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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 338

No.31803563 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So you have all of these people giving in and catering to black people andor "#BLM", because black people andor "#BLM" protestors andor rioters protested andor rioted against whatever they feel like labeling as "racist" for no reason at all.

Their definition of "racist" is supposedly that it is seen as unfavorable and against black people, so that makes it "racist".

There's prejudice of everything everywhere. In the case, why not ban everything that's a stereotype in the whole world? May as well have everyone wear black sheets over their bodies, and not identify as any age, gender, race, religion, and stuff. And if there's no such thing as "race", and "only one race the human race", then "racist" does not exist, it would be "ethnicist".; I suppose that doesn't have the same impact, so they continue to use "racist". You also have black rappers and black comedians that are racist, prejudice, etc., wear white face, etc.. Dave Chappelle does that. Nobody talks about that!! And everyone loves and support them. Is it because he's black? Is it only cool and okay if black people do it? Then that is racist.

Another argument I hear is "oh it's like this meme I saw where someone has a scratch on their leg and someone else has a broken leg and people pay attention to the scratch on the leg when you need to pay attention to the broken leg so we need to pay attention to the broken leg because black lives matter". Then, since white people are so neglected, we need to not pay attention to black people, we need to pay attention to white people, because white lives matter. I suppose saying "all lives matter" and "all lives matter is not racist" would be out of the question.

"white lives matter" and "black lives matter" is the definition of racist in the context that is is judging by race. "all lives matter" is still called "racist", despite being the definition of not being racist, or any prejudice, since it does not judge by race, or anything. Irony FTW.
5 posts omitted

No.31675444 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Advanced: Monster Hunter! Part #82

Discuss mounting monsters, talk about the games, etc.

Monster Hunter Doujin/Smut Index of Monster Pornography
Previous Threads
Steam Group

>For MHW, check the thread and see if there's any session IDs for your version (or use the Steam group)
>For past games, make inquiries and simply use /mhg/'s standard room setup if possible

Topic of the thread: You've accidentally boarded the /trash/ ship to the New World, and must now compete with fellow degenerates to secure a monsterfu. How do you go about presenting yourself as different from the rest?
323 posts and 230 images omitted

No.31728088 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/TLHG/ - The Loud House General
Science Experiment Edition


>Thread Archive




>List of All The Sisters' Unique Episodes


>Booru Backup



>Nickelodeon Kart Racing Game Announced; Lincoln, Clyde & Lucy Playable

>A live action Loud House Christmas movie has been greenlit


Recent Episodes

>How Double Dare You/Snoop's On [1080p]

>Friends in Dry Places/Coupe Dreams [1080p]

>10 Headed Beast (Short) [1080p]

>King of the Chair (Short) [1080p]
372 posts and 89 images omitted

No.31569668 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Artist/Commissioner Rant General #112
Buttkicking Imminent Edition

Post about that artist you hate/ripped you off or that one time some commissioner ripped you off for a drawing of their autistic sparkledog OC.

Always remember;
Commissioners: Do not commission Skitterleaf, they will rip you off and use it to create drama to get more clout.

"Angstrom bitches all the time in here all the time"

Do not mention "Rasha" in this thread. No one gives a fuck about that literally who generic Pokemon OC except for Rashafag, if Rashafag appears try to report them, it does work even on /trash/

Don't interact/respond to the Rashafag/cope-seethe-dilatefag, he's a gay furry who is obsessed with someone who has some generic pokemon oc because that oc appeared in an image with a furry guy they liked, cucking them even though the furry guy doesn't even know them.



Previous thread:
303 posts and 57 images omitted

No.31730482 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anybody remember a 3D artist named Tapiko? I am looking for the Models he made.
I know that i most likely won't get anything out of this, but i'm really interested. Most of the work he's done is with ferals, and he seems to have vanished around 12 years ago. If anyone has the models that he made, please tell me where i can still find them! I would also like to know about what happened to him.

No.31686891 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
feral friday
357 posts and 151 images omitted

No.31661142 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Artist/Commissioner Rant General #114
Primal Rage Edition

Post about that artist you hate/ripped you off or that one time some commissioner ripped you off for a drawing of their autistic sparkledog OC.

Always remember;
Commissioners: Do not commission Skitterleaf, they will rip you off and use it to create drama to get more clout.

"Angstrom bitches all the time in here all the time"

Do not mention "Rasha" in this thread. No one gives a fuck about that literally who generic Pokemon OC except for Rashafag, if Rashafag appears try to report them, it does work even on /trash/

Don't interact/respond to the Rashafag/cope-seethe-dilatefag, he's a gay furry who is obsessed with someone who has some generic pokemon oc because that oc appeared in an image with a furry guy they liked, cucking them even though the furry guy doesn't even know them.



Previous thread:
320 posts and 75 images omitted

No.18545153 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/scig/ Summer Camp Island General

Mega link.!uXACwKIR!oSEPoskw_pD5TAEEICuiyg!yewjwB6B


Writing prompts, WIP's and story archive.

Playlists by anons.
307 posts and 135 images omitted

No.31666145 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Aggretsuko General - Safe Zone Edition

Talk about the Netflix series here as we wait for season three to come out.

Previous thread:
3 posts omitted

No.31637156 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
HG/Hunger Games Thread
First 24/36/48
378 posts and 261 images omitted