off the table at this point? No reason, just curious.
>>43210484 You don't even need the Bentusi for that. It's a bit specialized, but you can definitely get some.
>>43210504 Would you romance your own bro?
Quoted By:
>>43210453 But how? The US still doesn't know how to summon, and the alternative is to ask the JSDF to try to summon an IJN hospital ship.
Or, what, ask the UK or Germany to try to summon groups of their hospital ships to distribute to their allies?
Or ask the Russians?
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>>43210504 Planefag would never remove a means of generating tears.
Quoted By:
>>43210504 naka x harder full throttle
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 05:51:49 No. 43210525 Report Quoted By:
>>43210484 We can, with a hefty price reduction compared to Bound contractors, as well.
Do make sure to detail the technical specifications you will need your speakers to have when making your order.
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>>43210504 Yeah, but its for the best else we wouldn't get moments like this.
Her and Settle being bros I feel would be much better even if I do find her the most interesting character in this quest.
>>43210484 Dude, we can do that right now IRL. The only question is whether Bentus prefers to sell them individually or in bulk.
>>43210504 NO NTR'ING HARDER
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>>43210504 I think by this point she'll end being our eternal mistress we sneak off to because we can't quit her, even after marrying someone else.
>>43210516 Yes, but I felt it would be rude not to ask him, seeing as he initiated the conversation
>>43210519 If my bro had tits.
Quoted By:
>>43210484 Already taken care of I think -- for a given definition of music:
http://youtu.be/E7J-B-Hik_g Anonymous
>>43210430 But what we've learned tonight is all rather horrifying.
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>>43210537 If your brother had tits he'd be your sis.
Or a landwhale.
Maybe both.
Quoted By:
>>43210555 >good things >happening in a fap angel quest where do you think we are.jpg
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 05:55:57 No. 43210588 Report >>43210534 The Bentusi Exchange offers both bulk and detail sales to their customers.
>>43210536 The Bentusi Exchange encourages healthy competition in the market. We welcome the practice of seeking the best prices and the best products.
A healthy economy is an economy that promotes peace.
>>43210555 Oh, I do not deny the horror of some of these revelations.
However, with knowledge comes the ability to act and fix the problems before us.
Or try, at least.
>>43210452 The Abyssals are on a genocide run.
With all our ship girls dead we shall grant Settle our powers of breaking the fourth wall. Its a beautiful day outside.
Birds are singing, flowers are blooming.
On days like today Abyssals like you...
should be burning in Hell Anonymous
Are we done? Or did Planefag just pass out from the booze?
Quoted By:
>>43210537 If your bro had tits he'd be your sis.
Or a landwhale.
Maybe both.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 05:57:48 No. 43210617 Report Quoted By:
>>43210598 Mostly likely crashed when his wearied body could no longer keep up to the strain of sustaining both great amounts of alcohol and coffee.
>>43210373 Upgrade Naka to a man?
I'd support this.
>>43210629 No, upgrade her into a Robot Master
Welp, it's getting late. Here's some more BB 60 for y'all. I hope you enjoy.
http://pastebin.com/GujCef2F Anonymous
>>43210588 >with knowledge comes the ability to act and fix the problems before us. What we should be doing is black-bagging every single psychic, witch, shaman, and anyone who even hints at having magical powers and putting them through life-threatening tests to see which ones have real magic and which ones are just fakes.
And if we go to grab someone and they've already run? Then they've got great potential and we should do everything to track them down.
Magic, or at least some kind of previously unanalyzed phenomena, exists and we should be trying to figure it out.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 05:59:49 No. 43210651 Report Quoted By:
>>43210638 I have Doctor Light's number, if you need it.
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>>43210638 I wasn't aware Albert Wily was a part of Navy R&D
Merc Command !3QUDPTn2Js
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>>43210597 You know, Iowa did have a basketball court on her at one point...
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 06:01:04 No. 43210668 Report >>43210650 Oh, my friend.
What ever made you think that the Stargate Program was ever truly shut down?
So the Naka we know and love is the helpful, sarcastic layer on what could be described as a Misery Onion, where each layer is less and less mentally stable and provokes more and more tears when prodded.
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
Quoted By:
>>43210660 YES! I await for it!
