You are Chitose Sonohara a 17 year yankii, badass, badboy, & high school student.
You’re currently attending the 1st semester of your 2nd year at Onimaru Highschool of the Onimaru Trinity Sister Schools located in the dead center of Eternal Diamond City (Located on eastern coast of Japan). While much of your time spent is just dicking around and going to school for shits and giggles, you are also currently working part-time at your mentor’s establishment near the coast within the shopping district.
While you might have led quite the rough & tumble lifestyle for the better portion of a decade, it has come to your realization that FUCKING SHIT UP might not lead to the most prosperous of futures…
So super-charged with newfound determination to change your life, you venture forth into the unknown! Perhaps today will be great progress into a brilliant future of wonders untold!
>Leavin’ the buildin’ both you and Fangy headed to the gates to get the fuck outta school. Everythin’ was nice, until THAT GUY showed his shit-eating-grin before ya. Giggles, the lil’ bastard, knew the right button the press to piss a guy off; so he did. The lil’ shit pissed you off so badly, ya done cracked a tree, knocked the lil’ fuck outta a tree, and slammed his grinnin’ face against the large, stone fence surrounding the school. He left a smear. Instead of some of the worser shit ya coulda done, ya done tied the fuck to the hour hand of the school’s clock-tower. Upon yer second attempt at leaving the school, you literally ran into Pres! Knockin’ her over as ya was ‘bout to leave; flat on her back she stared up atcha wit surprise. >Archive >Quest Text Only (Updated to 15) >Additional Information Coming Soon™
>Ask >Twittersheet
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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Noriko’s eyes focus on your hand as you offer it to help her from her prone position, but she does not take it immediately. She stares fixated upon it like you’re offering her some divine gift, and she looks away as her blush deepens. In the span of a mere few moments she began to dart her gaze between your outstretched hand and the nearby ground; unsure of how to react. You can tell that this is due to how nervous she’s been getting around you as of late; perhaps accelerated due to her confession practice from earlier. She gingerly outstretches her slender, delicate fingers up to meet your hand, and grasps it gently in her own. It’s different; to say the very least to be treated with this degree of gentleness from anybody. There’s a certain pleasure in the sensation, but you do not allow yourself to linger upon these thoughts. “Th’surprise is mutual, but ‘is nice t’see ya, though.” With a smile you tighten your grip around her hand, as such a light handle would do no good to actually pull her up with, and help her up. She returns the smile while her grip tightens slightly as well; you can feel the warmth of her action is different from your own. “I weren’t expectin’ ta see you neither. Th’hell you comin’ -back- ta school fer?” “Oh, that is-to say…” Her eyes seem to warm as she is pulled back unto her feet, and her eyes transfix for a few moments upon your still-joined hands. While you’ve releases all pressure from her hand, you find it still being grabbed onto and rubbed slightly by your senpai’s own fingers in a tender, loving fashion. It seems to take her a second to realize what she’s doing, but she eventually lets go and tucks her hands behind her back in embarrassment. “I-I-I-I’m not coming back! I-I-I was w-waiting for Usui! H-he said he w-was going to meet m-me at the g-gate here!...”>[1/2]
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
She pauses with a concerned and confused look on her face, and you know why. She must have come out to meet with her little brother sometime after you had knocked him out and carried him around back. She -could- have been waiting out here for a while now, but it is rather uncertain. “Oh! U-Usui-kun? I-I thought w-we’d seen him out here e-earlier, r-right? Chitose-sama?” Souichi speaks up nervously from behind you, finally making his own presence known to Noriko. Her body stiffens rigidly in shock once she notices him; probably further embarrassed that somebody other than yourself seen her acting like she was. Souichi nudges you with a ridged smile across his lips, as though wanting to skirt around what you had -just done- to the boy she was waiting for. He was obviously feeling guilty to be dealing with his older sister so soon after you’d begun to ‘teach’ him his lesson. “Y-y-yeah! Usui s-said he w-w-wanted to come with him!” Noriko responds as she ducks her head down and her gaze shifts solidly towards the earth below her; unable to bring herself to give either of you delinquents eye-contact anymore. Her face is as red as a cherry, and her body fidgets in an incredibly nervous manner. Her heart must be going a million miles an hour… “He w-wanted to show m-me something!”>”Yeah, we saw him. He looked ticked and wandered off laughing.” [Lie] >”We kinda saw him. He was bein’ a jerk; but after a bit had to leave.” [Half-lie] >”Yeah, no. He’s not going to be coming. He’s a lil’ tied up right now.” [Half-truth] >”Yeah… Best not to wait. I had’ta teach Giggles a lesson in manners.” Point to tower [Truth] >Other [Suggestion]? >[2/2]
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>>43504108 >”Yeah… Best not to wait. I had’ta teach Giggles a lesson in manners.” Point to tower [Truth] No regrets Spectral
Sure is quite. Figured prez anon be on top of this thread.
