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Anniversary Stream Event Thread

!nisaba2GK. No.40392131 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The week-long celebration of all things pony, bring yourself, bring your friends. Get drunk and have a great time. Drink calls are sips, don't die.

When: Now.

>What's the schedule?
Probably going to keep it the same as the past few years schedule regarding placement of eqg / movies / specials. That is, we start with S1E1 and go until we're done in order of release.
>I don't like this.
No matter how it's done, there are going to be unhappy people.
>Are you playing pony life?
>I'm not ready! It's too soon!
Do you feel old yet son?
>Will there be new emotes to spam?
Hopefully :humger:
>Any good news?
I used the iTunes raws for episode sources this year, since some users complained about excessive color correction on some eps.
We have multiple options for fallbacks for most things this year for the buffer bros. Find the dropdown under the video.
I just resolved the issue where the PeerTube fallback was failing out the webtorrent module. Apparently PeerTube isn't smart enough to handle it when the iframe uses the shortuuid.

I hope you all have a wonderful stream.
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