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Hundred Year War Quest 10 [Avatar]

!!lxd4MWOtv/G No.43370845 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. The world slowly smoldered as the Air Nomads were eradicated by the Fire Nation, leaving nothing but empty homes in their wake. The Fire Nation has already started a full-scale campaign on the Southern Water Tribe, beginning the cycle of death anew.

Fifty years this war has raged, scorching the forests and destroying lives. Many have died and all hope of the Avatar's return has been extinguished, but life goes on. The walls of Ba Sing Se, Omashu, and the Northern Water Tribe have held the Fire Nation at bay, seemingly nothing can penetrate them. As always, there is also solace in wandering.

But this isn't a story about the Avatar, or a king, or even a hero, this is the story of Kuo, a wandering Firebender.


>Thread 2 because 4chan broke:

>Character sheet:

>The Cast so far: