[53 / 10 / ?]
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Images swirl in your head, nothing settling. That which you think you can identify, wriggles and writhes, twisting out of clarity. A voice resonates throughout your mind, and shapes solidify. The voice is your Mother's, “In the world that was, people lived happy and carefree. The Gods' gift of water lay plentiful across the land. Water would fall from the sky and carry down from the highest mountains to lie together in enormous quantities, called lakes and oceans, and all the world grew with life.” Underneath you forms a great expanse of green and blue, and countless other colours you've never seen before. With a rush, you descend into it, feeling the ground harden beneath our feet. Raising your head to the heavens, you bask in the cool waters raining from the heights and cascading down your skin. “We loved the Gods and the Gods loved us well. Leaving for another world, the Gods entrusted us with the care of their child, Lun - their greatest gift. Not yet hatched, Lun hung in the sky above the world, safely tucked in a great egg. It was the love of us that fed Lun's life spirit. One thousand years it would take for Lun to hatch.” The heavens part to reveal an enormous orb floating high above you; silver and gold and glowing with life. Just looking at it fills you with love. Feelings of safety and glee overwhelm you the more you look at it. “But over the years our love turned to hate. Hate for each other, hate for the Gods' gifts, hate of the limitations they put upon us. So it was Lun was destroyed. The sky grew red with our hate as it grew, turning Lun dark with it. Lun cried and called out in pain within the egg, rocking the world with great storms and quakes. One day, it became too much for poor Lun, and the egg cracked. Sadly Lun perished as the egg exploded, showering the world with fragments.”
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
The orb turns a deep blood red. The ground rocks and shakes beneath your feet, and a great shriek pierces your ears. A split forms on the face of the orb and with a thunderous crash it splits open into a billion tiny pieces. The sky turns red and black, filled with the fiery fragments cascading from the heavens. “That's when the Gods returned...” You wake in the heat of the morning and lick your cracked lips as you inhale the dry air. The next thing you feel is the intense thirst of the morning. Ever since you began to have those dreams its gotten worse and worse. High thirst in the morning has always been a part of life, but its never been this bad. With a small stretch, you roll over onto your knees and begin your prayers. Giving thanks to the Gods for the water that remains and begging forgiveness for the crimes of your ancestors. When you're finished you reach for a small, cork-stoppered bottle, remove the top and trickle the meagre contents down your throat. The God's gift flows into your mouth, where you hold it briefly, letting it fill, before swallowing it down. Putting the empty bottle to the side, you allow yourself to fill with excitement as you recall that this is the day you begin your new life as a Thirster. You'd always idolised the heroes who ventured out into the wastes of the Gods' Vengeance, taking only what water could be spared, searching for supplies and scavenging what they can; but then, who didn't? One month ago, a vacancy opened and you were selected. The last month was spent in intense training and preparation, particularly testing your limits of dehydration. Today, you finally get to meet your fellow Thirsters and step outside for the first time. Today, you are Cass the Thirster! Pulling your clothes on, you think you've still got a little time left before you need to be at the Drop-off. What should you do?>Rush over there early. >Try find your friends. >Make a final good-luck prayer at the Temple. >write-in
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
Sup /tg/ I've got an afternoon spare, so I thought I'd try a concept that's been sitting in my brain. Also:>Male/Female?
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>>43322973 >Make a final good-luck prayer at the Temple. >Male Giving me dune vibes.
>>43322973 >Make a final good luck prayer at the temple >Male Anonymous
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>>43323043 Female
>>43322973 Good luck prayer
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>>43322973 >Find your friends >Female Let's try something new why not
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>>43322973 >>Try find your friends. >>Male Anonymous
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>>43322973 >>Try find your friends. >>43323043 Female?
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
Thanks for comin guys, will close voting at the O'Clock
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>>43322973 >Final good luck prayer >Female Anonymous
>>43323229 When is 00:00 for you, then?
