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Thirster Quest 1

!lLNX3um0Ec No.43322952 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Images swirl in your head, nothing settling. That which you think you can identify, wriggles and writhes, twisting out of clarity. A voice resonates throughout your mind, and shapes solidify.

The voice is your Mother's, “In the world that was, people lived happy and carefree. The Gods' gift of water lay plentiful across the land. Water would fall from the sky and carry down from the highest mountains to lie together in enormous quantities, called lakes and oceans, and all the world grew with life.” Underneath you forms a great expanse of green and blue, and countless other colours you've never seen before. With a rush, you descend into it, feeling the ground harden beneath our feet. Raising your head to the heavens, you bask in the cool waters raining from the heights and cascading down your skin.

“We loved the Gods and the Gods loved us well. Leaving for another world, the Gods entrusted us with the care of their child, Lun - their greatest gift. Not yet hatched, Lun hung in the sky above the world, safely tucked in a great egg. It was the love of us that fed Lun's life spirit. One thousand years it would take for Lun to hatch.” The heavens part to reveal an enormous orb floating high above you; silver and gold and glowing with life. Just looking at it fills you with love. Feelings of safety and glee overwhelm you the more you look at it.

“But over the years our love turned to hate. Hate for each other, hate for the Gods' gifts, hate of the limitations they put upon us. So it was Lun was destroyed. The sky grew red with our hate as it grew, turning Lun dark with it. Lun cried and called out in pain within the egg, rocking the world with great storms and quakes. One day, it became too much for poor Lun, and the egg cracked. Sadly Lun perished as the egg exploded, showering the world with fragments.”