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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>>43504613 Indeed; I was actually half-expecting Prez-anon to be the first to jump on this.
I'll give it until the next half-hour mark (10min), then I'll get to Writing.
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>>43504108 >>”Yeah… Best not to wait. I had’ta teach Giggles a lesson in manners.” Point to tower [Truth] This works, also on my phone
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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>>43504997 I'm surprised that's not an actual manga.
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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Well… It’s best to be honest with it all and just tell Noriko what happened; perhaps it’ll lower some of her tension, and even give her a bit more of a reason to dislike you. Hell, once more; you’ve. Done. Worse. If what you did to Usui bothers her so much, perhaps it’ll get her to rethink her decision on pursuing you. Yeah… You go with that logic, for now. You rub the back of your head as your brow furrows; a sigh escapes your lips as you resign yourself to telling the truth. She’s probably hear about it later from her brother anyways, this option would probably cause the least friction upon your friendship as well. “Yeah… about that. It’d be best not to wait up fer him.” You straighten your posture and look straight at Noriko; ensuring to keep your resolve strong as she over at you with her red cheeks, and glistening eyes. It kinda seems hard to reveal this to her due to how much you know she cares for you, and it almost feels like you’ve betrayed her like this. You know that you haven’t, and on an important note you haven’t betrayed who you are… were… shit. That kinda goes against the entire reform thing, even IF it was lesser than past shit you’ve done. “Wha? Why, Chitose-kun?” Her tone evens slightly in concern as she takes notice in your tone and seriousness as you tell her to move on. Her narrow brows furrow slightly in worry as her hands come together in front of her, and she begins to fidget them together nervously. “Because he was bein’ a shit, so I had’ta teach Giggles a lesson in some manners.” You sigh and shrug with a backwards point with your thumb towards the clock tower. You step aside slightly to ensure Noriko’s view wasn’t obstructed.>[1/2]
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
“U-Usui?!” Her hands shoot up to cover her mouth as her jaw drops in shock at what she saw. It took her a few moments to focus and realize what she was looking at, but given time and a spot to concentrate in you’re -very- sure she just caught sight of her brother hanging where you left him. “Chitose-kun!” “Ahhh, shit…” Souichi’s right hand reaches up and slaps his palm up against his own face with your revelation. You could tell he’d rather sweep the situation under the rug, but at the same time he -does- tend to dislike such direct confrontation. He takes a couple steps back, not wanting to be in the crossfire if there was to be any; not that you blame him. A woman’s scorn is a powerful thing. It’s especially excusable since he was partially against your plan to do anything against Usui in the first place. “I know Usui isn’t very nice, and he probably deserved it but…” Noriko tried to protect her little brother’s honor and scold you, but it felt like she had a certain amount of difficulty with it. She was such a good girl, even when she received the brunt of Usui’s torment, living under the same roof as he. She always tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, even when it was obvious what kind of little shit he was; she was -too- good of an older sister, and lacked any of the harshness your own sister held that could wipe your ass into shape if you did anything she didn’t like. “But! I don’t think doing -that- was such a nice thing to do.”>Tell her he’s okay and safe then distract her. >Scold her; tell her this is tough love and he’ll never learn otherwise. >He’s a little shit, and he deserves MORE than what I did to him. >Other [Suggestion]? >[2/2]
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>>43505618 >>Other [Suggestion]? Show her our hand that got cut up with his teasing
"Anyone else coulda got hurt a lot worse."