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>>43210660 >Julieship I eagerly await the combo of Idols and ship-girls
>>43210668 Mostly, that Cheyenne Mountain was still being used by NORAD.
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>>43210649 i can't want to edit :^)
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>>43210660 Will we get Fem!Toku?
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 06:03:01 No. 43210688 Report Quoted By:
>>43210681 ... Not that one.
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>>43210660 Heh Let me guess Heavy Cruiser, Battlecruiser or BB. One of those three. Only such classes have such....displacement
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>>43210649 Artyfag has no public pastes.
>>43210660 That's just Atago in Yuubari's outfit.
Pan paka pan Anonymous
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
You stare into Naka's tear-stained face - a light cruiser of the Imperial Japanese Navy, your dutiful and devious secretary, and a scared young girl - and start to laugh. Because she's right, of course. She's right. Goto said as much to you hours earlier, in that closet - you try to carry everyone, but when you do, you just crack. And even if you succeed in making them feel like someone's pulling them - even if you could be the Sendai to every damned Naka-chan on base - you'd just leave them like this; torn and gutted by their own inability to meet perceived expectations. Maybe it's the alcohol - no, it's definitely the alcohol, the goddamned bottle is empty - but this strikes you as fucking hilarious. Fucking hilarious. It's all a circle, you think, watching the room spin dizzily. It's all a circle, and you can't get out. “That's why you can't heal,” you state intelligently, hearing the slur in your own voice and not giving a shit. “That's why you can't heal. You left something behind.” You sway onto your feet, and pat your right thigh, where your dress whites (why are you always wearing these uncomfortable fucking things, anyway) conceal the hole in the muscle of your thigh. “You left something behind where you belong, and now you're incomplete.” Naka doesn't ask you how you know. She doesn't confirm, or deny. She simply agrees with a small nod. She's wiping her gloved hands across her delicate features more often, trying to blot out the tears that flow more freely with every passing second, her pale flushed rosy from the drink. “Settle, you can heal. And-” “Shut up,” you snap. “Shut up. Shut up, shut up traffic cone, shut UP!”
Lt. Hate
>>43210660 Fuck you, Janice when.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
She shuts up, tears streaming from her eyes. She's bared herself to you this evening, exposed every dark secret, every miserable self-condemnation, and she's seen into you at least as far. Looking at her is painful, truly and terribly painful, like a needle jabbed into your beating heart, but this time you can't even pretend to know the right thing to say. All the nuances and glib replies slip right off your tongue to leave you standing here like the big dumb yankee scum you are, a hulking crippled dumbass who came crashing into someone else's war sixteen fucking months late thinking you could possibly know more than the people dick-deep in it from day fucking ONE. There are no words of wisdom, not this late, not this deep in the bottle, that can get through to her. All you know is what you feel, and even if you can never find a way to make those feelings reality, you know you'll die trying - and she'll just have to be satisfied with that. They all will. [ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. [ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid.
>>43210713 Julie's very similar, even in THAT area.
>>43210722 Janice would be no doubt a BB, A Yamato/Iowa grade one with out a doubt.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. I don't remember what he said in the CIC. Probably some kind of dumb white knight thing.
Quoted By:
>>43210716 >“Shut up. Shut up, shut up traffic cone, shut UP!” My sides
>>43210740 >[x] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
>>43210740 [ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word.
[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[x] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Lt. Hate
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>>43210743 Out fucking standing. I can sleep, knowing that.
Hopefully with sideties. and dem hips.
the /fuck/ did settle say in the CiC.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Time to sing. Sing like LIFE depends on it.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[x] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 06:08:31 No. 43210777 Report >>43210740 >[X] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Settle, I think, does not go back on his words.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 [ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Even if this doesn't win I still want to say: "The world's better with you in it, kid."
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[x] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[x] You're still a pretty good singer Naka. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[x] Still a pretty good singer "Also, we might be able to rebuild you."
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
>>43210770 >the /fuck/ did settle say in the CiC. “How can you not understand?” you ask wearily. “How can you, of all *things,* not understand what they *are* to us?”
The other end of the line is literally as silent as the grave.
“Symbols of our nations. Shields for our civilians. Graves for our heroes.”
“We have them back,” you whisper. “By the grace of God, we have them back among us once more. And we'll be damned if we let them go again. You have *no* idea what you're fucking with.”
