>>39390507>>39390630In my opinion, all of the sexuality cis trans lgbt+ shit I never really get into it, I mean. Someone loves someone else, thats nice, nice for them, who am I to critizase love, you know? Someone wants to change themselves. "Its their own decision" its my thought, good for them, and if they want to call themselves Rosa or Carlos, who am I to call someone another name that isnt theirs, at the end our names were given by our fathers, not ourselves. But you know then making the worst fucking decisions going nuts for any little mistake, not understanding that things change with time not from a day to another does that you know. And then we have people who doesnt want things to change. I really dont like change, if it were for me I would lived 2018 all over again even with all the damage it did to my mental health, just to see things never change, but I know thats not good, and living on the same day again and again is impossible, or you adapt or you get old... life is weird, hard and impredictable, people should really get harder skin in a place where social is something worldwide and not your 5 known friends. Of course you can always throw a spear and thicker skin isnt going to stop it, and people shouldnt be in constant fight about themselves. But here comes the unpredictable. I will always support people do what they want with themselves, but you should always respect yourself a little more, it isnt okay to go by life sad and depressed hating everyone who doesnt think like you.
as the ESL I am, sorry for my blog and the fucking brutality I did to english language.
and sorry for the blog. but I really get more times to fucking post a 100000000 words post about why we should change our shit mindset in literally everything. But today will not be the day