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>>43505618 >Scold her; tell her this is tough love and he’ll never learn otherwise. I'm going to wager she has never been real tough on him. If ever.
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>>43505618 >Scold her; tell her this is tough love and he’ll never learn otherwise. Anonymous
>>43505618 >>Scold her; tell her this is tough love and he’ll never learn otherwise. He's got deh survival instincts of a Lemmin, prez. He goes outta is way to pick fights. He said Tings I couldn't forgive and if it twerent for the fact he's your brother E'd be in the hospital. As it is he needs to learn some common sense else the next time his tongue writes a check is body can't cash, someone else might do much worse. He's fine right now, this is just gonna hopefully scare em into not being a shit, or picking his battles more smart like.
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
>>43506157 Almost choked on m'coffee with this write-in.
That first sentence is golden, and due to how the slur is typed I read it in a THICK & goofy English accent. T'was amazing.
>Writing ensues again Anonymous
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>>43506843 Glad I could provide some entertainment LG.
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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Apparently the scorn of this particular woman was quite light… It lacked the impact that he’d felt from others. Much lighter. Not like it’s -too- horribly shocking, as you’ve smacked her brother around before to little negative effect, but with what she’s noticed you’d think she’d be filled with some sort of scorn. “No. It weren’t a nice thing to do.” You rub your temples with one hand; the other is raised to support it at the elbow. It’s kinda irritating to see her lack of resolve, and it almost hurts that you put in so much effort for her to scold you so lightly. You sigh as she bends to the side slightly to ‘glare’ at you with her gentle eyes… that seem to actually have some tears welling up in them. This seems to be the uppermost limits of her own assertiveness… she’s so… well, cute for one, but so meek as well. “Listen here, Pres. Giggles gots da survival instincts of a lemer-leapmo-” “-Lemming.” Souichi speaks up on yoru behalf, filling in the verbal gap you’ve made. You’re familiar with what the animal is known for, but the name escapes you. It’s just never really come up before. With a curt nod to Souichi to thank him, you continue. “Lemmin’. The lil’ shit is a danger to his own damn self, as he wouldn’t have’ta take his just desserts if’n he’d stop pickin’ fights his ass can’t cash.” You shrug and take out a [Premium] cigarette to smoke. Yeah… you’re probably never going to be able to give -these- up with how things are going. “To top it off, he said some shit -nobody- should ever say; shit dat infuriated me and I couldn’t just forgive. If the shit weren’t yer brother, he’d be in the hospital, -OR WORSE.”>[1/?]
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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“B-but! Usui is just a kid! He-he… he doesn’t know what he’s…. saying…” Noriko desperately tries to defend her little brother, but she cannot look you in the eye as she speaks. She dotes on him -far- too much, and as such has led her to be unable to really punish or scold him herself; not that she -should have- to, as that -should- be her parent’s duty… but that’s another situation entirely. “He’s still younger than us; you should go easy-well… easiER on him… maybe…” “If’n I went easy on the kid, he’d never learn jack-shit. You won’t get nowhere if’n it’s all carrot, no stick. Sometimes ya just gotta beat the fuckin’ common sense into little shits like Giggles, ‘n perhaps he’ll think twice ‘afore his shitty-tongue writes a check his ass can’t cash. Somebody else coulda done -a lot- worse. Shit. -I- could have done a lot worse.” You take a step closer to Noriko, but she doesn’t flinch or step back in response; while she’s meek when it comes to anything strict or harsh, it’s always been nice that she doesn’t fear you like a lot of kids do. If anything it calms your nerves a bit in tandem with your current smoke. You raise your injured, and bloody hand to meet Noriko’s watery-eyed stare of determination so she might see her brother’s handiwork. “Plus no matter -how- young yer shit brother is; which isn’t an issue since he’s only a few years younger’n us, but that ain’t the point, this kinda shit is unacceptable. Look at what he did to me.” “WhOHH! You’re hurt!” The first tear finally drops from the corner of one of Noriko’s eyes as her eyes widen in shock. She covers her mouth as she gasps when the realization of the damage sinks in. While the blood has dried, it is -very- obvious that it came from you the way it caked around holes in the leather as well as the few puncture wounds still scabbing over on your fingers. “U-Usui did this to you?”