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>>43322973 >>Rush over there early. >>43323043 Female/Futa
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
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>>43323242 Ausfag here. Midnight is in another 11 hours or so
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>>43322973 >Make a final good-luck prayer at the Temple. >Male Anonymous
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>>43322973 >Final good luck prayer >Male Anonymous
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>>43323043 >>Male/Female? Female
>>43322973 >>Make a final good-luck prayer at the Temple. BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
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>>43323043 >Rush over there early. >Male Anonymous
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>>43323136 Changing my vote to Female; why the fuck not?
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
Displeasing the Gods led to the World's near destruction, and it was their mercy that allowed some water to remain, giving hope for life to persist. You'd be mad if you stepped out into their vengeance without giving tribute at the Circle of Lun. You heave open the heavy metal door of your living quarters and make to leave. The Scribes say the old world simply called these “Containers”, and they were used to store great volumes of cargo for journeys over the immense oceans. In the days of the Gods' Wrath, the survivors took these containers and joined them together to form the Tunnels of Mercy, where you live. Stepping outside, the corridors are silent. Its definitely too early for most people, not that they make much noise when they're awake anyway. Quickly you make your way along the metal passages to the great hall that houses the Temple. Like the corridors, the inside is devoid of people. The walls and floor sit bare except for 2 circles carved into the floor in the centre; one large, one small within. You take a deep breath and step forward, entering the large circle on your knee. A necessary custom, you must always come to the Gods on your knees, lest they think you don't mean to beg forgiveness. Placing your fingers in your mouth you gather up a gob of saliva and wipe it on the floor in offering, and begin humming your prayer under your breath. When finished, you rest back on your knees and soak in the Gods' presence. You eye the smaller circle located within the larger one. Supposedly, that circle gave a close connection to the Gods, but only the Exonerated may sit within. You toy with the idea of shuffling inside it; no-one is around to see you. At the same time you spot a small bundle of brown cloth in the far corner of the hall that isn't usually there. You could investigate that, but you know you're running out of time to be at the Drop-off now.>Kneel in smaller circle >investigate bundle >go to Drop-off >write in Female
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
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Sorry if it takes a while for me to do the writeup. Everything is from scratch lol
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>>43323538 >>Kneel in smaller circle Anonymous
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>>43323538 >investigate the bundle Anonymous
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>>43323538 >investigate bundle BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
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I'll give it another 10-15mins then close the voting
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>>43323538 >>investigate bundle BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
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alright, writing
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
You decide against moving to the smaller circle. It's probably best not to anger the Gods on this day. That bundle, however, catches your eye. This Temple is always clear of anything else, part of showing the Gods the sincerity of our regret. The only items that will ever fill this room will be those that the Gods place there themselves. You cautiously step over to it and kneel down beside. Touching the cloth, you definitely feel something hard within. It's no longer than the length of your forearm, and maybe twice as big. You pick it up, it's got some weight, but it's not too heavy. As you lift it, you hear a small click. You prepare to lift the cloth to see what's underneath when a cough followed by the metallic clang of footsteps walking down the corridor outside reach your ears. They're definitely getting closer! You could peek at the bundle now, but those steps are probably the Exonerated, and if this bundle has any sort of contraband in it, you'd be caught red-handed. No matter what you would say to him, he'd enforce a penance on you. Alternatively you could run back to your quarters and look at it in privacy. By the same token, time is wasting and you need to be at the Drop-off pretty soon.>peek now >run back to quarters >go to drop-off >write-in
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>>43324134 >>go to drop-off Take it with us though, we're just keeping the sepulcher clean and ready for the Gods
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>>43324134 >>go to drop-off Anonymous
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
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giving it another 10 mins
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
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Alright, Drop-off it is, writing.
