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Threads by latest ghost replies - Page 353

Pokesona General

No.29834053 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Taking a wild chance but why not

Welcome to Pokesona general
It's a comfy thread for people who just want to be comfy, need a place to hang out. Non-lewd, non-sexual, flirty, but not sexual.
Only a fool would take this general serious
This place is for people to talk and joke around and have a nice time
How do you figure out what your Pokesona is? What's your favorite Pokemon?
Still not sure? Post some traits about yourself.
78 posts and 22 images omitted

No.29822237 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Asshole Cleavage edition

Post tags, talk about your fetishes and remember to keep a healthy watermelon distance to other anons.
320 posts and 88 images omitted

No.29760768 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/mfat/ - Male Fatfur Thread: Half-Ton Hugs Edition
Previous thread:
Writefag Pastebin 2.0:

>Try to keep a good balance of related fetishes and sub-fetishes.
>No 3D please, there's other places better suited for that.
>Avoid reposting images from the past few threads. Keep it fresh!
>Try to keep a slow pace of images and embrace discussion! Talk your favorite things about fatfurs!

QOTT: How would you go about "worldbuilding" a fatty universe? What businesses, accommodations, etc. would be commonplace (or rare) in a universe where the average lardass wouldn't even fit through most of our society's doors or hallways? Would there be any special jobs either performed by, or related to taking care of such blubbery whales?
300 posts and 224 images omitted

No.29709148 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
300 posts and 202 images omitted

No.29690277 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
HG Hunger Games
353 posts and 189 images omitted

No.27112737 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
HG / Hunger Games
382 posts and 154 images omitted

No.27757641 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
HG / Hunger Games
Location: Wuhu Island
335 posts and 85 images omitted

No.29751247 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Furry JOI/JOE Thread #113
(Jerk Off Instructions, Encouragement, and Captions)

>Who rescued who Edition

This thread is for furry JOI/JOE posts only, along with requests. Please take anime and other such JOI/JOE posts to the other thread: >>29732611


Basic Captioner Resources:

309 posts and 147 images omitted

No.29624466 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/mspdt/ - MS Paint Draw Thread

Let's draw silly doodles without any pressure of being good. You don't have to use ms paint if you don't want to as long as you're having fun. All skill levels are welcome!

Previous thread:
All past /mspdt/ threads:

Artist resources courtesy of Anon:

And a bonus one stolen from /vp/ with some download links:

Some paint related tips:

Drawfriends Discord (18+ only):

Optional thread topic: xxxtreme sportz
351 posts and 201 images omitted

No.15370876 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
based 02 edition
313 posts and 20 images omitted