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{Previous threads http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?searchall=space+monkey
movelist with updated PLs: http://pastebin.com/c4WftYiC }
With another student studying under you, this one unable to take high gravity training, you do have to cut back on your own progress, still... Videl's got drive. She manages to pick up flying in just a few short days... still a bit iffy on being able to control her ki into blasts, but she's making progress.
Kuriza swings by after a few days, proudly bearing his champions belt on his shoulder, thanking you for the lessons, and asks you for pointers on increasing his stamina and energy control, which you oblige.
Kid's getting stronger by the day, catching up to you freakishly fast. Kid's got potential out the ass, and his speed compensates for the slight strength difference as he whips around the room, using his tail to trip you up as he fights.
Of course, Videl twigs on to the fact that the champ should have been fighting in the junior division as well, staring sourly at the Arcosion boy as the three of you break for lunch.
"Was ANYONE in the tournament an actual grown up?" She asks bitterly.
Kuriza counts off on his fingers, "Goku, Raditz, Risel, Teito-"
You cut him off, "It was just him and Gohan kid. Besides, if they'd fought in your tournament, you'd have wiped to them without either trying. That what you want?"
She sags back in her chair, shaking her head and lapsing into silence. She seems... less energetic than usual today, her snarky remarks are few and far between, lost some of her fire.
>You know what'll take your mind off it? Training harder!
>Something else on your mind?
>Might not be too late for you to learn shape shifting too, you know.
>Write in
movelist with updated PLs: http://pastebin.com/c4WftYiC }
With another student studying under you, this one unable to take high gravity training, you do have to cut back on your own progress, still... Videl's got drive. She manages to pick up flying in just a few short days... still a bit iffy on being able to control her ki into blasts, but she's making progress.
Kuriza swings by after a few days, proudly bearing his champions belt on his shoulder, thanking you for the lessons, and asks you for pointers on increasing his stamina and energy control, which you oblige.
Kid's getting stronger by the day, catching up to you freakishly fast. Kid's got potential out the ass, and his speed compensates for the slight strength difference as he whips around the room, using his tail to trip you up as he fights.
Of course, Videl twigs on to the fact that the champ should have been fighting in the junior division as well, staring sourly at the Arcosion boy as the three of you break for lunch.
"Was ANYONE in the tournament an actual grown up?" She asks bitterly.
Kuriza counts off on his fingers, "Goku, Raditz, Risel, Teito-"
You cut him off, "It was just him and Gohan kid. Besides, if they'd fought in your tournament, you'd have wiped to them without either trying. That what you want?"
She sags back in her chair, shaking her head and lapsing into silence. She seems... less energetic than usual today, her snarky remarks are few and far between, lost some of her fire.
>You know what'll take your mind off it? Training harder!
>Something else on your mind?
>Might not be too late for you to learn shape shifting too, you know.
>Write in