Quoted By:
/Alternate-Reality General/ Trash Edition
>The Losophosent Mystery
>What is this?
Someone has been posting links in the /wvt/ thread on this board, that lead back to a Mastodon page filled with nonsense words, text, images, and at the time of this post, barcodes.
Specifically Data Matrix Barcodes, ECC200 format, but shit doesn't read no matter what you do to it.
So with that said, the main page this is coming from-It's a Mastodon profile, decentralized social media. The Ephemeral instance it's located on deletes posts based on the position of the moon.
This is the main profile
And this is his GreatView(PeerTube Instance, again, decentralized. Don't upload or download vids without a VPN.)
https://files.catbox.moe/vi2uno.zip if you wanna get caught up on what's going on, in addition to posts that have been deleted from the instance.
If you see a post, record it, save it, anything. I haven't saved the videos yet, but I did get the barcodes. As for the music in the videos, it's 4 piano notes, don't ask about the rest of the details because I'm not a music guy.
Additional Notes-
This guy has also posted in the /wvt/ thread directly, with links and barcodes.
So keep an eye out there, post here so we don't load the thread up with discussion as to what the fuck is going on.
And for the love of god, don't take this to /x/.
I got a feeling this whole thing will get canceled or shut down if we do.
>The Losophosent Mystery
>What is this?
Someone has been posting links in the /wvt/ thread on this board, that lead back to a Mastodon page filled with nonsense words, text, images, and at the time of this post, barcodes.
Specifically Data Matrix Barcodes, ECC200 format, but shit doesn't read no matter what you do to it.
So with that said, the main page this is coming from-It's a Mastodon profile, decentralized social media. The Ephemeral instance it's located on deletes posts based on the position of the moon.
This is the main profile
And this is his GreatView(PeerTube Instance, again, decentralized. Don't upload or download vids without a VPN.)
https://files.catbox.moe/vi2uno.zip if you wanna get caught up on what's going on, in addition to posts that have been deleted from the instance.
If you see a post, record it, save it, anything. I haven't saved the videos yet, but I did get the barcodes. As for the music in the videos, it's 4 piano notes, don't ask about the rest of the details because I'm not a music guy.
Additional Notes-
This guy has also posted in the /wvt/ thread directly, with links and barcodes.
So keep an eye out there, post here so we don't load the thread up with discussion as to what the fuck is going on.
And for the love of god, don't take this to /x/.
I got a feeling this whole thing will get canceled or shut down if we do.