Quoted By:
>>43210740 [ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid.
Was that the one about men failing their ships and not the other way around.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210764 Our girls are defenders of our people, tombs for our heros.
That by gods grace we have them back and like hell we're gonna let the abyssals take them away from us again.
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
>>43210740 [ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word.
[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 [ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word.
>>43210740 [ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word.
[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid.
>>43210740 >[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[X] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 [ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[x] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Both is also good, but this is best
Quoted By:
[+] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[X] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Dirt
Quoted By:
>>43210791 thank you oh glorious aeronauticalqueer.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Sign my goddamn poster Idoru, I'm your new number one fan.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Anonymous
>>43210740 >[x] You're a pretty good singer, traffic cone. >[x] Other "Also, we can probably rebuild you as a seagoing Doof Wagon.
Quoted By:
>>43210649 find a proofreader, please.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[X] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210777 Yeah. We can be convinced that they were dumb words later, but we still meant them
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Anonymous
Why the difference. Why the choice between the two. BOTH is a /tg/ answer and probably isn't gonna fly with fap angel.>[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. We're not gonna give her back to the abyssals obviously. That we'll protect her. But what else are we promising with this.>[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. This one obviously helps to focus her on her path as an idol/singer. Help solidify her as a supporter. But wouldn't she still feel incomplete as a warship? Man, what to choose.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 "I want to hug you, but I can't walk straight to save Hate's life."
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[X] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210847 Let's see how she likes some All American Steel pounded into her.
>>43210859 Pick the latter.
Rebuild her as Doof Warship.
Sail into Valhalla, shiny and chrome.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. A singer is what can talk to the other side, get them to listen, maybe even bring that lost part of Naka back.
And the role has a big part in traditional Noh plays, which I think would promote a connection to wherever shipspirits come from.
>>43210649 Proof this shit you quebecois shitlord
...Can we talk about this? What these mean to us, and what they mean to Naka? Instead of just picking one, or having the gall to pick fucking both like it's not a decision?
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 #>[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210889 >Quebeçois shitlord Why did you feel the need to repeat yourself?
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>>43210740 Both.
She is what she was, and also what she has made of herself.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Besides, the singing gig isn't what she really wants to be doing.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 Both. No brainier.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >All you know is what you feel and you can't put it into words DO NOT TEST ME NIGGER.
>[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. >[ ] Write-In "Sing a song, Naka, about pain and suffering: But coming together under duress. Coming back after failure isn't a punishment. It's an opportunity." Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
>>43210880 >>43210847 Only if Settle gets an Immortan Joe style facemask
Quoted By:
>>43210897 I'm all up for it but I don't fully get what the first choice entails. It's all Settles bluster once more and taking everything onto his shoulders once more. IC, yes but the other option isn't wrong either.
>>43210897 Kids these days have no idea how to participate in a quest. I blame the hipity hop music.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[x] Pretty good singer, yah? Show her The Iron Giant until she gets the point.
Quoted By:
>[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. She's not our hero, and she's not even a good warship, let alone OUR warship. She's just Naka. And we like Naka.
>>43210740 If Hate is going his Marine voodoo to get Yamato back into the fight, can't we put him on double voodoo and have him get Naka back in the drink?
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[X] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Music is something that heal the soul. Naka needs that healing.
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >Say nothing. Just give her a hug. Anonymous
>>43210660 >more shipsluts Oh sweet baby Jesus what
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
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>>43210927 It's not that she can't get back in the fight, she doesn't WANT to go back. There's just no fight left in her.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
If this helps:>Remind her of what you said. This was an oath Settle swore to the enemies of all mankind. He has devoted his life to shielding his nation with his service and, if necessary, his very existence. He won't back down on this. >say she's a good singer Remind her that her duty as a warship isn't everything. She's not just a light cruiser, she's Naka, she of the shutter shades, she who gives Harder confused boners. Remind her that she's got a stake in this world beyond her duty.
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>You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. yeah let's not make two hollow-ass big-ideas speeches in one day.
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>>43210915 Go back to mixing drinks, Cosby.
>>43210915 We can tell her that she'll always have a place with us, and we'll fight to our last breath to make sure she and every one of them comes home every day. And if that kills us...whelp, that's literally what they pay us for.
