Archive: Twitter: Pastebin: The girl in the silly hat sits across from me. The tea I set out for the both of us is probably cold by now.
That doesn't matter. What matters now is getting her to understand that I'm not her enemy!
"No." She smiles at me, bemused.
Then she sticks her tongue out at me.
She might be a little hard to convince to come to my side.
I am Itsukuma Masami, and I may have just bought myself a little bit of time. Asai has escaped from his prison! I don't know where he's hiding in town, but I do know that the goliath he's planning to use as a weapon is assembling itself. It's a stone titan made entirely of the bits and pieces making up Fortune HQ, if this girl across from me is to be believed.
Speaking of which, I'm fairly sure that this girl meant to stop me before I got too close to Asai. Her form in the real-world is that of a very scary and condesending clown. Fortunately, I happened to make a card that is able to bring both of us to the other world. It puts her in a human form, just so we can have a talk, face-to-face. I'm really glad I made this card, now! Maybe my original plan for it, to make Asai into a human, isn't as far off as I think it is.
If I can just convince this girl that fighting Asai is in both of our interests, maybe she'll let me go. Or better, maybe she'll help me find Asai!
"Now." She props her feet up on the table. "Let me go. We have a fight to finish, Masami!"
Or, maybe not. She's not going to be an easy case to crack.
Heart of the cards !!pH/e4J4SwW8
"Listen!" I slap my hands on the table. "Asai has been using you as a tool! You haven't even had a proper childhood! Don't you want to know what the life that has been taken from you is like?" She grins, "Unlike YOU, I am perfectly content with my place in life that has been given to me. I am purpose, and I'm very good at it." "And I'm saying!" My voice raises even louder, "That you don't NEED to be given a place in life! You aren't a tool to be used and thrown away by Asai!" "What was that? I'm not listening." She's grinning, kicking the imaginary table with her feet. "La la la la la la la la~" I want to punch her, but in this strange other-world house, I'm not sure how much good it would do.>"Why can't you be reasonable!?" >"If you help me.. I'll give you sweets!" >"Don't you want to have a family?" >"You don't think Asai thinks of you as family, do you!?" >"You say you're content? I think you're lying! I think you're moments away from cracking but are putting on a strong face!" >Other?
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>>43396185 >>"You say you're content? I think you're lying! I think you're moments away from cracking but are putting on a strong face!" It won't crack her right away, but from her responses we could glean some useful info to find a weak spot.
>>43396185 >"You don't think Asai thinks of you as family, do you!?" >"If you help me.. I'll give you sweets!" Anonymous
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>>43396185 >>"You don't think Asai thinks of you as family, do you!?" Anonymous
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>>43396185 >might as well try and punch her in the face Heart of the cards !!pH/e4J4SwW8
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Oh man, the pain of connection problems. >"You don't think Asai thinks of you as family, do you!?" >"If you help me.. I'll give you sweets!" Writing!
Heart of the cards !!pH/e4J4SwW8
"Come on! You don't think Asai thinks of you as family, do you!?" "He didn't make me as family." She crosses her arms. "He made me to be a soldier in his army. You too!" "If he didn't make you as family, then why do you continue to follow him!? What possible reason do you have to keep dragging along behind him when you know he's not going to love you at the end of the day?" "I don't care about 'love', Masami. That's meaningless to both you and I." "If you join my family, I'll give you sweets! We have lots of sweets in my house!" "Masami." She stands up, stretching her arms. "We need to talk about something. I think you're obsessed with this concept of 'family'." "Of course I am! Family means the world to me!" "Well quit it!" She reaches across the table and grabs my shoulders. "YOUR FAMILY ISN'T YOUR FAMILY! YOU AREN'T A HUMAN!" "Family isn't necessarily something you're born with!" "Family is EXACTLY THE DEFINITION of something you were born with!" She adds emphasis on the middle section of her sentence, before spinning around. "Masami, family is a human concept." She sighs, "Family is something humans created to nurture and spread their genes." "You have to want a family! You follow Asai!" "I follow Asai because his will is in my interests. I want to live in his world. A world made for monsters, such as us." "I don't want that kind of world!" "Don't be dumb!" She slaps her palm on the table. "What would you even know about being a monster? You're trying to live like a human! You're still going for schooling that you don't need and making friends with little human kids who are objectively inferior to you?" She grins, "What would you know what is best for you?">I think I'm going to punch her. >No! Bad Masami! I'm going to keep my cool >"I'm leaving. You can stay here and think about what you've done." >She won't suspect if I bop her on the nose right now. >Cry >Try and hug her >Other?
