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[171 / 9 / ?]

Tank Commander Quest #9

!lDotVqD7Ro No.43257909 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Trace of one of my models edition. I sculpted the model so it’s not cheating.

Previous thread:

Pastebin shit:
(contains info dumps, summaries, and other crap; not up to date)

September 18th, 1932

Abbreviated Combat Report to 2nd Royal Guards Division HQ, from 2nd Panzergrenadier Regimental Command.

At 07:24, encountered enemy mass assault. Retreated, cornered at river bend. Called in artillery at 07:58, drove away enemy. 2nd and 5th Companies suffered heavy casualties, is to be considered combat ineffective. 1st and 3rd suffered 50% casualties, temporarily merged into 1st Company. Encountered friendly armor at 09:13, joined counter attack at 09:44. 1st Company annihilated while attacking enemy positions at 10:21. Called in artillery to destroy enemy fortifications at 10:40. Began second assault at 11:10. Drove out enemy, captured seventy three prisoners. Received message from 2nd Battalion that they were under attack from enemy armor at 13:32. 7th Company forced to retreat, 8th Company is cut off from friendly lines. 8th Company reports situation stabilized at 16:40 due to arrival of other elements of division. At 18:00 worked with elements of 34th Infantry and Reconaissance Battalion to attack enemy positions at Hill 20. Forced enemy into area to the east of settlement of Weissbrucke. Fierce fighting until 20:45, light casualties. Surrounded enemy positions in the open as they retreated, captured 2,120 prisoners. Interrogations reveal that enemy intends to fortify Weissbrucke and turn the affair into a siege.

Recommendation: Assume Procedure 11. Prisoners report nearly 3,000 fortified in north of city, our Division is too depleted to assault conventionally. Bertholite shells are one of few in great supply. If enemy concentration is eliminated, organized enemy resistance will be negligible.

End of Report