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Yankii Reform Quest 20

!6F21THAFi. No.43504026 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are Chitose Sonohara a 17 year yankii, badass, badboy, & high school student.

You’re currently attending the 1st semester of your 2nd year at Onimaru Highschool of the Onimaru Trinity Sister Schools located in the dead center of Eternal Diamond City (Located on eastern coast of Japan). While much of your time spent is just dicking around and going to school for shits and giggles, you are also currently working part-time at your mentor’s establishment near the coast within the shopping district.

While you might have led quite the rough & tumble lifestyle for the better portion of a decade, it has come to your realization that FUCKING SHIT UP might not lead to the most prosperous of futures…

So super-charged with newfound determination to change your life, you venture forth into the unknown! Perhaps today will be great progress into a brilliant future of wonders untold!

>Leavin’ the buildin’ both you and Fangy headed to the gates to get the fuck outta school. Everythin’ was nice, until THAT GUY showed his shit-eating-grin before ya. Giggles, the lil’ bastard, knew the right button the press to piss a guy off; so he did. The lil’ shit pissed you off so badly, ya done cracked a tree, knocked the lil’ fuck outta a tree, and slammed his grinnin’ face against the large, stone fence surrounding the school. He left a smear. Instead of some of the worser shit ya coulda done, ya done tied the fuck to the hour hand of the school’s clock-tower. Upon yer second attempt at leaving the school, you literally ran into Pres! Knockin’ her over as ya was ‘bout to leave; flat on her back she stared up atcha wit surprise.


>Quest Text Only (Updated to 15)

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