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>>43210948 Planefag I love you, have me man babies.
>>43210955 >whelp, that's literally what they pay us for. They pay us to send people into harm's way to achieve operational objectives, preferably at minimum cost for maximum gain.
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>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
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>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. >>43210948 Sing kid.
Sing like you want to win.
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>>43210948 I feel like I made the right choice then. She's Naka.
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>>43210897 That first option.. talking about how the girls are all symbols and shields of the people...isn't Naka's whole deal that she feels she CAN'T be that anymore? I don't think throwing that in her face again will really do anything but convince her that Settle doesn't actually understand.
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>>43210740 >[x] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
>This was an oath Settle swore to the enemies of all mankind. He has devoted his life to shielding his nation with his service and, if necessary, his very existence. He won't back down on this. >What was that? I'm sorry hon, I can't hear your heartfelt confession over the sound of my issues. How about we talk about me now? Yeah, wonderful.
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>>43210740 >[X] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
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>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. She's a ship but she's also a girl. Even duty is over at some point. There's a life to live out there. If she dies the next day, so be it, but all wasted lives are a tragedy.
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>>43210740 >[x] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
>>43210948 So the question is, would reminding Naka that she has a stake beyond duty be a good thing when she says she wants to fulfill that duty and her entire idol persona was created because she couldn't fulfill that duty? That her duty is what she really wants to do, but can't, and that's what's been eating away at her?
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>>43210740 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Anonymous
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>>43210911 Given the limp, Settle would fit better as Max.
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>>43210948 If she goes full Cthulhu, think of how much extra paperwork we'll haft to deal with. That alone would be nightmare fuel.
>>43210989 Perhaps the matter is showing her combat is not the only way.
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>[X] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Goddamn I love this quest's Naka.
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>>43210989 Damnit stop making me question my vote.
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>>43210740 >>[ ] Do you remember what I said, in the CIC? About shipgirls? I meant it, Naka. I meant every damned word. Anonymous
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Shes thinking of herself too much as a warship. I guess the crux of the issue is once again. They are not girls entirely. They are not warships entirely either. And if they start to head down one path too much, it is up to us to bring them on that tightrope.
>>43210740 >>43210948 >[ ] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. I think that's the point we need to make. She isn't just a warship anymore. She has a reason to keep existing besides the need to fight.
In general, it seems like many of them are having trouble sorting out this new duality.
>>43210982 And like this guy said, let's keep the conversation about her.
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>>43210989 Yes.
Shes thinking far too much as a warship.
We have to remind her her girl side exists too. Shes not just a warship.
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>[X] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. >Naka implying that she hasn't been useful >Naka implying that she can't feel complete without being fight boat Naka is fine the way she is. She's such a great manipulator? Keep Settle from committing suicide by shipgirl.
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>>43210740 >[X] You're still a pretty good singer, traffic-cone. They gave a singer a medal, once, for what he did for the war effort. The world's better with you in it, kid. Remember how we go on that they are more than warships? I think this is the moment to keep our word on it.
>>43210994 >Perhaps the matter is showing her combat is not the only way. That's what the second option does, but Naka was saying that combat is instinctual for her and ship spirits; it's a part of their very being, and she thinks that part of that is what got left behind and became Abyssal.
Saying that maybe combat isn't for her, would be reinforcing the idol persona that Naka erected because she couldn't fight but still felt that by helping others in their Duty, she could fulfill some little bit of her own.
The very thing that Naka said was a complete lie as she broke down.
Fuck it, we just need to make The Iron Giant required viewing for all the shipgirls, shipboys, shipdogs and shipbirds that come back.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
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>>43211048 I like this idea, if only because I think everybody should see the movie whether or not they're a shipgirl.
>>43211006 >She isn't just a warship anymore >it seems like many of them are having trouble sorting out this new duality. Yes, that's true, but to deny the core desire to fight, to fulfill a Duty to defend the homeland by direct action against her enemies, is to deny the ship part. The part that Naka says exists in all shipgirls.
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>>43210968 They pay us to command. And command is about people -- and being whatever you need to be on that particular day. Part of that in the instant case may be demonstrating that we value each and every ship girl no less than any other person under our command, and a hell of a lot more than mere hardware!