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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She reaches both of her hands up to cup yours gently within them. She delicately turns it to better examine the extent of your wounds. While not -horrible- it does sting, but due to the care she takes as she cups it gently between her fingers it is minimal. Her brows turn upwards in a guilty fashion, and there are a couple more tears. “Yeah. He did. While -he’s- fine right now, I’s just gonna try’n scare him into not being such a dick, or to send the message that he should stop bein’ a shit.” You reach up with your other hand to pat her head. The act is a little bit harder on this girl as she stands only a few or so centimeters below you, but the gesture is enough to snap her back into reality. You almost contemplate wiping away her tears yoruself, but judge that would probably be a borderline lover act. Instead you settle for the universal headpat. “Shit, just be happy it was me he hurt; it coulda been a lot worse if’n it was somebody else.” “Hehehe… yeah. Usui-kun is kinda… a bad person. Listen to Chitose-sama, he knows his shit.” Souichi backs you up with a pat to your shoulder. You could tell his hesitations laugh was from your comment on him hurting somebody worse… in all honesty, you -kinda- did it to yourself. The booby-trapped pine cone was meant to just jab a couple places and sting; you gripped in anger and then that shit to fueled your rage even further; but those are merely details, and still serve as a warning to what -could- have been. Who could say he couldn’t do worse in the future? “He’s got Aneue-sama to learn from, and has been taking care of Mimi-chan for YEARS now!”>[3/4]
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
“I… I suppose that’s true, isn’t it? Chitose-kun has always been the kind and responsible type… even if he doesn’t act like it sometimes, huh?” She blushes slightly after Souichi finishes and looks down to the side. Her entire demeanor warms and her posture relaxes some. Her eyes return upwards and settle upon you with a warm smile to accompany them. “W-while I don’t fully agree with your methods, Chitose-kun… I’ll… I’ll give your method a chance, and see if Usui doesn’t improve… I… I trust you.” Well… not that you don’t like that somebody trusts you, but it kinda feels like she’s leaning on you too much. Fuck it. So long as it gets that punk to learn some manners or respect, it’s better’n nothin’. >Eh. Do whatever the fuck you want. Trust or no trust, Giggles a shit. >Thank ya. I promise you’ll see a difference come whenever the fuck he comes home. >Ya still shouldn’t. I -am- a delinquent. Use yer own judgement on shit. >Other [Suggestion]? >Optional: If’n yer headin’ out, wanna come with? We’s gettin' the fuck out 'n headin' downtown to chill before I has to work. >[4/4]
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>>43508520 >>Thank ya. I promise you’ll see a difference come whenever the fuck he comes home >>Optional: If’n yer headin’ out, wanna come with? We’s gettin' the fuck out 'n headin' downtown to chill before I has to work. Although she might not wanna be seen with the biggest delinquent on campus.
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>>43508520 >Ya still shouldn’t. I -am- a delinquent. Use yer own judgement on shit. Like I said this was the best idea i'z hadz,but I ain't xactly a shrink or a geniuz. I hopes it'll work, but nuting is certain.
>Optional: If’n yer headin’ out, wanna come with? We’s gettin' the fuck out 'n headin' downtown to chill before I has to work. Anonymous
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>>43508520 >Ya still shouldn’t. I -am- a delinquent. Use yer own judgement on shit. >Optional: If’n yer headin’ out, wanna come with? We’s gettin' the fuck out 'n headin' downtown to chill before I has to work. Spectral
>>43508520 >Ya still shouldn’t. I -am- a delinquent. Use yer own judgement on shit. I'll say no to invite. She probably should get her brother home.
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>>43508577 Let the little shit rot, this is screen time for a character we haven't seen much of.
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>>43508520 >Ya still shouldn’t. I -am- a delinquent. Use yer own judgement on shit. Anonymous
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>>43508577 That'd totally negate our lesson. If she wants to save him then fine, but invite her anyways.
>>43508520 >>Thank ya. I promise you’ll see a difference come whenever the fuck he comes home. >>Optional: If’n yer headin’ out, wanna come with? We’s gettin' the fuck out 'n headin' downtown to chill before I has to work. Shouldn't Prez anon be freaking out now?
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>>43508685 >Shouldn't Prez anon be freaking out now? Why would he? Things are going swimmingly for him right now. If anything him spazzing out would fuck it up.
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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You sigh sharply and close your eyes a moment to recenter yourself. While it feels nice to be trusted, at this juncture in your life that -should- be on a fairly minimal or small basis considering what exactly you are. Putting your trust into a Yankii because he beat the shit out of your brother and then tied him to the hour-hand of a giant clock doesn’t sound like a strong basis of understanding nor trust… this girl… Opening your eyes you can see her eyes drooping slightly and her head being pushed into your hand as you continue to give her headpats. It really feels like you should be the wrong here despite how right you feel; this girl is willing to put both faith and trust into you, but you’re just some punk yankii. Being self aware is suffering. “Seriously, Prez… Ya really shouldn’t.” You draw your hand back slightly as Noriko watches with a hint of sadness in her eyes. You can tell she -wants- to tell you she doesn’t want you to stop, but her lips make a mere feeble attempt and nothing more. She move slightly up and down, and you can see her faintly mouth the word “please”, but no noise comes out.... She’s seriously a hard person to want to do this to, but this in itself is a form of tough love. You -gently as possible- flick her in the forehead. “I -am- a no good, violent yankii after all. Use yer own judgement on shit.”>[1/4]
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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She reels back from the soft impact that doesn’t even so much as leave a mark like it pushed her. It’s kinda cute… but you remain strong as to not seem weak, either to her, nor your right-hand man. “Pffft!” Souichi seems to enjoy Noriko’s exaggerated movement from your light forehead tap, and understand why you went so easy on her. He turns slightly and covers his mouth to keep from laughing out loud, but you can see a tear forming at the corner of his eye as he chokes it all down. “O-okay… I’ll listen to you, Chitose-kun…” Noriko bunches up as she sulks from the impact and advice given. Her large, glistening eyes seem to shift between a spot on the ground and back over to your feet. She carries with her all the sadness and feels of having kicked an adorable kitten… damn she’s either -really- good at this, or she’s just adorable in her own right… This is why it’s so hard to deal with her sometimes; she’s just too genuine. “Oh! W-wait! I mean! If I shouldn’t trust you, I won’t!... but… that means I’ll trust you! But trusting your trust is, wait! No. That’s not right.” Great. She’s taken both things in at once, and considers it a paradox to go either way with it. You need to stop this before her head ‘asplodes. “Oye. If’n yer gonna let ‘em learn his lesson and are headin’ out, wanna come wit us?” You grab her shoulder to distract her from her inner conflict. She seems to get shocked out of her confused state, and shifts into one that allows her to see and listen to you. She looks over at you with her eyes watering up once again, and again the image of a kitty… You sigh once more. “We’s getin’ the fuck outta ‘ere, ‘n headin’ downtown to chill before I has to work. You’se game?”>[2/4]
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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She pauses, and seems to take a few moments to process what you said before her face flushes and she looks away. “I-i-if you’re s-sure you want t-to have me around…” She brings both her hands up to her chest and begins to twiddle her fingers. Her gaze darts back and forth between you and empty space a few times, each time she looks away she seems like she wasn’t expecting you to be looking over at her despite how you’re directly conversing with her. “I-I-I wold l-l-l-l-l-love to…” You -want- to believe that she’ll be the next student body president, but sometimes you wonder with how meek she is. She’s kind, compassionate, intelligent, and is an avid problem solver, but it’s that damn lack of assertiveness that seems to stop her every time she runs. Instead she usually gets strapped down with being the secretary. If only she had some more confidence in herself and her ability; if only she could become a bit more assertive you think she’d do a wonderful job. “Yeah! The more the merrier!” Souichi slides back into frame from behind you. He smiles brightly to shift the mood in a good direction; you can always trust Souichi to do that. His words ring true as well, especially considering your usual party is down one member on account of being a sleeze. Noriko’s company would be a nice, calming relief from the usual antics of Hiru. Especially -without- Hiru. he always tends to make you feel a little uncomfortable as he keeps trying to push you into fucking your friends. Oddly enough, he’s never made a move himself towards anybody, however. >[3/4]
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
Pushing those thoughts to the back of your mind, where they belong, you smile at Noriko and nod. “Of course I’s sure. I ain’t gonna invite ya ‘n say no. That shit’s fucked.” You pat her head a couple times and ruffle her hair slightly as you pass by her and finally exit the school grounds through the gate. “C’mon now, let’s get the fuck outta here. I wanna relax before I work.” “W-where are we going, Chitose-kun?” Noriko asks as she steps up to your left, as Souichi assumes his position to your right. Downtown is down by the beach, and frequently considered the entertainment district of Eternal Diamond City so the options were numerous.>Beach; not to swim, but the walk along the shore ‘n shit. >Arcade; games are fun, so are some the people in ‘em. >Boardwalk; get some grub and chill there a while. >Other [Suggestion]? (Basically anything ya can think of, really.) >[4/4]
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>>43510371 >>Boardwalk; get some grub and chill there a while. My fucking heart, this girl is made of cute
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>>43510371 >Boardwalk; get some grub and chill there a while. Prez ya needsto be more assertive if you gonna win de election, you'se smart, nice and gud at solvin shit but if'n you let everyone push ya round you ain't gonna be doing nuttin
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>>43510371 >Arcade; games are fun, so are some the people in ‘em. Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
I doth proclaim thee to gather thyn belongings henceforth, for I declare we art finished at this juncture in time and have not reason to remain!
Thanks guys, good thread; sorry for slowness. I know you’se only got a few updates today, but at least it’s better than nothing! Thanks for keeping with me, I’ll be now segueing into the Q&A section after announcing that I’ll see you next Monday for the next thread.
>Think of a smooth segue. >Is it a happy segue? Good. >Let’s put that happy, little segue right over here. >It’ll be our little secret segue. The time for Questions to be Answered is now! If ya got questions, shoot em off. I’ll get to them If I can tonight, if not I’ll answer them first thing next thread.
>Archive >Quest Text Only (Updated to 15) >Additional Information Coming Soon™
>Ask >Twittersheet **
Special QM question to the Questers:
Who is your least favorite character thus far?
-Why- are they your least favorite character?
Yalls talk about your favorite, I don't think I've heard the flipside as of yet.
>>43510569 >Who is your least favorite character thus far? Dad
-Why- are they your least favorite character?
He's a jerk who lashes out at his kids for the death of their mother and beats them.
So who is the most moe girl? How tall is Noriko? We going to hear about Usui first hand or can you give us a window to his freak out?
>>43510569 >Who is your least favorite character thus far? Shiro
>-Why- are they your least favorite character? To strike one so innocent and your own kids, especially Mimi, at that. Horrible.
>Yalls talk about your favorite. My fav? I guess if I had to say who as of now is my fav, it would be Junko for the girls and Souichi as best bro.
Hard to believe so much has happened in all this threads for less than half a day in quest wise. What a day to start changing our way.
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
>>43510627 >So who is the most moe girl? If you want to be technical, all of them.
Each girl is special in her own unique, individual way; mostly because there's an actual person deep inside each nugget of cute.
A person forged from life's experiences and tribulations.
>How tall is Noriko? 5'10" or 177.8 cm
She's actually pretty tall for a Japanese girl.
For reference, Chitose is:
6'0" or 182.88 cm
>We going to hear about Usui first hand or can you give us a window to his freak out? Khu, ku, ku, ku~ >>43510764 >Shiro His name is Shuu; sounds like Shoe the Chinpokomon
>What a day to start changing our way. What a day indeed. Introductions are always long, but I feel it's best if the first day is filled with a lot of meaningful contact so we can gain some context to who everybody is as we continue forward.
I'm actually surprised a single day is taking so long, but then again I -do- only get in 4-6 updates and average. This is gonna be one slow burn.
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>>43510861 Yeah she's above average height period.
>tfw you're taller than both of them. So how excited is Noriko out of ten?
How badly did Souichi facepalm himself?
We anti-flag?
>>43510861 Why did you make prez adorable? Her innocence is just too pure for my cynical heart
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
>>43504026 >Yeah she's above average height period. >tfw you're taller than both of them. Indeed. Hiru is a couple cm taller then Chitose, and there's a couple characters taller still.
Shortest thus far is Delilah
Who anon guessed correctly for being /u/. Not that yankii love couldn't change it. I'm taking liberties with the characters to ensure story is interesting. >So how excited is Noriko out of ten? -Th-this is a-almost l-l-like a... D-d-d-date?!-
>How badly did Souichi facepalm himself? Moderately hard. Not-too- badly.
>We anti-flag? Wouldn't -you- like to know. I'll answer this further into the future once fate's flags are more sunk in. Good or bad, who knows?
>>43511070 >Why did you make prez adorable? She was originally more serious, but as I was working backstories in she turned into the lovable gal she is today.
In short:
I didn't make her that way, she was born that way.
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>>43511764 >Who anon guessed correctly for being /u/. Wasn't hard
>>43511764 >that pic L-lewd!
>tfw guessed right on /u/ too. So you expect us to do what we did so far?
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>>43511764 >Th-this is a-almost l-l-like a... D-d-d-date?!- My heart just exploded
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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>>43511828 >So you expect us to do what we did so far? I've never really expected anything. Your guys' choices make this interesting for me as well; especially entertaining when I happen across a good Chitose-minded write-in.
You guys actually floored me at one point to how perfect shit came together to reenact "the lost pilot episode".
Also JP event GET was the trigger for getting a flashback early in Taro Rumble. Think of the GETs as optional flags; for better or worse. I wasn't expecting you guys to be filled with more Justice than Taro in only the second fight, but I think I threw in a decent reward for your efforts on top of a flag.
I'm flying by the seat of my pants, though with plot-points and details in mind, but you guys are the ones triggering flags left and right.
I'm constantly pleased and surprised with how things go.
>>43510569 >Who is your least favorite character thus far? Honestly,
Noriko. >-Why- are they your least favorite character? I find
stuttermoe really damn annoying and just see the other characters as a lot more interesting.
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
>>43515893 Interesting choice. I don't have quite the same dislike, but I do feel like stuttermoe -can- get old pretty quick. Thanks for your honesty, anon-kun. Anonymous
>>43518398 Bonus run today?
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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>>43518709 Maybe. I'm on m'phone at the moment, but I've got some time to get at least one more update in.
>Writing >Tweeting the squad On the previous note, stuttering/shy is cute, but can get old quick without character development/something new. Prez current has some low Charisma, and as such lacks confidence and the ability to keep her shit together.
