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[94 / 4 / ?]

Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest #49

!hpSHZaglII No.43222464 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>You are a villager girl named Ellen from a small village in the nation of Neir, on the continent of Teege. As a member of the local militia/guard in your destroyed hometown, you were trained in swordplay. Your fighting style is best compared to the hero class, though you're officially considered a knight of Neir. Occasionally, you will shift to another character's POV for a thread or part of a thread if the events they witness are important to know/influence. This will be revealed in the thread's first update if it's the case.

>Your particular goal in a given thread changes often, but at the moment the overarching plot involves the impending war with Dain, as it and its allies start to take action.

>The questmasters are Octoling (myself), and Grandflaw. There's no particular rhyme or reason to who posts when, and sometimes one of us might not appear all.

>Character Death is always a possibility (this is Fire Emblem after all), but your actions can very easily influence who lives and who dies.

>Voting periods will last an average of ten to fifteen minutes, but this may be increased, decreased, or generally changed at any given moment based on voter turnout.

>The previous threads are archived on suptg. A link to the most recent (coupled with summary and a list of characters) is pasted

>Our update twitter is and you can shoot us questions at

>An up-to-date link to all threads currently archived: