>>39345114They're just kids.
In C, is Fang taking up music because she wants to, or because Anon wants her to want to?
If she reconnects with Rosa and Stella, it's because Anon wants them to.
She's... A hollow husk, afraid of being lonely, and eager to try and fit into any mold Anon wants her to.
There's still a spark though, and at the end scene, she's 20, 21? Plenty of time to blossom of course, there's just no guarantee she ever will shine as brightly as she could. I the ending even mentions a school teacher career at some point if I'm not mistaken.
For D, I too felt Trish's change a bit jarring, but having seen more of her in other paths... She's just a kid. She, too, has problems she needs to work through and the game could just as well have been about Anon and her. It's a shame we don't get to actually see much of the development, but I find it perfectly believable.
I'm 30 now, living in a fairly small community so I run into people from time to time during daily business. The bullies grow up, the manipulators grow up, the druggies grow up, the nerds grow up... The only people I still keep in touch with from those school days are a Trish-lite and a Reed, both having outgrown it.