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>>43397297 >"I'm leaving. You can stay here and think about what you've done." using the card as a prison, hmm? sounds like an alright plan
we have to focus on Asai, she's here to make us lose time anyway
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>>43397297 >You're just a dumb meanie who hasn't even lived my life, so I sure know better than you! You and Asai hurt people and make evil plans, so I'm definitely better off in comparison because I'm happy with my family! Anonymous
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>>43397297 >"I'm leaving. You can stay here and think about what you've done." Anonymous
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>>43397297 >>No! Bad Masami! I'm going to keep my cool >>I don't know what is best for me. But what Asai wants to do doesn't feel like the right thing to do. Anonymous
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>>43397297 >She won't suspect if I bop her on the nose right now. Interrupt the evil monologue.
Heart of the cards !!pH/e4J4SwW8
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>Say things to her >Suppress homicidal urges >>"I'm leaving. You can stay here and think about what you've done." Writing!
Heart of the cards !!pH/e4J4SwW8
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"I don't know what is best for me." "Good! The first step to having a problem is admi-" "BUT!" I stand up and glare at her. "But! What Asai wants to do doesn't feel like the right thing to do. Which is why I'm not going along with it." "Hmph!" She gives me that look. "You admit that you don't know what you're doing, but won't go along with the only person who knows? You're silly, Masami!" I want to really punch her right now. No! No! Bad Masami! I'm going to keep my cool this time. Getting angry is what she wants, and she'll probably love nothing more than seeing me lose my temper! I gotta play this, cool. "You're just a dumb meanie!" Is that cool enough? "A dumb meanie who hasn't even lived my life, so I sure know better about it than you! You and Asai hurt people and make evil plans, so I'm definitely better off in comparison, because I'm happy with my family!" That.. actually seems to affect her a bit, I don't know why. She sighs and crosses her legs. "Then.. I guess we're both happy with our lives." "You bet!" Silence. Uh oh, I don't know what to say! "Can you let me out now? I have big plans!" Wait.. "You can't get out?" "I don't even know how I got here! Let me out!" Suddenly, I have an idea. An evil idea. "Okay, well." I stand up, making a short bow. "We'll continue this conversation later." "There won't be a 'later'! I'm going beat you up, and take you to Asai." "Well! If that's how you're going to be." I smile at her, "I'm leaving." "Leaving?" "Yep! Leaving!" With a spring in my step, I walk over toward the front door. It swings open, lets me through, and then slams shut behind me. Seconds later, I hear a pounding on the other side. "What's going on!? Why won't this open!?" "Consider this your time-out." I stick my tongue out. "I want you to sit in there and think about what you've done." She says something incredibly rude, but I've already melded back into the real-world by the time she finishes.>cont.
Heart of the cards !!pH/e4J4SwW8
- "MASAMI!" "WHERE ARE YOU? PLEASE! I'LL GO GET ICE CREAM IF YOU COME BACK!" I feel myself touch the asphalt of the parking lot once again. They're frantically searching around the empty lot for me. "THE GOOD ICE CREAM TOO! WITH CHOCOLATE!" "DID THAT MEAN CLOWN TAKE YOU? PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!" >"Ice Cream, huh?" >No! Important mission! Go find Mom! Now! >I'm in over my head! It's time to start calling people! >Try and scare them! >Other?
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>>43398077 >>"Ice Cream, huh?" >>No! Important mission! Go find Mom! Now! Anonymous
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>>43398077 >"Ice Cream, huh?" >No! Important mission! Go find Mom! Now! Anonymous
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>>43398077 >No! Important mission! Go find Mom! Now! Anonymous
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>>43398077 >"Ice Cream, huh?" >No! Important mission! I'm in over my head! It's time to start calling people! Anonymous
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>>43398077 >"THE GOOD ICE CREAM TOO! WITH CHOCOLATE!" So, prior to this they fed Masami bad ice cream?
The horror!
Heart of the cards !!pH/e4J4SwW8
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>"Ice Cream, huh?" >No! Important mission! Go find Mom! Now! Writing!