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>>43211037 It's better to live a lie than to drown in depression until you can muster the will to off yourself. If she can't live for herself, then live for us, or her fans, someone.
We can't make her a working ship with our words, no matter how much conviction we put behind them. They're as empty as her Idol persona, but one is more soothing.
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>>43211037 Or we could just realize that absolutely nothing we can do is going to end well, this being a planefag quest, and just ride out the storm. Maybe if we're lucky there'll still be something standing at the end.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 06:32:27 No. 43211092 Report >>43211057 Just to check, we're reaching the end, right?
Because I can feel my brain shutting down for sleep.
It's quite strange.
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>>43211037 It could be her fretting too much on some things and ignoring others.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
>>43211092 Yes.
>>43211064 I think that's probably why the second option mentions a guy getting a medal. She can help in the war effort in ways other than being a large destroyer
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>I missed Naka and Settle getting drunk and simultaneously trying to unfuck eachother because of my commute Damn this world
>>43211092 PATHETIC.
It's only 6:35 in the morning here. I figure I'll just wait until this evening to sleep.
>125 unique posters Christ on a cracker
>>43211092 >Harbor ship >Needing sleep You are a pathetic faggot.
>>43211145 WELCOME TO A PLANEFAG QUEST! We have cookies in the fridge and milk in the booze cabinet. Make yourself at home.
>>43211138 >6:35 It's 7:38 over here
the fluff bringer !!LZgdL3bvwfv
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I need to post up the next section of my fic before my systems shut down for the night. So here it is.
http://pastebin.com/uy0p2SM8 Anonymous
>Next time on Shipsluts >Naka commits suicide >Goto is flogging himself because he didn't even see the signs >Sendai too stoic to tank about it, combat performance drops >Massive PR nightmare, morale at all-time low, the person who dealt with this is dead now wtf do we do. >Yamato plans shelved. >Corgis under the microscope. >Harder heartbroken. >It's all your fault anon, because you picked two choices instead of one.
>>43211104 Deme, I don't think the image limit or thread autosage will be able to wait for one more huge update.
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>>43211111 >She can help in the war effort in ways other than being a large destroyer She can, she knows she can, she's been doing that by being an idol singer.
And she said that it was all a lie because it still doesn't fulfill the Duty that's in her heart.
Not being a destroyer, but a support person, an idol singer that nonetheless uplifts the spirits of hundreds of thousands, is still unfulfilling and devoid of what makes her feel like she's doing what she's meant to do, no matter how much she knows that consciously she's helping the fight more as a singer than as a ship.
In fact, it's being a shipgirl, and being more useful as a girl than as a ship, that's made her so depressed.
And telling her that this is the way things have to be, that she should be a singer than a fighter, has it's own set of problems even if it works for Naka.
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>>43211169 If the United States inexplicably invades a random country tomorrow, let it be know that it is all planefag's fault for keeping me up so late...and that is what I shall tell the Congressional oversight committees...
>>43211181 >image limit Shit I didn't even notice
Who the fuck's Sendai again?
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>>43211179 >Corgis under the microscope. >It's all Corgis >All the way down Anonymous
>>43211171 It's 11:40 here.
Y'all need to come over to west coast best coast.
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>>43211207 naka's ninja sister
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>>43211181 Autosage will probably last us, //tg/ iasm't too sanic
>>43211207 Lead ship of Naka and Kintsuu's class.
Bit of a hardassed cunt from what we've seen
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>>43211207 Lead ship of the Sendai class. Naka's big sister. Ninja with a thing for "Night Battle!"
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>>43211200 we need to either end soon or new bread
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 06:42:36 No. 43211237 Report Quoted By:
>>43211104 Oh, good.
And what a CRUNCHENING it was. We made more progress than many a session before.
>>43211138 >>43211155 My body does not allow me that luxury nowadays. Too much sleep debt accrued, I just shut down abruptly when it has had enough.
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>>43211207 The Naka who doesn't suck at everything warship.
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>>43211207 Normally a ninjaish night battle nut, but in the quest she's a hard ass that gives Kaga a run for her money.