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
Realising that being late on your first day is never a good idea, you shove the bundle inside your jacket and make for the Drop-off. As you come to the doors of the Temple, you hear a grunt as they swing inwards towards you. On the other side is the Exonerated, the caretaker of the Circle of Lun.. A tall man of many years and not much hair, he startles as you come into view. “Daughter, shouldn't you be at the Drop-off by now? If you have need for divine guidance, the Gods can hear your prayers wherever you say them.” His eyes narrow as they pass down your body and fix on the hard-to-hide bulge of the bundle. To say the Exonerated had a reputation for being nosy, would be an understatement. Not to mention rumours of other... indiscretions. The longer you stay, the more likely the luck you prayed for would run out. “Yes, Exonerated, please forgive me.” You mumble meekly as you push past him, taking care not to break into a sprint and raise even more suspicion. As you flee the scene, you hear him grumble under his breath, but he doesn't stop you. Making for the Drop-off you pass through a number of the residential corridors, now beginning to stir with signs of life as people start their day. Climbing higher through the Tunnels they give way to silence again as you near the Drop-off; the point where the Tunnels and safety end, and you enter the Gods' Vengeance. Thirsters are usually the only people you'd see up here, although as you rise the last set of stairs, you see someone who is definitely not a thirster look up at you and shout “Hey!” It's (choose up to 2):>Leece, your best friend since you were kids. She works as a nurse in the infirmary >Mycah, your other best friend since you were kids. He works in the Kitchens. >Hal, your uncle. He's taken care of you since your parents died when you were 8. >Jene, your cousin. She's a year older, and a year meaner. >Jock, the old man you befriended. He works in the libraries.
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>>43324644 >>Jene, your cousin. She's a year older, and a year meaner. Anonymous
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>>43324644 >>Hal, your uncle. He's taken care of you since your parents died when you were 8. BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
You sigh when your eyes spot your 'beloved' cousin Jene. You're not sure why, but she's always had it in for you since you can remember, which made it all the harder when your parents received the Punishment of the Gods and died, and your uncle took you in. One year older than you, she also has the advantage of being taller and stronger, and has never failed to shove that in your face with her constant bullying. “Hey there Cass-hole, thought you'd leave without a goodbye kiss?” She raises a fist as she talks. You're not sure where she learnt her anatomy, but those don't look like any lips you've seen before. “Back-off, drinker.” You try to step past her, but she blocks your path. “I'm a Thirster now Jene, I've got better things to do than pretend to care about your shit.” She shoves you up against one wall. “You're no Thirster, just a weak little cry-baby.” You catch her by surprise as you push back against her, sending her reeling against the opposite wall. That never happens! Maybe that prayer was heard after all? You hear a clang on the floor in front of you and look down to see the bundle having fallen from your jacket, now lying between the two of you. Jene's eyes light up at the sight of it, you see her tensing, preparing to make a move. “Girls!” Come a shout from the stairs you just ascended. You recognise your uncle's voice, but don't dare turn away in case she tries to snatch the bundle.>dive for bundle (roll 1d100) >”She started it!” >let Jene take the bundle >pretend the bundle is Jene's >claim the bundle is yours (tell truth or lie about finding it?) >write-in
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Rolled 69 (1d100) >>43325117 >>dive for bundle Anonymous
>>43325117 Dive for the bundle
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Rolled 2 (1d100) >>43325765 Dammit
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
You see Jene eyeing the bundle hungrily, and if you don't make your move soon either she'll have it all to herself, or potentially worse, your uncle will take it. So you decide to trust in the luck you prayed for and dive forward scrabbling for the bundle. Unfortunately, Jene seems to have had the same idea, as she lunges at the same time. Your heads collide comically and black spots momentarily cover your vision. You look up and you seem to have recovered ahead of her though. Thanking the Gods for the luck they've given you today, you reach out for the bundle. Some of the cloth wrapping of the bundle has come loose in the struggle, and you see the bottom of what looks to be a number of small, orange, cylindrical tubes bound together. Without time to think about what they could be, you hastily cover it back over and tuck it inside your jacket again, then turn to face your uncle. “What have I told you girls about fighting like that? It's not worth the water. Particularly you Cass, a Thirster should know better.” You cast your eyes down to avoid your uncles disappointed gaze. It's a very effective technique at making you feel sad. Jene groans as she sits up, which she turns into a growl of anger when she realises you snatched the bundle first. “Now what is that you're fighting over?” Hal asks, holding out his hand.>give Hal the bundle >lie [write in] >tell the truth, but keep the bundle >run >write-in
>>43326047 Let Hal take a look at the bumdle, explain where we found it and why we took it, he's older and might have an idea of what it is, we should keep it though and we do need to be running, we're going to be late
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>>43326216 Sounds alright.