Heart of the cards !!pH/e4J4SwW8
I walk up behind both Julie and Haruko. They're both crawling all over Mom's car, maybe they're trying to see if I'm hiding inside of it? I don't know. It's silly. "Ice cream, huh?" They immediately stop, and slowly turn around. "MASAMI!" "I WAS SO SCARED!" Both of them leap at me, wrapping their arms tightly around my body. I giggle softly, and gently pat them on the back. That clown will never understand what she's missing. "Let's go! Let's go get Ice cream right now!" Haruko happily hops up and down, shaking my hand. "Yeah!" Wait wait WAIT! "No! Hold on! Important things, remember?! Mom missing!? Go find Mom!" Their eyes light up. "OH YEAH!" "We're silly! what were we thinking!?" "But.." Then there's that sinking feeling in my chest. "I was going to ask the clown about it. But she wouldn't help me." "'She'?" Julie seems confused, "Where did that clown go? I saw him pin you, and then-" "Um, I put her in a time-out place in the other world." They're silent. "I hate time-out places." Haruko huffs. "I do too." "So, now what do we do? How do we find Mom?">We go toward that big thing on the horizon >I'll go back and question the clown in a few minutes, let's keep looking on our own. >I'll go question her now. >Let's try calling Mom and the principal and everyone one more time, but I don't think it will help. >Time to scout! Take to the skies! >Other?
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>>43398710 >Time to scout! Take to the skies! WOOO
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>>43398710 >>Let's try calling Mom and the principal and everyone one more time, but I don't think it will help. >>Time to scout! Take to the skies! Anonymous
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>>43398710 >Let's try calling Mom and the principal and everyone one more time, but I don't think it will help. Anonymous
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>>43398710 >We go toward that big thing on the horizon Heart of the cards !!pH/e4J4SwW8
Everyone, next post is the last one. Sorry for this thread being so short.>>Let's try calling Mom and the principal and everyone one more time, but I don't think it will help. >>Time to scout! Take to the skies! Writing!
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>>43399092 That's okay, it's Halloween after all.
Heart of the cards !!pH/e4J4SwW8
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"Everyone, stop. Don't panic." Even though I'm already panicking. But let's ignore that, instead I'm going to try doing the sensible thing. I take out my phone, and try tapping each tile on it until someone answers. Mom doesn't pick her phone up, it goes straight to voicemail. The principal's phone rings, but he doesn't answer. Marie's phone is turned off. So the three people who are probably out and getting into trouble are the people I cna't get in touch with, that's just great. I'm a little frustrated now. So, instead, I try calling Kaori and everyone back at home. Maybe one of them has heard something from mom. "Hello?" "Kaori! Have you heard from Mom?" "What!? I thought you were supposed to be looking, Masami!" "I am! But I don't know where else to look!" I can hear her frustration over the line. "Masami, if you didn't know where to look, why were you so eager to leave the safety of our home!?" "Because Mom isn't safe right now! What am I supposed to do!?" "Where are you." "Fortune's Parking lot." "Do you see Asai?" "No. I just saw the clown, but no one else." "I'll be there in a few minutes." Click. "Now what do we do?" Julie tugs on my sleeve. "I think in the meantime, we should take to the sky and look at the surrounding neighborhoods." "The sky-" Julie suddenly seems quiet. I slip on the flight card I have as Haruko starts to naturally hover next to me. "Cmon Julie! Let's go!" "Yeah Julie, let's go." Haruko gives a big grin. Julie seems hurt, "I can't fly." "Really? Haruko, can you carry her?" "Nope!" Then it seems my plan has a problem.>Thread End
Heart of the cards !!pH/e4J4SwW8
Everyone, thanks for the thread. I'm sorry that it's ending a little early. I don't know what is going to happen the coming week. I have to sit in a seminar for roughly eight hours a day for five days straight. I will probably be miserable every day after it's over. With that in mind, take care everyone.
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>>43399666 Thanks for running.
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>>43399666 Thanks for running!
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>>43399666 Thanks for running.
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>>43399666 Thanks for running, and I just wanted to add:
>>43396152 >That little Asai on the building's shoulder. Larro's attention to detail is amazing.
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>>43399666 thanks for running
good luck for the seminars, maybe you'll learn the long lost art of half-sleeping