Donations to the archive would be appreciated to help fund our server hardware & storage drives. We are looking for developers to help build new software and archives, discuss here.
Planned network provider replacement will occur with downtime the entire day of 2/16 or 2/17.
ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.
Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging et al. belong in >>>/trash/happenings+thread (here!)
What are some boards that need better moderation and culture? /u/ really needs to be fixed because they have this autistic anti-yurifag spamming the board with idolshit and yuribait like here. /u/'s moderation sucks ass and the board has no culture at all. >>>/u/4317569 >>>/u/4312465 >>>/u/4306373 >>>/u/4302094
PROMPT SHARING: 4chan wipes embedded prompt metadata from PNG uploads. Get the browser extension to easily share and retrieve prompts! Post a catbox example of a best-effort attempt if you need help with something
RULES: >1. Love RWBY, hate RWBY, just don't tell us it's good >2. Read the Pastebin: >3. Arguing about the thread, ships, porn, E-Celebs or IRL politics is not discussion >4. Report and ignore any spam or troll posts >5. Don't believe their lies >6. Patch will rise again
A thread for weeby eternal virgins, pussyfree losers, and those who have no hopes of ever fucking real women! If you've given up on ever getting pussy or just prefer being a porn-addicted hand-fucker from now on then this is the thread for you!
>Whiteboy Denial Week is every month through the 1st and 8th. Bottle up all your stress at the start of each month and blow it all out once the week ends!
>What's the AI everyone is using? NovelAI V.3 ($25/month for unlimited gens)