>>43211211 Best coast west coast. Though sometimes it's weird being on the edge of the world timezone wise. Couple days ago we had our federal elections up in Canada and the polls closed at 7pm. But by 7pm west coast time they are already counting the eastern votes. So what tends to happen is that things are decided hours before and counting our votes is basically a formality.
Merc Command !3QUDPTn2Js
>>43211207 Best ninja ship.
>>43211288 So Tarin will take the place of Sendai?
>>43211211 No thanks, I actually enjoy having water.
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>>43211302 apply cold water to burned area...oh wait
>>43211302 >Going to shit-tier Cali >Not god-tier Washington Anonymous
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>>43211288 If she's a ninja, and thus a special forces type, shouldn't she be
going commando ?
>>43211274 Hahaha
Dude with the riding distribution the entire western half of Canada votes as a formality
The only time our votes matter is when Ontario and Quebec are being indecisive pricks
I'm an Albertan. And still drunk trying to forget that Mr.NEP jr won the damn election Anonymous
>>43211325 Bitch you're on fire too.
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>>43211302 Move to Canada, we have all the rain you could ever not want.
>>43211288 >>43211299 >Tarin Antisub Warfare >Tarin not appearing in this battle, subs confused by lack of opposition >Subsluts find depth charges in their morning cheerios Anonymous
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>>43211104 planefag, we're about to hit the image limit
just a heads up
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>>43211357 Shit dawg it's been raining this whole week and it's amazing.
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>>43211331 Why, did you vote conservative? I was just hoping for Harper to be out, I wasn't expecting both them and the ndp to get so BTFO. Merc Command !3QUDPTn2Js
>>43211299 Nah, Tarin's got her own thing.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 06:57:29 No. 43211404 Report Quoted By:
>>43211331 Democracy is democracy. And Democracy said Canada was tired of Harper.
I know, because I voted Liberal. Sort of surprised by the landslide victory, though.
Merc Command !3QUDPTn2Js
>>43211400 Have you ever thought about not recycling characters?
You've been using the same ones since fucking VMQ1.
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>>43211451 Motherfucker just REALLY likes Fire Emblem.
>>43211104 ... Er, what's a Crunchberry?
Do I even want to know?
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>>43211451 That's like asking planefag not to have nutters or hijinks in his quests.
That and its' to the point were it'd be werider if Tarin didn't show up somewhere.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 07:03:49 No. 43211479 Report Quoted By:
>>43211469 Referring to Heather Crunch.
>>43211469 Read MGNQ
>>43211451 Tarin is the only character who is constantly re-used.
>>43211491 >Read MGNQ Why would anyone want to willingly do that.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
Merc Command !3QUDPTn2Js
>>43211451 Heh, think of it as a movie director using the same actors over multiple movies, how like almost every Wes Anderson movie has Bill Murray, or practically every Spielberg movie has Tom Hanks somewhere in it.
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>>43211491 >>43211534 She's not even in MGNQ. She's strictly a write-up character.
>>43211538 Are you sure? If its one last big update I think we have time before this falls off.
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 07:09:28 No. 43211559 Report Quoted By:
>>43211538 ... Well, it was somewhat expected.
>>43211542 Or how Hitchcock always cameo-ed in his own movies.
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>>43211542 More like Tim Burton, in this case
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>>43211538 Sweet.
>Captcha: images of pies. >NO KEY LIME PIES. What the fuck.
I am increasingly sure that we've screwed things up forever. This quest makes me feel that pretty often. Why do I even read this thing?
Merc Command !3QUDPTn2Js
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>>43211542 >>43211451 Also, because it's
fun Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw
Bentus The Great Harbour Ship !JFkWzoRsqw Thu 22 Oct 2015 07:13:03 No. 43211608 Report Quoted By:
>>43211586 Many asked themselves that very question. Yet still, they returned.
I'm here for the laughs.
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>>43211586 You're here forever dess!
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>>43211586 because secretly you enjoy the feeling of helplessness waiting for the next update to see how bad things really fucking are.
planefag !!0ZviLFh59My
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>>43211561 THERE IS THREAD
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>>43211586 Because the characters can't just give up when everything goes horrible, and so neither can you. Until we manage to get so low that we steal a gun and eat it, we have to keep moving onward.
Ther eis literally no other option but to cling and survive.
Which is, yaknow, compelling