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>>43515893 I completely agree on the whole stuttermoe thing. I dislike too. Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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Pulling the still-lit cigarette from your lips, you exhale a large cloud of white smoke as your gaze drift upward in thought. The options are numerous, but you realize that having Noriko around limits your range of activities to things that don't involve destruction, defacing, violence, or other illegal recreations. All in all, it works out in your favor due to the resolution you had made last night to turn your life around. "Hmmm... I dunno." You lower your head and turn over to the green-haired girl happily tagging along with you. Her long ponytail bobs up and down with each step she takes. She fails to meet your gaze directly from behind her glasses seated so perfectly upon her blushing face, but you notice that she tries. Absolutely no confidence at all. "Well... How's 'bout the boardwalk? We can pick up some grub, den we can kick it till da evening." "Boardwalk, is it?" Souichi places his hands behind his head as he matches pace with you and cocks his head to the side. His eyes wander for a moment before he smiles. "Yeah! That sounds great, Chitose-sama! It's been a while since we've gone there, hasn't it?" "Y-yeah! That sounds fun!" Noriko chirps in response. Her smile brightens and she's almost able to return your gaze until she realizes her eyes almost met your own. This girl has a long way to go... **
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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** "Hmmm~... Judging by the light of the sun, direction of the wind, and the text of my horoscope I seem to be... LOST!" A strange girl drops to her knees in the middle of the sidewalk in despair. Of the many people who stop to stare at the odd sight, only a single man with straight, nape-length hair doesn't seem phased in the very least. While irritating, the sight is nothing new to him. He merely sighs and taps the face of his watch, changing the clocks face into that of a map. The odd girl merely cries into the heavens as though she'd been betrayed by them. "Why have you forsaken me?! Whyyy-eEEP!" "Get up." He picks her up by the scruff of his collar and continues down the street. She struggles in his grasp like a child, but follows clumsily after him. "You're being pathetic." "Rude! Meany! Bully! Rapist! ACTING pathetic! I was only A-C-T-I-N/"-Urk!!" She tries to defend her actions after insulting the more well-dressed man, but he gives her a curt look and a sudden downward tug that almost causes her to fall. "S-sorry... Ku-chan..." "My designation is not 'Ku-chan'. Stop referring to me as such." He gives the pinky-haired girl another sharp tug; this time obviously more malicious than the first. His voice is dripping with venom towards he energetic girl who contrasts sharply with himself, but rather than a frown a smile decorates his face. Her clothes and hair were vibrant colors; pinks and purples, and he felt like they were in direct objection to himself and his darker tones. He wore blacks with some chains dangling from his waist. Despite he chains that dangled from his waist, he wore a serious looking suit, and carried himself like a cheerful businessman; his mannerisms that didn't quite match his air, as they were decidedly pompous in nature. "How many times do I have to tell you? You will refer to me by rank or title." He finally let go of her, but with one last spite filled tug that caused her to stumble foreword a few steps.
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
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He continues to look down at his watch, having lost faith in the pink-haired girl's direction. "Yeah, yeah. You're no fun..." She pouts as she follows after him with a lazy gait in her walk. Her cheeks puff out slightly as she looks to the side, averting her gaze from her colleague... Well, superior. "Commander or Leader don't sound as good. The least you could let me do is give you a super-duper hero name." Her eyes focus on the shops along the street as she walks. "Like : <Bloody Justice!> Or, Dark Chain of Ten-Thousand Nights! Perhaps something along the lines of: <Red Hand the Holy Warrior!>" She smiles brightly as she raised a hand to count off her ideas. "<Black Tiger Z!> <Za Hound!> or... Ku-chan?" She looked forward with the lack of response to find that her superior was nowhere to be found. She panicked and began to search all of her surroundings to find that she'd been ditched. "Ku-chan!! I hate you, you... <Double Asshole!>" She was lost again... Angry and fearful tears welled up in her eyes. **
Lord Grimsley !6F21THAFi.
** It isn't long until you reach the boardwalk. A short walk from the station is all it takes to arrive. Noriko had been rather nervous for the first half, but with a slight scolding for being so timid she seems to calm down some. "Y'see, nobody'll respect ya if'n ya keep on bein' a timid mess. Be assertive; TAKE whachu want in life, dere is no handouts." You conclude as you get up to the counter of a stand what sells delicious fishy goods. "Ya get me?" "Y-yeah! I think I c-can do it..." She nods strongly, filled with conviction. You're pretty sure to what ends as well, but that'll be a bridge to cross when you two are in private.>Pay for everybody's order >Pay only your order >Tell Souichi to foot the bill >Other [Suggestion]? >[All/all]
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>>43519953 How much money we got boss?
If'n we gots a good deal
>Pay for everybody's order If'n we don'ts
>Pay only your order Also get sumthin good, weze had a day.
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>>43519953 > Other Pay for Noriko's and ours, make Soichi pay his own way
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>>43519953 >Pay only your order Anonymous
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>>43519953 Seeing how this is not some special occasion
>Pay only your order Anonymous
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>>43519953 >Pay only your order