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
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You sigh and hand the bundle over, feeling relief and anticipation wash over you. “I don't know what it is.” You explain, “I found it in the Temple, sitting in the back corner. I haven't looked at what it is yet.” He takes it from you and carefully unfolds the wrappings of cloth. Jene eyes it longingly but doesn't make a move against her father. He removes the last layer of brown cloth. In his hands lie a bundle of long, thin glass tubes. Each one is about the length of your forearm and the width of your thumb, and there's a good fifteen or twenty of them in the bundle. The tubes themselves appear to be divided into two halves. The bottom half contains what looks like a coarse, orange powder, and the top containing what looks like water. In between these two halves is some sort of block, separating them, but it looks like it could be dislodged by pressing on the outside of the tube. In fact, that must've been the click you heard earlier as you spy one tube different to the others that is half-filled with an orange, milky liquid. Your uncle remains silent and turns the bundle over in his hands. “What is it?” Jene blurts. “...Sun-Dust.” Your uncle says almost under his breath, as though struggling with a long-distant memory. “Swallow the dust when you're under extreme dehydration and it'll sustain you for a short period of time. But combine with water and you have a potent drug that causes memory loss and total obedience, if mixed correctly. Thirsters can keep a small amount on their person, but I've never heard of it in these quantities, and not rigged for quick administering of its drug form like this. And it's definitely forbidden for any other than Thirsters to carry it” cont
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
“Who were you going to enslave Cass-hole?” Jene teased, but her eyes showed a caution that wasn't normally there. “Quiet Jene!” Hal snapped before turning to you. “You understand I cannot let you keep this, I must take it to the First immediately. You however, cannot be late for your first day as Thirster.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small pouch. “I have this as a small present for you, just in case” You take the pouch and quickly peek inside. About a thimble's worth of the same orange powder sagged in the bottom of the pouch. “Where'd you get that, Father?” Asked Jene. “If it's supposed to be contraband for us.” “Never mind that.” He responded quickly. “You'd best be on your way now, it'll be hard enough making friends with those Thirsters without keeping them waiting. Good luck out there.” “Good luck dying of thirst, Cass-hole” Jene offered as a farewell.>say goodbye >question Hal further >try steal the tubes and run (1d100) >get the last word over on Jene (1d100) >write in
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
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giving it another 10 mins
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>>43326656 >>say goodbye Let's get this show on the road. Also maybe we should suggest to not be too overt about questions it if he's curious. I'm already paranoid.
(Late night, it seems.)
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
BananaHammock !lLNX3um0Ec
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“Goodbye, Uncle.” You say as you reach forward and pull him into a hug. He responds stiffly like he always does. He was never a big fan of physical affection. Behind his back Jene scowls in your direction, drawing a finger across her throat. You consider stealing the last work on her, but decide against it. Today you start a new life, and you're going to be a new person who doesn't give in to that silliness. “Be careful with those.” You add, breaking the embrace. “They've got me worried. Particularly if the Exonerated is involved.” “Never fear, I'll take care of it.” He responds with a smile. “I want to hear lots of stories when you return!” “You bet!” You turn away as he pats you on the back. Tucking the pouch into your jacket for safe keeping you head towards the big, red door at the end of the corridor marked: DROP-OFF | NO ADMITTANCE. You reach the doors and with a deep breath heave them open, and step through to your new life. END Ep 1. Sorry guys, I was planning to hang around for a few hours more and hoping to do a bit more, but I have been called into work (joy of joys), so this is a good spot to stop I guess. Sorry we didn't get too far. I'd be happy to take any comments, questions, theories, criticisms etc. I'll be here for the next half-hour or so before the bus comes.