Well, I had no idea how this was gonna go, but everything turned out a lot better than I had hoped!
>>43256889>Looks like someone went shopping.Yes, as some players no doubt realize, there are a lot of the new Halloween-themed minifigs in this game! I had an idea a while back to run a high-school drama game, but then a few months ago I was looking at the leaked images of this CMF wave and realized it would be fun to make a monster high school game for Halloween.
There are a ton of Easter eggs in this episode so far...
>>43256057Mr. Stiffman is the CMF Zombie Businessman
>>43256075Felicity Line is the CMF Tiger Lady
>>43256088Daisy Pushup is the CMF Zombie Cheerleader
>>43256138These fly guys as well
>>43257135Principal Helman is of course a parody of Pinhead from Hellraiser
>>43266017Colleen and Misa both have joke names
>>43266797Antoinette is the CMF Spooky Girl from S12
>>43266967Adam is the CMF Frankenstein Rocker
>>43267748The skeleton posers are CMF Skeleton Guys
>>43267902Harry Henderson is the CMF Squarefoot
>>43268600The math teacher is the CMF Spider Lady