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!!0ZviLFh59My No.43208043 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
“Why do we fear them so much?” you ask sharply. In the shadowed confines of this little cell your long-buried irritations are itching harder than ever, worming their way to the surface. “They came back for us, didn't they? Either on their own, or because we called them, and they answered. If we can't trust them, why are we making them fight our battles? We draw chalk circles around them and put up “No Unauthorized Personnel” signs and then we go 'gee gosh' when they go bugshit and we never noticed the signs? Does that rea-”

“You really think it's voluntary?” Goto says, his tone so flat and empty that it cuts you off mid-rant. “Settle, has Naka ever told you about how she was summoned? Because I was there. I saw it.” He takes a deep breath, composing himself. “It wasn't beautiful. It wasn't special. And it sure as *hell* wasn't *voluntary.* We were trying for a battleship - Haruna, I think - and we ended up with her. First thing she heard was the shinto priest apologizing for mucking things up and getting her instead.” He falls silent again, his dark eyes focused on something in the unseen distance. “She found a purpose, eventually. Found a place. She's... happy.”

You wince.

“I think.”

You wince more.